Although she is now famous, she has not had time to change.

The life of a female star may look glamorous, but it is actually very hard.

After hearing Xiaoju's lament, Xiaodi comforted her:"It is a little far, but fortunately the studio knows that you have been filming for four months, and understands that you will feel tired, so we have not arranged any announcements for you recently. You can have a good rest at home, and I will help you buy everything you need and send it to your apartment.""

""Okay." Xiaoju reluctantly agreed to Xiaodi.

Then she stood up, walked to the window, looked out the window exaggeratedly and said:"Goodbye, city center! I'm going back to the suburbs. I'm used to the prosperity here.……"

Xiaodi laughed and teased Xiaoju,"It's not that exaggerated!"

The next second, Xiaoju turned around when Xu Yi spoke.

Xiaoju heard Xu Yi say to her in a casual voice,"If you like the prosperity here, just continue to live here!" Xiaoju turned her head and looked at Xu Yi in surprise. For a moment, she was stunned.

Xu Yi took out the room card and told her,"I just went downstairs and rebooked a room in this hotel.

I didn't have time to tell you.

" Xiaoju immediately walked over and said anxiously,"I was just talking casually!

Why should I stay in a hotel when I have my own apartment? Isn't this a waste of money?" Xu Yi looked at Xiaoju calmly,"It's not a waste of money.

The security here is good and the surrounding area is prosperous.

It's convenient for you to eat and play.

It's the best place for vacation.


"It is convenient... but you don't have to do it on purpose."

Xiaoju was very grateful for Xu Yi's thoughtfulness, but considering Xu Yi's financial situation, she didn't want him to spend unnecessary money on her.

Xiaoju took Xu Yi's hand and said to him with emotion:"I know you are good to me, and I appreciate your kindness. But we still have to be thrifty, haven't you received your salary yet?"

"You don't have to worry about the money."

Xu Yi picked up the suitcase that Xiaodi had just packed for Xiaoju, then took Xiaoju's hand and pulled Xiaoju out without saying anything:"Come with me!"

Xiaoju looked up at Xu Yi's determined face and could no longer say no. She liked Xu Yi's occasional strong look, which made her feel very safe.

Whenever Xiaoju saw Xu Yi's strong look, she would think infatuatedly: She could be Xu Yi's little woman for the rest of her life. Just looking at him like this, she could do it for the rest of her life.

In the elevator, Xiaoju was led by Xu Yi, and she kept looking up at Xu Yi, fascinated. It wasn't until Xu Yi took her into the room that Xiaoju saw the luxury in the room and came back to her senses.

The room originally arranged for her by the crew was not an ordinary room. The room also had a refrigerator, a small water bar, a bathtub, and some facilities for convenient living.

But compared to the room Xu Yi has booked for her now , that was almost three rooms short of the ones that the crew had booked for her. Xiaoju felt that this room was more like a house that could accommodate a family of three than a hotel suite. There were two large bedrooms, both with separate bathrooms. The master bedroom was also equipped with an oversized bathtub, and the hotel waiter had thoughtfully prepared a petal bath.

In addition, this room had two other rooms. One was a cloakroom and the other was a study, which was fully equipped.

Xiaodi came in with Xu Yi and Xiaoju, originally thinking of helping Xiaoju pack her luggage. But after seeing the situation in the suite, she stood there for a long time, completely stunned and unable to move. Xiaodi said in shock:"It turns out that this hotel actually has such a room?"

Even though she had been a celebrity assistant for many years, she had traveled all over the world and had seen a lot of things, but she had never seen such a luxurious hotel room.

Xiaoju hadn't seen it either, but when she saw the scene in this suite, she could imagine that the price of this room must be very expensive. Xiaoju looked at Xu Yi and asked worriedly:"How much does this room cost per night?"

You should know that this time she lives here, it is not the crew that pays. Every penny comes from Xu Yi's pocket. And she remembered hearing Xu Yi say just now that he booked a room for a month.

As far as she knows, an ordinary room in this hotel costs four figures. Even if it is not five figures a night, it must be five thousand or more, right?

It will cost more than 100,000 or 200,000 to stay here for a month!

Too luxurious!

Xu Yi did not answer Xiaoju, for he was afraid of scaring her by saying that number.

He just changed the subject lightly and asked Xiaoju,"Do you like this room?"

Xiaoju's head was full of numbers like the price of hotel rooms, and she had no intention of taking care of her own feelings.

She said to Xu Yi anxiously,"This is not a question of like or not. Even if you don't say it, I know this room is not cheap. I don't need to live in such a good one! Besides, I have my own apartment, so you don't have to spend this money."

"How can it be a waste of money?"

Xu Yi smiled and looked at Xiaoju, his eyes full of pampering:"As long as you like living here, it is the most worthwhile money to spend."

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