Xiaoju refused coldly on the spot:"No. My play is scheduled until 11 o'clock today, and I will probably finish work at almost 12 o'clock. I want to go back early to review tomorrow's script and then rest early." Xu

Yi was a little touched when he saw Xiaoju reject Liu Yadong without hesitation.

At this time, Xiaoju found Xu Yi, and immediately ran to Xu Yi's side quickly, naturally took Xu Yi's arm, and asked him with his face up:"Where did you go during the day? I couldn't find you."

Xu Yi lowered his head, looked at Xiaoju's coquettish look, and asked her jokingly:"Are you so worried about me? I am a living person, can I disappear from the face of the earth?"

While speaking, Xu Yi glanced at Liu Yadong, it was this guy who was planning to hit Xiaoju.

Xiaoju pouted and pretended to be angry and said:"Of course I know you won't disappear from the face of the earth, I just miss you."

When Xu Yi heard this, he smiled in his heart and at the corners of his mouth.

He raised his hand and rubbed Xiaoju's head, saying sweetly to her:"I sensed that my little fairy almost missed me, so didn't I show up now?"

Xiaoju was still a little dissatisfied, holding Xu Yi's arm and said coquettishly:"You showed up too late!"

Liu Yadong saw Xiaoju staying beside Xu Yi, with intimate movements, completely different from when she was facing him just now.

He saw Xiaoju looking up at Xu Yi with tears in her eyes, and her body naturally stuck to Xu Yi.

Liu Yadong became more and more unhappy. He frowned and asked Xiaoju:"I remember... he is your agent, right?"

Obviously, Liu Yadong has been paying attention to Xiaoju and read the official announcement released by the studio.

Xiaoju nodded at him affirmatively at first, and then added:"He is not only my agent, but also my boyfriend."

Xu Yi looked at the little girl's frank confession and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

He knew that Xiaoju, like himself, had received instructions from the studio not to allow them to expose their relationship. But in front of Liu Yadong, Xiaoju took the initiative to explain their relationship without hesitation.

He could clearly feel the little girl's feelings for him, so he couldn't let her down.

Then, Xu Yi saw Liu Yadong looking him up and down, and saw the familiar look in his eyes again.

Recently, he has seen such looks a lot, looks that look down on him.

Liu Yadong looked at Xu Yi, he was indeed very handsome. In the entertainment industry where appearance is the key, his appearance is not inferior to any male star.

But looking at his clothes, he doesn't look like a rich man. But think about it, which rich person would come to be an agent with little money, a lot of work and great pressure.

Liu Yadong pondered for a long time, and finally felt that he had found the answer. He felt that Xu Yi must have been attracted by Xiaoju's beauty, and his future was limitless. He relied on his handsome face to fascinate Xiaoju for a while.

Thinking of this, Liu Yadong felt unconvinced. If it was based on face, Liu Yadong felt that he could do it too. Besides, he had wealth and status that could match Xiaoju better.

He couldn't watch Xiaoju throw pearls in the dark.

Just when Liu Yadong was not convinced, a staff member suddenly came to the door and called:"Brother Dong, it's your turn. The assistant director is calling you to get ready."

"I'll be right there."

Liu Yadong replied and walked towards the door. When he passed by Xu Yi, he gave Xu Yi a disdainful look.

After Liu Yadong walked out of the dressing room, the staff at the door recognized Xu Yi:"Hey, are you the one who performed the water scene just now?"

Xu Yi replied:"It's me, what's wrong?"

Upon hearing this, the staff said to Xu Yi enthusiastically:"Director Zhang praised your good acting before, saying that you are a good seedling and should be kept well. He was worried that you would feel unwell after staying in the water for so long, so he asked the crew's chef to prepare ginger soup for you, but we didn't find you."

"Oh, I just went back to the hotel to rest."

Xu Yi said to the staff politely and considerately:"I appreciate your kindness. Please thank Director Zhang for me and tell him that I am fine."

After the staff left, Xiaoju looked at Xu Yi in surprise:"What water scene?"

Xu Yi smiled and tried to get away with it:"Nothing. Are you hungry? Have you had dinner?"

Seeing Xu Yi change the subject, Xiaoju's expression became serious:"That person just said, don't lie to me. Tell me the truth and don't make me anxious."

Xu Yi saw Xiaoju frowning, looking up and staring at him straight. It seemed that she was really anxious.

Xu Yi felt that he could not hide it, and did not want Xiaoju to be anxious anymore, so he told her the truth.

After listening to it, Xiaoju threw herself into Xu Yi's arms with heartache:"Such a dangerous thing, how could you do it secretly without telling me? The water in the river is very cold, right?"

Xu Yi smiled and said nonchalantly:"It's not cold"


Xiaoju interrupted her angrily:"How can it not be cold in this weather?"

Xu Yi hugged Xiaoju and said in a teasing tone:"I don't feel cold at all now that you are holding me like this." Xiaoju blushed.

Xu Yi was worried that the little girl would get angry and quickly got back to normal:"I want to work hard to act in this play with you and be a man you can rely on."

Xiaoju was deeply moved, tears welled up in her eyes, and she nodded to Xu Yi while crying.

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