Zhang Li was also stunned and forgot to call cut.

It was the assistant director next to him who reminded him:"Director Zhang, the stand-in has finished the action."

Zhang Li came back to his senses and called cut.

The assistant director asked tentatively:"Do you think this action is okay? Do you want him to do it again?"

"No need."

Zhang Li said firmly:"It's already perfect. Thanks to him, we made up for the lost filming time. Ask him to come down and sign the contract."

Zhang Li added:"Change the remuneration from 20,000 to 25,000."

""Understood." The assistant director replied simply.

He knew that this was an extra reward for Xu Yi's success in one take and saving the crew time. But if you think about it carefully, the time Xu Yi helped the crew recover, converted into money, is probably dozens of times the five thousand.

No wonder Director Zhang, who is so high-minded, is optimistic about him. This kid is really good and always gives people unexpected surprises.

At this time, Xu Yi was slowly descending from the wire machine.

Zhang Li looked at his descending figure and couldn't help sighing:"I have been in this industry for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen someone do wire movements so beautifully. This guy is really a piece of gold."

This wire-aiding scene allowed more people to see Xu Yi's potential. For a while, everyone in the crew praised Xu Yi. When

Xu Yi got off the wire-aiding machine and walked to sign the contract, he could feel the crew's approving gazes everywhere, and he felt like he had become famous overnight.

When he was taken to sign the contract by the assistant director, Xu Yi was a little surprised to learn that his remuneration had increased by another 5,000 yuan. He declined,"No need to increase the price. Just follow the agreed 20,000 yuan, it's already very good."

He was not originally interested in the money when he became a stand-in. The opportunity to stand out that he had set his sights on has obviously been obtained now, and Xu Yi is already satisfied.

The assistant director did not agree:"This is what Director Zhang meant. If he says he will give you a raise, you must raise it. You don't have to feel embarrassed, you deserve it. You have bought us filming time, and everyone in the crew, including Director Zhang and I, are very grateful to you."

Seeing the assistant director insisted, Xu Yi didn't say anything more. He signed the contract on the spot and received a salary of 25,000.

When he put down his pen and turned to leave, he saw Liu Yadong walking towards him. Xu Yi didn't care, he just wondered why this useless male lead appeared again, and he was ready to stay away from him to protect his IQ.

After his wire play just now, it was Liu Yadong's turn to shoot the real body close-up of this part, which was just a few fancy moves, pretending to be handsome.

But even these few pretend moves were messed up by him.

In the short five minutes that Xu Yi took off his prop costume, he heard the director shout NG four times and scolded him three times.

How did this kind of person get the role of the male lead and make it to his current position in the entertainment industry. Even if it is a vase, there should be a limit.

Thinking of the stuntman who was seriously injured in order to double him, Xu Yi felt a little ironic

"Wait a minute."

Xu Yi didn't expect that he would be stopped by Liu Yadong when he passed by him.

Xu Yi turned around and wanted to listen to what advice this big star had. Would he mock him again? After watching his wonderful wire performance just now.

He didn't want to hear Liu Yadong say:"Can I have a chat for a moment?"

Xu Yi didn't understand him very well:"Is there anything we can talk about?"

Liu Yadong saw Xu Yi's cold attitude and softened his attitude again:"I want to ask you for a favor."

Seeing his sincere attitude, Xu Yi agreed:"Okay."

Then, Xu Yi followed Liu Yadong into his nanny car.

After sitting down, Liu Yadong changed his attitude just now and said to Xu Yi:"I want to give you a chance."

Xu Yi smiled when he heard it and was about to get up:"You really change your face faster than turning a book."

Seeing this, Liu Yadong quickly got up and held Xu Yi:"Listen to me first, don't leave in a hurry."

Xu Yi's attitude was cold:"I thought I was giving you a chance to see what you asked me to do for you, and then consider whether to give you a chance."


Liu Yadong quickly followed up Xu Yi's words and said,"I want you to be my full-time stand-in. I will give you ten times the salary of a normal extra, plus a 10% commission."

"It's different."

Xu Yi interrupted him:"If I knew you were talking to me about this, I wouldn't have come."

Liu Yadong got anxious when he heard it:"Helping and giving opportunities, this is just a matter of words, you don't have to be so serious. We had some misunderstandings before, but now I really recognize your wire skills, and I want you to be my full-time stand-in."

Liu Yadong began to paint a rosy picture for Xu Yi, persuading him step by step:"I am a top-tier domestic traffic star, and I get at least eight scripts delivered to me every month. I'm not bragging, my future in the entertainment industry is limitless. It's much better for you to follow me than to be an ordinary extra, and I guarantee that you will have a good life."

Xu Yi didn't want to listen to his nonsense anymore, and rejected him without hesitation:"I'm not interested, I don't want to do it.""

"Hey, think about it again.……"

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