My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 411: Cloud girl wants to learn to be jealous (2 in 1)

Xu Changan would not let Yun Qian get pregnant when her practice was just getting better.

Zhu Pingniang can confirm this.

And Yun Qian also realized this... She nodded lightly and glanced at Zhu Pingniang gently.

She is right.

Sure enough... Zhu Pingniang has the temperament to please Xu Changan.

It should have been karma.


Zhu Pingniang found that when she was not close to Yun Qian, she would have an unnatural impression that this girl was not easy to contact and would be very difficult to speak.

In fact, it was like this when I first came into contact with Yun Qian. The occasional sentence Yun Qian said could make people choked to death.

But these are just appearances.


Zhu Pingniang felt that she had broken through another level. She now thinks that Yun Qian is still easy to handle. Her preferences are too obvious.

'It's strange. ’

Zhu Pingniang blinked at Yun Qian.

Logically speaking, as a woman, she is also an independent and strong woman. She should feel pity, even despise, a woman like Yun Qian who relies on men for everything.

After all, now that she has stepped into the gate of immortality, under the care of heaven, her daughter's family should not rely on men as they do in the world.

Maybe there is such an idea, so...there are so many budding flowers in Mu Yufeng, the girls have digested it internally, and only a few will go out to fish for men.

But when the same thing happened to Yun Qian, Zhu Pingniang didn't feel bad, nor did she feel that Yun Qian had no self when listening to Xu Changan's words...

How did that happen?

After thinking about it, Zhu Pingniang thought that perhaps Xu Changan, who had made Yun Qian dependent, was extremely reliable.

It is not unacceptable to rely on Changan.

Then, Yun Qian is not without opinion. On the contrary, Zhu Pingniang has a faint feeling that Yun Qian is too opinionated, even though this opinion is based on Xu Changan's words?

Is it strange?


Zhu Pingniang recalled Yun Qian's occasional gaze towards Xu Changan...


She felt a strange look in her eyes when she felt that she was being shown.

Does this sister Yun really dislike children as she said?

But why does Zhu Pingniang feel that Yun Qian is a little too... doted on Xu Changan?

She thought about it for a long time, but still felt that Yun Qian was not obedient and well-behaved, she was simply doting on Xu Changan, like a mother with no bottom line.

There is a reason for Zhu Pingniang to think so.

Obviously, according to Xu Changan's own words, he was by Yun Qian's side when he was very young and a child.

It's hard to say that Yun Qian's doting on Xu Changan started from that time.

Isn't this couple a little weird?

"...Sister Yun." Zhu Pingniang suddenly called out.

"Yeah." Yun Qian responded when she heard Zhu Pingniang ask:

"You should also know the situation of Mu Yufeng, but you usually live in Tianming Peak, but Chang'an has to return to Mu Yufeng after dark... There are all girls' houses there, and there is only one man in Chang'an, why do you like him so much? Aren't you jealous?"

Zhu Pingniang said with a gesture of asking for advice.

Not only Mu Yufeng, think about the current situation.

The husband brought his wife to the brothel, left his wife temporarily and went to cook dinner for other women?

Zhu Pingniang felt that if she was in Yunqian's position, her husband... didn't even need to be a husband. If Li Zhibai left her to go to the saddle with the woman she gave, she would have been so angry that she would overturn the table, and she could still be with the fox spirit. Chat here?

But Yun Qian didn't.

"I'm the most jealous woman, ask my sister to teach me, how can you not be jealous." Zhu Pingniang asked humbly.

"Jealous?" Yun Qian said calmly, "I won't."

"I know my sister won't be jealous, so I want to ask you why and how you did it."


Yun Qian tilted her head and glanced at Zhu Pingniang, then shook her head: "No, no."

"……and many more."

Zhu Pingniang suddenly realized something, her eyes widened a little, and she said in disbelief: "Sister Yun, what you said won't, it's not that you won't be jealous, but... can't learn?"

"Yeah." Yun Qian nodded, thinking that she was a smart girl, and she didn't need to say too much.

Zhu Pingniang: "..."

She was silent for a long time before rubbing her eyebrows lightly.

"So, my sister is really at ease with Chang'an."

"As long as he is having fun." Yun Qian said softly.

"...Have fun..." When Zhu Pingniang heard the words, the corners of her eyes twitched slightly.

This sister really has a big heart.

As long as Chang'an is more fascinated, the color on Yun Qian's head will be as bright as her green clothes.

However, Xu Changan is indeed a reassuring child.

At this time, Zhu Pingniang didn't realize that she was already subconsciously arguing with Yun Qian, one sister at a time, and she really regarded her as her sister.

For Xu Changan, he still looked at the younger generation.

This is what the old wife and young husband brought. Yun Qian is indeed much more mature than that young man Xu Changan.

"I know, my sister can't learn to be jealous... um." Zhu Pingniang's eyes were blank.

Do not make jokes.

Are there any women in the world who don't suffer from pantothenic acid?

how is this possible.

Zhu Pingniang guarantees with her figure that all the women in the world are little vinegar jars, okay?

At this moment, Zhu Pingniang felt that she had keenly captured Yun Qian's emotions.

I won't be jealous...

Isn't this exactly what she thought.

Yun Qian is doting on Xu Changan, so of course she won't be jealous.

After all, any normal mother would be jealous when she finds out that her pigs will cuddle with other people's cabbage, it's too late to be happy.

But it's still not right.

Yun Qian not only favored Xu Changan, but also loved him. When Yun Qian looked at Xu Changan, the seriousness in his eyes had nothing to do with his mother.

But Zhu Pingniang felt that this was normal, after all, Xu Changan was indeed raised by Yun Qian.

So even if Yun Qian's love didn't fully transform into love, it's reasonable.

Sooner or later, Yun Qian, who has completely corrected her mentality, will be able to learn to be jealous.

"That''s good." Zhu Pingniang said with some difficulty.

In fact, she was so concerned about whether Yun Qian was jealous or not, and it was also a temptation to let Yun Qian enter the Hehuan Sect.

At least, if Yun Qian wasn't jealous, some things would be much easier.

Come to think of it, as long as Xu Changan joins the Hehuan Sect, Yun Qian will follow him to play?

At this time, it was very important whether Yun Qian would be jealous.

Change the vinegar jar, know that the husband is mixed with the women of the Hehuan Sect, no matter whether it is innocent or not, it is already innocent in the first place...

At that time, she also joined the Hehuan Sect, so it would be good for her not to label the entire Hehuan Sect with the label of Hu Meizi and hate her fiercely.

So, take advantage of Yun Qian's lack of jealousy to approach her...

Although Zhu Pingniang was also very contemptuous of her behavior, it was indeed good for her that Yun Qianxue would not be jealous.


Yun Qian couldn't say that it was because she was arrogant and felt that no matter how many women came, it would be impossible for her to threaten her, so she would not be jealous.

If she thinks about it this way, her heart will be more comfortable.


Well, that's it for the self-deception.

Zhu Pingniang was hesitant to speak, but finally she held Yun Qian's hand gently, as if an elder sister warned.

"Sister, even if Chang'an is reassuring, you can't do it like this... My daughter's family still has to learn to be jealous. It's good for everyone."


Holding hands, Yun Qian blinked when she saw that she suddenly turned into a close sister to get Zhu Pingniang.

Zhu Pingniang didn't think much about it, she was just a little worried about Yun Qian now.

Such a simple girl...

If it wasn't for Xu Chang'an that he picked up at the beginning, and if it was a man with wicked hearts, I'm afraid that Yun Qian wouldn't even know if his body and bones were eaten by others.

Even if Yun Qian's heart is good for her, Zhu Pingniang still wants to stand in Yun Qian's position and think for her.

Zhu Pingniang said bitterly:

"Appropriate jealousy can make Changan realize that you care about him, can't give him too much freedom to men. He is single-minded, but he can't guarantee that he will cause any debts if he is too close to other women. "

"These are hard to say... So, listen to your elder sister, even if you are really not jealous, but occasionally show the appearance of being jealous..."

She paused and pointed to her face.

"If my sister had learned to be jealous early on, would Changan still be like this, running to cook me dinner without hesitation?"

"If my sister would be jealous, how could he go in and out of the brothel so calmly, and hang out with Mu Yufeng's group of girls?"

"As a daughter's family, I just can't give him too much freedom... I don't mean to be tied, but it's a little too much to indulge like your sister."

Zhu Pingniang looked at Yun Qian's puzzled face, and said helplessly, "After all, I often walk by the river, how can I not get wet shoes."

After speaking, Zhu Pingniang felt Yun Qian's gaze falling on her, and her face flushed a little.

She really gave up. In order to make Yun Qian feel a sense of crisis, she used herself as a negative teaching material.

However, there is no way to use Yun Qian's relief or something to make Zhu Pingniang feel nowhere to put the guilt in her heart, so she can only relieve the pressure like this.

Yun Qian, who was beside her, looked at Zhu Pingniang's helpless appearance, and raised the corner of her mouth slightly.


She said: "jealous, I'm learning now, it should take some time, so I can't rush."

"That's good... that's good..."

Zhu Pingniang picked up the words immediately, and at the same time, her face was a little embarrassed.

Yun Qian's smile made her feel a sense of shame that she couldn't hide, and at the same time she came back to her senses.

What are you saying.

Who are you?

From Zhu Tongjun all the way to Zhu Pingniang, I don't know how long I will be single in the future.

What about Yun Qian?

She thought that after removing the veil of Yun Qian's indifference, the younger sister Yun looked like a "silly white sweet" with a pure mind, but in fact, it was the foolish white sweet in this world who was able to handle Xu Changan and made him extremely devoted.

Even the girls in Mu Yufeng who could be called "fairies" from outside couldn't let Xu Changan take a second look.

Sister Yun's "The Way of Controlling Her Husband" obviously has methods she doesn't know about.

Hard-to-Eat or something else?

Zhu Pingniang couldn't guess what Yun Qian was thinking, the rank of the two was too different.

It's ridiculous.

A woman who is single until now, actually went to teach Yun Qian, a woman who could make Xu Changan hang on her heart... How should a husband and wife get along?

When Zhu Pingniang thought of how she told Yun Qian just now, she lost her face for a while.

So, Sister Yun just laughed suddenly... She must think she is very naive.

Even if it wasn't for Yun Qian's sudden smile, she wouldn't realize what stupid thing she was doing. She's a yellow-flowered girl, teaching a married woman?

There is no more gossip in front of Fuxi Gate than this.

Zhu Pingniang's cheeks were hot and her eyebrows were lowered.


Sister Yun is also a really gentle girl. Seeing such a ridiculous thing, she just curled her lips, saving enough face for herself.

At this moment, Zhu Pingniang likes Yun Qian more.


Miss Yun listened to the sound of the rain outside the window and looked at Zhu Pingniang's blushing face.

She felt that the girl in front of her was indeed not very smart, but at least she was impeccable in appearance, so she would not lose face if she took it out.

And Yun Qian gave Zhu Pingniang face, so she thought carefully about what she just said.

Jealous... just jealous.

Yun Qian gently shook her head.

She really doesn't have this kind of emotion, and it doesn't mean to make her feel high.

There's no reason to say "people don't eat cat's vinegar".

People will eat the vinegar of cats.

For example, a woman who has a cat at home sees that the cat is tired of her husband and sees his gentle attitude towards the raccoon flower, which makes her more or less pantothenic acid.

But Yun Qian won't.

Whether it is Wen Li or Xiao Hua, in her eyes, they are all the same.

From the beginning to the end, she has a high opinion of the girls who have a "fate line" or even a "marriage line" with Xu Changan... and even has certain expectations.

Yun Qian would expect these girls to be able to do what she couldn't.

Looking forward to one day, after Xu Changan gets tired of the girl named 'Yun Qian', there are other girls who can make him feel the beauty of the world.

There are other women who can make him think that 'living is a good thing' I hope these women can make him greedy and not let go easily.

Yun Qian, who has such an idea, wants to learn to be really takes a lot of energy.

But for the sake of her husband, wouldn't a woman be jealous?

Yun Qian blinked.

Not really.

According to what she understood in the book, as long as she likes it, she will be jealous, regardless of whether there is a legitimate reason or not.

Yun Qian understood.

Still standing too high.

People may eat cat vinegar.

But how high is it?

Would Heaven and Earth be jealous of a raccoon flower?


Yun Qian was thoughtful.

Husband likes girls who are jealous and jealous.


After a long time, when she meets her husband next time, she can become a little bit, a little bit lower.

Today, the status of this "Hidden Family Daughter" is too noble.

I hope being humble can be useful.

But that is for the future.

Today's Yun Qian, I'm afraid he won't learn to be jealous.

Moreover, at this time, Yun Qian had a more important matter disturbing her mind.

She lowered her head.

I saw Zhu Pingniang grab her hand and rub it lightly, with a silly smile on her face, not very smart.

Yun Qian remembered Xu Changan's words.

It turned out that this was the female rascal.

Are your hands beautiful?

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