Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1299 Everything that dies

"She moved her hands, please be careful."

Zhou Deng's eyes widened, he saw the fair hands exposed outside the red wedding dress and moved his hands, and he couldn't help shouting immediately.

This action is enough to prove that the other party has woken up.

But no one knows whether she will be a human or a ghost when she wakes up.

However, usually in such uncertain situations, everyone thinks about the worst outcome. After all, facing this level of supernatural beings, one must be prepared for everything, and no one can be careless.

Yang Jian also opened his ghost eyes at this moment, and there was even a pool of water under his feet.

Once he takes action, he will immediately take out the coffin nails and attack the ghost in front of him, force it to restart, and then find the true location of the ghost painting as quickly as possible. Only in this way can he have a chance to imprison it.

Of course, that's the plan.

But if you really want to put it into practice, it is impossible without paying some price.

However, at this moment, He Yuelian's voice came out from under the red hood: "It's me, I'm still alive, I'm not a ghost, don't do anything."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was immediately startled.


Zhang Xianguang smiled at this moment, smiling very happily. He Yuelian was alive, which meant that his plan had come true. Although he was not the one who succeeded now, it was enough to prove that his decades-long plan was correct and this road was feasible.

"I knew it would be successful. I knew that the fact that she is alive means that she has successfully mastered the ghost painting. My Peach Blossom Spring plan is correct. As you can see, I am not a madman. I am doing the right thing. matter"

As he spoke, he shed tears.

It's a pity that teammates like Du Hong, Zhang Ying, Nie Yingping, Zhang Xian, and Song Xinhai all died and did not live to see this scene.

Those who questioned him, were his enemies, and were ruthlessly killed by him can no longer see this scene.

If they could see it, they might become his like-minded teammates, and he would not be forced to kill some people he didn't want to kill because of this concept.

Thinking of the past.

Zhang Xianguang felt that he had been burdened with too much, too much, but at the moment, he felt that it was all worth it.

Because you are right and they are wrong.

"Are you kidding me? You can survive like this? Are you going to control Gui Hua now?"

He Yin'er also shrank her eyes and felt very incredible.

This is an S-class supernatural event, and in addition to ghost paintings, there is also a mummy bride.

Two kinds of supernatural beings are dangerous and terrifying, but now they are cheaper than an ordinary person?

"I have been planning for decades, and a group of top ghost masters have been working hard for her. Isn't it natural that she should survive in the end?" Zhang Xianguang laughed.

"Damn it, my mouth is watering when I see it. I thought about how I risked my life to get on that supernatural bus to fight against the resuscitation, and I finally got off the bus alive after going through many dangers. She's good, what? To control such a powerful ghost without even doing anything is really infuriating."

Zhou Deng couldn't help but swallow as he stared at He Yuelian in front of him.

"Some people are born into the second generation of wealth, and some people are born into poverty. This world is inherently unfair, but Zhang Xianguang is right. It is understandable that his decades-long planning has now become cheaper for He Yuelian, just like ordinary people. You won more than one billion by buying lottery tickets, not to mention that He Yuelian had already arranged it, and the final outcome is nothing more than two, either success or failure." Sun Rui said with twinkling eyes.

Yang Jian took a step forward at this moment and said coldly: "He Yuelian, since you have survived, what is your choice now? Should you continue to implement Zhang Xianguang's Peach Blossom Land plan, or do you have other ideas? Your choice is very important. Don’t give vague answers, I need to know your answers.”

The others said nothing, but remained alert.

He Yuelian's survival can only mean that the ghost painting will not get out of control, but this does not mean that He Yuelian is not in danger. The supernatural powers she has now are enough to influence the domestic situation, and she is no longer an ordinary person at the mercy of others.

"When I was captured by Zhang Xianguang, I said that if I could survive and become a ghost controller, I would definitely take revenge and kill Zhang Xianguang."

He Yuelian's voice came from under the red head cover.

"He will die. It doesn't matter who does it. What matters is your choice." Yang Jian continued.

He Yuelian's revenge against Zhang Xianguang is just a personal grudge and has no impact on the overall situation. What matters is He Yuelian's future direction.

"I do not agree with, and even oppose, the so-called Peach Blossom Land plan that brings everyone into the world of ghost paintings. Living in a world full of supernatural beings is a ridiculous thing in itself."

He Yuelian replied seriously, expressing her position.

"But I haven't thought about the future yet. If possible, I am willing to listen to your arrangements."

After talking about it, she changed the subject and actually showed her kindness to Yang Jian.

Regarding this point, He Yuelian has thought clearly on her own. Her current identity is very subtle. Although she can control incredible supernatural power, she does not think that she can be lawless by relying on this supernatural power.

This world also has a headquarters, a captain, and a group of top ghost masters.

She had to find shelter alone.

And what's better than taking refuge directly with Yang Jian and relying on the headquarters?

So He Yuelian was very straightforward and stated her position directly.

"Listen to my arrangements? Is this a polite comment, or are you serious?" Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly.

"Of course you are serious, I believe in your decision."

He Yuelian said: "After all, you saved me more than once. If it weren't for you today, I would definitely not be able to survive. I can still distinguish right from wrong."

"Having mastered the level of supernatural beings like Ghost Painting and Mummy Bride, to be honest, it won't be a problem to kill all of us here." Yang Jian said calmly.

He Yuelian responded: "Why should I do this? I am very lucky to survive, and I have no grudges with you. On the contrary, you and Sun Rui have helped me many times. The ones who really want to kill should be Zhang Xianguang and the others." .”

"It's good if you can think like this. Since you are against the Peach Blossom Spring Project and want to take revenge on Zhang Xianguang, it shows that you have not been affected by him. I just don't know whether you can maintain this idea today, but for I will consider your arrangement."

"If nothing goes wrong, you will join the headquarters and become a person in charge, or even the captain of the headquarters. Of course, it all depends on your wishes."

He Yuelian said; "I think there is no problem in joining the headquarters and becoming the person in charge. Now that I have entered the supernatural circle, there are many things that I cannot stay away from. I hope you can take care of me, Team Yang, in the future."

"That's good." Yang Jian said.

A short conversation can solve many problems.

That is, He Yuelian may not be a friend, but she is definitely not an enemy. She has a clear mind and has no extreme ideas. She is even willing to join the headquarters and become the person in charge.

"Great, won't the ghost painting incident be solved in this way?"

Zhou Deng said happily: "Zhang Xianguang, did you see it? You failed."

"Looks like a fight can be avoided."

Sun Rui also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling cold sweat on his palms at this moment.

He Yin'er looked at He Yuelian and said: "Remember what you said today, the supernatural power in you is very dangerous. If you can become a colleague, I will welcome you, but if you want to cause trouble, all the captains will gather again , even if you control the ghost painting, we still have a way to kill you."

"We don't know whether we can fully control this supernatural power. We need to confirm it. The supernatural balance may be short-lived, and there may not be a risk of losing control again. He Yuelian, if you want to continue to live, you must do your best. If possible, ensure that your supernatural power is within a controllable range. You are not a ghost controller and you need to learn many things. Joining the headquarters is your best choice." Lu Zhiwen said.

He Yuelian nodded slightly to express her understanding.

At this moment, Yang Xiao walked up to Zhang Xianguang: "Your plan was successful, but only partially. It seems that she will not do what you want. Instead, she is willing to join the headquarters and stand on Yang Jian's side. Therefore, you fail." "


Zhang Xianguang smiled and said: "No, I didn't fail, Yang Xiao, you know? When the supernatural beings keep resurrecting, the situation is completely out of control, and a worse situation occurs, and even you captains are unable to deal with it, He Yuelian will naturally think of What happened today will also make us understand the feasibility of the Peach Blossom Spring Plan."

"At that moment, she didn't need me to instigate her, she would do it by herself."

"Being able not to do it, and not being able to do it, are two different things. Have you ever seen a wolf that doesn't eat meat? Although I can't see that day coming, I believe there will be that day. It's a pity that she is not a post office As a manager, even if the plan is implemented, there will be a deadline. When she ages and dies like those people in the Republic of China, the plan will have to be terminated."

"And this period is about seventy years."

Yang Jian glanced at it and said: "Don't worry, that situation will never happen unless all the ghost masters in the country are dead. But as long as there are supernatural beings, there will be a steady stream of ghost masters appearing, and as the ghost masters and supernatural beings As the confrontation continues, the Ghost Controller will only become stronger and stronger, and the one who wins in the end must be the Ghost Controller."

"It was true before and it is true now."

“It’s a good thing to be young and confident.”

Zhang Xianguang said: "I thought so before, but after seeing too many people die, I realized that there is no hope in this world. It will not work to rely on ghost masters to defeat evil ghosts. It doesn't matter if you don't understand now. In the future, You will understand that when your relatives, friends, and family members are all swallowed up by the supernatural, you will regret stopping my plan today."

"Sometimes it's better to die than live."

"Go back to the post office, it's time to deal with you." Yang Jian said coldly.

"That's right, it's indeed time for me to hit the road." Zhang Xianguang said. He was not afraid, but felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

He Yuelian said at this moment: "I will kill him."

Yang Jian turned to look at her: "Are you sure you want to do it yourself?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone else stared at He Yuelian.

He Yuelian was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that she had said the wrong thing. Her current status was very special and she could not be associated with Zhang Xianguang, even if she killed him with her own hands.

"As long as he dies, it doesn't matter if I don't do it myself." She immediately changed her words.

Yang Jian said: "Where is the location of the ghost painting?"

"I'll look for it," He Yuelian said.

This is her ghost domain. Even if she has just become a ghost controller, she still knows everything about the ghost painting world.


An old picture frame seemed to appear out of thin air and fell from mid-air.

The frame was covered with a layer of black cloth.

Yang Jian walked over and uncovered the black cloth.

However, this picture frame that used to carry the supernatural power of ghost paintings has completely lost its supernatural power now. The wooden frame on it is cracked and the oil painting is blurred. It has lost the sense of weirdness and has become very ordinary.

"It seems that the ghost paintings have completely disappeared." He Yin'er said.

Yang Jian said: "Oil paintings are just carriers of supernatural beings. Now that all the supernatural beings are concentrated on He Yuelian, this picture frame is useless. It is normal to turn it into an ordinary painting again. In this case, we can only treat everyone We took it to the post office. We cannot let the manager and the people in the previous painting appear in the real world, otherwise they will all perish."

"I know the post office, I know where it is." He Yuelian said.

She now knows how to use the ghost realm after adapting to some supernatural powers.

Now that the ghost realm has enveloped Dahan City, the gate of the ghost post office has long been exposed under her eyes. It only takes the blink of an eye to enter the ghost post office.

"But there are still some dangerous things in my ghost domain, Yang Jian, how do you think we should deal with them?"

Suddenly, He Yuelian felt something and asked directly.

"Take them back together." Yang Jian said.

"Okay." He Yuelian nodded.

She did not move, but everything around her was undergoing huge changes. The whole world seemed to be distorted at this moment, and all vision was affected, making it impossible to determine the surrounding scenery.

But this unusual change soon disappeared.

When everyone saw clearly, they found that they had arrived at the door of the ghost post office.

The apartment building with flashing neon lights stood in front of you, and then the entire ghost world began to compress, and the surrounding scenery gathered together crazily, as if the whole world was constantly getting smaller, and with the ghost painting world shrinking, everyone's position is also changing, and they are constantly rushing towards the ghost post office.

Even if they didn't move, the whole world was enveloping them and changing their positions.

at last.

They all stood in the lobby of the ghost post office.

Bright lights, clean and tidy floors, modern decoration, everything is so familiar.

"Here we are, this should be fine."

He Yuelian remained still, and the voice came from under the red skull.

Yang Jian said: "Now you can take back your ghost domain."

"I'm not familiar with supernatural powers yet. Give me some time and let me give it a try."

He Yuelian was silent again. She began to try to take back the ghost realm. After a few attempts, she found the trick.

The gray world disappeared.

Everyone has escaped from the ghost realm of ghost paintings.

"It seems that your control of supernatural powers is much better than I thought." Yang Jian felt a little surprised.

This is not something that a newbie can do, he seems to have some experience.

"There are some more memories in my mind that don't belong to me. I'm recalling the past, reading these memories, and then I learned." He Yuelian said.

"That is Gui Hua's memory during his lifetime. The memory that originally belonged to me will join. Under the supernatural conflict, once a third party joins, her consciousness as an ordinary person will soon be erased. In the end, only I will exist because as a manager, I am protected by the curse of the post office, so my consciousness is special and will not be easily eliminated, so the winner will most likely be me." Zhang Xianguang said.

Yang Xiaodao: "A perfect arrangement. You can indeed do a lot of things using the curse of the ghost post office. I had doubts about this, so I kept an eye on you and directly pulled you into the nightmare world."

"So it's not that you don't want to take action, but you don't have the chance to take action." He Yuelian said.

Zhang Xianguang smiled: "Yes, I can be said to be extremely unlucky. After being pulled into the nightmare, I realized that the situation was not good, and I was already trying desperately to escape from the nightmare, but it was still too late. The moment I woke up Nie Yingping is dead, and I have no chance at all being watched by such a large group of people."

He was not afraid of Yang Xiao's nightmare because he was confident that he could get rid of it, but he didn't expect that the situation would become like that after getting rid of it.

"Forget it, it's useless to say anything now. Don't kill me either. Take this straw rope away and I will walk out of the ghost post office." Zhang Xianguang said calmly.

"Suicide? Okay, I allow you to do it." Yang Jian glanced at Zhou Deng and signaled.

Zhou Deng's eyes lit up, and he walked over with a smile, took away the grass rope circle on the ground, and then put it away on his own.

Zhang Xianguang straightened his clothes and glanced at Yang Xiao: "It's a pity. I still want to finish the game of chess with you. It seems that I have no chance. I'll say goodbye."

"Let's go." Yang Xiao replied calmly.

Zhang Xianguang looked at He Yuelian who was standing motionless at the side, then smiled freely, and then walked towards the ghost post office without looking back.

His dream begins and ends here.

Suddenly, he remembered the first time he stepped into the ghost post office.

At that time, he was still a newcomer, and his biggest dream at that time was to escape from the ghost post office.

"I have never gotten rid of the ghost post office in my life. I never thought I would leave in such a way."

Zhang Xianguang walked out with a smile.

Crossed the gate and came to the outside world.

He no longer needed to hide in the dark post office. At this moment, he was bathing in the sunshine outside, feeling the warmth and brightness that he had not felt in countless years.

“It feels so good to be out in the sunshine.”

Zhang Xianguang opened his arms, as if embracing this bright world.

But walking away from the ghost post office manager means losing the protection of the post office.

Zhang Xianguang dissipated in the sunlight at a speed visible to the naked eye, like something that had been dusty for a long time and was oxidized in an instant when it saw the light of day.

He is different from the first manager.

He himself does not have strong supernatural power. If he is a strong manager, even if he walks out of the ghost post office, his consciousness will at best die, and the body will be preserved due to the supernatural power.

When Zhang Xianguang disappeared completely, an inconspicuous glass ball fell from his body.

Obviously it was a supernatural item, a means used by Zhang Xianguang to transfer his consciousness.

The glass was rolling strangely, as if it was moving away consciously.

Without Zhang Xianguang's control, this supernatural item began to show some abnormalities.

"Leave it alone, I'll do it." Zhou Deng rushed out immediately, chasing the glass ball.

"Is this what happens when a manager walks out of a ghost post office?" Sun Rui was shocked when he saw this.

Only when he saw it with his own eyes did he realize the horror of this curse.

Although he knew that the manager could not get out of the ghost post office before, he also had the idea of ​​​​trying to get out. After all, Sun Rui was a little unsure without seeing it with his own eyes.

Now it seems that his thoughts are very dangerous, and he is on the verge of seeking death. He must not think like this in the future.

"No matter what, it's finally over. It's really not easy." Sun Rui said with emotion.

Yang Jian said: "Although Zhang Xianguang's matter is over, there is a lot of mess left behind. Several captains have worked hard with them to recover. If this problem is not handled well, we are afraid that we will suffer losses."

"They are all here too, I brought everyone in." He Yuelian said.

An old tomb stands alone in the corner of the lobby.

Gui Cha and Wei Jing were buried there.

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