My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 421: Not the girl from the magic door (2 in 1)

In the girl Yun Qian, Ah Qing found a lot of things that Zeng Jin could not understand or think happened to her.

She would care about Xu Gongzi because Xu Changan saved her life under the calamity. This is a great cause and effect.

In essence, she was born from a half-demon, so no matter what she encounters, she will not communicate with anyone, and will only think about it alone in her heart.

Even after reaching the universe and all the deterioration caused by the half-demon, this habit is still preserved.

She has a steel scale in her heart for everything.

This may be the reason why she trusts her intuition so much-because she has no one else to trust except herself.

She would never discuss any issues with anyone, even Shi Qingjun, who she once dreamed of, when Shi Qingjun really found her to discuss issues about Dao Yun and the Yaozu, she refused without hesitation.

In the final analysis, Ah Qing is very clear that the source of everything is because she... can't trust anyone, even if she is not suspicious.

Ah Qing: "..."

That's it.

Ah Qing looked at Miss Yun in front of her, and gently pressed her fingers against her eyebrows.


Apparently it should be like this.

But what's going on now?

Looking at her performance today, not to mention difficult to contact, Ah Qing has a feeling that she was a "silly white sweet" when she was young.

As long as there is a girl who really touches her like Yun Qian, she will fall into it uncontrollably.

Very thorough.

You don't even need someone like Yun Qian, who is as clear as water, the yellow girl who is making up her sleep at this time, and who makes her aunt a headache and "doesn't connect with yellow"... it's fine.

She likes these girls very much and is willing to believe them.

Biting her lip slightly.

She should be a difficult woman to meet, how can she be so honest with a woman she met for the first time?

Not just candor.

Ah Qing found that she actually believed what Yun Qian said now.

I believe it.

She only spoke clearly, but she had a feeling that Yun Qian would never lie. This feeling was not illusory, on the contrary, she was very certain.

A Qing thought about it for a long time, and then she felt that maybe it wasn't her that was wrong, but that Yun Qian was wrong.

The girl's words seemed to be bewitching.

She always speaks slowly, so that even if she hears something strange, she will not think that Yun Qian is lying, and will be willing to believe her from the bottom of her heart.

Therefore, Ah Qing was able to ask Yun Qian this sentence.

"Miss Yun, do you think...the concubine is from the Demon Sect?"

She asked Yun Qian.

After speaking, Ah Qing suddenly felt a little dazed, because she realized her trust in Yun Qian once again.


Ah Qing couldn't help sighing.


If you don't believe in Yun Qian, how can you ask such stupid words.

She really trusted Yun Qian.

Ah Qing remembered the scriptures she read with Huang girl these days.

It seems that the heroines in the book have such unconditional trust in their lovers?

And Ah Qing found that at this moment, she was exactly the same as those stupid women in the book who were carried away by their emotions and believed in their lovers without thinking.


You know, she also guessed that Yun Qian might have some incredible origins.

It should be feared, not trusted.

Let her trust a person like this, even if Ah Qing knows that Yun Qian is just a girl, what is the difference between this kind of trust and liking the son?

Trust is no worse than love.

If Yun Qian didn't lie to her and live up to this feeling, she would always believe it.

Ah Qing earnestly waited for Yun Qian's response.

However... finding that she had fallen, Ah Qing looked at Yun Qian with a bit of resentment that she could not understand.

Those sour eyes... that is Miss Yun, it is unacceptable for someone else to come here.


Yun Qian: "..."

Being stared at by Ah Qing's gloomy eyes, Yun Qian didn't know what to say for a while.

Rarely, she mobilized a little of her physical strength to distribute it to her head, and then began to think.

What does aqing mean?

Do you think she is a devil's person?

How to answer this.

What does Ah Qing want to hear?

Yun Qian was thinking seriously about Xu Changan's role in this matter.

"Miss Yun, listen to the concubine." Seeing Yun Qian's dazed expression, Ah Qing couldn't help sighing: "If the girl pretends not to hear at this time, the concubine... will be a little disappointed."


Yun Qian tilted her head and said slowly, "I'm thinking about something... It's just that I don't have the strength now, and I think a little slowly."


Looking at Yun Qian's serious and cute words, Ah Qing felt that something had hit her inside.


Her heartbeat accelerated, she tried her best to suppress the thought of holding the lovely girl in front of her in her arms and ravaged her, and coughed dryly.

"Okay, Miss Yun, think slowly, don't be in a hurry...don't be in a hurry."

Ah Qing felt some hot cheeks.

"Miss Yun."


"The girl knows that the concubine is actually from the Demon Sect?" Ah Qing smiled softly and quietly changed her words.

From whether she thought she was a demon, to whether she knew she was actually a demon.

She blew herself up.


If A Qing could say such words, she really gave Yun Qian a lot of trust, and as a woman, she also hoped to get Yun Qian's response.

Of course Ah Qing is not worried that anyone other than Yun Qian will listen to her current conversation, because she has already created a barrier around her.

Otherwise, what she said just now really makes people listen, even if she can't think of her true identity, it is not easy to explain after all.

"Magic Sect, you are Demon Sect?" Yun Qian looked at her strangely, then shook her head.

She is not.

Ah Qing: "...?"

A Qing looked at Yun Qian's eyes, and she was a little dazed for a while.

what happened.

Why is Yun Qian shaking her head?

Oh, Yun Qian doesn't think he is a demon.

So... she exposed herself in one sentence?

? ? ?

How is it different from what she thought.

Yun Qian's reaction obviously did not regard her as a demon.


is that so.

Ah Qing thought she could tell Yun Qian, who told her not to be disturbed by her identity as a demon, she knew everything.

The result... it turned out to be an illusion.


Ah Qing covered her face.

She had clearly done a good job of Yun Qian was actually the reincarnation of an immortal, and even her identity had been exposed, but the result... it was purely her imagination, she was the one who thought too much and blew herself up here.

However, this kind of development is the most reasonable. Yun Qian should not have guessed that she is someone from the Demon Sect.

On the contrary, Ah Qing, who was inexplicably certain that his identity must have been exposed, was the one who was wrong.

Ah Qing didn't suspect that Yun Qian was knowing and pretending not to know, so she was now at ease, feeling speechless because of her imaginings for a while.

Sure enough, something like a woman's intuition is not always accurate.

Often walking by the river, there are always wet shoes.



Seeing Ah Qing relax alone over there, Yun Qian blinked.

What did you say.

Why did Ah Qing suddenly stop this topic? Wasn't she asking herself? But he didn't speak.

After Xu Changan told her about the Demon Sect, Yun Qian really didn't think Ah Qing was a Demon Sect girl.

The devil is the devil, she is her.

It can be said that the Demon Sect is the product of her subordinates, but this leader cannot really be regarded as a part of the Demon Sect.

Because Ah Qing is also Xu Changan's karma, Yun Qian sees it better than anyone else on Ah Qing's other karma lines.

Unlike Shi Qingjun and Chaoyun's binding, the cause and effect between Momen and Ah Qing is very weak, almost non-existent.

It was not her own will to integrate the Demon Sect, she was purely learning Shi Qingjun's move to integrate the Immortal Sect, so the biggest opportunity for the Demon Sect to appear was partly related to Shi Qingjun.

As for Ah Qing's need for the resources of the Demon Sect, she only stepped into the Qiankun realm soon after, and after that, she began to collect Dao Yun by herself.

The leader, in fact, is only in a detached position.

Even Ah Qing's evaluation of the high-level officials of the Demon Gate is "withered bones in the tomb", which is enough to see her attitude towards that place.

Come to think of it.

Over the years, Ah Qing didn't care about everything inside the Demon Sect.

Even when Zhu Pingniang went crazy and went to the holy mountain, she watched it coldly, and Shi Qingjun would never stand by and watch when she met the demon door.

A Qing's only real order recently was because of the second Universe Realm in the teaching. She ordered the integration of the Demon Gate and then attacked the formation eye of Beisang City.

Originally, this incident could make her and Momen re-establish cause and effect - but the problem is, this incident was erased by Yun Qian.

Yun Qian made it impossible for this to happen.

Therefore, Ah Qing sheltered the Demon Sect and settled the cause and effect of the resources she obtained from the Demon Sect... The most solid karmic connection between her and the Demon Sect is that she made Xu Changan the first seat in the sect.


In Miss Yun's eyes, as long as she touches Xu Changan's things, it will eventually become a treasure in her treasury, and it won't touch the cause and effect of this world - anyway, she will take it away and hide it sooner or later.

Therefore, in Yun Qian's eyes, Ah Qing today is of course not a girl from the Demon Sect.

What kind of status is the Demon Sect, Yun Qian still knows everything.

It would be fine if A Qing was an ordinary demon girl from the beginning, but she was clearly beyond the demon door, so how could she surrender herself?

Ah Qing is the other half of Qingzhou first, and then the leader of the Demon Sect. You can't put the cart before the horse.

After all, the existence of Demon Gate is just the product of A Qing and Shi Qingjun's game, how can A Qing be put under the name of her random product.

But the reason why Ah Qing said this is also because she thinks that Yun Qian's vision is not high now, and it is better to say that the magic door is simple and easy to understand than she said about the universe.

Here, the two have a disagreement, and they are not talking about the same thing.

Of course, the most important thing is not the big truth above the cause and effect.

The so-called people go to high places, Ah Qing is "half human", half human is also human.

To live in this world, we must act according to the rules of this world as much as possible.

Yun Qian thinks that A Qing, as a concubine in the universe, no matter how you think about it, she is better than a concubine in the Demon Gate... It can make her husband more respectable.

This is face.

The book says that a man's face is still very important.

Xu Changan may not care, but as a wife, she should care. This is also Miss Yun's practice in order to be a good wife, and she always bears it in mind.

Therefore, Ah Qing is not a demon, nor can he be.

Yun Qian originally wanted to explain this matter to Ah Qing in detail, so that she would not fall for it.

But who would have thought that she only had an opinion on the matter of 'Aqing is a demon', Aqing himself seemed to want to understand everything.

Well, this is a not smart girl.


Yun Qian quietly looked at Ah Qing who was delighted, and didn't say anything else.

It doesn't matter what Ah Qing thinks.

Just don't get upset.

After all, it was her husband's karma. If she went to see her husband in such a bad state, Yun Qian would not be very happy.

Although this is a bit stupid now, at least it will make men like it.

Yun Qian thought so.



At this point, Ah Qing finally came to her senses, and she began to face reality.

The reality was that everything was fine, she suddenly told Yun Qian that she was actually a girl from the Demon Sect.

So now she has to deal with the aftermath for her mindless impulsive behavior.

How to explain the self-destruction to Yun Qian.

"Girl." Ah Qing said.



Ah Qing thought for a while, and said softly, "Concubine is a half-demon, and in today's world, the demons gather half-demon. I have been a girl in the demons for a while, so this is very reasonable."

Ah Qing thought this reason was very reasonable.

Even if you go to Zhu Pingniang and say it, Zhu Pingniang will think it is reasonable.

However, Ah Qing did not expect Yun Qian to be neat and tidy and shook her head.

"You're not a girl from the Demon Sect." Yun Qian said.

Ah Qing: "..."

She looked at the seriousness in Yun Qian's and listened to Yun Qian's decisive tone.

Ah Qing felt for a moment whether she was really a woman from the Demon Sect.


The leader was expelled from the devil?


is holy religion.

I've been with the girls in Huayuelou for a long time, and it's okay to call myself a magic door.

"Miss Yun." Ah Qing said helplessly to Yun Qian.

Even if Zhu Pingniang knew about this matter, it wouldn't be a problem. The most important thing was that she didn't want to lie to Yun Qian.

There is a girl in Huayuelou who has received the favor of the devil, and there is no resistance to the goddess in that place.

Of course, no one really thinks that the magic gate is a good place, but there are only a few lotus flowers in the mud, which cannot make the reputation of the magic gate better. .

She didn't want to deceive Yun Qian, so Ah Qing said seriously, "Miss Yun, the concubine is really a woman from the Demon Sect.

"No." Yun Qian looked at A Qing and said in a serious tone that A Qing's brows twitched: "You are not."

Ah Qing: "..."

Okay, I really let Miss Yun be expelled from the magic door.


She can't believe it.

Ah Qing couldn't help touching his face.

Is it...

She looks so pure, so harmless to humans and animals, does she really not look like a bad woman at all?

It's not that he looks too ordinary.

Yun Qian couldn't believe it.


Ah Qing narrowed his eyes.

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