Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1496 The knife appears again


A scream echoed like falling into an abyss.

When Yang Jian rescued Wang Chaling, a tragedy happened on the other side. Lu Zhiwen was attacked again, and this time even if He Yuelian came to support, it would be of no avail, because the other party was very decisive, no matter how big the sacrifice was. The price is to kill Lu Zhiwen.

The three kings of the Butcher, the Gentleman, and the Gravedigger join forces. Not many people can withstand such a supernatural attack.

Lu Zhiwen, who thought he had been saved, fell into the abyss again at this moment, and after falling into the abyss, he disappeared in front of his eyes in the blink of an eye, as if he had completely left this world and never appeared again. Even the screams were heard somewhere. The moment came to an abrupt end.

The appearance of this scene was a bit beyond the expectations of He Yuelian, who was not far away.

She thought she could save Lu Zhiwen, but she didn't expect that her appearance would make him realize that the situation was not good and decide to fight to the death.

"Successful, I finally got rid of this guy."

The butcher smiled. He saw Lu Zhiwen fall into the bottomless pit with his own eyes. This pit was dug by a gravedigger. With the ability of the gravedigger, it was absolutely impossible for Lu Zhiwen to escape from this pit alive. Climbing up and down.

"After all, he is just a captain. It is impossible to resist the supernatural attack of the three of us. It is natural to be killed." The gentleman also smiled, feeling happy for the success just now.

"If there hadn't been a mistake in your arrangement, he would have been killed long ago, and it wouldn't have been delayed until now." The butcher said reproachfully.

The gentleman said at this time: "It seems that now is not the time to discuss this. Our enemies are still there."

After saying that, the two people looked in the direction of He Yuelian again.

But why would He Yuelian talk nonsense with these two people? She took action directly. If she killed these two people now, Lu Zhiwen might be able to be rescued, but if the delay continued, Lu Zhiwen, who had disappeared, would definitely die.

Angry women are scary, especially He Yuelian, who has mastered ghost paintings.

Gray-white paper ash fell all over the sky, and the ghostly realm of ghost paintings eroded the entire area. In addition, strange women wearing red wedding dresses began to appear nearby, as if they had stepped out of the paintings, and accompanied by As time goes by, the number of these is increasing, and these strange red figures seem to fill the entire gray-white world.

"Damn it, has this woman completely mastered the supernatural power of the ghost painting? To this extent, she doesn't have to worry about being corroded by the supernatural power?" The butcher was shocked and angry when he saw this scene.

The smile on the gentleman's face suddenly froze at this moment.

This number of ghosts is really dangerous. If you don't deal with them carefully, you will probably die here.

But the nightmare doesn't end there.

The strange women in red who were coming towards them all stopped when they were less than ten meters away, and then each stretched out a white palm and slowly raised it.

"Not good." The gentleman's eyes suddenly shrank, thinking of the scene just now.

Once He Yuelian waves, he will definitely take away a ghost. If so many weird women wave at the same time, the consequences will be unimaginable. Maybe all the ghosts controlled in his body will be taken away, and what will happen to the ghost controller who has lost the ghost? It can only be death, it is impossible to live.

"Gravedigger, take us out of here first." The gentleman roared without hesitation, choosing to retreat temporarily, not wanting to resist He Yuelian's attack.


Two bottomless pits immediately appeared at the feet of the butcher and the gentleman, and the appearance of these two large pits immediately swallowed them both.

At the same time, countless strange women wearing red wedding dresses also waved their cold white palms.

The supernatural being who attracts ghosts appears.

Then the ghost's figure floated out from the two black pits that swallowed the butcher and the gentleman. As the ghost's figure flew out, there was also a painful wail. It was obvious that the two people had no time to escape. Affected by the supernatural being that summoned ghosts, some of the supernatural beings in the body were forcibly stripped out.

But He Yuelian still didn't completely leave these two people behind.

After paying a certain price, the butcher and the gentleman successfully evacuated this supernatural land covered with gray-white paper dust by using the holes dug by the gravediggers.

"You can't escape. You have memorized my appearance in your minds. As long as you remember my appearance next time, then I will be able to find you, and then you will not have another chance to escape."

He Yuelian stared at the place where they disappeared with cold eyes, deciding to wait for the next opportunity to take action.

And the next opportunity to do something will not be very long, maybe they will meet again in a few minutes.

After escaping from the dangerous area, the gentleman and the butcher appeared in an inconspicuous corner of Dahai City.

This was the backup escape route prepared by the grave diggers. They thought they would not be used, but now it seems that this escape route helped them escape from danger.

"What a scary woman. Can a living person control that kind of supernatural power? That's an S-level supernatural ghost painting." The butcher was still angry at the moment, but there was nothing he could do against He Yuelian.

Not to mention that he had nothing to do, even Yang Jian had nothing to do with He Yuelian.

"This should be one of the opponent's trump cards, but there's no need to be afraid. If we can't defeat him, there's no problem in evacuating safely. Just avoid this person next time. And it's impossible for every one of the opponent's captains to be so powerful. As long as Kill some ordinary captains and reduce the opponent's number, and we will be the winners of this war in the end." The gentleman smiled, still calm and determined.

After all, this plan was indeed successful. The other party lost a captain, but his side was intact.

As long as the others move smoothly and add the ghost ship, they can definitely inflict heavy damage on the opponent.

"Let's meet up with the other guys first. Now the plan has only completed the first step. There are more important things to do next." The butcher said solemnly.

But just when they were about to leave.


The gentleman seemed to be aware of it. He stopped and looked back at the alley hidden in the darkness behind him.


The gentleman shouted in a low voice, obviously noticing someone in the alley.

However, no one appeared in the alley, but there was a heavy footsteps echoing, and at the same time as the footsteps echoed, there was a strange sound of metal rubbing against the ground.

"It's not necessarily a living person, maybe it's a ghost released from the ghost ship." The butcher picked up the bloody kitchen knife, but now his body was not as fat as before, but had lost a lot of weight.

This is because he previously released some evil ghosts to deal with Lu Zhiwen.

"Wrong guess, I am a human, a native of the country." A deep voice sounded in the alley, but the strange thing was that there was still no human figure, only the sound could be heard.

Judging from the sound, people in the alley should be walking towards this side.

"Is he the captain hidden in the headquarters? It's really interesting. If you want to take action, then just give it a try." The gentleman held up his hat and did not intend to evacuate. He decided to kill this arrogant guy first.

After all, there is only one person on the other side, and there are three people on my side.

The man in the alley didn't answer, but you could clearly hear the footsteps speeding up, and the sound of metal rubbing against the ground became faster and faster.

"Here we come." The dead gray skin on the butcher's body began to squirm again at this moment, and ferocious and strange human heads kept coming out of the skin.

Only a few remaining ghosts appeared at this moment, and he planned to release them again to give the opponent a fatal blow.

However, when the footsteps walked out of the alley, a strange scene appeared.

Facing the faint light from the distance, a blurry figure appeared in front of the two people. The blurry figure was looming in the light, and what made people feel creepy was that as the surrounding light twisted and folded, The figure seemed to have changed from one to two, and then to four.

Moreover, each figure was carrying an old sword in his hand. The sword seemed to be very heavy and could not be easily picked up. It could only be put on the ground and dragged forward, so a series of strange sounds were made on the ground. The sound of metal friction.

Four blurry figures were approaching the butcher, and an old broadsword was already raised.

"Not good." At this moment, the butcher felt an inexplicable feeling of horror.

But it's too late.

Zhang Xianguang's attack at this moment did not give the other party any chance to react, and he did not just take action alone, but four people took action together.

Such a supernatural attack is enough to kill any captain and any king.

next moment.

The old sword fell, and the figure that emerged in the light came over in a flash.


The butcher's tall, fat body was suddenly torn apart, and he fell to the ground with a look of astonishment. Thick blood spattered out, accompanied by the strange screams of the ghost. .

Before he could fight, the king, codenamed The Butcher, was cut into several pieces and died on the spot.

The gentleman on the side suddenly shrank his eyes, showing an expression of horror.

"Second place." Zhang Xianguang's voice sounded, and the blurry figure slowly disappeared into the darkness again.

The gentleman woke up suddenly and subconsciously took several steps back.

But then, the sound of heavy footsteps just now was heard around him. Along with the sound of heavy footsteps, the sound of the old sword dragging on the ground also echoed in his ears.

The sound made the gentleman's hair stand on end.

There was no doubt that he was being targeted and was about to become the next target. If he didn't find a way quickly, he would end up like the butcher.

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