Myriad Paths

Chapter 990: Original Heart and Nature

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva looked at Li Qi and suddenly began to preach.

He talks about different states of 'body'.

This is true for all living beings.

Everyone has a complex and colorful inner world, but he may not be aware of it. Whoever wants to realize this must make up his mind to regard this "consciousness" as various parts and components of himself. Aspects, different aspects, in fact, these aspects can be regarded as a single person.

Just like Li Qi,

If you observe Li Qi in this way, you will see various lives, such as Zhou Fang, Zuo Zuo, and all other characters. They themselves are a single entity, but they synthesize another mysterious existence.

This higher-level mysterious existence hinted at the true nature of 'Li Qi'.

A single, flat personality cannot do this.

Some people would think that with so many chaotic personalities, the mind would be overcrowded.

After all, a person has only one body, but there are not only two or five souls inside, but countless souls.

But in fact, a person is an onion made of thousands of layers of skin, a fabric made of countless lines.

So many threads are woven into a piece of clothing, so which thread is the ‘body’ of the garment? Right?

Mortals think that one chest cannot hold two souls, and two souls in one chest will definitely tear the chest apart.

In fact, it's just the opposite. There are too few two souls. It would be terribly wrong to use such a simple model to understand one's own soul.

Doubling those dual personalities and making an already very complex personality even more complex will not narrow your world or simplify the human soul. On the contrary, people need to fit more and more of the world, or even the whole world, into you. in the soul.

This will lead many mortals to kill their own nature.

Imagine a garden filled with countless trees, flowers, fruit trees, and wild grasses.

And now there is a gardener in the garden who has no knowledge of plants other than the ability to distinguish "edible plants" from "weeds."

So can this able to handle this garden?

Obviously, no, he doesn't even know what to do with at least 90% of the plants in the garden.

He will unknowingly pull out the most charming flowers and cut down the most precious trees, because he does not understand, so he despises them.

And mortals treat the thousands of flowers in their souls in the same way. Anything that they cannot understand, they turn a blind eye to, or simply cut down.

This will make people extremely painful and make them feel that their own nature has been suppressed, but they don't even know what they are suppressing...

Nature, original heart...why are you looking for it?

Isn’t that right in front of you? The garden is there, why do we have to find one flower to represent the entire garden? Call that flower ‘original heart’?

the reason is simple.

Because it's convenient.

The Wildlife Conservation Society protects many things, but their symbol is a panda, because the panda expresses their vision in the simplest, clearest and most brutal way.

The same is true for mortals and even the world.

They want to abbreviate the world and condense everything into "one". This is a simple aesthetic. As long as "one" is found, everything will be under control.

But that's not necessary, is it?

This world is contradictory, and perhaps there is no "one" at all. Accept the contradictions of all things, accept your own contradictions, and accommodate them in the state of "fragments" or "thirty-three bodies".

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is still preaching.

In the sound, clarity was oscillating. This sound was something like time solidified into space, and a superhuman clarity enveloped it endlessly.

"Bodhisattva's solemn Dharma should never be forgotten or lost, and the mind should always recall it without interruption."

"When Mahasattva practices various practices for countless kalpas, he will never annoy or disturb any sentient being or cause him to lose his mindfulness; he will not destroy the righteous Dharma, continue to have good roots, and his mind will always grow in vast wisdom. Again, this Bodhisattva-Mahasattva will not be confused by all kinds of sounds. , so-called: loud sounds, rough sounds, extremely frightening sounds, pleasant sounds, unpleasant sounds, noisy sounds to the ears, and depressing sounds."

"If I hear such countless sounds of likes and dislikes, if they fill the world of Asamkhya, my mind will not be distracted even once. It is said that: the mindfulness will not be disturbed, the state will not be disturbed, the samadhi will not be disturbed, the Dharma will not be disturbed when entering the deep, the bodhicitta will not be disturbed, and the enlightenment will be undisturbed. The mind of Bodhi is not disturbed, the recollection of Buddhas is not disturbed, the view of the true Dharma is not disturbed, the wisdom of transforming sentient beings is not disturbed, the wisdom of purifying sentient beings is not disturbed, the profound meaning of determination is not disturbed, and there is no obstruction of bad karma, and there is no trouble. , there are no troubles and obstacles; because you don’t look down on the Dharma, there are no obstacles to the Dharma; because you don’t slander the Dharma, there are no obstacles to retribution. As mentioned above, no other sounds can disturb you.”

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva speaks the Dharma like this.

Li Qi frowned slightly when he heard this: "Why can't you disturb me? If you don't accept these many voices, how will you accept this world?"

After listening to the other party's 'Dharma', Li Qi discovered that although he and Guanyin Bodhisattva had the same understanding of the structure of the world, they had completely different ways of dealing with it.

Avalokitesvara attempts to transcend these ‘fragments’.

Li Qize, like Taiyi, accepted these ‘fragments’.

"Li Qi, did you come here today to talk to me about the Dharma?" Guanshiyin Bodhisattva said.

Hearing this, Li Qi chuckled lightly.

Then, he also stopped talking and said: "Then let's get down to business, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, I want to use your power to destroy demons."

"Okay." Guanyin Bodhisattva was very straightforward and agreed directly.

"So soon? I heard that you seem to have cooperation with humanity... Humanity wants to unite the three religions, you should be involved, right?" Li Qi was surprised.

This is too straightforward.

"Yes, I am involved." Guanyin Bodhisattva did not fool around, in fact, there is no need to fool around now.

A simple and easy-to-understand dialogue will do, it is stupid to be mysterious.

"So... you have joined the human plan and want to destroy the demons?" Li Qi asked again.

"So what?" Guanyin Bodhisattva said.

"That's right." Li Qi nodded slightly, and then said: "So, it's settled, Bodhisattva?"

"There is another thing I should tell you, that is, compared to us, you have a good ally to choose."



Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly said a name that Li Qi almost forgot.

Xiantian, the wild beast.

Unruly, unruly, intimidating, and a super wild beast who thinks nothing but to survive.

"He... uh, he should be an ally of Wu Dao now, but I don't know what he did. In the war between humans and witches, did Xiantian do anything?" Li Qi asked Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"He stopped the real immortal of Xianshi Sect, but it can't be said that he stopped him. As long as he exists, he can restrain the opponent's first-grade." Guanyin Bodhisattva said.

Li Qi could only smile bitterly.

It really seems like what Xiantian would do.

"Then... what can I use to convince a first-grade?" Li Qi asked.

Xiantian is a natural first-grade after all.

There are only a few natural first-grade in the entire universe, Haotian, Hehua Zizai Tian, ​​Xiantian.

What they have in common is that they are the incarnation of "phenomenon" or "Tao".

"Xiantian is easy to convince because he has always had a weakness." Guanyin Bodhisattva directly began to tell the secret.

At this point, he showed his true body.

Guanyin Bodhisattva has no gender preference. Male and female bodies are just a kind of his response body, and his true body is more mysterious and complex.

This mysterious and complex composition can record many secrets, and only in this way can the history that cannot be tampered with be recorded.

Observing the body of a powerful person is always the simplest and most direct way to obtain knowledge.

It just requires that the observer himself must be qualified, otherwise he will die if he looks directly at the body of the powerful person.

Li Qi carefully looked at the body of Guanyin Bodhisattva, which was engraved with things about Xiantian.

He gradually understood everything.

Xiantian is a very strange existence. The body of Xiantian existed before the birth of the consciousness of "Xiantian", and then his personality and thinking appeared.

Unlike Haotian, Xiantian's thinking is not complicated at all, and it can even be said to be very simple. Let alone the first grade, he can't even think about the fifth grade. He needs to rely on raising mortals in his body, let those mortals practice to the fifth grade, and then he directly uses their practice results.

This is also in line with everything that Xiantian showed at the beginning.

Li Qi was almost eaten by Xiantian when he was in Xiantian, and the reason why Xiantian ate people was to obtain their accumulated knowledge and make them "harmony". (For details, see Chapter 681)

In terms of his own thoughts, Xiantian may only be similar to a mortal of the ninth rank.

But he was born as a mortal of the first rank, with unparalleled status and power.

This contrast brought a consequence.

Xiantian is the personification of a certain "Tao". As far as his personality itself is concerned, there is nothing special. Even if this personality is eliminated, the "Tao" itself will not change at all. That is why Xiantian has a sense of crisis and wants to survive.

Xiantian's position is not stable. Compared with other first-rank people, he is very likely to die.

It is very simple to erase Xiantian's "personality". To be precise, "Xiantian" is just an administrator, not the real master.

And Li Qi also saw some other things.

For example...from the perspective of Guanyin Bodhisattva, this game started when Li Qi was born. The goal of the human and demon ways from the beginning was to swallow up the Buddha Kingdom.

Li Qi was created by the demon beside the Lishui River, entered the witch way, went to Chang'an, went to the sun and moon road in Luofu Mountain, and guided Li Qi to trigger the war between humans and witches. All of these were arrangements behind the scenes.

The human way does need the Sun and Moon Road. The Sun and Moon Road is related to two major events, one is the establishment of the ‘Ecliptic Road’, and the other is the life span of the Human Emperor.

But the human way used this as bait to lure Wushen Mountain into the game, and with the help of Li Qi and the Demon Prince, the two chess pieces, finally completed the secrets of itself and the Demon Way.

On the Demon Way side, the dead demons were resurrected, the Heavenly Demons escaped, and the entire Demon Way prospered.

The human way devoured the Buddhist heritage and tried to integrate the three religions. The Sun and Moon Road was not consumed, and it can even be said that it was only temporarily stored on the side of the witch, which was also a big profit.

The witches got the Desire Realm and harvested Li Qi, a new second-grade, who was also a super genius cultivated by the Heavenly Demon with countless resources. The Sun and Moon Road is still in their hands. They only need to wait for a second-grade witch to successfully master the Sun and Moon Road, and a new first-grade will appear to influence the situation, which is not a big loss.

Only the Buddhist sect suffered the biggest loss, but... is it really a loss?

The transcendence of the Tathagata, and the two "Buddhas" that were mentioned later, the Huaguang Tathagata that Shariputra would achieve in the future, the ending of the Buddha's sons, and the disappearance of the four first-class Buddhists, may not be approaching another ending...

The original Buddhist path could not reach the result that all beings are Buddhas, because Buddha is not oneself, Buddha is the Tathagata, and now... the Tathagata has perished, who else can Buddha be?

This depends on future developments.

In general, it seems that everyone... has not lost?

Perhaps this is also the power of the first-class, never lose, just look at what you want to earn.

Of course, it may also be simply hard-mouthed.

And Li Qi, after seeing all this, he also realized what Guanyin Bodhisattva wanted to tell him.

He looked at the Bodhisattva and said, "So... Xiantian does not have the ability that other first-class people have, and he is very timid, so-"

"So, you are a high-level witch, how to persuade him is your business, but what I can tell you is this, so when do we act now? It takes a lot of things to destroy the demon, right?" Guanyin Bodhisattva said.

"Please use your magical power, Bodhisattva, to monitor the magic dream city of the entire universe, and then respond to those with these marks." Li Qi cast a spell, which had the mark of Qidian.

Guanyin Bodhisattva can observe all the sounds in the world. This is her great magical power. No matter where you are, as long as you recite her name, you can hear it.

With him, it's like having a super large service terminal. The people of Qidian can get the support of a second-grade at any time and anywhere, which can be said to be invincible.

"Okay, let's do it." Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded and agreed.

The topic ended, and the two left.

Many members of Qidian received the message at this moment. Those who were in a bitter battle and were busy running around, these people who were selected by Li Qi for their ideals, all realized that they were being watched by some power at this moment.

From now on, their prayers can really be answered.

When they are in desperate situations, they will really encounter things like "divine power from heaven".

According to legend, many "saints" can guide miracles to come by calling the name of God, do things like opening the sea, and finally reverse the situation.

Now, everyone in Qidian has become this kind of saint.

If there is no corresponding second-grade to take action, it is almost impossible for many members of Qidian to lose in the same level.

Then the progress of eradicating Dream City has taken another step forward.

And Li Qi is ready to find another helper for himself according to the advice of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Xiantian. (End of this chapter)

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