Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1381 Inside and outside the game

"This is the first time I have encountered a ghost that actively plays games with us. It seems that this ghost is very unusual. It has already acquired human consciousness to some extent."

Arriving at the empty Peace Hotel, Yingying was not nervous at all. Instead, he analyzed what had just happened with great interest.

"This ghost is an alternative. There are not many such alternatives. It is very rare. We happened to meet it." Wang Shanshan said: "We only need to stay in this hotel for thirty minutes. When the game is over, the ghost will Follow the agreement, and it will be much easier for Yang Jian to deal with it when the time comes."

Eagle smiled and said: "Little girl, I think you misunderstood one thing. It's not that Yang Jian wants to deal with ghosts, but that ghosts are trying to deal with Yang Jian. Since ghosts choose to play supernatural games, it means that ghosts are trying their best to avoid The head-on collision with Yang Jian also shows that Gui is at a disadvantage in front of Yang Jian."

"Only when faced with an enemy that cannot be dealt with, some fancy methods will be used. If the ghost can kill Yang Jian, it doesn't need to go to such trouble at all, even if it is following a certain pattern."

"You're right. We almost imprisoned the ghost in the previous attack, but the ghost directly restarted and made the time go to forty minutes ago, so this happened." Wang Shanshan said.

Zhang Wei said aside: "Shouldn't we have a good time playing games? Why did we start chatting?"

"Isn't the game already started?" Wang Shanshan said.

"Why don't you invest at all? This makes me very embarrassed." Zhang Wei looked around with an ax in his hand, looking like a clown compared to Wang Shanshan and Eagle walking and chatting.

The eagle smiled and said: "The ghost is already in the Peace Hotel. This is its territory. We don't need to deliberately look for it. It will come to us, because the longer it takes, the worse it will be. Considering that The three of us are ordinary people, so the horror of ghosts will be reduced accordingly. If the ghost kills in a scary way, such as death if we meet, or death if we touch, then the ghost's actions will be restricted. On the contrary, if the ghost's actions are weird, , then the ghost’s killing method won’t be too extreme.”

"After all, the game must be relatively fair. If there is excessive imbalance, then the meaning of the game will be lost, and Yang Jian outside will not agree."

Speaking of which.

The eagle's footsteps stopped: "So, the first step is to determine which point the ghost is focusing on. Considering that the ghost has not appeared now, I have reason to believe that the ghost definitely wants to make us three before exposing itself. I will reduce the number of people by one person first.”

"In addition, there is another point to consider clearly. What kind of existence is the ghost we face? Is it a real ghost or a ghost limited to this game."

"Is there any difference?" Wang Shanshan asked.

Eagle said: "Of course there is a difference. If it is a real ghost, then it has the ability to change the difficulty of the game at any time and increase its own terror to the greatest extent. It will be difficult for us to win this game. Suppose we are facing this. The ghosts in this supernatural game are not real ghosts, so the horror level of the ghosts will not be adjusted, and our probability of winning is very high."

"So, the first step is to determine the ghost's ability, and the second step is to determine the ghost's terror. If you can master these two pieces of information, then the third step is to choose a game plan." Wang Shanshan said.

"Not bad." Eagle nodded.

Wang Shanshan paused: "So, the first contact is the most dangerous, because we don't know anything about ghosts, but we have to make contact. Instead of waiting passively, it is better to take the initiative. The hall on this floor is very It’s spacious, just wait here for the ghost to come.”

He looked around.

Although the surroundings were dark, there was still some light shining through the windows. Through the reflection of these weak lights, everyone could barely see the spacious hall clearly.

"This place is good. You can defend or escape. It has a wide view and you won't be attacked by surprise. If the ghost wants to kill us, it will definitely appear in our sight." Eagle said, he agreed with Wang Shanshan's judgment.

"Having said so much, I finally understand. Let's just stay here and fight that damn thing. Wang Shanshan uses this thing to defend herself. I, Ah Wei, will do the rest." Zhang Wei At this moment, he took the initiative to hand a golden pistol to Wang Shanshan, and then stood ready with an ax in his hand.

The weight of the supernatural ax is not consistent with common sense. It seems to be very heavy, but in fact, it is light and light in Zhang Wei's hand and not heavy at all.

Wang Shanshan did not refuse and took the pistol.

This pistol can't kill the ghost, but it can delay the action of the ghost, which is somewhat useful.

There was no weapon in Eagle's hand, and he was not afraid, because he knew that ordinary weapons were only comfort, and only the supernatural weapon in Zhang Wei's hand could play a decisive role.

Just as expected.


There was a sudden rush of footsteps in the silent and empty building. The footsteps sounded like someone running quickly, heading straight for here.

"The ghost action has begun. Be careful. Although you are Yang Jian's friends, if something happens, don't expect Yang Jian to come to save you. Since you have chosen to participate in this game, you should have already made up your mind. .”

The Eagle once again reminded these two people to strengthen their hearts to avoid stage fright.

The sound of rapid footsteps echoed in the hall. As ordinary people, they couldn't tell where the sound came from. They only knew that the ghost was getting closer and closer to them.

Fortunately, the three of them were no longer novices. They didn't panic or run around. They still stood there and waited calmly.

After the footsteps appeared for a while, the ghost may have known that it couldn't disturb the three of them through such a small means, so he changed his method.

The noisy footsteps disappeared.

A vague figure suddenly appeared at the gate. Its figure blended into the darkness. It might have been standing there a long time ago, but no one noticed it.

After the ghost appeared, it walked straight over. It was no longer hiding, but its footsteps were not fast, just like a normal person walking.

"This is not good news." Eagle frowned.

If the ghost doesn't move quickly, it means it kills people fiercely. This is a very bad start, because it is likely to directly reduce the number of people in the first wave of contact.

"You're welcome. I've been waiting for you here for a long time. It's so late and you must not have eaten. In this case, give me a blow." Zhang Wei rushed out with the ax at this moment.

"Zhang Wei." Wang Shanshan wanted to pull him, but unfortunately she couldn't.

Eagle stretched out his hand and gestured: "Let him go. Someone must bear the risk of the first wave of contact. He has supernatural weapons in his hands and has the capital to fight against evil spirits. Since he has come forward, we will observe the situation from the sidelines. This is not the time." When you are motivated."

Zhang Wei was very irritable at the moment. He was holding a lot of fire in his heart, and now he wanted to find this ghost to release it.

The ghost didn't make any dodge movements. It was still walking towards Zhang Wei, its pace was still as slow as ever.

But when the ghost got closer, the eagle saw that the ghost was holding something in his hand. It was a piece of wood. The piece of wood looked like a table leg. It should have been removed from some furniture. Moreover, the piece of wood was scarlet red. In one piece, the paint was as red as blood, and it looked particularly eye-catching in the dim light.

"Because of the ax in Zhang Wei's hand, does this ghost also have a weapon in his hand?" Eagle said with some realization.

One person and one ghost were approaching now.

Zhang Wei turned his ax and struck the ghost on the head. He did it very decisively without any delay. The ghost also picked up the red piece of wood in his hand and smashed it towards Zhang Wei's body without dodging at the same time. .

"No, the ghost wants to replace Zhang Wei." At this moment, the Eagle saw the clues, but it was too late now.


At this moment, a gunshot suddenly sounded, and Wang Shanshan chose to shoot at this moment.

next moment.

Zhang Wei's ax split open the head of the fierce ghost in front of him, but he was not hit by the red wood. Instead, the red wood was knocked out and fell to the side.

The ghost's body fell heavily to the ground and became motionless.

However, in the darkness on the side, a strange figure slowly walked out. It bent down and picked up the red piece of wood on the ground, with a bullet hole clearly left on it.

"There are still ghosts? Isn't this a joke?"

Zhang Weigang was just thinking about being proud for a while, when he was startled when he saw the figure appearing next to him.

"I made a mistake in my judgment before. This ghost is not very scary. Its real danger comes from the red piece of wood in its hand. If we don't get hit by that thing, we will be fine. Now let's grab that thing. Don’t let the ghost escape.”

At this moment, the eagle completely understood through observation. This ghost was not moving slowly. He was just pretending to be like that just now.

Without any hesitation, he rushed towards the ghost.

"I'm good at this." Zhang Wei picked up the ax again and headed straight for the second ghost.

However, the second ghost slowly retreated at this moment, hiding in the darkness.

When Zhang Wei and Yingying rushed over, there was no trace of the ghost in the darkness in front of them. The ghost seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Gone?" Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment.

"It can disappear into the darkness, which means that the ghost moves at a very strange speed and can appear next to any of us. No, Wang Shanshan, she is in danger." The eagle then realized and turned around suddenly.


Behind Wang Shanshan, a cold humanoid silhouette quickly emerged, and at the same time, the red piece of wood was lifted up.


At this moment, Zhang Wei fired, and the shot hit the piece of wood again, causing it to fly away without hurting Wang Shanshan at all.

"Is it that brave? When it launches a sneak attack in front of me, Ah Wei, doesn't he know that I, Ah Wei, are known as dual-wielders of golden spears? My spear-wielding skills are not in vain."

Zhang Wei's marksmanship was very accurate and he was very confident. He was not worried about hitting Wang Shanshan at all, but after the gunshot, the eagle rushed out.

The target of the eagle is not the ghost, but the piece of red wood that was knocked away by Ah Wei.

Even the ghost knows how to recycle this thing as soon as possible. The eagle naturally knows the function of this thing. As long as it is snatched away, the ghost will lose the most terrifying method of killing, so the probability of winning this game is very high.

"What an unexpected person." Eagle thought to himself at this moment, looking at Zhang Wei with admiration.

Because very, very few ordinary people can achieve this level.

However, the ghost's actions did not stop because of Zhang Wei's shot.

Without the red piece of wood, the ghost still attacked Wang Shanshan. A pair of cold hands stretched out from the darkness behind her and grabbed her neck. At the same time, a huge force dragged Wang Shanshan back into the darkness behind her. .

At this moment, Wang Shanshan's body was hanging in the air, her legs could not reach the ground, and she struggled desperately, but to no avail. The strong feeling of suffocation made her almost faint.

"Save your teammates." Zhang Wei reacted immediately and wanted to save people, but it was too late.

He doesn't have enough speed.

But the eagle has already arrived at Wang Shanshan's side, but at this moment the eagle has two choices, either to save Wang Shanshan or to take the red piece of wood.

pick one of two.

"This ghost wanted to exchange Wang Shanshan's life for mine, so Wang Shanshan's neck was not broken in the first place." Eagle thought quickly and reacted immediately.

Without any hesitation, he slammed directly into the darkness behind Wang Shanshan.

The ghost was hit, let go of Wang Shanshan, and disappeared.

Then, a hand stretched out from the darkness on the side, grabbed the red piece of wood on the ground, and then disappeared into the darkness again.

"Well done." Zhang Weili praised the eagle.


Wang Shanshan touched her neck and her breathing gradually calmed down: "If you had taken away the red piece of wood just now, we would have won. Saving me is not a good idea. With your ability, you can definitely see this. Otherwise Yang Jian won’t choose you.”

"Yang Jian chose me not to win, but to take care of you." Yingying said calmly: "I can die when necessary, but you can't."

Back when he was still working as a messenger, he would definitely go get things instead of saving people.

Zhang Wei said: "Don't say that. The game just now was a draw. It's still early and the game is still going on. With my performance just now, we will definitely win in the end."

"I hope so." Wang Shanshan said coldly.

Now that things have happened, there is no need to say anything more. It is better to deal with what is about to happen next.

And at the same time.

Yang Jian outside the Peace Hotel has not left. He has been standing motionless for a while, but it is not that he has done nothing during this period of time.

Because he didn't know when a pool of water had appeared under his feet. The water was cold, deep, and submerged his feet.

And not only this area, but also the nearby streets, roads, shops, and buildings. Almost half of Dachang City is covered by a layer of water, and this area is still increasing.

Yang Jian's purpose at this moment is very simple. He wants to use the water of Ghost Lake to block the entire Dachang City.

Block the movement of ghosts.

As long as Zhang Wei, Wang Shanshan and Yingying persist in not losing for a period of time in the Peace Hotel, he will win the game.

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