Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 909 Rule Conflict

Wang Chaling stared at the starving ghost sitting on the chair in the safe house, his eyes flickering, and various thoughts welling up in his mind.

He was certain that no one outside knew that he had stolen the hungry ghosts from the headquarters. Therefore, after the ghost herder Chen Qiaoyang appeared, he first had to confirm whether the hungry ghosts he had placed in the safe house had been stolen. Chen Qiao Yang was taken away.

Although the possibility was low, he still wanted to confirm it.

"This is the only evil ghost that has been confirmed to be restarted and successfully imprisoned in the supernatural world. The value of the starving ghost itself and the value of the coffin nail are extremely great. It is especially important to me, otherwise I will I wouldn’t have risked going to the headquarters to steal this starving ghost.”

Wang Chaling still has lingering fears when she thinks back to her original decision.

Once things are revealed, he will be hunted down by the headquarters.

But he felt that although there were risks, they were within the scope of his own responsibilities.

First of all, it was not me who acted, but my grandfather and grandma who had turned into ghosts.

Ghosts will never die.

So even if it fails, nothing will happen, and when the headquarters was dealing with ghost paintings, all the masters had been recruited, and it was almost impossible for the remaining people to stop the Wang family's generation of fierce ghosts.

The results are clear.

He succeeded.

He forcibly stole the starving ghost from the headquarters and hid it in the safe house until today.

Wang Chaling didn't dare to touch that coffin nail for the time being.

He has carefully studied the archives of S-level supernatural events and starving ghosts. For such level of ghosts, any carelessness may cause a devastating disaster.

After all, this evil ghost will restart.

"Using the restart of the Starving Ghost, I can counteract the restart of the ancient house. As long as I succeed, I can take back the pendulum clock of the ancient house. Then if I force the Starving Ghost to enter the restart stage, then in conjunction with the restart of the pendulum clock, I will create A cycle of restarts with no solution, the Starving Dead restarts for forty minutes, the Pendulum Clock restarts for thirty minutes, which adds up to seventy minutes."

"One cycle will set the time in the ancient house back seventy minutes. If everything goes well, I can set the time in the old house back to a certain point in time before."

"Even, back in the day."

Wang Chaling reached out and touched the heavy door of the safe house, feeling excited in her heart.

Because he already has this opportunity in his hands.

It's possible, but it's not hopeless.

It's just that there is still a little bit of control, control over the starving ghost.

After all, the Starving Ghost cannot keep restarting as you imagined, it can kill people.

Wang Chaling also knows the killing patterns of the hungry ghosts.

This kind of confidential file is qualified for a captain-level person like him to read.

But now.

Wang Chaling put down her palms, with a look of helplessness on her face.

He hasn't thought of a good way to control the starving ghost. At the same time, the incident in the ancient house attracted Yang Jian, and the pendulum clock was targeted by Yang Jian.

In other words, if you are unable to implement the unlimited restart plan in a short period of time, then everything will be meaningless when the pendulum clock is taken away by Yang Jian.

So if you want to complete this plan, you must hurry up before Yang Jian takes away the pendulum clock.

"Yang Jian should not have the ability to take away the pendulum clock now, otherwise he would definitely not take it later due to his character. It takes a correct time to get in touch with the pendulum clock. Yang Jian was suspicious when he and Chen Qiaoyang did it before. It uses the ability to restart, but his restart should be very short-lived."

"It took less than three minutes to survive, and the restrictions were very high."

Wang Chaling made a judgment.

He is confident that Yang Jian currently has no access to the pendulum clock.

"But no matter what, I don't have much time. I must think of a reasonable plan as soon as possible and implement the plan." Wang Chaling began to feel a sense of urgency in his heart.

According to his plan, if everything goes well, the ancient house will be under his control, and with the starving ghost in his hands, he will have enough time to slowly improve the plan and wait for the opportunity.

After all, he is an ordinary person, not a ghost master, and can live for a long time.

The big deal is, it will take a few years or more than ten years.

When the conditions are met, Wang Chaling is not in a hurry, he can afford to wait.

"Since there's nothing here, I have to go out and deal with things outside."

After he confirmed that the starving ghost was fine, he didn't stay long and immediately turned around and left.

Calm returned to the empty safe house again.

Inside the thick door, the corpse with blue-black skin and a weird big belly sat inside like a puppet, motionless, and the coffin nail on its forehead was still deeply inserted into the ghost's forehead. superior.

But what no one noticed was.

As time passed, the coffin nail that was driven into the starving man's forehead peeled off a few strands of debris, which seemed to be the rust on the coffin nail.

At the same time, the numb and gray eyes of the stiff ghost slowly moved.

Strange eyes looked in the direction of the safe house door.

It was as if I could see Wang Chaling's back through the door, which was gradually moving away.

But soon, these strange eyes turned back again.

It was as if nothing had happened.

Only occasionally can I see the rust on the coffin nails peeling off.

at the same time.

In front of Ning'an Building.

Yang Jian has already gathered his team and is preparing to leave the city.

How is the situation over there? "Feng Quan came over at this moment. He was monitoring the abnormalities in the building. He shook his head slightly at this moment, indicating that he was helpless.

"The ancient house has been settled for the time being. A dangerous man named Chen Qiaoyang has escaped. Please pay attention to it in the future." Yang Jian said, and then he took a look at the Ning'an Building under Wang Chaling's name.

Red wooden benches have been placed at the entrance of the building.

Feng Quan said: "If this continues, this building will be destroyed."

"Isn't Wang Chaling here to take care of it?" Yang Jian frowned.

"Never appeared." Feng Quan said.

Yang Jian said; "This guy can sit still and don't care if there is a supernatural incident in his building. He ran away to who knows where. We are busy wiping his butt."

When he played against Chen Qiaoyang before, Wang Chaling was watching the show.

I just said I was going to deal with a supernatural incident, but the person disappeared.

"If it's over over there, do you want to take care of it here?" Feng Quan asked.

Yang Jian said: "You have been observing for so long, do you have any good ideas?"

Feng Quan said: "If we can find the hidden red wooden bench, there may be a way to solve it."

"No, the media has spread," Yang Jian expressed his opinion.

"If you want to solve the problem, there is only one way. Let something special sit on the red wooden bench. That thing should not be too scary to cause the red wooden bench to break, but it can also withstand the attack of the ghost on the wooden bench. As long as it succeeds, everything else will All the wooden benches will lose their role as a medium, because there is only one ghost and it will never be able to attack others when it attacks."

Yang Jian combined the previous situation again and came up with a plan.

But this plan is very difficult to implement, very difficult.

To put it bluntly, you have to passively withstand the attack of the ghost on the wooden bench, and the supernatural power you carry cannot be too strong, otherwise the red stool as a medium will be destroyed and the ghost attack will be terminated.

"It seems that Chen Qiaoyang gave me a difficult problem. He wanted to use someone from a building to delay our time and let him finish school. But he didn't expect that we people would be so cruel and go to Gu first. Deal with him at home, and then come back to deal with the red wooden bench."

Yang Jian showed a cold smile.

Chen Qiaoyang made the right choice. He took advantage of the person in charge's sense of responsibility and compassion, and even tried to divert attention.

An ordinary person in charge would have been fooled.

However, the script did not go as Chen Qiaoyang thought, so he failed this time.

"Captain, is it time to evacuate? The blockade here has been completed. It seems that you have finished your work over there. I hope everyone is fine." At this time, Huang Ziya and Tong Qian came over.

"Li Yang, are you okay?" Tong Qian asked.

Li Yang shook his head and said: "There is no danger, there is no big problem."

"Then what are you waiting for? Go back to sleep, go back to sleep, I'm so sleepy." Xiong Wenwen yawned.

But as a paper man, he doesn't need to sleep at all and can be active around the clock.

"The matter of the red wooden bench has not been dealt with yet. Wang Chaling disappeared and I don't know where he went. Please finish this matter before leaving." Yang Jian said.

Tong Qian was slightly surprised and said: "It's not your style to look after the king and deal with the aftermath."

"I really don't want to take care of it, but I promised Li Jun before to deal with the supernatural incidents here, so I still have to have the credit I deserve." Yang Jian said expressionlessly.

Tong Qian nodded.

Although Yang Jian has some character problems, his credit is indeed good, and at least he has not breached the promises he made. This is why the headquarters is willing to ask Yang Jian to take action.

Because Yang Jian will not cheat, although the price is a bit expensive, it is reassuring to be expensive.

"Then finish handling this matter as soon as possible and return to Dachang City." Tong Qian said, "Do you have any good ideas?"

He looked at everyone, passing through Li Yang and Feng's body, ignoring Xiong Wenwen and the innocent ghost boy beside him.

In the end we can only look forward to Yang Jian.

To deal with supernatural events, you need not only courage, but more importantly, intuition and unique thinking.

Everyone fell into silence, thinking about how to deal with the supernatural incident of the red wooden bench.

Fortunately, they are not in the building now, they are safe, and they have enough time to analyze the matter and think about countermeasures.

"At this time, it's up to me, Father Xiong." Seeing that no one else was moving, Xiong Wenwen immediately stood up and wanted to stand out.

"There's a way to predict it a few times."

Yang Jian glanced at him: "There are so many red wooden stools, countless media, and countless variables. You have to predict when to go."

"No, I don't need to predict that thing, I just need to predict it for you, see how you solve it in the future, and then I will tell you your action plan in the future, isn't that enough? Xiong Wenwen said confidently.

"No need, I thought of a plan." Yang Jian said.

Feng Quan was surprised: "So fast? What is your plan?"

"I need a bait to actively trigger the killing pattern." Yang Jian said.

"I'll be the bait." Tong Qian agreed immediately without thinking.

It is normal for someone to be used as a bait in a supernatural incident, but it sounds a bit cruel, and many people cannot accept it.

But in fact it is an integral part of the operation.

Just like someone has to charge on the battlefield.

Yang Jian said: "No one can guarantee supernatural things. If you make a mistake when using the bait, you will die, and there will be new supernatural incidents. It's not worth it. Let an ordinary person do it."

"No one wants to do this." Tong Qian shook her head.

"As long as you can afford the conditions, there will naturally be people willing to cooperate and work hard for you." After Yang Jian finished speaking, he shifted his gaze to the distant urban area.

The red light flashed away and enveloped the past in an instant.

The ghost realm ends just as quickly as it comes.

next moment.

A young man wearing hospital clothes and bare feet appeared in front of Yang Jian.

"Zhang Zhidong, you are sick and have something growing in your brain. According to my experience, the success rate of that position is not high. You will die on the operating table. Why don't you give your life to me today? I will help you after it is done. The success rate of this operation is at least 90%."

Yang Jian spoke coldly.

The young man named Zhang Zhidong still looked surprised and confused, because one second he was still in the hospital, but at this moment he had appeared in front of Ning'an Building.

"Since you have no objection, then I agree." Yang Jian walked over, grabbed his collar and carried him forward.

Feng Quan, Tong Qian, Li Yang, Huang Ziya, and Xiong Wenwen watched this scene calmly.

"Who are you?" The man named Zhang Zhidong reacted and asked in a stuttering voice. He didn't even resist.

He didn't dare to resist.

When this kind of supernatural phenomenon happens to me, the first thing I feel is fear.

"I am Yang Jian."

Zhang Zhidong asked again; "Where are you taking me?"

Yang Jian carried this man to the nearest red wooden bench in front of the building's gate again.

He slashed the man's arm, causing it to bleed.

Blood dripped on a weird rag doll.

This is the last scapegoat in Yang Jian's hands.

"Sit down." Yang Jian pressed his shoulders and asked him to sit on the red wooden stool.

Zhang Zhidong was confused and at a loss. He had no room for resistance and just sat down firmly.

But then, he found that his body quickly lost consciousness, and at the same time, something happened that made him collapse to the point of almost despair.

This red wooden bench was originally empty, but as he sat down, a strange person appeared next to him.

Lifeless, lifeless, cold and weird, the clothes were old, like a corpse that had been dead for many years, and the man's feet were glued to the wooden bench and seemed to be integrated into one body.

"Is this a ghost?"

Zhang Zhidong's hair stood on end and his scalp was numb. He wanted to scream, but found that he was powerless.

Yang Jian stood nearby, holding the scapegoat and watching with cold eyes.

The scapegoat doll was now active. It was struggling in Yang Jian's hands, punching and kicking Yang Jian, trying to break free and escape from here.

But to no avail.

Yang Jian grabbed the scapegoat and refused to let it go.

"So that's it, let ordinary people trigger the medium to attract the evil ghost, and then use the surrogate doll to divert the evil ghost's attack. At this time, something interesting happens. Will the ghost attack the living person on the wooden bench, or will it attack the person in Yang Jian's hand? A scapegoat?"

"Sure enough, he can handle the collision between supernatural beings and supernatural beings, and the conflict between rules and regulations. He is simply born to do this."

Feng Quan's dull voice was filled with surprise.

Tong Qian nodded slightly and said, "If the ghost wants to attack the scapegoat in Yang Jian's hand, then the ghost will inevitably leave the wooden bench and invade from the media into the real world."

"Once a ghost appears in the real world, then the ghost can be restricted."

Although they saw the key to it at a glance, they couldn't think of this plan in a short time.

It's perfect.

The ghost on the wooden bench who was originally helpless was now about to be forcibly lured out by Yang Jian using a scapegoat.

Of course, there are risks involved.

After all, ghosts might not attack scapegoats.

"It's such a loss-making business. To deal with this red wooden stool, you have to use up the last scapegoat." Yang Jian felt at a loss in his heart at this moment.

This is a life-saving thing. It is more useful than the ghost candle. It is not cost-effective to spend it here.

next moment.

There was a reaction on the calm wooden bench, and it began to vibrate and shake violently.

There seems to be some invisible supernatural force interfering with all this.

However, Zhang Zhidong, who was sitting on it, opened his eyes in horror. He turned his head and looked aside, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing.

Rules and rule conflicts arise.

At the same time, the wooden stool that existed as a medium was not destroyed, because Zhang Zhidong is an ordinary person. He does not have supernatural powers and cannot resist the attacks of the evil spirits. He just dropped a drop of blood on the scapegoat doll.

The function of the scapegoat is to deflect the attack of the evil ghost.

The ghost wanted to attack Zhang Zhidong, and he turned into a ghost wanting to attack the scapegoat.

But the scapegoat is not on the red wooden bench and has no contact with the medium, so the ghost now wants to kill the scapegoat outside the medium instead of killing Zhang Zhidong.

The medium has become a constraint, restricting the ghost's murderous rules.

The ghost is breaking free, seeming to be breaking free from the shackles of the red wooden bench, invading into the real world from an unknown place.

"Will it show up?"

Yang Jian held a golden cracked spear and waited.

The red wooden bench shook more and more violently, and even fell to the ground several times, but it just didn't fall.

Zhang Zhidong, who was sitting on the wooden bench, could not escape. He could only accept all this horror.


A supernatural phenomenon occurred.

A terrifying figure gradually emerged on the wooden bench.

It was a fierce ghost, struggling, shaking the red wooden stool, trying to break free and kill the scapegoat not far away.

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