That afternoon, Xiaoju accompanied Xu Yi to his company. Originally, Xu Yi wanted to come alone, but after Xiaoju heard about it, she said that she wanted to follow Xu Yi to see it.

Xu Yi politely refused, and Xiaoju almost suspected that he was going to sneak away to find another girl.

Xu Yi smiled and touched her head intimately. Xiaoju was a little girl who also lacked a sense of security in love.

Now was the stage for them to build trust. He didn't want Xiaoju to doubt himself, so he finally agreed to take Xiaoju with him.

When they arrived at the company, Xiao Wang, who was the receptionist, asked Xu Yi a series of questions:"Where have you been these two days? Why did you come back to work just now? The boss heard that you lost the order and was so angry that he overturned the table! You should think about how to beg for mercy later to keep your job! Hey, this is……"

Xiao Wang talked for a long time before she found Xiao Ju following Xu Yi.

Xu Yi just replied her last sentence lightly:"My girlfriend."

Then, he ran to the boss's office without looking back.

The company where Xu Yi works is very small, and Xiao Wang at the front desk is a famous loud speaker. Not only is she famous for her gossip and nosiness, but also because of her loud voice.

Just now, after she shouted like this, it almost reached the ears of all colleagues in the company. At this moment, they all slid their seats to the side of the aisle to see Xu Yi's excitement.

It was thought that Xu Yi lost the order and was afraid of the boss's blame, so he was absent from work for a day and a half and hid. Everyone thought they would see Xu Yi walking back with his tail between his legs and his head down.

As a result... to everyone's surprise, Xu Yi not only held his head and chest high, but also strode towards the boss's office with a good figure, and there was a girl leaning on him.

Although the girl was wearing big sunglasses, it couldn't hide her beauty and temperament. While everyone was shocked, they couldn't help but talk about it:

"This beauty is Xu Yi’s girlfriend... is it fake?"

"Wang Laba just said yes, didn't she see that she was so shocked that her colleagues in the company upstairs almost heard it?"

"So he was absent from work for two days because he was busy picking up girls?"

"Oh, if I could pick up a girl of this level, I would be willing to miss work for the rest of my life, not to mention just one day!"

"You are so conceited! Hey——this girl looks familiar~"

"Now that you mention really does look like Xiaoju!"

"I don't think she looks like her, but she is... Listen to the way she speaks, and then look at the photo!"

At this time, Xu Yi's colleagues were much more efficient than usual. They immediately searched online for photos of Xiaoju wearing sunglasses and started comparing them.

"What the hell, is this true? What kind of luck did Xu Yi have?"

"It's really Xiaoju.——"

Xu Yi completely ignored the discussions of his colleagues. He stopped in front of the boss's office and turned to tell Xiaoju:"Wait for me outside."

Xiaoju took off her sunglasses and showed a worried look. Along the way, Xiaoju heard the discussions of Xu Yi's colleagues and knew Xu Yi's situation. She couldn't help but worry about him.

Under the gaze of his colleagues, Xu Yi raised his hand and gently pinched Xiaoju's face, smiling and comforting her:"Don't worry, I'll be out soon."

After that, Xu Yi walked into the boss's office, and there was a sound of gasps behind him.

As soon as the boss saw Xu Yi coming in, he started to get angry:"You still know how to come back to work? Tell me, why didn't you complete the task? I gave you such a big client because I trusted you! But you messed it up for me? And then you disappeared! I think you don't want this job anymore, right?"

Facing the boss's stormy roar, Xu Yi was calm. He leisurely commented on the boss's words:"Your analysis is correct."

The boss was shocked by Xu Yi's indifferent attitude:"What did you say?"

Xu Yi put his work card on the boss's desk and said to him word by word:"I quit this job."

The boss was stunned for a moment, then quickly sneered:"Oh, you can't do this job just because you want to? You think this company is yours and we signed a contract, don't you know? If you don't want to do it, bring me a penalty of 500,000 yuan, and I will let you go immediately!"

The boss thought that he could scare Xu Yi by throwing out this astronomical figure of 500,000 yuan and make him kneel down and admit his mistake. He really couldn't stand his carelessness and the way he didn't take him seriously.

Unexpectedly, he saw Xu Yi pick up his phone, swiping the screen while looking down, and asked him:"I can just transfer the money to the account that usually pays my salary? That is the company's account, right?"

While the boss was still in a daze, he saw Xu Yi raise his head and look at him with disdain:"Check it out! It shows here that 500,000 has been received."

Before the boss could ask anyone, the phone in the office rang. The boss picked up the phone, opened his eyes wide, and asked in disbelief:"Really? 500,000... has arrived? Okay... I know."

Although Xu Yi didn't hear clearly what was said on the other end of the phone, he could roughly guess it just by looking at the boss's expression and words.

Xu Yi put the phone back into his trouser pocket, patted his trousers, and glanced at his former boss with the corner of his eye:"Can I leave now?"

The boss couldn't say anything, but just nodded at Xu Yi woodenly.

Xu Yi raised the corner of his mouth, snorted, turned around and left the office.

The boss still couldn't believe this fact, and mechanically followed Xu Yi out of the office. As soon as he went out, he saw a woman with a good figure standing not far away.

And this woman... looked a little familiar.

The boss took a closer look and realized that this was Xiaoju, whom I have been a fan of for many years and have always called a goddess. Today, he was able to see the real person. He didn't want to miss this opportunity and had to go up and say hello.

But just as he took two steps towards Xiaoju, he saw Xiaoju stepped forward and held Xu Yi's hand. Then, Xiaoju snuggled up to Xu Yi like a little bird, with only Xu Yi in her eyes, and she didn't see herself at all.

The boss walked back to the office dejectedly, and through the window, he stared at Xu Yi driving a sports car and taking Xiaoju away.

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