Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1267 Wang Xiaoming goes offline

Human skin is not a supernatural object, but a person?

Yang Jian was surprised when such words came out of Wang Xiaoming's mouth.

There is no way a piece of weird human skin can be linked to a person's identity.

"You think the human skin paper is a person, so what's your reason?" Yang Jian's eyes narrowed and he continued to ask.

Wang Xiaoming said: "First of all, you have entered a misunderstanding. In the supernatural circle, the definition of a person has been blurred. What kind of existence do you think can be regarded as a person? A living body? An independent consciousness? Only if the two are combined into one can it be considered a person? If you are alone, are you a human being or a ghost now?"

"After all, your current physical condition is no different from a dead person, but you are still alive, aren't you?"

"Human skin may be a supernatural object, but it may also be a certain person. There is no conflict between the two."

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, and he quickly understood Wang Xiaoming's words: "So the human skin is a ghost controller who exists in the form of human skin? Human skin is like the body, and the writing on it is consciousness, but it is not in human form. way to exist.”

"Yes, but this is only the first level of definition." Wang Xiaoming said.

"The first level of definition? Is there a second level?" Yang Jian asked.

Wang Xiaoming continued: "After you accept the first level of definition and abandon the concept that the human form is a human being, then the second level concept is that when the thinking of a living person is constantly affected by the supernatural, the individual's behavior will also change. Changes, over time, its behavior becomes more like a ghost, so is it a human or a ghost?"

"The consciousness of a living person, the behavior of a ghost? Do you judge people by their consciousness or their actions?" Yang Jian frowned.

"You summed it up well. I personally think that a person is a human if he behaves like a human, even if this person does not exist in a human form. If a person has always maintained the behavior of a ghost, even if he has the characteristics of a human, In terms of thinking mode, I still think it is a ghost, and the human skin you want to explore, it is the latter."

"To put it simply, it is a conscious person, but it behaves like a ghost and is a very dangerous existence." Wang Xiaoming said.

Yang Jian narrowed his eyes slightly: "So, this is the secret of human skin paper? A ghost controller who exists in the form of human skin, but is too deeply eroded by the supernatural and behaves more like a fierce ghost."

"Is such that."

Wang Xiaoming said: "This should not be difficult for you to understand. Li Jun is a good example. Although he died, Ahong drew him. Although he was a ghost, he still upheld Li Jun's values." Behavioral philosophy, so we still define it as a person.”

"Actually, if we really want to judge, Li Jun is a ghost, because there is no trace of human characteristics in him. The human skin paper is just the opposite case of Li Jun. The only difference is that it contains information about the future. Supernatural power.”

"That kind of prediction and prediction is very accurate, and it lasts for a long time. It's not just minutes or hours, but months, even a year, or two years. If you can make good use of it, you can control the future. "

Yang Jian was thinking rapidly in his mind at this moment.

He recalled all the signs on the human skin paper before.


The human skin paper seems to have a living consciousness, it can be threatened by it, and it can also tell some upcoming futures, but that future is not certain, but a speculation, and you can change it.

"So, who is the human skin paper? Who was he before his death." Yang Jian continued to ask.

Wang Xiaoming coughed lightly at this moment: "I don't know, maybe he is a person who failed to control the ghosts, maybe he was a ghost controller during the Republic of China, maybe he was a survivor who survived in a special way against the ghosts. The identity is unknown. What’s important, what’s important is that you know its current identity.”

"It's very interesting. I have a hunch that you will need it soon. After all, the ghost lake's supernatural powers are not easy to steal. Your body won't last long. If there is no other way, you need the human skin paper. You figure out a way to survive."

"So, be sure to keep it and don't feed it to your little starving devil."

Yang Jian said: "Its idea is very likely to kill me."

"It's just possible. As long as it follows the behavior of ghosts, it's difficult for it to tell lies, because ghosts follow the rules and lying goes against the rules. Therefore, its content must be true. At most, it just conceals a few key points. It’s just information.” Wang Xiaoming said.

"Your guess is very good." Yang Jian nodded.

Human skin paper is indeed like this. There are no lies. It just hides key information and deceives you unintentionally. But if you can detect it, you can get away with it.

"Since you are satisfied with the answer, we have completed this transaction, right?" Wang Xiaoming said.

Yang Jian said: "That's right. Your answer gave me a lot of inspiration, but I still need to confirm it."

"Then we should talk about the second thing."

Wang Xiaoming came over controlling the electric wheelchair.

"What's going on? It's about the captain's meeting, or the death of the person in charge, Gao Ming." Yang Jian said.

Wang Xiaoming said: "No, it's about my brother Wang Xiaoqiang."

"Your brother Wang Xiaoqiang?" Yang Jian's eyes narrowed.

next moment.


A gunshot suddenly rang out, echoing in this old community.

"what's the situation."

Shen Liang, who was paying attention not far away, heard the movement and immediately rushed over with his people.

His eyes narrowed and he saw the shooter.

It was Wang Xiaoming who was sitting in a wheelchair, and the target of the shooting was Yang Jian who was standing opposite him.

A bullet hole accurately appeared on Yang Jian's forehead, but what seeped out of the bullet hole was not blood, but gurgling cold lake water.


Then, a second gunshot rang out.

Yang Jian was hit again.

But soon, the third and fourth shots were fired in succession, and seven shots were fired. Each shot hit Yang Jian, and none of them missed.

After seven shots, Wang Xiaoming stopped.

Because the bullets were used up.

Yang Jian's face was calm. Even if he was shot seven times, he still stood firm and unmoved. He just asked: "What does this mean?"

"You know, my brother and I used to live in this community."

Wang Xiaoming gasped, and his hand holding the gun was trembling, because his body could no longer support it, and he could hardly even shoot.

"There were many children in the community at that time, and my brother was often bullied by other children, but every time I would support him and help him teach other children. Maybe it was because I took good care of him that he became rebellious when he grew up. , immature, often getting into trouble.”

"The last time I got into trouble, I failed to help him, and then he was killed by you, but I am still his brother, so I always want to avenge him, ahem."

He coughed violently, bursting out the emotions and hatred he had suppressed for a long time.

"Actually, I have many opportunities to kill you, but I can't do that because reason tells me that my brother is a criminal and he deserves his death. Moreover, you are a very important ghost controller in the headquarters. I can't do it because of personal hatred. Go kill a top ghost master."

"If you live, many people will live. If you die, many people will die."

"So I have been waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity for you to betray the headquarters, make mistakes, and fall. In that case, I can kill you openly and avenge my brother."

Wang Xiaoming tightly held the gun that had been empty of bullets. Veins popped up on his pale palms, and he was very excited inside.

"But I can't wait any longer. My life is coming to an end. Today is my last chance for revenge. I don't want to leave with regrets."

"So that's it. If you're going to do it, at least you need golden bullets instead of ordinary bullets."

Yang Jian opened his palm, and seven bullets appeared on his palm. Then he shook it gently and threw it on the ground. At the same time, the bullet holes on his body healed quickly, and he soon returned to his original state.

Wang Xiaoming forced out a smile and said, "The results are the same, aren't they?"

"That's right. In addition, I want to ask you a question, does I, the law enforcement captain, count?" Yang Jian said.

"It counts, it counts at any time." Wang Xiaoming nodded and said seriously.

Then, Yang Jian turned to say: "Shen Liang, if someone attacks a law enforcement captain, how should we deal with it according to the rules of the headquarters?"

Shen Liang's face changed slightly and he hesitated, not knowing how to answer.

"Say." Yang Jian shouted.

"If you hold a gun and attack a law enforcement captain, according to the rules of the headquarters, you should be killed."

Shen Liang gritted his teeth and said, his heart trembling slightly. Can't believe that something like this happened, Wang Xiaoming actually made a move on Yang Jian.

This is a big deal.

"Very good." Yang Jian said.

Then a pool of water appeared at his feet, bubbling.

A golden cracked spear floated up from the water. Yang Jian grabbed it and turned it in mid-air. He used the back of the inlaid hatchet to face Wang Xiaoming. This side was not supernatural, but gold and metal. Although The back of the knife is a little thick, but it is enough for ordinary people.

"Let me take you on your way." Yang Jian said.

"Sorry to trouble you." Wang Xiaoming smiled, showing an expression of relief.

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a whistling sound in his ears.

No pain.

Wang Xiaoming immediately felt dizzy.

A head instantly detached itself from the neck and rolled down.

Hot blood spattered, staining the thin and pale body in the wheelchair red.

"Yang Jian, stop"

Shen Liang rushed over at this moment, threw himself on Yang Jian, grabbed his arm, and tried to stop the falling knife.

But it's too late.

Yang Jian didn't hesitate at all and killed Wang Xiaoming.

Shen Liang froze on the spot, with a look of shock on his face: "No, we can't kill him, he is Professor Wang."

"No one can't be killed. Besides, I am Yang Jian, the law enforcement captain." Yang Jian said coldly and calmly.

"It's over, something big is going to happen."

Shen Liang only had this idea in his mind at the moment.

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