Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 152: caught up

"Come and help me!"

Xio, who was enjoying the holiday, suddenly heard Fors's voice coming from the door, and immediately bounced off the sofa, ran to the door with bare feet, opened the door with a click, and saw that Forsi was very tired. Paralyzed, he stood outside the door hunched over.

"Quick, help me pick it up!"

"What?" Xio was stunned for a moment, only to notice the delicate slack that was less than one meter behind Forsi's back, and the puppet that she was holding down together with the slack.

"It doesn't weigh too much? Are you an Beyonder anyway?" Xio reached out and grabbed the soft edge, helping Fors to put it down, and then he heard Fors panting:

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"It's not heavy, but do you know how I carried this thing back? These two things are too big, either I'll put one under my arm, or I'll carry it like a coolie on the dock, it's hard to bear. Okay? Not to mention that this doll is still movable, its hands and feet will drag on the ground if my posture is wrong!"

Forsi said, while covering up a few postures of carrying the dolls for Xio, and it was very awkward no matter what.

Seeing the last picture of Fors, Huo couldn't help but feel a little fortunate. At least the female knight of his own just had to be careful not to knock off the knight's sword.

But then again...

"Did you also receive a task from Mr. Panredax to send the doll? Seeing how difficult you are, I will send it with you in the future."

Listening to Xio's caring words, Fors's heart warmed, then shook her head and said:

"No, devil...I mean Mr. Snow said, just keep this at home and live with me..."

"Fors, it's not good to give people a nickname!" Xio persuaded casually, and then helped Fors to place the doll on the soft collapse.

"Just treat it as a nickname." Forsi squeezed the puppet's tender little hands, and felt a little bit of evil in her heart, and put the puppet in a posture of sitting upright, but I don't know why, it was obviously With a very serious posture, this doll still gives a feeling of being lazy.

"I seem to know a little bit why Mr. Penredax asked you to bring her back." Hugh watched Fors tossing the puppet there, looking at this man who was lying on his back, standing upside down, or posing in a funny pose, all seemed weak. The lazy puppet nodded thoughtfully.


Seeing Xianyu taking the puppet away with an extremely awkward posture, a wicked smile appeared on Snow's face, but he was waiting for the news he was looking forward to.

But at this moment, Heavenly Manufacturing suddenly let out bursts of babbling, which stabbed Snow's brain into pain.

"You said that 'rage' can be felt again?" Snow tried to understand the meaning of heaven's creation, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief after getting a positive answer.

It was a risky way to hand over the angry puppet to Alger through sacrifice. After all, the puppet he made was not allowed to enter the spiritual world.

After all, there is a pure and incomparable spirit hosted in the doll. Once this kind of spirit enters the spirit world, it is easy to attract the attention of other spirit world creatures, and it is also easy to be polluted by the spirit world creatures.

So he couldn't send the puppet through a messenger. If Origin Castle really erased the spirituality on it, Snow could only make another one, and then ask Huang Beibe to give it to Alger.

Well, that might scare Mr. Hanged Man...

But now it seems that the anti-virus power of Origin Castle is not as strong as that of Red, at least spirits without hostility and self-consciousness will not be directly killed.

This also makes sense, otherwise the consciousness of the little hungry who dare not squirm has been erased by Origin Castle.

Just as Snow put a stone in his heart, thinking about whether to catch up with the Hellsing chapters, layers of prayers appeared in his ears.

"Oh, here?"


"O traveler from faraway time and space; you are the contradictory spiral of logic and wisdom; you are the reflection of knowledge, the back of truth..."

"I beg your hearing."

"I beg your attention."

"I beg you..."

Triss kept repeating the words of prayer, waiting for the arrival of that great being.

Soon, she suddenly felt a white fog filled her eyes, and then, a string of information was directly stuffed into her mind:

"This is..." Triss looked at the message in her head with a strange expression, but she still took a breath, and began to pray again according to the content of the message:

"The Blessed One of the Paradox, the extension of the contradiction, the rebellion of knowledge, the storm of fiddling with fate, the great Snow von Penredax..."

As the honorable name was recited, a rough voice entered her mind——

"It's very difficult for my lord to throw things aside and make a wish when you have something to do!"

"Are you really a demigod?" Triss's eyes widened, and a look of surprise appeared on her face. Although she felt that it was a bit abrupt when she was suddenly connected to the, the sloppy voice was very awkward. No doubt it was the dead cat!

"It's me, you ungodly guy only prays every time something happens. My lord doesn't want to pay attention to you, so he left it to me."

Snow's tone was still full of the feeling of being slapped, but Triss felt relieved. According to the knowledge of mysticism she possessed, there are only half-human and half-god powerhouses, those who have obtained divinity, to have the ability to answer prayers.

Although this demigod is a bit rude, he is really a demigod!

Taking a deep breath, Triss suppressed her rude thoughts and said directly:

"Hurry up and save me!"

"How can I save you?" Snow's voice still seemed very leisurely, but Triss gritted her teeth and said eagerly:

"Those people from the Witch Sect, they have arrived in Backlund! Although I didn't see them directly, I know they are nearby, and they want to throw me to a man like last time!"

"Does that mean they haven't caught you yet?" Snow raised his eyebrows. Although his mouth was relaxed, he had already started to organize his equipment. He sealed up the Beyonder characteristics with spirituality, put them in a cigarette case, and then The most advanced characteristic in his hands-the all-black eye from the marionette master's extraordinary item was fed to heaven to make.

This was the first time he took Heavenly Made to go out, which made Heavenly Made also babble cheerfully.

"Although I didn't catch it, I think it was too coincidental. I discovered their existence by accident, accidentally chose a road that I wouldn't normally travel, accidentally hit a carriage, and was accidentally killed by the carriage's owner. I was rescued and sent to a manor, I suspect that the owner of this manor is also their person, or someone they arranged, and they deliberately sent me to such a man!"

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