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He Jiong and Xie Na stopped and turned to look at Xu Yi.

Xu Yi asked his question:"I heard that in addition to us, there is also a film crew from Hong Kong in this recording. Can I know in advance who the senior is?"

Xu Yi's attitude was very humble. He really wanted to know. Before coming, Xiaoju was not as excited as when she knew it before, but was a little nervous.

Xu Yi could understand that this was Xiaoju's first time on Happy Camp. Everyone knew the importance of this program.

Because the staff had explained to them in advance that the game session later would be participated in with the stars from another crew. When

Xu Yi saw Xiaoju, his expression became even more nervous. He wanted to at least help Xiaoju find out the other party's identity. After all, the unknown makes people afraid, so we should try to eliminate some uncertain factors.

And as for Xu Yi himself, he also wanted to know who the person was.

He had not been in the entertainment industry for long and had paid little attention to this circle before.

Especially the new little flowers and little boys, except Xiaoju, he basically didn't know them.

He didn't know the situation in the Hong Kong film industry even more.

Now that he has asked about the other party's identity, he still has time to go online to find out more, so as not to be too unfamiliar when he meets him later and feel awkward because of not knowing him.

However, after Xu Yi asked this question, Xie Na and He Jiong just smiled mysteriously at him and said,"This is a secret. I can't tell you now.""


Xu Yi had to give up.


Not long after He Jiong and Xie Na left, Xu Yi heard music coming from the stage in front, followed by applause from the audience.

Xu Yi saw Xiao Ju lowering her head, clasping her hands, and shaking slightly.

He reached out to hold her hands, and found that Xiao Ju's hands were very cold and her palms were a little wet.

Xu Yi asked Xiao Ju softly,"Are you nervous?"

The door to the lounge spoke before Xiao Ju. The staff pushed the door in and reminded them,"It's your turn to enter."

According to the rehearsal process, it was now Xiao Ju and Xu Yi's turn to enter.

Xu Yi took Xiao Ju's hand, squeezed it a little harder, and said to her in a reassuring voice,"Don't be afraid, if you get nervous later, just hold my hand."

Xiao Ju looked up and met Xu Yi's calming eyes, and Xiao Ju nodded at Xu Yi.

Xu Yi smiled and touched Xiao Ju's head,"Don't worry, before that, I will hold your hand first."

Xiao Ju completely relaxed after hearing Xu Yi's words.

The two of them walked onto the stage from the backstage, holding hands. They sang the ending song of Jiuzhou all the way and appeared in the field of vision of the audience.

Originally, the ending song of Jiuzhou was not Xiaoju and Xu Yi, and Xu Yi was not well-known at that time. But from the first day of the Jiuzhou TV series, Xu Yi came into the audience's field of vision. Because of Tian's appearance and superb acting skills, he was once praised.

For a while, his popularity and favorability soared. As a result, Xu Yi also got a wave of explosive popularity, which broke through one million in a very scary way.

Coupled with Xiaoju's high popularity and the two's just semi-public relationship, the producer found the two and asked them to record a version of a male and female duet.

Singing is Xiaoju's specialty, and it is also easy for Xu Yi, who has the"singing talent", to be blessed. Unexpectedly, the new ending song recorded is even better than the original. And because it is a duet between the male and female protagonists of this drama, it must be more flavorful than the original.

Jiuzhou's official blog posted a photo of the two recording the new ending song in the recording studio. As soon as the Weibo was released, it was besieged by fans who were squatting.

Everyone said they couldn't wait to hear it.

However, due to post-production reasons, the ending song sung by Xiaoju and Xu Yi will not be officially released until five days later.

But today, the audience at the base camp had a treat. Xiaoju and Xu Yi sang this song when they appeared on stage to promote Jiuzhou.

The fans at the scene were immediately excited when they heard the two of them say it.

This was the real first exposure.

The fans took their mobile phones and recorded the video tremblingly. Looking at the two of them in the camera, holding hands and looking at each other affectionately. The classic scenes in the play emerged in my mind, it was so touching.

"I saw the legendary sadomasochistic love between the crown prince and the exotic princess. Wow, it's so touching.~"

"My god, they really look so good together!"

"It sounds good! This is the sound of nature, right?"

Xu Yi held Xiaoju's hand throughout the whole process, and felt that her hand was not as cold as before. Seeing Xiaoju smiling confidently in front of the camera, Xu Yi was completely relieved.

He felt that Xiaoju was the kind of natural artist.

Once on stage, she would be in the best state in seconds.

After the song ended, the two entered the stage, and the Happy Family came on stage to invite the second male Wu Shi. Then, the three of them greeted the audience in turn.

The recording had just started, and everyone was on stage for the first time, so they were a little restrained. But after Xu Yi introduced himself, Xie Na teased him and said,"I heard that the actors in the crew all respectfully call you Brother Yi. You are worthy of being Brother Yi, so calm and sophisticated. Looking at your self-introduction just now, if I hadn't remembered it so well, I would have thought you had been here more than five times."

Xu Yi smiled when he heard this. He first faced a few people from the Happy Family, and then faced the audience below and said,"I have always longed for this stage. I finally came here today. Seeing you and the audience are so warm and kind, I feel like home, and I naturally relaxed."

While Xu Yi was speaking, Xie Na had been staring at Xu Yi with narrowed eyes and smiling, and was very satisfied with his answer.

After Xu Yi finished speaking, she went over and poked Xiao Ju with her arm, and asked gossipingly:"He usually speaks sweet words like this, and then he tricked you into his hands?"

Xie Na's words caused a small commotion in the audience. Xiao Ju's ears turned a little red, and she didn't know how to speak.

At this time, Teacher He hurried out to smooth things over and asked the second male lead Wu Shi, who had been standing by without saying a word, a question:"During the filming process, what impressed you the most?"

Wu Shi didn't even think about it, and immediately answered:"There are too many."

Teacher He guided him and said:"Then just pick one or two to share with everyone."

Wu Shi said without hesitation:"I remember that at that time, the weather in the capital had not yet warmed up, and there was a water scene, and we had to shoot in the water for an hour."

"Water play... and in such difficult conditions, that's real dedication. How did you survive? It's really admirable."Teacher He interviewed

"It's not me." Wu Shi immediately denied it, and then told everyone,"The person I'm talking about who filmed the water scene is Brother Yi, he is really dedicated and admirable."

"Is it Xu Yi?"After exclaiming, Mr. He and the Happy Family looked at Xu Yi together.

They didn't expect that Wu Shi would say something that impressed him most, not himself, which shows how admirable Xu Yi is._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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