My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 297: Yun Qian's Praise (2 in 1)

A warm brazier was lit around.

Yun Qian sat there with snacks and snacks specially prepared for her by the persistent girl in front of her.

She picked up a piece of lotus seed cake, picked the fruit adorned on the cake, and put it in her mouth.


The taste is very good.

Although it can't be compared with the dim sum with her husband's breath, but because it is the dim sum of Beisangcheng, Xu Changan has certified that it is delicious.

Opposite Yun Qian, the girl sat on the stool, holding her face and staring at Yun Qian, her calves swaying under the table.

Sister Yun... she's so pretty.

Naturally, she can't wear a veil when eating dim sum, so she can fully feel the surprise brought by Miss Yun.

The girl scratched the long hair around her ears, her cheeks were hot, and the roots of her ears were inadvertently red and transparent.

She felt that Sister Yun was like a drink with ice cubes that she was fortunate to have tasted at Huayuelou in summer. In the sweltering heat, the first taste of opening the lid was beyond words.

Such a wonderful time seems to be frozen... She smiled silly.


Yun Qian put down the snack, picked up the silk on the side, wiped the corner of her mouth, and looked out the window... Then she turned her head and looked over there without blinking.

The interior scene set by Zhu Pingniang shrouded and imprisoned the entire Beisang City, but this is not the time to be straight in the real sense, but it is so quiet that it is no problem to say that the time is straight.


Of course Yun Qian wouldn't be affected, she still had snacks.

The stubborn girl beside Yun Qian was naturally unaffected, and the girl who had been intoxicated by Yun Qian's beauty followed Yun Qian's line of sight to look out the window, and finally... found something wrong.

"The sky...why is it dark?!" The girl was stunned, and quickly ran to the window to look out.

Immediately afterwards, her mouth opened into an "O" shape, and her eyes trembled slightly.

I saw that the originally bright sky was completely darkened, the pedestrians and cruise ships on the street were completely frozen, and everyone, every building, and even the surface of the lake were covered with a layer of black and white streamers, as if everything in this world was swept away. Covered by a silky satin, only the outline can be seen.

The stubborn girl raised her head and swallowed.

The blue sky that Beisang City was proud of was divided into tens of millions of small pieces by the lines that intersected horizontally and vertically.

"This... what happened?" The girl's eyes widened: "Everyone doesn't understand."

And then, why is there nothing in their room?

The girl turned around and saw that Yun Qian had withdrawn her gaze and continued to eat the fruit.


Miss Yun doesn't care, what the interior scene is, it's none of Miss Yun's business.

This thing is not something that ordinary people can see, but because she is by the side, the girl is also dipped in the light and can see the truth.

That girl Zhu is not trying to bully her husband. Yun Qian has seen such a test a lot. In her eyes, the interior scene that Zhu Pingniang has created with all her strength is no different from her previous demagogic song.

It was as if the light of Yinghuo and Dari were "not bright" in her eyes anyway, and she couldn't tell who was stronger than the other, so if she thought she would be angry because Zhu Pingniang was testing Xu Changan, then she didn't understand her. .

Picking up the dessert, Yun Qian looked at the girl beside the bed who was staring at her, blinked, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Yun... Sister Yun, aren't you... afraid?" the stubborn girl said stutteringly.

"Should I be afraid?" Yun Qian tilted her head thoughtfully.

"It's not that you should be afraid..." The stubborn girl came over, not daring to go out the window, and said with her head shrunk, "This is the first see such a thing."

If it wasn't for Sister Yun being by her side, if it wasn't for this sister's bland behavior that seemed to give her a reassurance, she must have fainted from fright now, how could she still stand so steady like this?

"By the way." Her eyes lit up: "I almost forgot, sister, you also followed the son to Xianmen, what happened in our city."

To be able to come up with this kind of scene where the sky seems to be falling down, there are only powerful immortal gates.

She really asked the right person.

With Miss Yun's temperament, when she likes someone a little, she will answer her questions - no matter what the question is.

Yun Qian swallowed her snacks and said, "It's that girl Zhu."


Listening to Yun Qian's words, the persistent girl exclaimed in surprise, then covered her mouth, her eyes filled with wonder.

"I wish... I wish my sister... Is my sister such a powerful fairy?!!"

She didn't doubt Yun Qian's words at all.

You must know that most of the girls in Huayuelou know that Zhu Pingniang is connected with Xianmen, but most of them don't think about how powerful she is...

After all, it's really amazing, who opened the brothel.

But now, this handwriting with heaven and earth as the chessboard has really frightened the girl. Only the immortals in the mouth of the storytellers can do this kind of thing, right? Sister Zhu can actually do it?

The stubborn girl's worldview at this time was torn apart by a huge hole.

"Really... I really wish my sister..." She opened her eyes wide.

"Yeah." Yun Qian nodded and said, "In this place, she's still a little bit savvy."

After speaking, Yun Qian continued to eat dim sum.

"...Girls, sister Zhu, who the girls joke about on weekdays, actually... actually..." The persistent girl covered her ears: "Concubine, concubine didn't hear anything."

"Joke?" Yun Qian looked at her.

"The sisters in the building like to make fun of Sister Zhu."

Seeing Yun Qian looking over, the girl knew everything and said directly, "She said she had small breasts, so she was called Pingniang."


Seeing that Yun Qian moved her gaze to her chest, and then lowered her head to look at herself, the obsessive girl's face flushed red.


What was she saying in front of Sister Yun?

If Sister Liu knew that she dared to say such things in front of Miss Yun, she would have to be beaten.

"Men would like girls with a good figure." Yun Qian asked calmly, "Does it say so in the book?"

"...It should be." The girl stammered, and then gathered up her courage and said, "Sister, the most beautiful person I have ever seen...and your figure is also very good."

"I see."

Yun Qian thought to herself that her husband was also a man, but he was already perfect and did not need to increase or decrease.

So the idea of ​​'making Xu Changan like herself more by changing her body' just flashed in her mind, and she didn't care too much.

Who would have thought that, outside the scene where the world stopped from time to time, she was discussing Zhu Pingniang's affairs with Yun Qian in the room...


The persistent girl realized that she had said the wrong thing, so she hurriedly found a topic to change the atmosphere back.

"It turns out that these are made by Sister Zhu, the colors are really warm." The persistent girl walked over, stretched her hand out of the window, and gently fiddled with the black and white spiritual power flowing along the window sill, saying: "After knowing that it was Sister Zhu, I would not I'm scared, um... Sure enough, I should have thought of that chessboard just now."

The girl turned around and said with a little admiration: "I wish my sister is called a chess leader here. At present, whether it is the sisters in the building or the men outside, no one is her opponent."

"Chess..." Yun Qian nodded, a hint of interest in his beautiful eyes.


She is very interested in chess.

The reason why she suddenly looked out of the window just now was not because the town was sealed, but just because she was interested, she was looking at the chessboard in the sky.

And what makes her interested...

Of course, it was because of Xu Changan's desire to win in chess.

"Can you play chess?" Yun Qian looked at the girl in front of her.

"Me?" The girl's hand holding the teacup trembled, and then she got used to herself and looked at a drawer in the room: "I... No, the concubine knows a little bit, there is a chessboard here, and my sister wants to play with the concubine. put it?"

"I don't know how to play chess." Yun Qian said.


"Oh..." The girl was slightly disappointed.

"However, you can teach me."

Yun Qian said, looking in the direction of Xu Changan.

He likes playing chess so much, if he plays with him, he will definitely like playing chess more, and he will like himself more.

"Really?" The stubborn girl listened to Yun Qian's words, she was stunned by the surprise falling from the sky, and swayed to get the chessboard.

But when she touched the chess box, the sound of the clattering pieces of the chess pieces collided like a loud bell, which shattered her mind full of joy, and the only thing left was reason.

"Sister Yun, concubine...concubine can't teach you."

Her face was difficult, but her tone was firm.

"Why?" Yun Qian looked at the dim sum on the table, and then said, "I still learn things very quickly."

"You should still be taught by the young master." The stubborn girl bit her lip, and then said seriously: "Whether it's chess or other women's six arts, it's the same."

She can't be arrogant, can't do things that she can't do.

"That's right." Yun Qian listened to the girl's words and felt very reasonable.

Teaching myself to play chess is also a wonderful experience for my husband. I only want to play chess with him, but ignore the process.

Can't be in a hurry.

Yun Qian looked at the girl in front of her who reminded her, nodded and said, "You are very good."

Unlocked - the compliment of the cloud girl.

Yun Qian's voice was as calm as always, even cold, but the girl's strength was drained at this moment, she leaned over the table, and her dark eyes glowed with water.

"Sister Yun, you... what you said, the concubine didn't hear clearly." The girl buried her head and said in a muffled voice.

Yun Qian looked at her, thinking that this was a bit like her husband. He heard it but pretended not to hear it, just to let him say it.

"You are very good." Yun Qian said.

This time, the praise is that she is similar to Xu Changan.


The girl buried her head, but the hand that was clenching the corner of her skirt suddenly trembled.

Sister Yun spoke very slowly and her tone was not tepid, but at this moment it was really like a sharp knife, which cut her heart in an instant.


she thought so.

Because the knife that cut her heart was not made of copper and iron, but made of cakes, and the blade was quenched with the sweetest layer of icing on the candied fruit.

The stubborn girl raised her head, her eyelashes twitched slightly, and the girl who was fascinated by a simple compliment to the point of being delirious is probably the most unpromising person in the world... But the faint blush on her face and the dazed eyes also did Not to be false.

"Sister Yun, that how you made the young master fall in love with you?"

If you can ask such a question, the girl is probably not far from death, and her mind is lost.

Yun Qian did not respond.

It's not that she doesn't want to, but... she doesn't know either.


In the garden of Huayuelou.

Zhu Pingniang slowly put away the interior scene.

Time seems to start flowing again.

So the water is gurgling. At the confluence of the creek and the river, there is a flat central lake and small tributaries criss-crossed in the distance. Evergreen leaves fall in the gurgling water, and the cold water follows the bluestone all the way to the east. Go downstream.

Just like her mood at the moment.

Calm and beautiful.

Then there is a ghost! !

Zhu Pingniang looked at Xu Changan, who was only playing chess in his head, and only felt that the few seconds after he set up the formation... The whole person's worldview has been rewashed.

Is there anyone in the world who can be approached by her like Xu Changan, and who can ignore her interior without taking any protective measures?


There is and only the head of Chao Yunzong.

The ability of that person is probably the difference between heaven and earth for them.

Then what is Xu Changan?

Is he also a cultivator in the universe like the head? Do not make jokes.

Zhu Pingniang clutched her heart and breathed rapidly.

Yes, there is still a difference between Xu Changan and Sect Master, at least... Sect Sect can see the interior scene she set up, and judging from the fact that Xu Changan is still struggling with his own son, Tianyuan, he has not discovered this world from beginning to end. anomaly.


His cultivation base is not high, and it is normal to see.


Cultivation is not high.


Xu Changan is neither stupid nor blind, how could he not see Zhu Pingniang's strangeness at this time?

But he really didn't understand.

From Xu Changan's perspective, it was probably two people talking, and then Zhu Pingniang threw a chess piece in the center of the chessboard.

But strange is strange in the back.

After Zhu Pingniang fell, she didn't move, and then looked at him blankly, ignoring no matter how he called.

Then, as if picking up trash, she took the chess piece in the center of the chessboard back into her arms... Then she covered her heart, looking like she couldn't breathe.

Fortunately, now Zhu Pingniang regained some consciousness and began to stare at him.

"I wish the seniors, are you... Are you okay?" Xu Changan asked cautiously.

"I really want to be fine." At this moment, Zhu Pingniang's heart was fluctuating so much that he didn't even care that Xu Changan didn't call her "sister".

this kid...

Who is it.

Zhu Pingniang stared at Xu Changan for a long time, full of doubts in her heart, but did not ask.

Judging from his performance, he couldn't ask anything.

She now understood why the news from her sisters said he was "a fairy reincarnated".

"Senior?" Xu Changan began to make further progress, and continued to shout, but this time he said with some worry: "Are you really all right? Why don't you... go back to the mountain to see?"

Xu Changan had an idea in his heart.

I wish the seniors would not be pretending to be sick.

Pretend to be sick, and then use this reason to go back to see your husband.

It's a good reason to see an alchemist when you're sick, isn't it?

"..." Zhu Pingniang covered her forehead: "I don't want to talk now, let me be quiet."


Who is the senior?

The young man in front of him is a senior.

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