Myriad Paths

Chapter 1037 Taking Away

The Human Emperor Sword is indeed something, and the Desire Realm is actually broken.

Perhaps because of the Human Emperor, the number of second-grade people in the human world is relatively scarce compared to other Taoist sects, and can only rely on the official system to make up for it, but the level of the cardinals of all realms and the Human Emperor Sword is still there, and it is not something that ordinary second-grade people can resist.

But it doesn’t matter, because the first sword has been blocked.

Li Qi has also awakened from the stagnant state and merged into the huge evil thoughts.

Such a deep evil thought made the second-grade people around frown.

I have heard that Li Qi is a demon, but his main identity is still a witch, so I never expected that he could actually control and release these evil spirits.

The next battle is very simple and rough, because it does not involve time and space, but is just a simple magic, skills, and power confrontation, and it does not even involve any disputes about the "Tao".

The time is too short.

The usual battles are mixed with the struggles of time, space and Tao, just like two special forces kings fighting each other. If they are fully prepared, fully armed, and thrown into the jungle battlefield, then this will become a tug-of-war of all skills.

Survival skills, physique, endurance, willpower, knowledge, and various tolerances, such as anti-infection ability to fungi, maintenance of firearms, vigilance, and luck.

This is the battle that Li Qi encounters in normal times. There are too many things to compete on the battlefield of endless time and space. It is almost an all-round confrontation, and every aspect will be tested.

Whether it is a victory or not, it will be a long hunt. The two sides shuttle back and forth in time and space, and they are hunters and prey for each other, and they establish their own advantages from every detail.

And if the battlefield is restricted in a short period of time, and even various things are suppressed, the two sides will fight hand-to-hand on the ring, then there will not be so many fancy competitions.

Each person has a knife, and who is left depends on courage and judgment in an instant.

Warriors are good at dragging opponents from the jungle to the ring.

Therefore, the battle between Li Qi and Guo Zitai at this moment is very similar to a duel between warriors, and the time will be shorter, because it is only fifteen seconds.

How many times did they fight in fifteen seconds?

Li Qi didn't count, and I guess others were too lazy to count.

Because the other second-grade warriors were shocked to see that Li Qi was fighting head-on with Guo Zitai holding the Human Emperor Sword.

No... It can't be considered a head-on confrontation. Li Qi was relying on the devil's thoughts to dodge, and didn't fight head-on.

However, facing the might of the Human Emperor Sword and the slight Tiance General, he was still able to do the behavior of "dodge", which is already amazing.

How deep is this person's background?

How much does he know? How much has he learned?

Why has he never shown it? So low-key?

No, he has shown it, because he once set up a trap and ambushed the devil with his own hands, and also killed the heart devil with his own hands.

He has two second-grade heads in his hand, which is enough to explain a lot of things.

It seems that this person's combat power needs to be re-evaluated.

This man... has become a strong man among the second-rank officials without knowing it. Why is it so fast? And... is the magical power he resisted derived from the "heaven"?

Has he touched the high-level ability of the "heaven"?

Not sure, just suspected.

Fifteen seconds passed quickly.

Li Qi panted and wiped his sweat.

Guo Zitai stayed where he was. He was overwhelmed by the power of his official position. Even if he forcibly borrowed the power of the general of Tiance, he could only exert less than one ten-thousandth of it.

Is this the first-rank official position...

The three officials do not have official positions. They are all real first-rank officials.

And the pressure of the first-rank official position of the general of Tiance is not something that the second-rank can bear.

In fact, what Guo Zitai used to suppress Li Qi was only to borrow the status of the general of Tiance to operate the human emperor sword, but Li Qi almost didn't last even fifteen seconds.

The human emperor sword... is really powerful, fortunately it is just a magic weapon.

There are two types of high-quality magic weapons. One type is completely indistinguishable from a cultivator, such as Yang Zhenqian. They are truly spirits, just like stones.

The second type is the Jiejiu Jiejiu and Renhuang Sword. They still retain some of the characteristics of magic weapons, or in other words, this is also part of their "Tao", so in the absence of a sufficiently qualified user, their power will still be reduced.

The Renhuang Sword can exert great power when held by the Renhuang, and can even provide sufficient support in the first-grade war. All these abilities are obtained after completely eliminating versatility and autonomy.

When the Renhuang Sword was first born, it existed as a ritual vessel of the Renhuang, just like the Cardinals of the Realms. It belongs to a special type of second-grade. They have almost no possibility of cultivation and progress, and they also have huge limitations.

This limitation makes the Cardinals of the Realms free from time and space, and they are oppressed by the possibilities of the entire universe. They cannot perform any form of action, and can only observe and send basic messages. This kind of message sending is not even unlimited, and it also requires a "base station" that is similar to a tentacle as a carrier.

The same is true for the Human Emperor Sword.

Guo Zitai has been crushed by the power of his official position, and his consciousness is probably destroyed. Although there is no "death" for beings above the third rank, there is only a state of closed possibilities, but at this point, it is even more terrifying than the death of ordinary people.

The death of ordinary people is nothing more than the extinction of the body and soul. Although the third and second rank people cannot perish because of the existence of their original bodies, they are more terrible than death because they can never escape the cage of possibility.

The brain is destroyed, only the body is alive, and the vegetative person is locked in a ten-layer iron coffin, and then sinks into the depths of the sea. This is probably the state.

But... the Human Emperor Sword is really powerful.

Li Qi took a look at the broken Desire Realm. Fortunately, he has a treasure comparable to the Human Emperor Sword.

Fortunately, it is only fifteen seconds.

If it is more than twenty seconds, it will really go wrong.

Speaking of which, it will be a hassle to repair it later, but... it can be regarded as a good thing.

Li Qi can't destroy the Desire Realm by himself. This thing is really powerful.

But the Human Emperor Sword cut through the Desire Realm, which means that he can see the structure deeper.

As for the repair later, we can think of a way. Besides, even if we don't repair it, the Desire Realm will slowly recover by itself. At worst, we can go to the Golden Monkey and blow it up directly, and new Desire Realm seeds will explode, just like last time.

Last time, the Golden Monkey smashed the Desire Realm with a stick, but the Desire Realm seeds exploded in the Desire Realm, and Wu Xian replanted them with the help of Li Qi.

It is the same now, so Li Qi is not worried about the Desire Realm. This is the body of a former first-class person, and it is perfect for blocking the knife.

After wiping his sweat, Li Qi looked at the Human Emperor Sword over there.

If the Desire Realm is like this, then the Human Emperor Sword is similar.

It floats in that place as always, but the tip of the sword feels a little helpless.

Li Qi doesn't know how he saw the expression of "helplessness" from a sword, but he does have such a feeling.

"You look calm. Do you know that we can't do anything to you? Or are you helpless about his death?" Li Qi walked forward and said to the Human Emperor Sword.

The Human Emperor Sword did not remain silent, but answered Li Qi: "The reason why those who dare to die are noble is not because it is difficult to die, but because they can accomplish things. If death can accomplish things, then what is the difficulty of death? If death is not enough to accomplish things, how can you be willing to die lightly?"

"Guo Zitai dared to die, but he couldn't accomplish anything. He died in vain. It was meaningless. I just sighed at this point."

Li Qi sighed and said: "It's meaningless? Not necessarily. You said he didn't accomplish anything, but the matter has been accomplished. With his death, the focus is not the abduction of the Human Emperor, but the bad behavior of us barbarians."

"The matter has changed from the shame of humanity to the sadness of humanity. With his death, the nature of the abduction of the remains of the Human Emperor has changed."

"As for whether it is more important to change the nature of the matter or the combat power of a second-grade is more important, it depends on one's opinion."

What do you want to get? What is the price? These are the answers drawn from everyone's Tao, and others cannot answer them. The wisdom of the second grade is enough to distinguish the pros and cons, but the choices made are still different, because the Tao is different.

In the same situation, everyone made different choices. This is not because they are stupid, not because they can't see the situation clearly, but because they know they have to do it.

If interests are paramount from beginning to end, then all the powerful people will only make one choice, and they will never make the wrong choice. Their wisdom is enough to make them realize the true interests.

But it is obviously not the case.

Sometimes, even if it is a great opportunity, you can make way for it. The so-called great opportunity is just an opportunity for verification and cannot replace the Tao itself.

Li Qi walked forward, his hand had already touched the hilt of the Human Emperor Sword.

Then he pulled his hand away violently, but saw that his palm had been broken, and an incredible sword energy was attacking him.

Li Qi's arm simply fell off, cutting off the connection with his body.

The sword energy was still rising, until the whole arm was crushed into dust, which was smaller than the smallest particle, and it was close to the limit of "infinite divisibility".

In terms of visual effect, it turned into powder that would scatter with the wind.

"I really can't pick it up, but you can't move it either, so I'll take it away." Li Qi put his hand on the Human Emperor's coffin and glanced at the other second-grade masters behind him.

The other second-grade masters stood far away and had no intention of competing with Li Qi.

Li Qi and Guo Zitai, who was holding the Human Emperor Sword, had a head-on melee, which showed that he was qualified to take the Human Emperor's coffin. Others would not compete with him for it.

Unless they also wanted to fight Li Qi.

But Li Qi had no Taoist injuries on his body, and he had almost recovered his energy. The previous losses had almost been made up. Except for the broken desire realm, he was completely in his prime.

This is also a common situation when powerful people fight.

In most cases, they are either dying or full of blood and full status.

It is rare to encounter a situation where the enemy is at low health but still has the strength to fight, because theoretically, if they still have the strength to fight, it means that they have enough margin to fully recover their status.

Just like Li Qi is now.

Carrying the coffin of the emperor, Li Qi is ready to retreat.

He is too lazy to care about the things that happened later, and he doesn't care about the attitude of humanity.

Apart from this, he has no other pursuit of humanity.

Carrying the coffin, he is ready to walk to the gate of the emperor's palace, and then teleport directly back to Xuanjing Mountain.

Because the Human Emperor Palace is still suppressed by the Human Emperor Sword, it is not easy to teleport. Here, the space-time ability must first overcome the suppression brought by the Human Emperor Sword and the cardinals of all realms.

Instead of fighting with them, it is better to take two steps and go out and everything will be fine.

However, just when he was halfway there and was about to leave, he saw a fifth-grade among the mortals killed by other second-grades in the pile of corpses outside.

That is... Liu Canzhi.


Confirm it.

Tracing the cause and effect, and calculating his life.

Yes, it is Liu Canzhi.

He joined the Jiafang Bureau in the Human-Witch War. After that, he was responsible for manufacturing equipment and protective gear through his creation ability, and then gradually grew up.

After that, he married a wife, had children, and gradually embarked on the journey of cultivation, gradually changing from that playboy to a mature and stable middle-aged man.

Although there was a big gap between him and his father and brother, he was not impatient, doing what he could, and persisting in learning and progress every day.

In the end, he lived until the end of the Human-Witch War and was promoted to the fifth grade.

Looking at him now, he could not see the dissolute look of his youth who liked to wear pink robes and wear flowers on his hair. What could be seen was a dedicated, humble and polite craftsman, who only occasionally spoke a few flowery words.

However, in today's battle, his body was seen.

Li Qi looked at him twice, but did not say anything, and continued to carry the coffin and walked away.

Different paths are bound to be divided, not to mention that he and Liu Canzhi are no longer at the level of "different paths". Liu Canzhi could not even understand what Li Qi was chasing.


That's fine.

Li Qi turned and left, walking out of the palace under many eyes.

With the observation ability of the second rank, probably the second rank who invested in the battle could know that the human emperor's coffin was taken away by him, just as Li Qi could see the results of other people's battles.

The cardinals of various realms were fighting, and the war was stalemate.

The Fengshan ruins of Mount Tai were being robbed.

The real dragons were robbing the waterway, and there was chaos on the river map.

I heard that when the relationship between humanity and the real dragons was good, the dragons would go through the human way when they went out of water. Later, humanity did not allow the dragons to go out of water. Anyone who went out of water and caused a flood was killed, and many dragon gates were directly cut off.

Now the real dragons are robbing these waterways. If the real dragons succeed, it seems that the human water transport will be out of control from now on, and the real dragons will have more power.

You can also see the civil war of the witches and shamans. The witches and shamans of the Chongli clan and the witches and shamans of the Wushen Mountain are fighting internally, as if they are cleaning up the house.

However, there is no result yet, and Li Qi is the one who got the result the fastest.

After all, it has only been more than ten seconds.

Walked out of the palace and took a look at the Imperial College.

There was also a fight in the Imperial College, and the Imperial College priest was fighting with the invaders.

Chang'an was a mess.

The demons also invaded.

Oh, the last time the demons invaded with people, was it also the time when the human emperor was about to die?

Li Qi was thoughtful, and then returned to Xuanjing Mountain.

The death of the Human Emperor ended here for him.

However, it is possible to see what happened inside the human world.

(It's the end of the month, please vote for me, or it will expire if I don't vote.)

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