Mysterious recovery: I have two ways to become a god

Chapter 94 Conflict gradually arises

Taking the e-liquid, Zhao Jianguo showed a rare embarrassment on his face: "I'm sorry to trouble you during this time."

"It's no trouble at all," Wang Xiaoming said calmly, "I'm also a member of the headquarters, I'm just doing what I can."

"What the professor said is that I was wrong."

Zhao Jianguo calmed down and continued: "The international situation has been a bit chaotic recently, and there are some dangers outside. Professor must not leave the headquarters during this time."

"What happened again?" Wang Xiaoming frowned.

"Regarding the supernatural gunpowder, the fifth ministry officially gave a response," Zhao Jianguo said, "rejecting the cooperation application of Delian and Jianguo."

"The fifth part gave out the results so quickly?" Wang Xiaoming was a little surprised, "I thought it would take a while."

"Actually, this matter has something to do with the ghost controller of Xiaoyue Kingdom yesterday. The headquarters has found out why Zhang Wencheng attacked and killed Zuo Wei, the person in charge of Dakun City."

Zhao Jianguo explained: “When the headquarters suppressed the Sun Moon God Sect some time ago, they killed many foreign ghost masters who joined the God Sect, including Zhang Wencheng’s only relative.

Zhang Wencheng attacked Zuo Wei in order to retaliate against the headquarters. By the way, Zuo Wei also participated in the mission of wiping out the Sun Moon God Sect. It was probably for this reason that Zhang Wencheng was targeted. "

Cao Yang interjected: "The whole incident is too reasonable, but if you look closely, you will find many unexplainable things."

Zhao Jianguo glared at Cao Yang and continued: "According to our investigation, Zhang Wencheng has not been a ghost controller for a long time, has not joined any force, and is at most an ordinary ghost controller.

Even if it were a sneak attack on Zuo Wei, it would not prevent Zuo Wei from being able to send out a distress message.

And when we checked the ghost on Zhang Wencheng afterwards, we found that he actually carried a supernatural weapon, which was specifically designed to target the spiritual consciousness of the ghost controller. Generally, ghost controllers cannot survive a face-to-face encounter.

Such a targeted supernatural weapon is not something that an ordinary ghost controller can come up with. "

"Because there were many doubts about this matter, the headquarters directly contacted the Xiaoyue government to obtain information. Finally, we caught the tail of some of the forces behind it, and we were sure that someone was behind it."

"In view of the fact that this incident happened at this critical period, the Fifth Ministry suspects that behind Zhang Wencheng is Delian and Jianguo, so the higher-ups are not prepared to compromise with them."

After listening to Zhao Jianguo's explanation, Wang Xiaoming roughly understood the current situation.

Wubu obviously didn't want to trade the supernatural gunpowder, but facing the other two major powers in the world, Wubu couldn't refuse directly and could only put on a show of negotiation.

Now that the person in charge of Dakun City was assassinated, and the headquarters found out that there was a big force behind it, the Fifth Department simply stopped pretending, and used the incident as an excuse to show off directly and refuse to cooperate.

It may also be that they found that procrastination like this could not stop the temptations of Delian and Jianguo, so the five departments showed their cards and decided on Hard Steel.

But no matter what, after all, it is the subordinates who see the truth.

Wang Xiaoming sensed the number of completely destroyed ghost exorcism ringtones and found that he had accumulated fifteen copies in the past few days.

So he restored these fifteen copies and passed them to Zhao Jianguo.

"This is the recently damaged ghost exorcism ringtone. I have restored it. I think you will need it next."

Zhao Jianguo smiled and nodded: "Professor gave these ghost exorcism ringtones very timely. The headquarters will use them when there is an operation."

While he was talking, Wang Xiaoming's phone rang. It was Kuye Ligui No. 1 who had arrived.

Seeing this, Zhao Jianguo and Cao Yang said goodbye and left without disturbing them.

The person who came to deliver the goods was a young soldier. Wang Xiaoming had met him in Warehouse No. 1. After signing and handing over the goods, the young soldier handed over a silver suitcase.

Return to the laboratory and open the suitcase to reveal a flat gold box.

Because the Leaf Demon was only the size of a palm, it was only imprisoned in a small, sealed gold box this time.

After getting the gold box, Wang Xiaoming took the ritual materials, entered the unmonitored lounge again, summoned the gate of virtualization, and threw the sealed gold box in.

When the transmission ends, the illusory door disappears.

The leaf ghost was transported to the wilderness of knowledge.


Wang Xiaoming walked four steps in the open space and recited prayers silently. His spirit body instantly separated from his physical body and came to the wilderness of knowledge.

In the black tower at the core of the wilderness, a golden box is rising and falling in the light and mist.

With a thought from Wang Xiaoming, the golden box was opened instantly, and the purple-black leaves were exposed.

There was no wind, and the leaves seemed to feel the gaze, and began to shake in the direction of Wang Xiaoming, and the ghost began to release its power.

in a blink,

The surrounding environment changed, the leaves disappeared, the black tower disappeared, and even the wilderness of knowledge disappeared. Wang Xiaoming found himself in a dark forest with lush foliage.


Wang Xiaoming frowned slightly and mobilized the power of the wilderness of knowledge.

Before the dark forest scene stabilized, it was forcibly dispersed, and the original scene returned to the scene before the eyes. The purple-black leaves seemed to have become a little wilted due to lack of water.

Wang Xiaoming looked again and saw that the purple-black leaves had no reaction. He could easily see the purple-black veins on the leaves.

A casual appraisal confirmed that the Leaf Specter was in a state of panic.

It's just that the peeping eyes still can't see the leaf ghost clearly. Obviously, even in a dead state, the ghost still has certain instincts.

Wang Xiaoming didn't care about this either. What he was interested in was the leaf ghost's blinding ability.

The change in the environment just now was due to the fact that after the leaf ghost sensed the gaze, it instinctively used the blinding ability to block the line of sight, making people unable to see the true appearance of things.

This ability is exactly the opposite of the Eye of Secrets, which is also the main reason why Wang Xiaoming controls the leaf ghost.

Putting the purple-black leaves and other ghosts together, Wang Xiaoming returned to the real world.

He began to mobilize the ability of leaf ghosts through the wilderness of knowledge and study the nature of this ghost ability.

The killing rule of the leaf ghost is to see it. When you see the ghost, you have been marked by the ghost.

After a simple exploration, Wang Xiaoming quickly determined Li Gui's ability to sense sight and control senses.

When using the ability of the Leaf Ghost, he can sense the sight of others looking at him, and can control the other person's senses through his sight.

Sight is the medium for leaf ghosts.

After figuring out the ability of the leaf ghost, Wang Xiaoming began to try to use the blinding ability to shield the eyes of secrets.

But it's obviously not that easy. The Eye of Secrets itself is a special ability he gained after being promoted to a wizard, and it's not like he has grown another pair of eyes.

Since possessing the Eye of Peeping Secrets, the world in his eyes seems to be divided into two layers, one is the world in the eyes of the naked eye, and the other is the world in the eyes of Peeping Secrets.

When he shields his eyes to see secrets, he will also shield the world from his naked eyes, which is equivalent to him becoming a blind man.

After all, the ability of the Leaf Ghost is an external force and cannot be controlled carefully.

But he soon came up with inspiration, and thought of No. 1 Library and the time when the Leaf Ghost was on the verge of death. When he looked at the Leaf Ghost, only his Secret Eyes were affected.

Based on this inspiration, Wang Xiaoming improved the method and after a few simple experiments, he successfully developed the method of closing the eye of secrets.

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