Myriad Paths

Chapter 1006 Follow

Li Qi and Changqiao strolled on the terraces.

Li Qi has seen many different types of automated equipment, such as large automatic seeders, small cultivation formations or seedling transplanters.

However, none of this works here.

The land here is very strange. The nature of almost every inch of land is different. Coupled with the various monsters bred and the surge of earth veins, ordinary automated facilities cannot take effect.

‘Smart’ automation facilities are required to function properly here.

Because of "intelligence", we can judge these complicated choices and determine what to do. Ordinary automated facilities will only add chaos or be damaged.

So 'smart' is also being used for farming around here.

It seems that the richer ones use artificial intelligence, a formation spirit similar to strong AI, while the poorer ones naturally use intelligent life itself.

After all, intelligent life itself is actually the cheapest form of ‘strong intelligence’.

But by the same token, intelligent life is also the most precious asset in the universe, it just depends on the angle.

Just like a tree.

In this universe, the reserves of trees are far lower than gold. Trees are the truly cherished wealth in this universe, and gold is just an element.

But on earth, one gram of gold can buy a lot of wood, all because of the different angles.

After Li Qi and Changqiao walked for a while, they could see that these terraces were indenting, widening, sinking and rising along with the slope of the mountain and the boundaries of the reclamation.

Many different crops must be planted on these small terraces all year round. People here have already discovered a method of farming all year round, so that they can feed so many people in the city.

Naturally, this requires very complicated techniques, such as how to adjust the earth's atmosphere, how to control nutrients, and which plants to plant with less risk. These all require specialized research. If you don't study and plant randomly, the plants will die if you dare to plant them. Let me show you, working in vain is okay, but the most difficult thing is that if you die, you will have nothing to eat, and many people will starve to death.

As one of the means of production, agriculture occupies a considerable proportion in any civilization. After all, agriculture represents a civilization's ability to control life and species.

One of the Hundred Farmers of Humanity specializes in this. The seeds, planting methods, and earth-qi conditioning methods they developed are famous throughout the world. The spiritual rice that is commonly eaten all over the world is also their masterpiece.

This kind of spiritual rice can grow even in Baiyue, regardless of location, and has a yield of more than 3,000 kilograms per mu. Its energy density is so high that it can even support martial artists to practice martial arts on only rice.

If the quantity is large and the amount is sufficient, there is no problem if you eat up to the eighth grade, but you will need to switch to other high-precision varieties.

"It looks like the food richness here is not bad." Li Qi watched the growth of crops and made a judgment.

You can see that gray branches are looming on the edge of the field. It is a plant similar to olives. It does not take up much space and is grown for pickling and making food.

There were some shelves set up against the wall, with many fruit vines hanging on them, probably something similar to cucumbers or grapes.

You can see some 'intelligent machines' and 'domesticated beasts' moving forward step by step. These intelligent things are the automated facilities here, and only they can plow this narrow field.

A narrow edge was left for them on the edge of the field, with long grass on it. These grasses would block the path, but there was no way. It was impossible to control what grew in this place. Managing the fields was already very troublesome. These paths were probably really No more energy to care. The terraces are very narrow, and even monsters cannot contain them in many places, so when they see many farmers, they use hoes to plow them, and the dirt they dig out is piled up to build walls, which helps protect the terraces from being washed away when it rains.

To be honest, if it weren't for the cultivation level of everyone here, Li Qi would have thought that he had come to a farming society outside the territory.

"Isn't it interesting? High technology, low performance. Obviously the technical content of these things is not low, and there are even some top-notch techniques developed by the fifth grade, but it shows like this." Changqiao, as a tour guide, talked with Li with great interest Qi introduced the situation here.

"It's indeed interesting." Li Qi said, then stepped on the grass beside the field.

On the edges of the terraces and in the stone corners of the terraces, many weeds and flowers sprouted.

No one came to disturb Changqiao and Li Qi, because Li Qi had the wooden sign hanging on his waist.

"It's very peaceful. Is there no competition for this place? Or is it just because we can't see it?" Li Qi said while sitting on the edge of the field.

"I don't know, it's a trip, why bother with that?" Changqiao didn't care much: "By the way, I said I came here to eat, why are I still sitting on the edge of the field? I'm hungry!"

She urged with her hands on her hips confidently.

Li Qi smiled: "Okay, let's go eat first."

With this in mind, Li Qi and Changqiao left the farmland, entered the city, found a shop, and sat down.

"It's interesting that there is business in a place like this." Li Qi sat on a chair and looked at the city.

Changqiao said: "There are a lot of tourists and tourists. They serve people like you and me. As for the locals, they don't need these."

As a local leader, Changqiao is very familiar with these places.

Li Qi watched the shopkeepers here serve the menu, order dishes, and eat.

The taste was actually good, Changqiao ate with relish, and driven by hunger, Li Qi also thought it was delicious.

Then, they finished eating.


What else can be done?

Li Qi asked Changqiao: "What about after that?"

"After that? There will be nothing after that. This place is only useful for this purpose, right? The selling point is to experience the five senses more deeply, understand?" Changqiao said.

Li Qi frowned.

But he didn't say much.

After that, Li Qi and Changqiao began to travel around the Arctic again.

They arrived from one city to another, from one place to another.

The natural scenery changed again and again.

There are flower fields, forests, canyons, bays, snowfields, and glaciers.

All kinds of scenery make the Arctic look particularly beautiful.


The people living around are not much different.

These stowaways rarely make trouble, they are rational, quiet, like to practice, take root here, and quietly work hard for their future without any big fights.

Their habits are really a bit too docile.

Of course, this may also be because this place is too difficult.

The natural environment is oppressive, and even if the cultivators reach the fifth level, they must rush for daily food. In addition, there is nothing to enjoy here, so even the time here seems to slow down.

The plows slowly move among the remaining tree roots. Li Qi has been here for less than 20 years, but it feels like a long time has passed.

It is hard to imagine that there is such a place in the world.

Changqiao didn't feel bored, but this was mainly because of Li Qi. She was fiddling with her mirage beads every day and filming her travel life with Li Qi.

Li Qi was curious and also watched it. Through their interconnected formation, he could easily log on to their network. Li Qi was surprised to find that his popularity was not low.

Perhaps it was because the "gimmick" was too big. After all, Changqiao's title was: "Challenge the world's first travel with a second-level person, the 26th year!"

Although Li Qi usually doesn't use these popular Internet forums, everyone is obviously very curious about the daily life of a second-level person.

Many things feel different from different perspectives. In Li Qi's view, his past was just a doll, always at the mercy of fate, long-term displacement, encountering obstacles everywhere, and suffering many disasters. However, in the eyes of others, he lived a standard life of Long Aotian.

Many people are very interested in this, and the things Changqiao took satisfied their curiosity. For this reason, she even pulled Li Qi to do several Q\u0026A sessions.

Logically speaking, if you find a second-rank, then asking some questions about cultivation must be the most important, just like inviting an academician, you must ask some academic questions.

But what surprised Li Qi was that most of the questions he asked were about trivial matters in life, and even about his concept of love.

I really don't understand the young people nowadays.

They invited the second-rank to talk, but they were concerned about gossip.

But since Li Qi was here, he naturally had to bite the bullet and answer the questions he selected. Unexpectedly, this made Li Qi more popular, and Changqiao's popularity also increased.

Some people also said that Changqiao and Li Qi were a perfect match, which made Li Qi repeatedly emphasize that he had a wife and even a daughter, and that his daughter was about the same level as Changqiao, and his son-in-law's cultivation was about the same as Changqiao's, and that he was not allowed to spread such groundless things.

However, everyone said that they knew, but what did it matter? The Li Qi in their writings was not Li Qi, and Changqiao was not Changqiao.

Li Qi could not rush to the other party's house and beat them up because of such a thing, although he could do it, but he would not do it.

So, in the past twenty years, Changqiao was very excited, while Li Qi was as calm as ever.

It was just that Li Qi began to feel...

a little "bored".

This did not mean that Li Qi lost his patience, it was only twenty years, not that.

The reason why he felt bored was that he began to find that there was nothing new in the Arctic.

The journey itself could no longer bring him more information, and he felt that he was just going around in circles in the Arctic.

This made Li Qi finally choose to open his eyes, scan the situation of the entire Arctic, and start to make calculations at the same time.

If you can't experience anything, you can only see it yourself.

However, something happened that surprised Li Qi.

The entire Arctic... indeed, it was just as he experienced.

There were no high-quality beings, no special arrangements, and the Arctic was empty. It was said to be the place of the spiritual path, but in fact, no spiritual practitioners were seen.

Without the spread of the Taoism, people's "peace" occupied the vast majority. In such a vast area of ​​the Arctic, there are countless archipelagos, many continents, and ocean water systems interspersed among them, but almost all places are similar.

"Tsk." Li Qi smacked his lips unhappily.

"What's wrong?" Changqiao, who was fiddling with the mirage lens next to him, asked.

"Nothing, I feel that the trip to the Arctic is about to end. I will retreat and keep observing for a while. Let's stop traveling for the time being." Li Qi said.

"Oh..." Changqiao seemed a little frustrated, but he didn't say much, just asked: "Start now?"

"Well, I'm going to start from now on. As for you, you can find something to do yourself or just leave." Li Qi said.

Changqiao felt a little regretful, but he still packed up and left honestly.

And Li Qi began to develop his perception.

Since Lingdao didn't want people to experience it in person, he would just start long-term observation.

Li Qi began to observe the entire North Pole quietly.

Every person, every wind, every cloud, every grass, and even every dust particle were under his monitoring at this moment.

If you can't experience it in person, then take all the information into your eyes.

Soon, Li Qi's observation lasted for more than three hundred years.

During this period, Li Qi focused on one person.


This was the little boy who Li Qi had instructed when he first arrived.

In fact, he didn't instruct anything. Li Qi just said some common sense of cultivation and told him some breathing methods. It's nothing. A fifth-grade cultivator can do the same thing as Li Qi.

The answer to the multiplication formula at this level, whether it is told by an academician or a primary school teacher, makes no difference.

So Li Qi didn't take it seriously.

However, during these three hundred years, Li Qi saw that Beijia seemed to have been looking for Li Qi's traces.

Unlike other people in the Arctic, Beijia was not "peaceful".

He had a very clear purpose and was willing to take action for it. He looked for Li Qi's travel traces everywhere, and trudged all the way to find Li Qi in the dangerous Arctic wilderness.

Li Qi traveled in the Arctic for twenty years, because he and Changqiao could easily cross the dangerous wilderness of the Arctic, but Beijia couldn't do it. Every time he crossed these uninhabited areas, it was a huge adventure.

For this, he made great efforts. Every time he arrived at a place, he asked the locals for records, searched for historical materials, constantly improved his cultivation, and used all the methods he could think of to chase Li Qi's traces.

In this process, his knowledge gradually broadened, and his age gradually increased.

Today, more than three hundred years have passed.

He is still chasing Li Qi's steps.

However, his state of mind seems to have gradually calmed down.

Perhaps... Li Qi has left the Arctic a long time ago?

Thinking of this, Beijia couldn't help but look at his own mess and scars.

What was he chasing after?

In his backpack were many clues about Li Qi, and many legends about him, such as the dragon called Changqiao that had been following Li Qi.

Beijia began to examine his own heart. (End of this chapter)

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