Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1403 Confrontation in the Old Era

"What? Hu Zongshang was dismembered?"

Yang Jian's attack was beyond everyone's expectations. Even Sister Hong was surprised because she knew very well the attack method of the hatchet in Yang Jian's hand. It would only be effective if it triggered the medium or hit it directly. , and it was impossible for Yang Jian to trigger Hu Zongshang's medium just now, and the two were far apart and had no substantial contact.

But it happened that under this unreasonable situation, the hatchet attack worked.

Once the hatchet hits, even the real ghost will be severely injured. If it is a ghost controller, it will probably die.

"Yang Jian."

Sister Hong was very angry, and she glared at Yang Jian, who was shrouded in will-o'-the-wisps.

"Don't stare at me like that. This is just the beginning. The remaining four people will also die here. If you are still stubborn, you may die here next." Yang Jian's voice came from the ghost realm, It's impossible to tell his specific location.

"You won't succeed again." Sister Hong gritted her teeth.

Yang Jian's figure emerged, and he walked out of the fire: "Although you were a top ghost controller during the Republic of China in your previous life, you were not resurrected for a long time in this life, and your supernatural power is limited, so don't be too self-righteous. You If you can’t even protect yourself, how can you still care about others?”

"Zhang Youhong, if you break his ghost realm and we attack together, the probability of winning is not low."

At this moment, the young woman wearing a tattered skirt spoke in a cold tone.

"And Hu Zongshang is not dead yet. He was just dismembered. This method cannot kill him. Don't worry for now. He will recover after a while. We just need to continue to fight him. This Yang Jian will definitely die." In addition. A man in a short coat also spoke.

Sister Hong's eyes moved slightly: "Zhang Yi, Brother Qiu San, don't underestimate this person. He has already broken through my blockade. My puppets can't stop him. Next attacks will most likely bypass me." I will deal with you, but I will try my best to break his ghost realm, and I hope I can succeed."

She doesn't have much confidence, because Yang Jian has been growing, and the growth rate is very fast. Every time they meet, he can exceed her expectations. This time, Yang Jian has shown a different supernatural power, and this new The supernatural power is very powerful and unexpected.

Sister Hong didn't want to sit still and wait for death. Immediately, the nearby puppets surged into a row, blocking the coverage of Yang Jian's ghost domain and protecting the few people behind her.

But that alone is not enough.

Sister Hong took out another red handkerchief from her body. This handkerchief was embroidered with a strange portrait, which looked like an important person, but also looked like a terrifying ghost. Moreover, the pattern on the handkerchief changed over time. It was still changing, sometimes it was an avatar, sometimes it became a weird limb, sometimes it was a cold corpse.

"Supernatural items?"

Yang Jian had a clear view of Sister Hong's behavior. Based on his judgment, there was no doubt that the handkerchief was definitely not a simple thing, and might even be Sister Hong's supernatural weapon.

next moment.

The pattern on Sister Hong's handkerchief changed again, and turned into an eye. That eye was very similar to the ghost eye, but then another person's pattern appeared near the ghost eye. That person was not Yang Jian. , but a fierce ghost.

After the pattern was completely presented, Sister Hong wrapped the handkerchief around her palm.

The red handkerchief gradually stuck to her palm, like a piece of red skin sticking to it, and something strange happened. On this red handkerchief, a scarlet eye actually appeared. And it was spinning strangely.

This is also a ghost eye.

"There is only one real ghost eye. How good can you be with other supernatural disguises?" Yang Jian asked.

Sister Hong shook the handkerchief on the back of her hand: "You don't need to tell me that I know this truth, but you can't use all the supernatural power of the ghost eye. It doesn't need to completely defeat you, it just needs to interfere with your ghost realm. ”

The ghost eye on her handkerchief is emitting red light at the moment, and the terrifying ghost realm is emitting,

The red ghost realm was extremely familiar. At this moment, it actually surpassed the will-o'-the-wisps and invaded towards Yang Jian's location.

Obviously, the ghost realm emanating from the ghost eyes on this handkerchief is very scary. The ghost realm of the will-o'-the-wisp can burn to the fourth level, but it is vulnerable to Sister Hong. Even this kind of ghost realm wants to drag Yang Jian in. .

The ghost realm interfered with each other, the fire around Yang Jian dimmed, and his figure was completely revealed.

"The opportunity is now."

A man wearing an old suit was also one of the five people from the Republic of China who was resurrected this time. When he saw Sister Hong successfully sealing off Yang Jian's ghost domain, he immediately went straight to Yang Jian.

The distance was instantly shortened.

This man in an old suit appeared in front of Yang Jian almost in the blink of an eye. He stretched out his two palms and tried to grab Yang Jian.

The seemingly simple action seemed to carry some kind of fatal supernatural attack.

"Feng Wen, no." Sister Hong narrowed her eyes and shouted hurriedly.

"Remind me now, it's too late, there is a price to pay for greed."

Yang Jian also extended his hand to the man named Feng Wen, but then his hand froze in mid-air and his body could not move.

"You were the careless one. I had already set my sights on you the moment I revealed my name. It's just that you hid in the ghost realm before and didn't find the right time to take action. Now you can't hide anymore."

The woman named Zhang Yi did not know when she was holding a little man made of straw. There were two black characters written on the back of the little man: Yang Jian.

The hands and feet of the scarecrow with Yang Jian's name were all tied up at the moment. Under the influence of some kind of curse, Yang Jian's body could not move.

"Sending you on your way." Feng Wen, wearing an old suit, took advantage of this opportunity and succeeded.

Two cold palms were printed on Yang Jian's face, leaving two gray palm prints.

The aura of death spreads.

Yang Jian's nose was bleeding, his eyes were going blind, and even his ears could no longer hear sounds. His whole body was suddenly deprived of many things by the supernatural, and even his life seemed to be passing away at a terrifying speed.

"Successful? But it's not enough. Give him another shot just in case."

The man in a short coat whom Sister Hong called Brother Qiu also planned to take action at this time, preparing to superimpose supernatural attacks and beat Yang Jian to death completely at once, without giving him a chance to fight back.

But before he could take action, the scene in front of him made him open his eyes wide.

Yang Jian's body flashed red, and he broke free from all restraints in an instant, erasing all supernatural attacks. The red spear in his hand was cut down again. The man named Feng Wen in front of him was killed directly with a look of astonishment before he could dodge. The body was split and broken into two sections.

Thick blood splashed all over the floor, staining it red.

However, before all this was done, the spear disappeared instantly with a red light.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi, who was wearing a tattered skirt, had been penetrated through the stomach and nailed to the ground. Then there was no room for struggle, and she lowered her head and stopped moving.

"How could it be?" Brother Qiu San's body trembled slightly.

"You want to take action too?" A cold voice sounded.

Behind you?

Brother Qiu San broke out in a cold sweat. He clearly saw Yang Jian still in front.

Did the ghost zone blockade fail?


The last ghost controller of the Republic of China roared and planned to take action, but Yang Jian didn't even look back. He was just accompanied by the roar of vicious dogs coming from around him. The roaring man immediately lost his movement and fell to the ground.

"Are you looking down on me?" Qiu Sange turned around suddenly and tried to fight back.

But the next moment, a blackened hand grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

The supernatural confrontation begins.

Ghost hands appeared out of thin air, covering Brother Qiu San's body, but they quickly fell down, because some kind of terrible supernatural power was resurrecting in Brother Qiu San, resisting the restrictions of the ghost hands, and even this kind of The terrifying supernatural being is still fighting back, trying to corrode Yang Jian's body.

"You have good abilities. The ghost in your body has inherited everything you have, so you can exert all your supernatural powers. If you are ignored and given some time to grow, you will really be a big trouble in the future."

Gloomy will-o'-the-wisps appeared on Yang Jian's ghost hands.


The small flame suddenly expanded and engulfed the person in front of him.


The screams echoed, and the burns from the will-o'-the-wisp were extremely harmful to those who controlled the supernatural, no less painful than the burning of a living person.

In an instant, all four ghost masters from the Republic of China period were defeated.

For such a result, Yang Jian was not surprised, but felt that it was natural.

Not every ghost controller during the Republic of China is a monster. Sister Hong can resurrect these people, which shows that they are not strong. If they are particularly strong, they cannot be easily resurrected.

"Yang Jian, don't be happy too early."

The red ghost realm that did not belong to Yang Jian instantly enveloped her. Sister Hong's counterattack arrived. Countless red figures approached, and each cold palm pierced Yang Jian's body like nails. The joints of these puppets were intertwined. The body was twisted, like a prison cell that trapped Yang Jian instantly. Even the ghostly shadow was filled with many puppets.

Obviously, Sister Hong knew that not only Yang Jian must be restricted, but also the ghost shadow. After all, she inherited Liu Qingqing's memory and had experience fighting Yang Jian. She knew that Yang Jian's true identity was the ghost shadow on the ground and not this one. With a half-dead body.

The burning will-o'-the-wisp was quickly extinguished, and Yang Jian was horribly restricted. Seizing this opportunity, a red puppet man quickly retreated with Brother Qiu San.

"I'm not dead yet, Zhang Youhong, don't hold back, kill him, you can do it, I always believe in you."

Brother Qiu San's whole body was scorched black, and there were still flames on it that could not be extinguished easily. He said in a gloomy tone at this moment.

Yang Jian was restrained by countless puppets. He twisted his neck and looked at Sister Hong: "It seems that after your resurrection, you are weaker than I thought. Even I can't deal with it. Otherwise, you won't be able to protect them." several."

He had fought against old monsters from the Republic of China in Baishui Town, whether it was the old woman carrying a basket, the knocker in life, or the owner of the cemetery. Everyone was so terrifying that it was suffocating, but it was this red My sister's performance was very mediocre.


Sister Hong's face darkened. Of course, her rebirth was not without cost. She had to give up a lot of things, and even with her previous memories, she could not regain her previous strength, because many times successful experiences cannot be replicated. If you can succeed and reach that height the first time, you may not be able to do it the second time.

Immediately all the puppets moved. Each puppet took a part of Yang Jian's body, like a decomposed building block. Even the ghost couldn't resist this supernatural attack. It was unexpectedly touched by the puppet. It was split into many black shadows.

A complete Yang Jian simply disappeared.

Each puppet holds a part of Yang Jian's body in its hands. The strange thing is that these bodies are not dead, but alive, and even the disassembled heart is still beating.

"Did you successfully kill Yang Jian?"

At this time, Hu Zongshang, who was first dismembered, opened his eyes, regained consciousness, and woke up.

Although he only has half of his body, he is still alive, and the two halves of his body are slowly recovering as time goes by.

But now he is still unable to move, no different from a real dead body.

"He's not dead yet, he's just broken into countless pieces by me. As long as these bodies are stored separately, he will never be able to recover." Sister Hong said: "I can't compare to before. It's already very long to be able to do this. It won’t be easy anymore, and this is also because Yang Jian was only focused on dealing with you just now. If not, I wouldn’t be able to seize this opportunity.”

"He is too arrogant. It is only natural that he capsized the boat now." Although the burnt Qiu Sange was in pain at the moment, his face remained expressionless.

"Rescue Zhang Yi quickly, she is still nailed."

Sister Hong said: "She won't die for the time being. It's just a nail in the coffin. There is no danger."

As he spoke, a puppet wearing a cheongsam walked over and tried to pull out the red spear.

But as soon as the puppet touched the spear and exerted force, a terrible curse broke out in an instant, and the red puppet immediately froze in place and made no movement.

"Is there some kind of curse on it?" Sister Hong walked over personally and touched the spear with her handkerchief-wrapped palm.

With a slight movement, Sister Hong felt a terrible cold breath coming, and then eroding her whole body, but the red handkerchief blocked this cold erosion, she directly pulled out the spear, and then quickly threw it aside.

This supernatural weapon was very special and she didn't want to touch it for the time being.

Without the suppression of coffin nails, this woman from the Republic of China slowly woke up.

But just when Sister Hong was rescuing these people.

Among the incomplete ghost figures, ghost eyes suddenly opened.

Then a red light flooded everything.

next moment.

In the depths of this red light, Yang Jian appeared in front of everyone intact again.

"I said, reversing life and death is not difficult for me." The familiar and cold voice echoed, making everyone's heart shrink suddenly.

"Are you kidding? You're not even dead?"

The burnt black skin on Brother Qiu San's face has not yet recovered. He opened his eyes wide and looked shocked.

"Restart? And it's a large-scale restart. It's completely different from the previous restart." Sister Hong turned around and saw the scene she least wanted to see.

Yang Jian stood there without taking action, but said: "Sister Hong, don't you understand yet? Until now, none of the people around you have died."

Sister Hong frowned.

"It's not that I can't kill them, it's that they are already dead. Now their true identities are ghosts. Their current behavior is just retaining the habits and memories of their lifetime, so they look like normal people. But this kind of normality It won't last long," Yang Jian said.

"Stop talking nonsense, I can't be persuaded by you. I have been waiting for this day for a long time." Sister Hong said

"Really? That's really a pity."

Yang Jian sighed slightly, then stretched out his hand to grab it, and the spear that fell aside appeared directly in his hand. The next moment, he whispered: "This knife will definitely hit the person in front of you."

After making a wish, the spear fell down.

Originally, Sister Hong couldn't leave a medium while wearing red high heels, and she couldn't even hit her when she was in the ghost realm. However, with the supernatural assistance of the wishing ghost, Sister Hong's medium appeared like the person before. In front of his eyes, just at the moment when the medium appeared, the hatchet slid past and chopped off his head.

The next moment, the curse broke out.

Sister Hong's neck was torn apart instantly, and her beautiful head left her body and fell to the ground with a bang.

Not only Sister Hong, but also the other puppets also lost their heads.

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