Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 901 The building in hand

"The bells in the ancient house have stopped ringing? Did Li Jun and Wang Chaling's actions have an effect?"

Near the old house.

On the roof of a tall building.

Yang Jian, Xiong Wenwen and Guitong stood here, condescendingly paying attention to the situation in this ancient house. Although he couldn't see much from the outside, he could still judge the situation through some changes.


He saw the entire ancient house burning, and a gloomy green fire enveloped the deserted old house. It should be Li Jun's will-o'-the-wisp.

But then the lit ancient house disappeared with the sound of bells.

Yang Jian guessed.

This is a restart of the ancient house.

But after that time, the bell of the ancient house never rang again.

"Most of the people in the ancient house have already surrendered, but this is not a good sign. The bell has not sounded, which means that the person who moved the pendulum clock has not been forced to restart, and the other party still has some remaining power. If the bell rings repeatedly If the sound is heard and the ancient house keeps restarting, then it means that the other party has nothing to do."

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, exuding a faint red light.

"They're in danger."

Based on his own experience and judgment, Yang Jian came to a not so good conclusion.


The confrontation in the ancient house is indeed continuing, danger and terror are converging, and an unimaginable and strange event is unfolding.

In the empty dark hall.

The strange woman in red clothes with blurred facial features stood there quietly, motionless, and her figure seemed a bit unreal, as if she did not belong to this ancient house, but came from another unknown supernatural place. The invasion is here.

Just stood there quietly.

But some incomprehensible changes began to occur in the ancient house.

Above the head, gray things like paper dust were falling down. These things covered the ground, eroding every place like dye.

Yet at the same time.

The darkness in the ancient house intensified. This darkness condensed like a thick fog, converging into a clear outline. This outline looked like a huge coffin placed in the ancient house.


Or maybe the entire ancient house is like a coffin, holding everything here inside.

Chen Qiaoyang's expression changed at this moment, and he stared at the woman in the hall.

Can't be wrong.

It's that terrifying and sinister painting.

But why, why did the woman in this murderous painting appear here? Wasn't this thing taken abroad? Even after so many years, if it was not properly kept and the evil ghost in the murderous painting reappeared, then it should be causing trouble abroad.

Why did you come to the Wang family's ancient house?

And it came so unexpectedly.

And the black coffin.

I heard that many people died because of this coffin. Although Chen Qiaoyang was not involved, he had heard about it.

Later, the coffin disappeared, and no one knew where it was. I thought that this supernatural event would completely disappear from the world, but I never thought that I would encounter such trouble just after I escaped from trouble.

"These things don't appear for no reason. It must be because of this Li Jun. There is something weird about him."

Chen Qiaoyang's slightly skinny face moved slightly. He gritted his teeth, lifted up his clothes, and then scratched his chest with his nails.

His nails seemed a bit sharp, and they actually cut a gash in the skin on his chest.

After a layer of skin cracked, there were no internal organs inside, only thick and black blood, exuding a stench of rotting corpses.

There was green fire dancing in the thick, black blood.

Chen Qiaoyang reached in and dug into his stomach. Then the black blood rolled and he took out a burning will-o'-the-wisp.

There was another person with him.

Li Jun's whole body was squeezed and deformed. His body was empty, with no bones or flesh and blood to support it. Only a strange human skin was left, and at the head of this human skin, a will-o'-the-wisp was beating, strange and terrifying.

"I want to see what happened to you." Chen Qiaoyang squeezed Li Jun's neck, unable to feel the hardness of the bones.

The neck was sunken and soft. It didn't look like it was strangling a person, just a piece of dead skin.

Li Jun is still alive at this moment. His sunglasses have fallen off, and there are no eyeballs in his eye sockets. They are charred and hollow, with only will-o'-the-wisps dancing.

"The real me is dead a long time ago. Now I just maintain a special state, but I don't know how long this state can last. But if I can deal with a dangerous person like you this time, it will be worth it. ." Li Jun moved his lips and made a hoarse voice.

He is still alive.

The dry skin gradually filled up again, like a hot air balloon, with will-o'-the-wisp burning inside.

Will-o'-the-wisps can't burn Li Jun's human skin.

That's because this is not an ordinary human skin, but the skin of a fierce ghost.

This ghost skin does not belong to the ghost controlled by Li Jun. It is the ghost on Chen Yi during the last ghost painting operation.

Guipi Chenyi.

One of the three people in charge of Big J City died because of the ghost painting operation.

Now this ghost skin is wrapped around Li Jun, preventing the resurgence of the will-o'-the-wisp, but the situation seems to be more than that.

Chen Qiaoyang reached out and touched Li Jun's face. There was some ointment and dye on his fingers, and the colors were very bright, like the makeup that an embalmer in a funeral parlor would apply to the dead.

"You are not a human being. You are a person drawn on a piece of ghost skin. You are right. The real you has been dead long ago. Someone used this ghost makeup to draw you and replaced Li Jun. As long as the real you is replaced by Li Jun, Once the makeup on your face is wiped off, you will disappear, and then the evil ghost on human skin will revive."

"Do you dare to let me disappear here?" Li Jun was not afraid of death, he stared at Chen Qiaoyang.

The engorged human skin turned into a pair of hands, but he firmly grabbed Chen Qiaoyang's arm and refused to let go.

The current Li Jun is no longer the real Li Jun. It was drawn by a person in charge at the headquarters named A Hong. A Hong's code name is ghost makeup, which can make a person look like someone else, thus completely becoming that person. appearance.

This kind of ghost makeup can even turn you into a ghost.

Even before the makeup is removed, an ordinary person can have the ability of that evil ghost.

However, the time it takes to transform into a ghost is very limited, but if you paint a living person, it can last for a long time.

So A Hong, codenamed Guizhuang, drew Li Jun on Chen Yi's human skin.

So Li Jun was resurrected.

This kind of resurrection is a taboo, and even Ahong herself doesn't know whether the ghost she drew is the same as Li Jun, or a fake Li Jun.

Not important anyway.

Li Jun in the human skin painting replaced the dead Li Jun and possessed Li Jun's memory.

The only drawback is that Ah Hong needs to touch up her makeup every once in a while to prevent the makeup from disappearing after it wears off.

Chen Qiaoyang's hands froze and he did not wipe off the ghost makeup on Li Jun's face. He was also afraid of losing control. Once he lost control, he would face the ghost painting and the coffin. This was really not good news for him.

"You are really crazy. If I guess correctly, that painting is on your body."

He was a little angry, grabbed Li Jun's shirt and tore it off directly.

In addition to the painted face on Li Jun's human skin, there is also a strange painting rubbing on it. The background of the painting is a dim world, like a city, but the rest of the city is It was blurry, only a building with several floors collapsed.

There is still a name hanging on the building, with four words clearly written on it: Ping An Building.

If Yang Jian were here, he would know him. This is the headquarters of the circle of friends and the building where he and Fang Shiming fought.

However, at this moment, the buildings were deserted, and the building was just the background of the painting.

Logically speaking, there should be an oil painting of a figure in front of the background, but the figure in the painting has disappeared.

No, it can’t be said to have disappeared.

Instead, the strange woman in the painting left the painting on Jun Li's skin and stood in the hall of the ancient house.


The painting on Li Jun is a ghost painting, but this ghost painting does not seem to be the source of the ghost painting, but a supernatural portrait derived from it.

But don't forget.

Derived ghost paintings are the same as real ghost paintings.

And the real ghost painting is inside the background building of this painting.

That is, in the abandoned Ping An Building.

"What bad luck." Chen Qiaoyang was shocked and angry, and he threw Li Jun out directly.

This guy can't die yet.

One death.

The evil painting is out of control, and the coffin will come out even if it is not ready. By then, the Wang family's ancient house will become a truly forbidden place, and even he will not dare to stay there.

My plan has not been completed yet, and the Wang family's ancient house cannot be lost yet.

Li Jun fell from the third floor, but then the fire broke out again, covering him in the ghost world, and he stood firmly in the middle of the hall again.

"Chen Qiaoyang, a scary guy like you is too dangerous. I will never allow you to continue doing evil. I will lock you up today and make you disappear from this world forever." He growled in a hoarse voice.

"You are no match for me. Don't push yourself too far. Young man, you are associated with something extremely dangerous. I just don't want to be implicated in bad luck. You have to know that if I didn't hold back just now, you would have been doomed. The will-o'-the-wisp, too. Even that human skin poses no threat to me."

Chen Qiaoyang said with a cold face.

"And you were painted. As long as the makeup on your face is stained, you will disappear. You are so fragile. Do you still want to fight me?"

"I know that my own abilities are limited, so I can't deal with you by myself, but this thing is different." Li Jun took a slight breath, the firelight on his body subsided, and then he opened his mouth palm.

A gloomy will-o'-the-wisp burned.

Among the will-o'-the-wisps, a dim, abandoned building emerged inside, like an illusion.

And at the same time.

On the human skin on his body, the background building in the ghost painting mysteriously disappeared.

It seems that it was taken out by Li Jun just now.

The ghost realm of the will-o'-the-wisp is connected to the ghost painting, and the ghost painting is connected to the building in the painting. Li Jun skipped the middle step and directly used the will-o'-the-wisp to intercept the background building in the ghost painting.

There were many yellow seals wrapped around the inside and outside of the Ping An Building, and there were many red prohibition signs and danger signs.

At the entrance of the building.

An old wooden staircase connects the inside and outside of the building, which looks weird and special.

And on a certain floor of the building, there is a strange sign hanging on it, which reads: Huanggang Village.

Through the glass and windows of the building, some terrifying and strange phenomena can be vaguely seen.

Li Jun knew very well that this building held real ghost paintings, as well as extremely terrifying ghosts.

The ghost paintings on his body are just derivatives of the source ghost paintings.

It's like a window into a real ghost painting, now under his control.

This is also the only window.

It was specially left for him by Mr. Qin.

Otherwise, all windows have been erased.

In other words, the painting on Jun Li's skin is the last ghost painting left alive.

"This is...?" Chen Qiaoyang stared at the hallucination-like building amidst the will-o'-the-wisps.

He has never seen such a method.

This is a new way of using ghosts.

But experience told him that the building was dangerous, no, extremely dangerous.

Once you go in, you will definitely not be able to get out in this life, and you will definitely die inside.

"When it comes to the source of the coffin and the murderous painting, it's untouchable." Chen Qiaoyang took a few steps back.

At this moment, the will-o'-the-wisp on Li Jun's palm suddenly expanded, shrouded in flames, and the building suddenly expanded with it, as if covering the entire ancient house.

The road to the truly terrifying place was opened by Li Jun himself.

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