Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1394 Contact information

City nights in this season are the most comfortable.

The cool evening breeze blew through the streets, and there were many pedestrians walking on the road.

But somewhere in the city, a graceful and charming woman wearing a red cheongsam was standing quietly at a remote intersection without moving, as if she was waiting for something.

The evening wind came and ruffled the woman's black hair.

Under the dim light of the street lights, the woman's fair skin looked a little sickly, as if there was no blood.

"Beauty, are you alone? Where do you want to go? I'll give you a ride?"

On the road, a car passed by and parked temporarily on the side of the road. The window of the car was lowered, and a young man said hello.

There was a look of amazement in his eyes, because he had only seen such a beautiful woman in his life. Even if he could chat with such a beautiful woman for a few words, he would have bragging rights in the future.

"No need, you can't send me where I want to go." Sister Hong smiled slightly, with a hint of frivolity.

When the young man heard this, he immediately vowed: "How can there be a place that a car can't reach? Beauty, just ask, and I will send it to you even if you go to other cities, and I promise not to charge you a penny."

Sister Hong still smiled and refused: "I have found the driver. He will take me there, so I won't bother you."

"Beauty, your driver isn't here either, why don't you get in my car first." The young man did not give up easily and was still interested in chatting with the beauty in red cheongsam in front of him.

Sister Hong shook her head and said: "That's not possible. This driver is very important. If you miss it, there will be no next time. I appreciate your kindness. You'd better leave as soon as possible, otherwise you will be in trouble."

The young man driving the car had no choice but to leave with great regret.

However, not long after this car left, other cars also pulled over and greeted Sister Hong enthusiastically, saying they wanted to buy her a drink.

Sister Hong seemed to be very patient. She still refused politely with a smile.

The other party changed one after another, but Sister Hong was still enjoying it, and even had a few bottles of drinks and a few small gifts in her hand.

She stands out too much.

Especially the graceful figure wearing a cheongsam is enough to attract the hot gaze of any man.

However, who would have thought that what is under the red cheongsam is not the body of a living person, but a cold puppet.

But most men only look at the beautiful appearance, and they don't care about the horror hidden under the cheongsam.

It was probably around 9:50.

Yang Jian arrived as promised. He appeared out of thin air on the sidewalk near the intersection, then walked slowly to the intersection and stopped.

Sister Hong was standing across the road, looking at him with a smile: "You came on time."

"How long until the bus comes?" Yang Jian asked.

"There are about five minutes left." Sister Hong estimated.

Yang Jian said: "Let me make it clear to you first. I only promised to deliver you to your destination. After doing this, I will drive the supernatural bus and leave. How you escape then is your own business. I I won’t wait for you where you are.”

Sister Hong shook her head and said: "That won't work. You should know that I need someone to drive the bus just because I want someone to control the bus. If you just send me there, I can drive the supernatural bus by myself, and I don't need to ask for your help." , so you have to wait for me where you are for a while."

"The risk of waiting for someone is too high. The conditions you offered are not enough for me to take this risk. Unless you increase the money, I can consider it." Yang Jian said with a normal expression.

"You are really a greedy person. I am homeless and alone now. Can you bear to take money from me?" Sister Hong said quietly.

Yang Jian said with a cold face: "I am willing to take this trip to give you a lot of face. Do you think I don't know the dangers of this trip? If you want to bargain with me now, then you can find someone else. I don't care about it either." Take this trip.”

Sister Hong sighed and said: "Sure enough, it's the same in every era. It's hard to live without money. It's not that I don't want to pay you, but I really don't have anything to give you. After all, you don't like ordinary supernatural items. It's really not possible. I’ll give myself to you. I’m helpless and want to find a good person to trust me with. What do you think?”

Yang Jian said nothing and watched her acting quietly from across the road.

He even suspected that Zhang Youhong was an opera singer before becoming a ghost controller, and maybe a famous actress.

"You are such a boring person. You are a greedy guy. If you like money so much, then I will give you this copper coin."

Seeing that Yang Jian didn't respond, Sister Hong had no choice but to take out an old copper coin from the cuff of her cheongsam and threw it away.

The copper coin flew through the air, crossed the road, and landed accurately in the hands of Yang Jian on the other side of the road.

Yang Jian touched the old copper coin in his hand and felt a cold breath coming from it.

There is no doubt that this is a supernatural object.

"What's the use?" Yang Jian asked directly without looking at it.

The most important thing about supernatural items is not their style, but their function.

Sister Hong smiled and said, "I'll tell you when I get back."

"A supernatural item is not worth my life for you. Ten minutes, I will only wait for you at the destination for ten minutes. I will leave in ten minutes." Yang Jian said seriously.

"No, the time is too short." Sister Hong said.

Yang Jian said: "I don't even know the purpose of the copper coin you gave me. It's already good to be able to buy it for ten minutes. The supernatural bus stops. A normal ghost controlman can't even survive three minutes, let alone ten minutes." Being willing to wait for you for ten minutes is already a very fair price and is worthy of your price."

"You are so evil-minded, aren't you afraid that I will trip you up? Women are all petty." Sister Hong smiled again.

Yang Jian said: "Then you must kill me when you use the trap. If you can't kill me, it will be you. When the time comes, I will put down everything in my hands and summon all the captains in the headquarters to surround you. Although You were a ghost controller during the Republic of China, but when the top masters of this era gather together, I don’t think you can stand it.”

He is not afraid of threats and has a tough attitude.

Because being strong will make people afraid, blindly compromising will only make people think you are weak and easy to bully.

"You really don't respect your elders at all. After all, our older generation of ghost controllers have dedicated everything to deal with supernatural incidents. I didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to ask the juniors for help in the end. I really don't know whether the previous decision was right or not. Wrong." Sister Hong said.

"Your job is to take other people's lives. No one would be so generous and risk their lives for an unrelated person. But since it was mentioned that the older generation made sacrifices to deal with supernatural events, well, I will give it to you. To save the face of the older generation, I will give you five more minutes, up to fifteen minutes." Yang Jian said with a cold expression.

Sister Hong just wanted to speak.

At this time, a bus appeared on a nearby street. It came very unexpectedly and drove quietly on the road.


The conversation between the two people ended immediately, and they looked at the bus in unison.

The bus was getting slower and slower at the moment. There was no platform on the roadside, but it pulled over and stopped.

"It's only fifteen minutes. I agree. You stingy guy. Now that the car has arrived, I don't have time to chat with you. It's time for us to get in the car." Sister Hong said.

"Easy to say."

Yang Jian reached out and grabbed it, and a red spear appeared out of thin air in his hand. Although he had taken the supernatural bus several times, he would be fully prepared every time.

next moment.

The bus door slowly opened. This time, only the upper door was opened and the lower door was not.

This means that you can only get on the supernatural bus in Dachang City, but not get off it.

Sister Hong immediately got on the bus.

But the number of passengers displayed on the bus jumped. The number was originally 7, but at this time it became eight.

The number represents the number of ghosts in the carriage.

In other words, Sister Hong was judged to be a ghost by the supernatural bus as soon as she got on the bus.

"It's really lively." Sister Hong said with a smile, then found an empty seat next to her and sat down.

"Are you kidding me? The person coming up here is a human being? But the numbers clearly changed just now, showing that this cheongsam woman is a ghost."

There were still passengers on the bus, but none of these passengers were ordinary people. They were all ghost masters who were about to resurrect the evil ghost. They looked at Sister Hong who got on the bus with surprise and uncertainty, as if they were seeing such a situation for the first time.

But then.

Yang Jian also got on the bus, and the numbers in the car changed again, from the original number eight to nine.

"The numbers have changed again. Is there another ghost getting on the bus? No, no, it's not a ghost. Damn it, it's actually Yang Jian with ghost eyes. Why did he get on the bus?" Someone saw Yang Jian get on the bus and immediately became restless. .

Most of them are private ghost masters and have not joined the headquarters. Because they lack a way to delay the recovery of ghosts, they can only take a gamble on the supernatural bus.

The reason why these people don't join the headquarters is not because they are arrogant, but because most of them have dirty hands and have committed crimes. Even if they want to join the headquarters, they can't.

Therefore, they are very afraid of the captain of the headquarters, for fear that they will accidentally leak the information and die in the hands of the captain of the headquarters.

"Every time, there are ghost masters who are not afraid of death and run to the car. The ghost masters on the last train were all dead. Now there is a new batch." Yang Jian glanced at it and didn't pay much attention. Just sit directly in the driver's seat.

The driver's seat was empty at the moment, and the body that had been sitting in the driver's seat last time had disappeared.

Even if the bus is full, no one would dare to sit in this driving position.

Because this seat is not for passengers, but for drivers.

"There were obviously a lot of empty seats, but this Yang Jian actually went straight to the driver's seat. He and the woman in the red cheongsam didn't get on the bus to delay Li Gui's recovery. He got on the bus for other reasons. This is not a good thing. A captain from the headquarters went on a mission, and we were involved."

Seeing this scene, some people were already muttering in their hearts.

But no matter what the people in the car think.

The supernatural bus started quickly, then continued to move forward, and finally disappeared out of thin air on the streets of Dachang City.

"The time the bus stops in reality is too short. Even if it appears in Dachang City, I won't be able to detect it immediately. Unless I know the route map or deliberately stay on the bus, it will be difficult to catch it."

Yang Jian saw that the scenery outside had changed, and he knew that he was out of touch with reality.

He glanced at Sister Hong.

There is no doubt that Sister Hong knows the route map of the supernatural bus. Even if there is no one driving the supernatural bus, it will continue to operate according to a certain trajectory.

"Driving a supernatural bus is about supernatural confrontation. Last time I tried it, you said you wanted to teach me how to drive. I hope you can say something different." Yang Jian said.

Sister Hong smiled and said: "It would be nice if the supernatural bus was that simple. You just barely controlled part of the bus with strong means, but that doesn't mean you can control it. Driving this supernatural bus is Qualification is required, and before you obtain this qualification, you will encounter misfortune if you operate carelessly."

"Although strength is the key, method is equally important."

"Tell me, what's the qualification for the supernatural bus?" Yang Jian continued to ask.

Sister Hong said: "Do you feel comfortable where you are sitting now?"

Yang Jian frowned: "The driver's seat is different. Is there something special about it?"

He had known for a long time that except for the driver's seat, which had a soft cushion, the other seats were made of hard wood.

"Tear open the seat and take a look first." Sister Hong said.

Yang Jian hesitated for a moment, and when Sister Hong reminded him that something was obviously wrong with the driver's seat, but in order to find out, he still raised the red spear in his hand and swung it, tearing a hole in the seat. .

Immediately, his expression suddenly changed.

There is actually a corpse hidden in the seat behind him. This corpse is relatively fat and covered with flesh. At this moment, it is embedded in the seat like a perfect meat cushion.

"The corpse has not decayed for a long time and is even very soft. This is not an ordinary corpse, this is a ghost."

Yang Jian's face darkened.

Just now, I actually sat on a ghost, and there was only a thick layer of cloth between me and the ghost.

Sister Hong smiled at this moment and said: "You see, the reason why this seat is different from other seats is because there is a ghost hidden in it. No one can completely control the supernatural bus. The one who really controls this bus is this The ghost, the so-called bus driver, actually establishes contact with this ghost and then controls the bus through the ghost."

"Of course, you can also forcefully control it. Although the effect is the same, this approach cannot last long. Once or twice is fine, but the more times the ghost in the seat will revive, then you will be trapped by this supernatural bus. Car chase.”

"Believe me, even if you are strong, you definitely don't want to face this bus."

Sister Hong was still full of fear about this bus in her words.

"How to get in touch with ghosts." Yang Jian said.

He knew that the way to connect with ghosts was the so-called qualification mentioned by Sister Hong.

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