My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 440: Wen Li's understanding of liking (2 in 1)

In the guest room, Zhu Pingniang took out a candied fruit bag from the ring, took out a plum and put it in her mouth, looking at Wen Li in disbelief.

This girl... is really strange.

You can't eat Yun Qian's vinegar, but subconsciously resist Mu Yufeng's other people who are close to Xu Changan?

Obviously this is jealous.

But...isn't the direction wrong?

Zhu Pingniang thought about it carefully, but she felt that it was not incomprehensible. After all, Yun Qian and Xu Changan were husband and wife, and it was reasonable for Wen Li to be jealous of Yun Qian, so her jealousy could only be placed on those who had not yet been with Xu Changan. On a girl with a causal relationship?


Zhu Pingniang squinted at the serious Wenli in front of her with candied fruit in her mouth.

If it was another woman, Zhu Pingniang could almost come to the conclusion that she likes Xu Changan, and this kind of like is undoubtedly jealous, like between men and women.

But if it was Wen Li, Zhu Pingniang would not dare to draw this conclusion.

Even though Wen Li had said that seeing Xu Chang'an's body with other people's rouge would be uncomfortable, Zhu Pingniang was still not sure.

This is Wenli...

It's the Wenli.

Zhu Pingniang covered her face and couldn't help sighing.

She and Wen Li's master would never have imagined that one day...Wen Li would encounter such a girly and youthful problem.

"Ali." Zhu Pingniang got up completely.

"Master." Wen Li looked at her.

"I take back what I said earlier." Zhu Pingniang slowly spit the core out of her mouth on the handkerchief, raised her head and asked, "You just treat Chang'an as a mirror now?"

"Yeah." Wen Li nodded and said, "Junior and brother will be a qualified mirror."

"For example?" Zhu Pingniang glanced up and down at Wen Li, thinking thoughtfully: "Your suggestion is now as stable as a mountain, is this his credit?"

"Credit..." Wen Li shook her head and said calmly, "Master, my own practice is naturally only related to me."

"It should be like this." Zhu Pingniang's cultivation is cultivation, and it can only be his own credit. If Wen Li can understand this, it means that he is not from Hutu.

"Since your practice is the result of your hard work, what is the use of this mirror in Chang'an to you?" Zhu Pingniang asked.


Wen Li was stunned when she heard the words, as if she had never thought about this issue.

Does the younger brother have any role in her...

Is Xu Changan useful to her?

There should be.

For example, his rock-like sword heart is always easily shaken in front of him, and he can use him to temper his mind or something...

But, is this what the younger brother gave her?

No, it's not like that.

Or rather, it shouldn't be.

"Master, everyone around you must be useful to you?" Wen Li raised her head and asked seriously.

"I didn't say it." Zhu Pingniang spread her hands and smiled: "Look at my prostitutes in Huayuelou, what's the use?"

"Then...why do you ask me such a question." Wen Li was puzzled.

"Because, Chang'an should be useful to you." Zhu Pingniang said slowly: "Thinking about what he means to you may be the key to your breakthrough, right?"

Wen Li: "…"


She lowered her head and looked at her long black dress.

Junior Brother... Does it mean anything to me...

Winnie closed her eyes.

She thought of the young man who worked seriously in the Mu Yufeng Deacon Hall, the majestic vitality of the plants he planted with his own hands, and the smile he looked at the raccoon flower's head...

open one's eyes.

"Master, I didn't think about it. It turns out that Ming's state of mind is so difficult to break through." Wen Li squeezed her knuckles slightly.

"It's just like this for you." Zhu Pingniang shook her head and took a deep look at Wen Li: "After this hurdle, the future will be smooth."

"Really?" Wen Li stopped talking, she lowered her head and pondered something.

Seeing this, Zhu Pingniang shook her head helplessly.

As she said.

As long as Wen Li can cross the hurdle of the Ming state of mind, whether it is the Tengyun realm, the Taixu realm or even the Qiankun realm...all are within sight.

As long as he can recognize himself from all directions, all difficulties are a **** in front of Wen Li's talent and can be easily shattered.

As long as you can recognize yourself.

Take Xu Changan's feelings as an example. Whether Wen Li's feelings for Xu Changan are her sister's liking for her younger brother, her sister's liking for her junior sister, or the liking between men and women... or even simply because she thinks Xu Changan will be It doesn't matter if the raccoon flower is a qualified host.

The key is not her attitude towards Xu Changan, but to recognize this attitude.

If you can't understand your own heart, you will naturally not be able to take the step to the Soaring Cloud Realm.

For Wen Li, the most difficult thing was Ming's mood.

Zhu Pingniang sighed softly.

This has to do with Wen Li's origin. As a half-demon who was once used as a tool of war by a small country, Wen Li, who can't do anything except kill, has too many things that she lacks emotionally.

But such a Wen Li met a young man like Xu Changan so early...

Xu Changan is someone who even she would feel moved. For Wen Li... this level is too high, and it is normal to be attracted to him.

In addition, Xu Changan's relationship with Li Hua, who was separated from Wen Li's spirit, is still so close.

"If I don't understand, what if I can't overcome this state of mind?" Wen Li suddenly asked.

"That's okay." Zhu Pingniang said with emotion: "In your current state, as long as you liberate your sword intent, don't explain your state of mind and the future Tengyun state, even if you are a person in the first three realms of Taixu, it is enough to compete, isn't it? ."

That's the scary thing about Winnipeg.

Leaping a level is an extremely difficult thing in itself, but she is good, she can directly cross the border, or even cross a big realm.

Cultivation and combat power are completely inconsistent.

Therefore, Zhu Pingniang has always said that the cultivation of xinxing is extremely important, so Wen Li is clearly a sword cultivator, and Mu Yufeng's women's six arts have not been pulled down.

"You don't have to worry, think slowly, and think clearly." Zhu Pingniang took a deep breath: "It doesn't matter if you really want to marry him, as long as you can sort out this thought, this... Everything is important."

"Marry?" Wen Li heard the words, her eyes were blank.




She never thought about such a thing.

"Sure enough, haven't you thought about such a thing?" Zhu Pingniang sighed: "That's why I can't figure out how you think of him... But it's something that outsiders can't tell."

Who can say that Wen Li doesn't see Xu Chang'an as a junior and likes her again.

"In this regard, you are far worse than Chang'an." Zhu Pingniang touched the hairpin on her head subconsciously, and then said, "Changan is not at all confused, he knows what he wants from beginning to end."

Therefore, it is impossible for Xu Changan to see a situation like Wen Li who can't see himself and his feelings clearly.

It is impossible for Huaxin to appear on him.

Therefore, if you like such a young man, there is no doubt that it is extremely cruel to the girl's family.

"Sometimes... a gentle person is gentle to everyone. If you peel him off and look at him, you will know that he is extremely cold in nature." Zhu Pingniang couldn't help but said: "Ali, ordinary swords can't hurt you, but Hearts are left like swords."

"Master also said this to me." Wen Li looked at Zhu Pingniang.

"Tsk." Zhu Pingniang stretched her waist: "Your master... She is so miserable. When she was young, she met a young man like Chang'an, and only later did she realize that the reason why people treated her well was that she was treated as a child from the beginning to the end. Sister to see..."

"So, it's not that he is very good, he should like you, he should be liked by you." Zhu Pingniang asked, "Can you understand?"

With Yun Qian there, other hopeless girls... If you can save it, it's better to save it.

"I don't understand." Wen Li shook her head and suddenly asked, "Does Master regret it?"

"What do you regret? Do you regret liking that man?" Zhu Pingniang folded her hands together, her eyes twinkling: "I have no regrets, that's why I always say she's a stupid woman... It's clear that the man she likes is just a Ordinary people have turned into loess many years ago, but she has no regrets."

Zhu Pingniang chuckled lightly.

She could probably imagine how complicated Wen Li's master felt when he saw that Wen Li was about to embark on her old path.

Wen Li nodded and looked out the window in the direction of Yun Zong: "Master has no regrets."

"So what about you?"

"I do not know either."

Wen Li's tone was soft, but her face was firm.

She would never do anything that she regretted. When she followed Zhu Pingniang up the mountain, she separated her half-demon bloodline...and her feelings for her junior brother.

No matter what happens after this emotion surfaced, she will not regret it.

"It's all the raccoon flower's fault." Zhu Pingniang pouted, "If it weren't for the raccoon wouldn't have much communication with Chang'an."

Zhu Pingniang could probably guess how Wen Li fell step by step.

"That raccoon flower is already a pure demon, and it has nothing to do with you. No matter how good he is to the raccoon, it has nothing to do with you." Zhu Pingniang reminded.

"I know." Wen Li nodded.

"Forget it, what about Chang'an... Don't be in a hurry at this moment, you still have a long time with him, and you have enough time." Zhu Pingniang was really not in a hurry.

Because Wen Li's attitude is there.

She can admit that she likes it without hesitation, which proves that no matter what the future is, she can accept it calmly.

This alone has surpassed 90% of the women in the world.

"That's right, Ari." Zhu Pingniang thought for a while and stretched out a finger: "Since you are stuck in Ming's state of mind, you are idle anyway, so you should read more of those novels on weekdays, those who wrote For little stories like the scholar and the eldest lady, the scholar and the banshee...should help you understand your feelings."

"I have seen it."


Zhu Pingniang was stunned: "What did you say?"

"I have read it." Wen Li said casually, "I have read the love story, but it doesn't work."

"Have you seen it..." Zhu Pingniang's eyes twitched.

She couldn't imagine that Wen Li, who was admired by everyone, looked through the girl's storybook like a little girl.

"Where's the opportunity?" Zhu Pingniang couldn't help but ask: "With your temperament, there is no reason, but you wouldn't look at this kind of thing."

"Junior Sister Yun likes to read the storybook," Wen Li said.

"Yun Qian?" Zhu Pingniang was stunned again.

Wen Li explained it briefly.

When she taught Yun Qian the basics of practice, she often went to Yun Qian's study, and naturally she had seen many novels that she regarded as treasures.

She wanted to know why these stories were so attractive to Yun Qian, so she briefly read them in the study under the guidance of Yun Qian.

The result.

Wen Li didn't feel the love in the book at all. Instead, she was more curious about the swordsmanship in the book. For example, Yun Qian specially showed her the swordsmanship of a shepherdess named "A Qing". Wen Li was very interested.

Can the swordsmanship that mortals use really achieve that level?

As for Ah Qing, it's all in one place.

"Ali, you look a lot more feminine, but... in fact, you don't understand anything." Zhu Pingniang covered her face.

Still a piece of wood.

She knows Wen Li's current state, and wants her to understand what love is... I'm afraid it's not that easy.

"I don't know..." Wen Li finally realized something at this time. She looked at Zhu Pingniang and shook her head: "Master, did you misunderstand something?"

Wen Li found at this moment that Zhu Pingniang seemed to regard her as a little girl who didn't understand anything.

But Zhu Pingniang forgot.

Wen Li has never been the type to sit still. When she found that her feelings for her junior and junior brothers were unclear, she naturally went back to take action and try to understand.

Therefore, she is definitely not the little white flower that Zhu Pingniang thinks, who has no understanding of the relationship between men and women.

Zhu Pingniang has directly acquiesced Wen Li's attitude towards relationships to underage girls.

"I misunderstood? What do you mean?" Zhu Pingniang also reacted, she said in surprise: "So you understand?"

"Well." Wen Li nodded: "Because I know it, so... I don't understand."

"Have you understood?" Zhu Pingniang didn't quite believe it, she asked, "What do you think the relationship between men and women is like."

"It's complicated," Wen Li said.

"Then where do you think most of a woman's love for a man begins?" Zhu Pingniang asked.

"I'm curious." Wen Li said.



Wen Li explained: "The emotion itself is not important, the important thing is that after generating the idea of ​​​​to explore, women may be attracted by the advantages of people who say that they are curious, and unknowingly fall into the emotion of caring, and care about it. emotions are amplified, creating a cycle called 'likes'."

She paused for a moment, UU reading said: "Like those junior sisters on the mountain, many of them like junior brother not because of his good deacon, but because he has such a steady sea of ​​knowledge. ."

"Well, then what?" Zhu Pingniang looked at Wen Li blankly.

"And then?" Wen Li thought for a while.

"Emotion is a thing. At the beginning, both sides see each other's advantages. After in-depth communication, reason is slowly regained, advantages will be hidden, and shortcomings will be highlighted."

Wen Li said seriously: "At that time, I can still be sure that I like each other... Only such feelings can be called liking."

Just like Xu Changan and Yun Qian, only after passing the test can they say they like it.

And myself... Now I just like mirrors and can't get on the table.

"..." Zhu Pingniang.


Completely bewildered.

Zhu Pingniang's eyes widened at this time, as if it was the first time she met Wen Li in front of her.

It turns out that Wen Li really understands?

But she understands so well, but she still says she can't understand her feelings for Xu Changan...

Zhu Pingniang suddenly realized that perhaps Wen Li's feelings for Xu Changan were more complicated than she thought.

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