Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1598 Terror revives again

"Wang Shanshan, I'm back. It looks like the demolition teams won't be coming today. If anything happens, call me."

Uncle Zhang sat in front of the small temple for a while. When he saw that nothing happened, he held his cane and walked back home.

His home is also in Guanjiang Community and is an old villa.

Although it is a villa, the layout inside is very simple and does not look like a wealthy person at all. There are even signs of water seepage in some places.

Moreover, three generations of grandparents live in this house, a total of five people.

"Dad, you won't stop the demolition again today, will you? At your age, can you stop bothering? Moreover, this community is old and dilapidated. It is a good thing to demolish and rebuild. I really don't know why you old people are opposed to it. Others It’s not like I want to occupy your house. You can come back and continue to live in it after the construction is completed, and then the new community will be more comfortable.”

A middle-aged man in his fifties hurriedly stepped forward and helped Uncle Zhang.

"All the houses here were built by your grandfather. How long can they last? I don't object to them being demolished and rebuilt. What if they collapse one day and you come to me to settle the account? But those demolition teams don't know either." Who invited them? How do they know where they can be demolished and where they can't be demolished? There are many taboos in this community. If I don't watch, there will be trouble."

Uncle Zhang set out the example of the older generation and trained his son.

"Zhang Wenwen, you are still young and have not experienced many things. Let me tell you, there are three places in this community that cannot be moved. If I die one day, you have to guard them."

"I know, I know, the first villa in the community cannot be moved, the temple cannot be moved, and our home cannot be moved, right." Zhang Wenwen said: "You have said this countless times, I My ears are almost calloused. Dad, let’s eat first. After dinner, I’ll go out for a walk, okay? I’ll take care of anything.”

"It's okay for you to go out for a walk, but your father has to take action when something happens. It's not like you didn't know that when your father was young, he always told the truth in Dachang City. But now that he's older, all my friends and younger brothers are almost dead. Otherwise, there is no need for me to take action personally." Uncle Zhang couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, a young man in his early twenties curled his lips and said, "Grandpa, stop bragging. You are so great. How could your family be so poor? I couldn't even afford the bride price when I got married last year."

"Zhang Tao, why are you talking to your grandfather?" Zhang Wenwen scolded.

"That's right. Dad, didn't you also say that your family was very rich when you were a child? Why is this dilapidated house the only thing left now?" Zhang Tao said.

Zhang Wenwen was silent for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

When he was a child, his family was indeed very wealthy, and his father did have many friends and younger brothers, and he was very prestigious in Dachang City. However, it became worse every year until it became like this now.

"Dad, Zhang Tao is still young and ignorant, so don't take it to heart." Zhang Wenwen then glared at his son and said.

Uncle Zhang gave up and said, "Your father is so generous, how could he care about his grandson?"

But at this moment, his phone rang.

"Awei, where are they? Seven red coffins were dug out at the construction site today. Do you know about this? It's not going to be haunted again. Do you want to come over and take care of it?"

There was also an old man's voice on the phone. He spoke very loudly, for fear that Uncle Zhang would not be able to hear.

"A Fei, I'm eating. I'll be over in a while. Why did you, my little brother, tell you now? Where did you die before?" Uncle Zhang said cursingly.

"I wasn't feeling well a few days ago and went to the hospital. I just came back today. Ah Wei, I have to rely on you this time. I heard that those coffins are very evil and I can't stand them." The old man named Ah Fei said.

"What a waste." Uncle Zhang immediately hung up the phone and stood up unsteadily.

Zhang Wenwen hurriedly helped him: "Dad, please don't go. I'll ask Zhang Tao to run over and check on the situation for you."

"Do you want my grandson to die? Stop eating, help me up quickly, go to the basement, and call your wife Xiaolu, tell her to stop going to work and come back quickly." Uncle Zhang held his cane and walked towards the basement. go.

"What are you going to do in the basement? There's a bunch of debris there, but there's nothing there? It's dark and damp, and there are rats. I won't go." Zhang Tao shook his head quickly.

Uncle Zhang's face darkened and he immediately glanced back.

Those eyes were sharp and revealed a bit of murderous intent, making people tremble all over and feel an inexplicable chill.

"Zhang Tao, don't talk back to your grandfather, or I'll beat you up." Zhang Wenwen scolded.

Zhang Tao shrank his neck, not daring to have any objections, and then said cautiously: "I'll call Liu Xin over, and we'll go to the basement together."

"Hurry up." Uncle Zhang shouted.


Uncle Zhang brought his son, grandson, and grandson's wife to the basement.

The lights in the basement are dim, the air is turbid, and there are all kinds of old objects piled up. There are many old-fashioned computers, a lot of expired comics, CDs, and some unused barbecue grills. You can even find several boxes of them. Finished expired coke.

"Move that pile of things." Uncle Zhang pointed to the front and said.

"Zhang Tao, come here and help." Zhang Wenwen greeted his son and moved away a pile of debris together.

After the things were moved away, Uncle Zhang walked over. He pressed on the wall, and a hidden compartment appeared, which contained a special mechanical combination lock.

Even after many years, the mechanical combination lock is still as bright as ever, showing a golden metallic luster.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wenwen couldn't help but be stunned for a moment: "There is a secret door in the basement, Dad, why didn't I know?"

"Little brat, there are a lot of things you don't know. This is the No. 2 safe house built by your grandfather back then. It cannot be opened until absolutely necessary. Now the demolition teams outside have dug up all the ghost coffins where Wang Shanshan was buried. , If I don’t take action, I’m afraid the entire community will die.” Uncle Zhang snorted.

After a while of operations, the hidden door opened.

There is a passage inside, and the lights are on, very bright.

Zhang Tao and his wife Liu Xin were stunned and looked at each other in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, there is such a big secret hidden in the basement of the house.

"Everyone come in."

Uncle Zhang held his cane and walked in unsteadily.

Several people followed, looking curiously at the so-called safe house No. 2.

"This safe house is not simple." Zhang Wenwen reached out and touched the metal wall on the passage.

Along the way, for seven or eight meters, I couldn't find a single crack in the wall. Although there was a little dust on it, the metal exposed after the dust was wiped off was shiny, without any signs of oxidation or corrosion.

I don’t know how much such craftsmanship and materials cost.

After walking through the passage, there was a large room. However, at this moment, Zhang Wenwen, Zhang Tao and the others opened their eyes wide and were shocked by the scene in front of them, because there were actually pieces stacked up in the corner of the room. gold bricks.

Yes, you read that right, they are really gold bricks. Each gold brick is engraved with some numbers by laser, such as 999, 1000G, etc., and it is still shining brightly after many years. You can tell at a glance that it is genuine. stuff, not fake.

"Gold? So much."

Zhang Tao rushed over instantly and wanted to grab a few pieces, but found that the gold was too heavy. He could only hold one piece in one hand, then looked at the others excitedly and said: "Wife, look at the gold, we are rich."

Liu Xin was stunned in place at this moment, still in shock.

Zhang Wenwen couldn't help but stepped forward, picked up a few pieces, and was stunned for a moment: "Dad, how come there is so much gold here."


Uncle Zhang snorted: "What an ignorant thing, you can get so excited with just a few pieces of gold. Haven't you always been curious about why my family became poor after we were rich before? Now you understand, I have exchanged all the money at home for you." The gold is placed here.”

"Grandpa, are you kidding me? Was our family so rich before? Can we buy so much gold?" Zhang Tao swallowed and his eyes turned red.

The gold piled together was taller than his entire body. This could no longer be calculated in grams, but in tons.

If it were converted into money, the world's richest man would not dare to say that, but the top ten richest men in the country should have no problem.

"What didn't your grandpa have when he was young? He wanted money, people, and people in the supernatural circle had to sell me some face." Uncle Zhang said dissatisfied: "Don't look at it, that gold is not prepared for you. "

"The gold in our family is not reserved for us, then who is it reserved for?" Zhang Tao's hot heart suddenly cooled down a lot.

Uncle Zhang said: "You will understand in the future. Don't look at it. Gold is the most useless thing here. I thought it took up a lot of space before I moved it outside."

As he spoke, he continued walking forward.

Several people looked at each other in shock when they heard this.

Do you think gold takes up space?

How arrogant do you have to be to say such a thing?

But looking at the placement of the gold, it does seem that way. It was piled casually in the corner, not even willing to occupy the aisle.

Continuing to move forward, several people began to go deep into the safe house.

At this time, Zhang Wenwen, Zhang Tao, and Liu Xin discovered that the underground safe house was very large, and there were several special rooms. These rooms were blocked and could not be opened, and it was impossible to see clearly what was inside.

It wasn't until Uncle Zhang personally took action that a room that had been dusty for a long time was opened.

In the room, the moment the lights came on, there was glittering gold everywhere.

"Wait a minute, Dad, aren't all the rooms here made of gold?"

Zhang Wenwen only realized this. As he walked along, he noticed that the wall was also golden, but it was covered with a layer of dust, so he didn't think about it that way.

He didn't make such a guess until he saw the glittering walls of this room.

"Isn't it reasonable to build a safe house with gold? Why are you making such a fuss?" Uncle Zhang said as he walked into the room.

Zhang Wenwen stomped his feet after hearing this.

Even if my dad buys gold, he actually uses gold to build a safe house. No matter how rich he is, he can't afford to spend it like this. No wonder his family was so rich when he was a child, but he was so poor when he grew up.

Zhang Tao and his wife were shocked again at this moment.

Along the way, I actually stepped on a road paved with gold.

When several people followed Uncle Zhang into the golden room, they found that there was nothing inside but a table.

There is a wooden shelf on the table. There is a scarlet and strange ax on the shelf, and there is a lamp next to the axe.

It was an oil lamp.

The oil lamp was also made of gold, in the shape of a lotus flower, and contained black, smelly lamp oil.

In addition, there are two golden pistols placed next to them, and several boxes of bullets are neatly placed next to the pistols.

"It turns out grandpa didn't brag. He was really a dual-wielder with golden guns when he was young." Zhang Tao's eyes were immediately attracted by the two golden pistols.

Uncle Zhang looked at the ax with a nostalgic look in his eyes, and his previous memories resurfaced again.

"I'm not too old to move yet." He stretched out his wrinkled palm and picked up the scarlet axe.

"Wenwen, take that oil lamp and be careful not to spill the lamp oil inside. There isn't much left."

He could no longer hold the oil lamp in one hand and the ax in the other as before, so his son could only do the work for him.

"Dad, what are these?" Zhang Wenwen carefully picked up the golden oil lamp and asked.

"Stop dilly-dallying. You don't understand after I told you. Hurry up and take a look at those coffins. Those people have been dead for so many years, and most of them have turned into ghosts when they open the coffins. It's hard to deal with them." Uncle Zhang was holding an axe. , punched his cane, sighed, and then walked out slowly.

at the same time.

Reporter He Feng and his wife Zhou Mei finally arrived at the gate of Guanjiang Community.

"Isn't it? This community is being demolished and rebuilt? It's going to be difficult now. Most of the people in the community must have moved away. It will be very difficult to get some important information."

He Feng was dumbfounded when he saw that the community had been reduced to a construction site.

"Let's go and see if there are any demolition areas over there. There should still be people living there," Zhou Mei said.

"Okay." He Feng nodded.

The two people entered the construction site smoothly by virtue of their status as reporters. As soon as they arrived, they heard several workers discussing something. Those workers said that several red coffins were dug out at the construction site in front of them. The coffins were very evil. Some people even disappeared because of it.

"Red coffin?" He Feng suddenly became interested.

He asked the workers, determined the approximate location, and immediately rushed towards the location of the red coffin.


He Feng and Zhou Mei found the place where the incident occurred.

At this moment, the construction site manager Liu Yan is leading a team of people to handle the seven red coffins.

"Who opened this coffin? Who is in charge of this area? Don't you know that something has to be reported? If these coffins are cultural relics, if you people destroy them, you will all go to jail."

Liu Yan was a little angry when he saw the open coffin and blamed the workers for their fault.

"Wang Jian seems to be in charge here." A subordinate next to him said.

"Call him and ask him to come over." Liu Yan said: "Have you reported the crime? If you don't report the crime immediately, get rid of these coffins quickly and don't delay the construction process."

The subordinate immediately picked up his cell phone and prepared to call Wang Jian.

However, after the call was dialed, a strange thing happened. The ringtone of supervisor Wang Jian's cell phone rang from a red coffin.

Everyone was stunned at this moment, including Liu Yan.

"What, what's going on? Wang Jian's mobile phone is actually in that red coffin?" Someone was very surprised.

However, the ringtone of the mobile phone is still reverberating, and through identification, one can even find out exactly which coffin the ringtone is coming from.

"Did Wang Jian open the coffin and accidentally drop the cell phone inside?" Liu Yan asked.

"It seems that there is only one coffin opened, but there is nothing in that coffin. It is an empty coffin. The coffin does not seem to be moved." Someone replied.

"This is too evil. How about burying these coffins back? It's better to do less than to do more." Someone else suggested.

Liu Yan said: "What a shame, here are two people, open the coffin, and then pick up Wang Jian's cell phone, lest the investigators come over and accuse us of destroying the scene. Also close the other open coffin, be careful." , don’t damage it.”

Immediately, two workers volunteered, walked into the pit, and then came to the coffin with the ringing mobile phone, ready to open it and take away the phone.

He Feng and Zhou Mei were mixed in the crowd and immediately picked up their mobile phones to take pictures of this scene.

As reporters, their instincts made them feel that this might be important news.

But the ringing of the phone at this moment suddenly stopped.

The face of the person who had just called suddenly changed, and the hand holding the phone trembled.

Because the call was actually dialed, the call status was displayed at the moment.

He was startled and hurriedly hung up the phone.

At this moment, he became a little uneasy.

What was in the coffin that connected the phone?

However, the two workers were already trying to open the lid of the coffin.

The red coffin lid was very thick, but after a lot of effort, the coffin, which had been dusty for who knows how many years, was slowly opened.

"Quick, aim and shoot inside the coffin." He Feng said hurriedly.

"There seems to be something wrong with my phone. You can take the picture yourself."

Zhou Mei's cell phone on the side didn't know what was going on at the moment. The screen suddenly flickered, making it impossible to take pictures normally.

"No, there's something wrong with my mobile phone too." He Feng found that his mobile phone screen was also flickering at this moment, as if there was some kind of interference.


With a heavy landing sound, the lid of the coffin was opened, and at the same time, a cold breath quickly spread towards the surroundings.

However, the scene in the coffin left everyone stunned.

The coffin was very clean, with no signs of water seepage. Inside, there lay a pale-skinned, well-preserved female corpse. This female corpse showed no signs of decay. She looked very beautiful and had thick, long black hair.

What's even more weird is that the mobile phone that Wang Jian lost before was actually held in the hands of this female corpse.

"This coffin must be decades old at least. How could the body inside not rot at all?" Liu Yan said in surprise.

The female corpse in the coffin didn't look like a dead person, but rather like a living person who had just fallen asleep.

Reporter He Feng on the side was also dumbfounded.

Such a scene is beyond everyone's understanding.

Because even with the best anti-corrosion technology, it is impossible to achieve this scene.

"Unless the person in the coffin is not a human being." Zhou Mei muttered to herself at this moment, remembering the book she had read before.

An inexplicable fear surged into her heart, causing her to subconsciously take a few steps back. At the same time, she felt an urge to escape from here.

He Feng also noticed something was wrong with his wife. He also vaguely guessed that the body in the coffin was abnormal, so he swallowed and stepped back cautiously.



The worker who opened the coffin suddenly felt nauseated and bent over and vomited.

But what is horrifying is that what the worker spit out was not acidic water, but a large amount of black hair.

Another worker also suddenly showed a look of fear. There seemed to be countless thin threads crawling under his skin, and his eyes also turned dark. Then his whole body suddenly convulsed and fell to the ground. Everyone I saw a lot of black hair coming out of his ears, nose, and mouth.


The two workers were screaming in pain. They only struggled a little before they completely stopped moving and died on the spot.

"Run quickly, what's in the coffin is not a living person, but a ghost." He Feng couldn't bear it anymore and shouted in horror.

this moment.

After sixty years, ordinary people's fear of ghosts has reappeared.

all of a sudden.

All the people watching nearby dispersed in a rush, running around like they were running for their lives, trying to get as far away from the coffins as possible.

He Feng was no exception. He took his wife Zhou Mei and fled early, for fear of being targeted by the contents of the coffin.

He couldn't understand the scene just now.

Why is the missing phone in the coffin.

Why does the female corpse not rot for decades?

Why did the nearby workers spit out an absurd amount of black hair from their mouths? And how did the two workers suddenly die?

have no idea.

do not know anything.

Some are just fear of the unknown.

"This doesn't seem to be the way out of the community." Zhou Mei gasped and realized that she seemed to be running in the opposite direction.

"You can't control that much anymore, don't stop." He Feng felt a chill in his back now, but he didn't dare to stop, for fear that he would follow in the footsteps of the two workers.

Just as the two were running.

An old man of about eighty years old, wielding a cane and carrying a red ax, was walking towards this side with a middle-aged man of about fifty years old.

"You can tell by their cowardice that they encountered a ghost. After all, they arrived a step too late. Those dog demolition teams really opened the coffin."

Uncle Zhang couldn't help but stopped, then looked into the distance and murmured to himself: "There is no fog, it doesn't look like Feng Quan, but don't be Li Yang. If that guy wakes up, I'm afraid it will happen again." The one who only knocks on the door is ridiculously fierce, preferably that guy Xiong Wenwen, what I’m best at is beating up children.”

"Son, just light the oil lamp."

Zhang Wenwen nodded and immediately lit the golden oil lamp.

The oil lamp burned, and a strange stench spread. At the same time, the candlelight of the oil lamp was particularly strange. It was obviously broad daylight, but a circle of dim light could not be covered, covering the nearby area like a halo.

"What kind of lamp oil is this? Is it so smelly?" Zhang Wenwen couldn't help but cover his nose.

Uncle Zhang said: "This is the corpse oil squeezed from the body of the devil, of course it smells bad."

"No." Zhang Wenwen trembled all over and almost dropped the lamp in fright.

"Uncle, go back quickly. Don't go forward. There is danger on the construction site ahead." He Feng shouted loudly, trying to stop the two people from walking towards the construction site.

However, when he and his wife Zhou Mei approached, Uncle Zhang rolled his eyes, raised the red ax, and slashed behind them.

He Feng and Zhou Mei were startled, thinking that the old man was picking up the ax to chop themselves, but they found that the ax hit the ground behind them.

"You two unlucky children were targeted by ghosts. Fortunately, your grandpa Wei saved you. Otherwise, you would not survive today. Kneel down and kowtow to me. It will be considered as a thank you for my life-saving grace."

Uncle Zhang slowly took back the axe.

But I saw several black broken hairs left on the ground behind the two people.

The hair was very long. One end seemed to have taken root and grew on the bodies of the two people. The other end disappeared immediately after being cut off.

And what is incomprehensible is that this long black hair can only be fully revealed when illuminated by a dim oil lamp. Once it leaves the range of the oil lamp, it becomes invisible.

He Feng also saw the long black hair on himself and his wife, and couldn't help but shudder at this moment.

This is too evil.

When did you become infected?

totally no idea.

"Sir, uncle, are you the legendary ghost controller?" He Feng thought of something at this moment and asked cautiously.

"I'm just an ordinary person with some skills. Don't talk nonsense about what a ghost controller is. Ghost controllers are short-lived. You are cursing your grandpa to die early. If you don't want to kowtow in thanks, just stay away. Grandpa Wei still has things to do today."

Uncle Zhang warned, and then continued to walk forward with the ax. As he walked, he muttered to himself: "The black hair should be ghost hair. It seems that the person who revived this time is Huang Ziya. It is not difficult to deal with. It’s just a matter of hitting him with an axe.”

"Dad, is it really haunted? How about we go back." At this moment, Zhang Wenwen couldn't help but feel frightened while holding the oil lamp.

What happened in just one hour had completely subverted his cognition, making him feel that his life had been in vain.

"Go back? Where to go? If that thing is not dealt with, everyone in the entire community will die. In a few days, the corpses in Dachang City will be able to circle here three times. As the second-in-command of Dachang City, your father will never die in his lifetime. I've chickened out before, but now that I'm old, how can I lose my security at the end of the year?"

"Let's go, don't be cowardly, trust your dad, this thing can be solved." Uncle Zhang was holding the axe, a little high-spirited, as if he had returned to the original time.

He Feng and Zhou Mei were stunned on the spot.

They remembered what the old man Zhang Zhidong said in Dadong City.

There are ghosts in this world, and there are people who can deal with them.

"It's true, everything is true. This is the truth that was buried sixty years ago." At this moment, he completely believed it.

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