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Yi got out of the driver's seat first, went around to the co-pilot seat, and gentlemanly helped Xiaoju get out of the car.

When Xiaoju got out of the car, she found that the colorful flowers in the garden in front of the villa were carefully spelled into the word"Ju".

Xiaoju was very surprised that the word"Ju" was so difficult to write, but she didn't expect that it could be made with flower art.

The more surprising part was still below.

Xiaoju saw Xu Yi take a crown from the flower crown, which was inlaid with diamonds, and then helped her put it on her head.

Xu Yi's voice was as gentle as water, and he said to Xiaoju:"Happy birthday, my princess."

Xiaoju looked up at Xu Yi and was deeply moved.

However, at this time, the fans in the live broadcast room who witnessed all this, although some of them had changed their attitude towards Xu Yi, it was only a very small part, and most of them were still not so friendly to Xu Yi.

Just now they guessed that Xu Yi's car was rented, and now they are also guessing that the villa is rented.

"Renting a villa for Xiaoju's birthday is a thoughtful gesture.……"

"The person above should be more clear-headed, this is a common trick used by scumbags!"

"Look at how practical the gifts Xiaoju's girlfriends gave her are. He tried to get away with these fancy and impractical things."

"Didn't he give Xiaoju a diamond crown? I think he has good taste. Xiaoju looks very good in it, and it suits her status today."

"This crown looks so shiny, are the diamonds real? That would be a lot of money.……"

"You are blind and have no common sense! You can buy one for ten yuan at the roadside, and it is better than this one. There are so many fake things now!"

"Xiaoju, you must not be fooled.~~"


At this moment, Xiaoju actually thought the same as the fans in the live broadcast room. Because she thought she understood Xu Yi's financial situation, she naturally guessed that all these things Xu Yi prepared for her were rented to help her celebrate her birthday.

But no matter whether it was rented or something else, she was equally touched. Xiaoju was really happy that someone prepared everything for her so attentively, just to make her happy. This was the first time she had such a surprising and meaningful birthday since she was born.

With tears in her eyes, Xiaoju said to Xu Yi sincerely:"Thank you for your birthday gift, I am very touched and I like it very much."

Xu Yi smiled when he heard it:"My gift hasn't been given yet, why are you thanking me?"


Xiao Ju was stunned, glanced at the LED screen and the flowers in front of the courtyard, raised his hand to touch the crown on his head, and asked Xu Yi in surprise:"Aren't these... the birthday gifts you prepared for me?"

"I prepared it for you." Xu Yi admitted frankly.

Then, he changed the subject and said with a smile:"But these cannot be considered gifts. The real gift is this."

As he spoke, Xu Yi took out a bunch of keys from his shirt pocket and put them in front of Xiaoju. He pointed to the villa behind him and told Xiaoju:"This villa is my birthday gift to you."

Xiaoju was completely stunned.

Xu Yi saw her standing there in a daze, took her hand, took her to the gate of the villa, and used the largest key among them to open the big iron gate of the villa.

"Be careful of the steps."

Then, Xu Yi took Xiaoju to the front door of the villa and opened it with another key.

The door opened, and the decoration of the hall on the first floor of the villa was fully displayed in the live broadcast room. Even though only a corner of the entrance to the hall could be seen, the high ceilings of the hall, the postmodern oil paintings on the walls, the blue and white porcelain placed in the entrance hall, and the carpet on the ground that was extremely luxurious and comfortable could not be understood at a glance...

This small part has completely conquered the audience in the live broadcast room. They no longer look at Xu Yi with tinted glasses, and the direction of the barrage has completely changed.

"I heard from a relative of mine who works in real estate that the starting price of a villa in this area of the capital is 300,000 yuan per square meter."

"I see his villa is facing the sea and backed by mountains, it should be more than that, right? At least 400,000"

"Don't guess, I just searched online and the price of this villa is 500,000 yuan per square meter, and the total price is almost 200 million yuan."

"Two hundred million?!! Holy shit, are you sure you didn’t overstate the number?!!"

"This renovation must have cost a lot of money, right? Look at those oil paintings and blue and white porcelain, they might be real!"

"Haha, is there anyone who says that the diamond crown is fake?"

"Idiot! We spent 200 million on Xiaoju, and we still need a few million."


Xu Yi stuffed the key into Xiaoju's hand and said without hesitation:"You will be the mistress of this house from now on."

Xiaoju was a little dazed. Looking at the villa in front of her, she seemed to be in a dream and still couldn't believe it.

Xu Yi took her hand and told her:"When you have time, I will find someone to replace the door lock with your fingerprint and iris. It will be safer. I didn't have these data before, so now I can only let you make do with the key."

Hearing"make do", Xiaoju immediately came back to her senses:"How can this be made do?"

At this moment, Xiaoju heard Xu Yi discussing with her about changing the lock of the villa, and finally she felt that she had received a villa as a birthday gift from Xu Yi.

Xiaoju realized it later and hugged Xu Yi excitedly:"I don't know how to thank you, but this gift is really too precious, you don't have to……"

"Do you like it?" Xu Yi interrupted her and asked.

Xiaoju nodded heavily and answered affirmatively:"I like it, I like it very much, but……"

——How much will this cost?

Xiaoju felt very uneasy when she thought about this.

"As long as you like it."

Xu Yi raised his hand to help Xiaoju put on the crown that had been knocked crooked when she threw herself into his arms out of excitement.

He had seen through Xiaoju a long time ago, and said to her with a smile:"I have a lot of money, and I like to spend it on you."

These words caused a burst of cheers from the ladies present.

They all hoped to find a man who could say this to them, and they all looked at Xiaoju with great envy.

Xu Yi suddenly remembered something, pulled Xiaoju out of the door of the villa, and said to Xiaoju:"I almost forgot, I have another gift for you"

""What else?" Xiaoju opened her eyes wide, too shocked to believe it.

Xu Yi pointed in the direction of the garage, and Xiaoju looked in the direction of his finger.

The next second, she saw the garage door slowly open upwards. A red supercar gradually revealed its full appearance as the garage door was lifted.

The first thing that caught everyone's eyes was the big bull logo, and some fans were already shouting at the scene:"Wow, Lamborghini!"

Even women who don't know much about cars know this brand. Even if they don't know the model, no girl can resist the appearance of this pretty red supercar._Please download to read the ununderlined version of the novel

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