Mystery Hunter

Chapter 29: Human flesh search

"I just found out that Jiang He used Li Weiyi's mobile phone card to make a call and answered a call." The technician said to Wang Chao: "The call was from a foreign number that was dialed before, and Li Weiyi answered the call. The call from the company is near the Public Security Bureau."

Wang Chao tugged at his hair: "What the **** is this Jiang He doing?"

"What about monitoring?" Wang Chao asked.

Another police officer said: "Jiang He has very good anti-investigation skills. After he left Jinlun Road, the camera never caught him. Obviously, he was hiding from the camera. We can only confirm that he went there. South, but after that there are many forks, can't find..."

"Jiang He, Jiang He." Wang Chao muttered in his heart, "What kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd?"

twelve o'clock in the evening.

The two donkeys who were patrolling felt that everything around them was hairy. Although He Huijuan and Wu Guifeng had been dead for four days, their ghosts could return at any time within seven days. This made Er Donkey scared every night when he patrolled. He always felt that the surrounding environment was extremely cold, and he always felt that someone was following him.

The second donkey listened to the old man saying that if there is something dirty behind him, he must never look back, especially if he hears someone calling his name, he must not agree, because if he turns his head, his soul will be taken away by ghosts. Tick ​​away.

The two donkeys are convinced of these.

At this moment, he heard the footsteps of someone walking behind him. The sound was getting faster and faster, and the second donkey felt that the thing was not far behind him. But the second donkey didn't dare to look back. He walked faster and faster with the flashlight in his hand, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

At this time, the second donkey heard a voice shouting from behind: "Second donkey!"

The second donkey was frightened, he knew there was a ghost behind him! The two donkeys hummed a song, trying to embolden themselves with their singing. But there was another voice calling his name from behind, Er donkey couldn't bear it any longer, he ran away. But as soon as he ran, the voice behind him became louder and louder, and the thing was following him closely.

At this time, a hand was placed on the shoulders of the two donkeys.

The second donkey was completely paralyzed, and his limbs were so stiff that he dared not move.

Then, he saw a face, and this face was Jiang He.

Jiang He walked up to Er Donkey and said, "Er Donkey, why are you running so fast?"

"It's you." A big stone in Erluzi's heart fell to the ground: "What do you want to do?"

Jiang He said, "Go back and tell your captain, I'm going to stay at He Huijuan's house for one night tonight."


The second donkey looked at the back of Jiang He's departure, and felt that Jiang He should really be a security guard. A person like him would dare to patrol in dark and terrifying places. There should be nothing that he was afraid of.

Jiang He came to He Huijuan's house again. He turned on He Huijuan's computer, and then logged into He Huijuan's QQ. What Jiang He has to do now is to know who proposed the class reunion two months ago. Jiang He compared everyone on QQ one by one, flipping through the chat records page by page.

Finally, in the middle of the night, Jiang He found this person.

On He Huijuan's QQ, there is a group of high school classmates with a total of fifty-three people. Judging from the chat records, this time the class reunion was not specially proposed by anyone, but was casually proposed by a person during the chat. After that, another person began to arrange a meeting time, and took the initiative to ask Ying to contact the classmates.

So under the help of this classmate, after several days of arrangements, a time was set for the party. On the spot, it was confirmed that there were more than 20 classmates participating. These people were all around 24 or 25 years old. Some of them had just graduated from college and had not yet looked for jobs, and some had been working for several years.

In the chat group, Jiang He saw Feng Bin's message, and he was very happy to attend this party. He Huijuan doesn't usually chat in this group, but she also decided to join this class reunion. What Jiang He wanted to do was to find out the organizer's information before dawn.

It is not an easy task to do this with just one QQ account. It is impossible for ordinary people to do it, but Jiang He is not an ordinary person.

The name He Huijuan remarked to this person was Fu Qianwei, and Jiang He had a 90% probability that this was the organizer's real name. Then Jiang He entered Fu Qianwei's QQ space. The moment he entered the QQ space, Jiang He found that Fu Qianwei's space had almost recorded his entire life.

Whether it's going to the park or eating something, Fu Qianwei will post it in her own space.

Jiang He, on the other hand, began to search for information that was effective for him in this pile of information.

First of all, Jiang He divided a node, that is, the photos or the talk that he posted within half a year.

Then, Jiang He sorted out all the information about the location, and at the same time, Jiang He opened a map of Longcheng on his mobile phone. After Jiang He entered all the locations on the map, he found that most of Fu Qianwei's activities were in Wanlin District, and occasionally went to the city center.

This made Jiang He almost instantly determined that Fu Qianwei's home was in this area of ​​Wanlin District.

After knowing the area, Jiang He began to analyze the words written by Fu Qianwei one by one:

Had coffee in the neighborhood again today, and I don't know when my guy will arrive. (Pictured is a Starbucks.)

This information was the key. Jiang He immediately searched for the location of Starbucks in Wanlin District in Longcheng, and found that there were only two Starbucks in this district, one on Yunhua Street and the other on Shengli Road.

Jiang He found a picture taken by Fu Qian looking out the window of his house. Judging from the pictures, Jiang He saw a lot of high-rise buildings. Jiang He immediately used Google Earth to compare the buildings near the two Starbucks. After a few minutes of comparison, Jiang He determined that the place was on Yunhua Street.

Jiang He immediately found the information of the nearby communities from the Internet. While looking at the information of these communities, he compared the angle of the photo in his mind. He quickly compared that if he wanted to take a photo from this angle, it would have to be in the rainforest community, and through a high degree of comparison, the information completely appeared in Jiang He's mind:

Room 2301, 23rd Floor, Building 3, Rainforest Community.

Through a Baidu search, Jiang He found that the owner of the household had posted rental information a year and a half ago, which meant that it was not Fu Qianwei's house, but a house she rented. Judging from the analysis, she currently lives alone.

Although she is already very cautious and never reveals her address below, she is still careless. As long as she is a caring person, it is easy to draw such a message: a fairly beautiful single woman is alone Rented room 2301 in Yunhua Street Rainforest Community, Wanlin District, for one and a half years.

Many times, the reason why others know everything about you is that you sold your own information.

It took Jiang He a few hours to not only know where Fu Qianwei lives, but also that Fu Qianwei likes spicy food, squid, and matcha-flavored desserts, and that Fu Qianwei doesn't like sour things. I don't like small animals. I know that Fu Qianwei likes to write some words alone, and I know that she likes to read horror novels. Knowing what kind of boys she likes, knowing that she sometimes doesn't go home until ten o'clock from work, and knowing that she is alone.

The reason why most people share everything about themselves in the circle of friends is just so that others can notice them, but they just don't want to be so lonely.

But this time it was Jiang He who started searching for her information in order to figure out one thing. What if the next time is a bad person?

Tomorrow is a working day, and Jiang He didn't want to search her company's address, although if Jiang He wanted to, he would definitely be able to find clues in Fu Qianwei's space.

After all this was over, Jiang He looked at his watch, it was around four in the morning.

At this moment, Jiang He was not sleepy at all. The dark circles under his eyes were getting worse and the bloodshot in his eyes was increasing, but Jiang He was not sleepy. Jiang He's sleep was extremely irregular. Sometimes he didn't sleep for a few days, and sometimes he slept for a few days.

Geniuses such as Truss and Da Vinci only needed to sleep for about three hours a day. Jiang He wondered if these people also had dark circles like himself. Jiang He felt that Einstein’s situation was the most similar to his own. He didn’t sleep for several days and nights when he was working, and slept more than ten hours a day when he was free.

Jiang He couldn't sleep, so he looked through the window to count the stars in the sky.





Over the years, the pollution has been so severe that Jiang He has only counted eight, and he has counted all the stars in the sky.

During the time when Jiang He was bored, Fu Qianwei slept soundly.

Last night, Fu Qianwei swiped Weibo again until late at night. She reminded herself to go to bed early almost every day, but she never did it a day. So when the alarm rang for the third time, she got up with sleepy eyes.

She warmed the milk while washing.

It's six o'clock in the morning.

After 6:30, she has to rush to catch the subway, on the subway, she can make up her sleep.

But at this moment, she heard the doorbell ring. This surprised Fu Qianwei. She has lived here for a long time, and almost no one has come to her. Besides, at six o'clock in the morning, who would come to see her so early.

Is it the landlord?

Fu Qianwei walked to the door while drinking milk. She observed the person who was ringing her doorbell through the cat's eyes. The first thing that caught her eye was a **** eye, and then Fu Qianwei saw the whole picture of this person clearly. It was a thin, middle-aged man with a shaggy beard and messy hair.

Fu Qianwei didn't think she knew this person: "Who are you?"

"I'm a policeman." Jiang He said, "Four days ago, your high school classmate He Huijuan was killed. We suspect that it has something to do with the class reunion two and a half months ago. You were the organizer of that class reunion. I'm here to find you. Ask some questions."

"He Huijuan is dead?"

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