My World: From Game Bug To Demon King Him

182. Rookie - Pawn! ! (Third Change)

It can be said that the rookie's death caught the players of Command World by surprise.

This is the GM! The game manager!

In other games, it is no exaggeration to say that the GM is like a god.

But at this moment, this godlike GM actually fell in front of the players.

Moreover, it was killed by a BUG in the game.

The most embarrassing thing is that it was killed with a salted fish.

At this moment, although the rookie's body is already lying in front of the players.

But they still couldn't believe this fact.

"Damn it, GM, are you kidding us?! You fucking get up!!"

"How is it possible?! You're the GM!! How could you be killed by a bug?!!"

"Where's your authority?!! Open it!!"

"This GM must be underestimating the enemy..."

"Don't do these fancy things!! Fuck him with data directly!!"

Players in the command world are naturally unwilling to believe this fact.

After all, for them, the rookie is like their life-saving straw.

At this time, the rookie saw "Four Eight Seven" and saw it appearing in front of him.

[You were killed by salted fish!] After these big words.

The whole person was dumbfounded.

It never occurred to him that HIM could not only manipulate the data he wrote, but even kill himself.

The strength of HIM is completely beyond the standard!

It's outrageous!"

The rookie at the moment just finds all this incredible.

It's outrageous!

The rookie even wondered if HIM might be a virus.

The strength of HIM has completely exceeded the scope of BUG.

First of all, if the investigation system cannot detect it, it means that it should not be the data in this game.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the investigation system to fail to detect it.

Previously, the BUG troubleshooting tools that were as large as the void were detected, because the void belongs to the data in the game.

So it is not the data in the game, but something that can change and manipulate the data in the game.

The only thing a rookie can think of is a virus.

Viruses from outside.

If HIM is really a virus, then with the strength of a rookie, there is really nothing to do with him.

After analyzing these, the rookie also knew that he must have nothing to do with HIM.

The only way now is to go offline and report the situation to the company.

But if this is the case, it is really because of the face!

Originally, as a GM, it would be embarrassing enough to be thrown over and beaten to death by a salty fish from HIM.

If he ran away after he died, and if it got out, the rookie would probably have no face to stay in the company in the future.

"It's not about leaving... It's not about staying..."

At this moment, the rookie can be said to be in a dilemma.

Don't go offline, you won't be able to fight again after being resurrected.

Go offline, you can't hold your face.

Just when the rookie was hesitating, the death message in front of him suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, the rookie stood up again where he fell down.

After seeing the scene in front of him, the rookie froze in place.

"How did you resurrect?!"

The rookie was dumbfounded, obviously he was still hesitating.

Why did it suddenly come back to life?

At this time, the players in the command world breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the rookie resurrected on the spot.

"GM, don't do something that you don't have, just destroy his data directly!"

"That's right! It's like you destroying the Demon King's palace!"

"Don't be fancy, GM please be sober, don't ruin a good hand..."

Players in the command world can be said to be dying.

They all wished they could do it themselves.

At this time, they have not realized the importance of the matter.

At this time, they still feel that the rookie can deal with HIM.

At this time, the rookie began to feel uneasy.

He didn't use the permission to resurrect himself, but he was resurrected.

The rookie immediately realized that the matter was not simple, and he raised his eyes to look at HIM.

At this moment, HIM smiled meaningfully at him.

With this smile, the rookie's heart sank.


The rookie immediately felt something was wrong.

Although he didn't know exactly what HIM was going to do, he felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

After the rookie was revived, the players all turned their attention to the rookie.

After all, it's time for rookies to scale up their moves.

At this moment, the rookie's body suddenly began to change.

His body suddenly began to twitch.

At this moment, his body is no longer a complete whole, but scattered into various square pixel blocks.

The pixel blocks that make up the rookie's body are distorting and deforming.

Then slowly one by one began to dissipate!

The players in the command world were a little stunned when they saw this scene.

They also don't know exactly what happened.

"The GM is going to turn into a data attack on HIM...?"

...So this is the system turned on?...”

"Really... why do I think he looks... a bit painful..."

In fact, the players in the command world at this moment have a bad feeling in their hearts.

Because of the changes that happened to the rookie, it doesn't look like the rookie is amplifying his moves.

Moreover, the players also felt that he was in pain from the expression on the rookie's face.

It's just that the players still want to find psychological comfort for themselves.

In this way, the players watched the grid pixels that make up the rookie slowly leave the rookie's body and then dissipate.

A full five minutes passed.

As the last few grid pixels dissipated, the rookie disappeared in place.



"Impossible...he must have turned into data..."

"Is this what HIM did..."

"Don't tell me, HIM killed the GM?!!!!"

At this moment, the players in the world of command can be said to have a brain crash......

They couldn't believe it, the GM just disappeared in front of them!

And, all of this, no matter how you look at it, has something to do with HIM.

The players don't know what words to use to describe their mood at this moment.

In their hearts at the moment, there are only two words in their evaluation of this matter, outrageous!

It's really outrageous!

A BUG in the game killed the GM of the game!

Who will believe this bitch?!

Even the players in the command world have all seen it with their own eyes.

They also have a hard time believing this fact.

This can no longer be explained by irrationality.

This is simply a fantasy!

At this moment, the players in the command world on the scene suddenly felt shuddering.

It was because they had backers before that they were so arrogant.

But they didn't expect that the backer they thought had no power to fight back in front of HIM.


"If I knew it... I wouldn't be hilarious..."

"I knew rookies were unreliable, so I wouldn't have come to join in the fun..."

"Master HIM, please spare our lives...... We dare not do it again!!"

Players in the command world naturally understand that without rookies, they are meat on the chopping board.

HIM wants to deal with them, it should not be too simple.

He didn't even have to do it himself.

A previous infection is a good example.

At this moment, they suddenly felt that there was a sentence that was particularly appropriate to the situation.

"Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, he can't save you."

At this moment, they instantly felt what is called real despair.

Li Yuan looked down at the players in the command world and smiled.

"It seems that I am not very popular."

After hearing HIM's words, the players in the command world were all overwhelmed and did not dare to speak out.

They are like 3.5 lambs waiting to be slaughtered at the moment.

Li Yuan saw this and continued.

"It seems that it can't be cleaned up.

"Then it's just black to the end."

After Li Yuan finished speaking, he disappeared in place.

When the players in the command world heard HIM's words, they all thought they were going to die.

After seeing HIM who suddenly disappeared, everyone was stunned.


"What do you mean by what you said just now... isn't it to kill us?..."

"Did you just say a harsh word and leave?..."

"Damn, goosebumps all over my body, it must not be that simple!"

Just when the players in the command world were at a loss.

Suddenly several players noticed that something seemed wrong.

"Damn it?! Where's my order?!!"

Fuck?! Command slots and commands all gone?!!!”

"Mine is gone too???? What's going on?!!!"

"Could it be... HIM did it?!!!"

"His punishment for us is to nullify our orders?!!".

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