""Is there anything else?" Xu Yi asked Gou Bao calmly on the other end of the phone.

Gou Bao's excitement was cut off in an instant. He was stunned for a moment, then answered Xu Yi:"No more."

But soon, Gou Bao became excited again. While scrolling through the negative comments about Xu Yi on Weibo, he couldn't help but ask Xu Yi:"Master, do you want to clarify? The trend on Weibo is really bad now.……"

"No need!" Xu Yi said firmly,"If it's just this little thing"

"A small matter... Is this a small matter?" Gou Bao was once again speechless at Xu Yi's attitude and words.

Xu Yi looked up at the sales office in front of him, which was less than 20 meters away, and said to Gou Bao casually:"I have important things to deal with here. If you have nothing else, I'll hang up first."


Before Gou Bao finished, Xu Yi hung up the phone.

Gou Bao looked at the black screen of his mobile phone, then looked at the crazy increase in comments on Weibo, and shook his head:"It's true that the emperor is not anxious, but the eunuchs are anxious to death! �� After hanging up the phone, Xu Yi opened Weibo and checked the hot searches.

He saw that his name was still on the top of the hot searches, but the title had changed from #Xu Yi is who he is# to #Xu Yi relies on women to get to the top# as if the answer had been revealed.

Xu Yi snorted and clicked on this one, thinking to himself: He can't get off this hot search?

Clicking on this hot search, Xu Yi saw a video of a reporter interviewing Liu Yadong.

Xu Yi didn't have much patience to watch it, but he thought that since this post had been on the hot search, Xiaoju might be worried, and the studio would also take action, so he needed to understand what happened.

Xu Yi clicked on the video and watched it in fast forward.

The reporter asked Liu Yadong:"I heard that you were the original male lead of the drama"Jiuzhou Suizhu Chuan"?"

Liu Yadong:"Yes, in fact, I even joined the crew for a week."

The reporter was surprised when he heard this:"Then why did another male lead play this role in the end?"

Liu Yadong in the video looked haggard, and faced with the question raised by the reporter, he seemed to be hesitant to speak.

Seeing this in the video, Xu Yi had already smelled something was up.

Sure enough, the reporter asked again, and changed it to a rhetorical question, asking Liu Yadong the most direct question:"I heard from the crew that the current male lead Xu Yi is in love with Xiaoju. The reason why you were removed was that Xiaoju threatened the director to use her boyfriend. Otherwise, she would go on strike. Because the producers and investors were very optimistic about Xiaoju playing the heroine, they had to compromise and remove you. Is that right?"

Liu Yadong pretended to be innocent, put on an objective look and said:"Whether they are in a relationship or not is their private matter, I don't know. As for your later question about how I was removed from the male lead role……"

Liu Yadong paused, then looked at the camera and pretended to keep the secret, but in fact he was stabbing Xu Yi and Xiaoju in the back:"I can't say."

This reporter was obviously arranged to play the bad guy.

When Liu Yadong pretended to be fair and didn't want to throw dirty water on his colleagues, she said in a provocative way:"Even if you don't say it, I know it.

I think the audience friends also know it.

Look at who is the male lead of this drama now.

" At this time, Liu Yadong still pretended to be a good person to smooth things over, and hurriedly corrected the reporter's statement:"Hey, you can't say anything careless.

I never said that.

If you broadcast it like this, it will cause trouble.

Although Xu Yi is a newcomer, she will also be in this circle in the future.

And Xiaoju is an actress I admire.

You'd better not broadcast this interview.

I will meet them again in the future.


When Xu Yi saw this, he couldn't watch it anymore, even if he fast-forwarded.

He locked the screen of his phone and snorted. Liu Yadong's acting in the video is good~ If he could show such acting skills when he was in the Jiuzhou crew, he wouldn't be removed by Director Zhang.

It's so boring.

He doesn't have any ability at all, and he only cares about this.

After fast-forwarding the video just now, it only took Xu Yi less than two minutes. But even so, Xu Yi felt it was a waste of time.

He put the phone in his trouser pocket and strode towards the sales office.

At this time, Xiaoju's studio was in chaos. On the big screen in the conference room, the comments under this hot search were displayed.

Liu Yadong's fans are angry

"We are really wronged, I feel bad.……"

"I was wondering why our Dongdong quit the Jiuzhou crew for no reason? It turns out there is such a shady deal!"

"It's a pity that our Dongdong was kicked out and had to help others lie, saying it was due to personal health reasons. I was really angry!"

"This guy named Xu Yi is really disgusting!"

Xiaoju's fans are even more sad.

"……No way, my goddess is really in love"

"I saw them having dinner together privately on live broadcast before, and it turns out there really is a problem!"

"No, I don't agree to this marriage!"

"I oppose, oppose, strongly oppose!"

"This guy who came from nowhere not only stole my goddess, but also used her to get promoted! I can't stand it!"

"Xiaoju, don't be silly~ We can't follow a man who uses you like this!"

"Don't start crying now, Liu Yadong and the reporter just said nonsense, don't just believe it. I don't believe Xiaoju will fall in love, and she can only fall in love with me!"


The comments under this trending search are roughly divided into two camps. But no matter which camp the comments are, they are not friendly to Xu Yi.

The staff of Xiaoju Studio looked at the negative comments that popped up one by one and said angrily:"This reporter was definitely arranged by Liu Yadong. Liu Yadong deliberately retaliated and made things worse.""

"There is no need to talk about such an obvious thing. Let's think about what to do now!" The person who spoke was a senior executive of the studio, who was directly responsible for all the performance activities planning of Xiaoju and was respected by everyone as"Sister Lan".

Xiaoju looked at the growing number of negative comments and felt really angry for Xu Yi. She immediately forwarded the interview video and @ed Liu Yadong in a very positive way.

"Don’t you know why you were removed from the role of male lead? I wanted to save some face for you, my senior, and keep it secret for you.

I didn’t expect that you would use it to confuse right and wrong to criticize others!

It was obviously because of your poor acting skills that you were removed, but now you are looking for problems with others.

Excuse me, senior, if you have this time, you might as well hone your acting skills.

Otherwise, you may be removed from the role of male lead next time!


Less than five minutes after Xiaoju’s Weibo was posted, it was discovered by Sister Lan. She hurriedly walked towards Xiaoju with her phone and blamed her:"Why are you so impulsive and post such a Weibo at this time? Delete it quickly!"

Xiaoju did not move, and said angrily:"He mentioned me clearly in the interview. If I don’t respond, wouldn’t it be a tacit consent, and then everyone will misunderstand Xu Yi even more! You know how good Xu Yi’s acting skills are; you also know the hard process he went through to get this role. How can I watch others slander him like this?"

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