My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 427: The figure of longing (2 in 1)

Xu Changan had told Yun Qian that the purpose of having her daughter's ears pierced was to wear a rope loop so that her mother or husband could teach her a lesson.

So this should make her a little lower.


Yun Qian looked at Ah Qing's clean earlobes, thinking that if he could make a hole in them, he would be pityed by Heaven?

It doesn't seem easy either.

Yun Qianliu frowned slightly.

Now that she can be decorated with gentle clip-on earrings, she wants to get her husband to agree to wear earrings... Maybe it is not less difficult than letting her be pitied by heaven.


Sure enough, this time she was going to disappoint Xu Changan.


Yun Qian sighed in Ah Qing's eyes, she turned around and said helplessly:

"Miss Yun, what's the matter with you? You're still thinking about the pity of the heavens? If the girl has anything to do with the young master, it's easy for you to get into trouble by yourself."

"It's okay." Yun Qian tilted her head: "I'm just seeing that you don't wear an earring."

"Earrings?" Ah Qing was stunned.

Has the topic jumped so much?

She subconsciously touched her earlobe.

"Earrings? The concubine really didn't wear the earrings... What's wrong." Ah Qing was very puzzled.

She doesn't dress up very often, and seeing that the girls in Huayuelou are wearing jewelry, she has no extra thoughts, she just doesn't have the habit of wearing jewelry.

"Wearing earrings will make people look lower." Yun Qian explained softly.

"...Ah?" Ah Qing blinked when she heard the words.


That's what it meant.

She had indeed heard this statement.

But what did this cloud girl say?

Where did she come from? There are still a few people who remember about earrings. It is estimated that they can only be found in Wentong's books.

Ah Qing was very helpless for a while, but when she thought of which "hidden family" Yun Qian might have come from, she felt that it was normal for Yun Qian to be out of touch with the times.

Ah Qing thought that if the women of Mu Yufeng listened to Yun Qian's words, she would be unhappy. After all, which girls in the Hehuan Sect wouldn't wear earrings?

"Miss Yun, there is no such way of saying it now. Don't say such things in the future. Other girls will be unhappy when they hear it." A Qing reminded Yun Qian.

"There's no such thing?" Yun Qian looked at A Qing.

Looking at Yun Qian's serious gaze, Ah Qing choked back on what she was about to say, and cleared her throat:

"Maybe, maybe there are still some in the world, but since Miss Yun has entered the Immortal Sect, she doesn't pay attention to these things."

"So it is." Yun Qian understood.

She said that Xu Changan would not lie to her, Xu Changan said that there is such a statement, if A Qing said no... Yun Qian would think that A Qing was not very smart.

Ah Qing shook her head: "I don't mention it, I just say I wish... Sister I wish, she dangling the red jade earrings on her ears all day, and occasionally changed the pendants of different patterns, is she a lowly person? ?"

Naturally not.

Therefore, it is better for Yun Qian to put away this kind of thinking that will offend people earlier.

Of course, Ah Qing is not worried that Yun Qian will offend anyone, but she likes Yun Qian very much now, so she naturally has to consider Yun Qian's image. The so-called perfect woman should have everything.

"I wish the girl..." Yun Qian thought for a while and nodded lightly.

Indeed, Zhu Pingniang often wears earrings, her status in Mu Yufeng is also very high, and her status in Xu Changan's heart is also very high, so she should not be a lowly person...


Yun Qian suddenly raised her head, looked at A Qing and asked, "Is it a lowly girl to be a concubine?"


When Ah Qing heard Yun Qian's cold words, several question marks appeared on her head.

In an instant, she felt that Yun Qian's words had turned into sharp spears, as if she was going to be pierced through her heart.

What does it mean to be a concubine in a girl's house?


Why does Yun Qian ask herself?

I didn't say to be a concubine, don't talk nonsense.

A Qing's eyes twitched slightly.

Perhaps she was guilty of being a thief, but she had a feeling in her heart that Yun Qian had hinted at it. Indeed, she thought more than once that she was a cheap girl, a concubine...

She said to Yun Qian that she wanted to be a concubine.

But looking at Yun Qian's gentle eyes, Ah Qing knew very well that Yun Qian was not mocking herself, so she was helpless:

"The girl's house to be a concubine... Of course it's cheap."

Don't talk about lowness first, but which girl doesn't want to be a wife?

The concubine's room is no different from a plaything in the world, and it's okay to say something lowly.


The cloud responded lightly.

She thought to herself that if this was the case, even if Zhu Pingniang wore earrings, the act of wearing earrings would still be low.

Zhu Pingniang is also considered a concubine.

As for whether Zhu Pingniang herself is cheap and cheap, of course not.

Her husband's karma, no matter how you think about it, can't be lowly.


Yun Qian was stunned again.

If this is the case, then "Yun Qian", as Xu Changan's favorite girl today, can't be as low as Zhu Pingniang anyway?

Is that so?

As long as her husband likes her, no matter what she does to herself, she will always be honorable and will not be pitied by existences other than him.

Therefore, whether she is honorable or not is essentially not determined by Yun Qian, but by whether her husband still likes her.

She really became lowly when Xu Changan hated her - before that, even if she wore ten rings on her body, she was still the girl Yun above the frosty sky.

Yun Qian let out a breath of fresh air and said softly, "Then...then it's alright."

She didn't want to be mean anymore.

Noble is better, noble is better, noble will be liked,

For a while, Yun Qian, who realized this truth, didn't even have the idea of ​​wearing earrings. You must know that she had always wanted to wear jewelry normally.

But in case this really makes her low, doesn't it mean that Xu Changan doesn't like her anymore.

For some things, even if the possibility is extremely low, it will be magnified to a very serious level here in Yunqian.

"I don't want to, um... I don't want to." Yun Qian nodded solemnly, and recorded this matter firmly in her heart.

Ah Qing on the side: "?"

What has this girl Yun been thinking about since the beginning?

She is so pretty, why doesn't she seem so smart.


She couldn't keep up with Yun Qian's thoughts, she could only say that the two of them thought differently, and she couldn't say that Yun Qian was not smart.

Ah Qing stretched out her hand and patted the corner of her lips, which was regarded as a punishment for her saying the wrong thing.

He felt that it was his own fault. After all, it was rare for Yun Qian to ask her a question, but she turned the question over to Xu Changan, so that Yun Qian's tired head had to think for herself.

It's her fault.

"Miss Yun." Ah Qing stopped.


"The girl just asked how the concubine can be pitied by the heaven... The concubine can't give an answer." Ah Qing looked at the continuous rain outside the window, and her voice was somber: "But there are people in the world who can give this answer."

"Who?" Yun Qian looked at her.

"It's one of my concubine's... an old friend." Ah Qing recalled many things in the past and couldn't help sighing: "Miss Yun, do you believe... in the world there will be people who are so powerful that people can't resist at all? "

"Trust." Yun Qian nodded in agreement.

"The girl is talking about Young Master Xu." The corner of Ah Qing's mouth twitched, and Yun Qian's good mood was shattered by Yun Qian.

"It's him." Yun Qian said concisely.

"The concubine knows." Ah Qing clicked her tongue. Now she really knows Yun Qian well.

Indeed, even if Xu Changan did not have the identity of an immortal, in the eyes of Miss Yun, he must be the most powerful person in the world.

Ah Qing has been fed too many times of love today, and she has become somewhat immune in a short time.

A Qing said seriously: "The concubine is not talking about the son, but a woman. If she is here, she should be able to answer the girl's question. She must know how to make the heaven pity."

Yun Qian looked at Ah Qing calmly.

She knew who A Qing was talking about.

It was the girl Shi who once met Xu Changan at the lakeside for a "moon rendezvous".

In fact, we met and chatted a few times at night.

Yun Qian doesn't think that Ah Qing is worse than Shi Qingjun. The two are similar, and even Ah Qing is stronger than Shi Qingjun—because at present, Xu Changan is closer to Ah Qing, even if the closeness is because of his own use Ah Qing's ribbon is because Ah Qing walks with her.

But a good feeling is a good feeling.

Therefore, Ah Qing is now more powerful than Shi Qingjun.

But Yun Qian did not refute, but continued to listen to her.

"When the gap between two people is too large, it is impossible to have the idea of ​​being an enemy at all."

When Ah Qing said this, he was really very emotional.

When she initially practiced and looked at Shi Qingjun's back in the sky, how could she have thought that there would be a day when she would be her enemy?

At that time, there was only longing.

Even if she entered the universe, she had to accept the fact that Shi Qingjun was more like her guide than her enemy.

The reason why Ah Qing was able to stabilize the realm so quickly after stepping into the Qiankun realm was because he was walking the road that Shi Qingjun once walked?

Even if she has reached the end of her personal ability, she has always lived in the shadow of Shi Qingjun. Although the cultivation base of the two may not seem to be very different, they are both in the universe and have reached the top that can be reached. In fact, If it is really a life-and-death struggle - you can only run.

Unless Ah Qing's hands can create another universe, otherwise, she will have to be crushed by Shi Qingjun.

"She was really..." Ah Qing murmured, the emotions in her eyes were very complicated.

Can't tell how I feel.

Perhaps only now that he is back in his teenage years, can he remember what kind of feelings he once had for Shi Qingjun.

At that time, the high fairy was like a glamorous flower blooming on the top of the mountain, and she was the withered grass crawling at the feet of the flower, and the humble soil in front of her.

At that time, the lowly and despicable half-demon looked at the fairy in the sky from a distance, thinking that as long as she turned her eyes to herself, she would tremble with happiness.

Once, the half-demon girl knew that she was just a piece of gravel in the splendid experience of a person who could no longer be ordinary and humble, but she still wanted to look at her back and become that kind of person.

Ah Qing thought of this, the emotions in her eyes dissipated cleanly, and she smiled relievedly.


Longing is the feeling farthest from understanding.

If you look forward to someone, you will definitely see the glittering parts of her body, you will see the beautiful side of her, and she will match your inner image.

And those parts that are not good or do not conform to your heart will be darkened by the shining points of her that you focus on in your eyes. You will not see her flaws and ignore her flaws. Gradually, her image in your heart will become more and more perfect, but also more and more flat.

Only after the real contact will I realize that the so-called longing and liking are just delusions in my heart.

Ah Qing understood the moment he stepped into the universe and met Shi Qingjun.

The two souls cannot communicate.

cannot understand each other.

What she longed for was not Shi Qingjun at all, but the "Aqing" who had gone all the way to today, a better self day by day.

But, who said that the longing of a girlhood is not a beautiful relationship?

Even if it's ridiculous to think about it now, Ah Qing still thinks that experience was beautiful, especially... When she used the mind and body of her youth to think about Shi Qingjun, the season that she had longed for came to her face, which really gave her a kind of feeling. It feels like an eternity.


Maybe all her longings for Shi Qingjun are delusions imposed on her, but the only thing is not her imagination.

That is... Shi Qingjun is really powerful, unbelievably strong, the closer you get, the more you can feel the oppression that is almost like a mountain and a universe.

Today, Shi Qingjun is definitely the closest existence to 'Tao'.

"So..." A Qing looked at Yun Qian with a smile: "If there is one person in the world who can solve the girl's problems, it must be her, um, I'm not kidding, if the concubine sees her next time, she will help the girl. Just ask."

She would ask Shi Qingjun, UU reading www.uukanshu. How can com be favored by heaven.

"Really?" Yun Qian was thoughtful.

Stone girl is so powerful?

How could a firm Shi Qingjun like Ah Qing be able to help her?

Can Shi Qingjun make heaven pity him?

Yun Qian shook her head.


Seeing Yun Qian shaking her head, Ah Qing was about to ask for an explanation for the person she had longed for when she was a girl. How could she not underestimate her motivation to practice?

"Miss Yun, that woman is really much stronger than a concubine. She must know the way to make heaven favor." Ah Qing said, and she laughed.

The self who wanted to find a man for Shi Qingjun and drag her from the frosty sky to Yuanhai actually spoke for Shi Qingjun.

"Better than you?" Yun Qian looked at A Qing suspiciously, not knowing what she was laughing at.

"Of course." Ah Qing nodded.

The gap between her and Shi Qingjun, it is estimated that Shi Qingjun has to weaken by 20% in all directions to have a chance of winning.

Don't underestimate these 20%. When they reach their realm, even if there is only a 10% gap, it is heaven and earth.

Twenty percent…

A Qing was a little embarrassed.

With such a big gap, what else can she do except retreat from Chao Yunzong and Shi Qingjun?

"So powerful?" Yun Qian looked at Ah Qing and said seriously, "But I think you are much more powerful than her."

Xu Changan now prefers Ah Qing.

Who is the most powerful, there is no controversy here in Yun Qian.

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