Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 439: 1 Glimpse

Mystery: Paradox Approach Chapter 439 A Glimpse

I have to say that the gold content of the name Amon is really high. If it were someone else, the Night Emperor would never miss the opportunity to defraud the other party, but in the face of Amon, the world's strongest cheater, the Night Emperor was decisive. He chose to persuade him—after all, any Beyonder with some qualifications would understand that, apart from the true god, no one would dare to say that he would be able to offend him.

After he completely transformed Prince Grove's body into a shape that suits him, Integura left the Ghost Empire with the characteristics of the Hand of Order and the Creator. Of course, she didn't forget to get MI9. Bundle.

After all, she is a person with a bottom line. It is Grove's business that Grove does not listen to persuasion. After all, these little guys have led the way (The Ghost Empire uses Beyonder characteristics to aggregate, and only the Judge way can reach the captain's room). As a result, Integura naturally wouldn't leave them on the island to die.

On the Black Pearl, Novart felt his scalp numb when he heard the obvious vibration behind him. He didn't dare to look back to see how the Ghost Empire had changed, so he could only say cautiously:

"Ms. Integura, how should we report when we go back?"

"It doesn't matter, you can tell the truth, but considering that you have broken a demigod and a level 0 Sealed Artifact this time, your life may not be easy. I remember that you are all from nobles? At least let my family know that I have returned to Backlund, so that it can be safer."

Integura stood on the bow of the boat, his eyes looking into the distance without focus, but his words were coherent.

As the sons of nobles, how could the Surviving Six Group not understand what Integura meant?

Only six people in the 20s came back, and they also damaged a demigod. Even if they were not angered, they would definitely be suspected. Maybe a big man would simply let them die in the mission in order to bend their consciousness. After all, MI9 is ​​a kingdom agency, and their family has some energy. As long as they return from the mission and have the support of the family, they will not evaporate.

Of course, no matter what, strict scrutiny is definitely not going to pass.

"Thank you for your reminder." Novart and his companions sincerely thanked, but Integura waved his hand indifferently:

"It doesn't matter, I will send you to the Gargas Islands, as for the rest, it's up to you."


After arriving at the Gargas Islands, Integura disappeared again, and Ersino took Lily and appeared on the Golden Dream.

Although it sounds a little strange, in Snow's view, the Golden Dream is definitely one of the most suitable places for promotion——

Compared with Bayam, which is mixed with dragons and snakes, Backlund, who is full of powerful people, floats on the sea and is not easily watched by a pirate ship. The promotion environment is very ideal.

He didn't even alert Edwina, so he quietly came to the promotion room, and after putting up a promotion-do-not-disturb sign outside, he began to prepare the potion.

The silent disciple characteristics like carrion fell into the bowl, wrapped in the crystal ball that was hugged by insects and insects, and slowly melted in the spirituality slowly injected by Snow, turning into a cup of turbid black, glowing with a little starlight, A potion that looks like a starry sky drawn by the oil-paint separation method.

"Karl's Dragon." Snow picked up the beaker and looked at the liquid in it. He couldn't help but have some expectations in his heart. According to the information given by Baima Feima, this will be the stage of qualitative change in the ability of the paradox pathway. All kinds of operations rely on the huge spirituality provided by the one-foot-shuttle. If he can overwhelm people with strength, then after drinking this bottle of potion, even if he does not have the one-foot-shuttle, he will become a t1 or even in Sequence Three. level of t0.

"I didn't skip class this time, so there shouldn't be any problem, right?" Snow thought for a moment, but still took out the heavenly creation, and after praying respectfully to the true creator, finally put the potion out. Take a sip.

Although the ingredients are heavy, the potion itself is magically tasteless. In fact, if the bottle hadn't really been emptied, Snow would even doubt whether he really drank the potion.

But the potion did begin to melt into his body.

Then, the change began.

Snow didn't know how to describe this feeling. To be precise, his only thought at this moment was that he was disappearing.

Not the disappearance of invisibility or teleportation, but conceptually, on the level of existence, the traces of everything being erased little by little.

It was as if he was being forgotten by the whole world.

But what was surprising was that, in this extremely terrifying state, Snow didn't seem to have the slightest panic, or in other words, his panic seemed to gradually disappear along with this process.

Just when Snow's last ray of consciousness was about to be annihilated, he suddenly felt a little attraction. Although he no longer had the ability to think, but following his instinct, his consciousness flowed into the end of the attraction. In the cocoon, there is a man with three points similar to Snow, but with soft facial features like an elf.

Thoughts and phantoms merged, Snow's thinking ability began to slowly recover, and at the same time, he also realized the essence of this path consciousness.

In the process of being promoted to Carl's Dragon, his own existence will completely disappear, and at this time, the fictional existence becomes the "shell" that hosts his own will and maintains his own existence.

This shell itself is "non-existent", so it will not affect the transformation of the potion itself, but it is "existing", so it can protect the self from disappearing.

In fact, the reason why Snow wants to go to the Ghost Empire before promotion also contains the idea of ​​"fictional Integura for the night emperor to know", so as to avoid Klein who has not become a demigod and does not meet the conditions of the ceremony possible.

But now it seems that Klein still meets the condition of great existence after all.

The transformation of the potion has passed the most dangerous stage, and Snow's body has begun to reappear in this With a little strengthening of the body, Snow's consciousness has once again separated from the fictional " ancestor".

But at this moment, everything in Snow's perception changed.

What he saw was not his own body, or rather, more than one of his own bodies. In his perception, there were thousands of identical bodies.

It's not false, it's not an illusion, it's a self located on a different time line, and the only thing that can be used as a reference is the spatial coordinates anchored by the characteristics of the mystic.

Undoubtedly, the last step to promote Carl's Dragon is to find out the correct self from the slices of these countless timelines.

"Fortunately, I didn't skip class this time, otherwise I wouldn't be able to help Zhenzao..." Snow was glad that he didn't skip class because of Zhenzao's help. With the help of his previous experience in the Ghost Empire, he quickly locked in some details. The correct timeline was established, and I rushed in without hesitation!

In the process of overcoming the side effects of the Butterfly of Lorenz, Snow has learned one thing: once you believe, don't hesitate!

Absolute confidence is the key to seeing through the fog of time!

The confidence without confusion shattered the countless bubbles that overlapped the timeline, Snow's consciousness was once again integrated with his body, and at this moment, through the endless time slices, he caught a glimpse of a white mist.

The huge amount of knowledge poured into his consciousness in an instant, almost completely destroying his sanity, but as time slowly disappeared, the process of indoctrination was forcibly interrupted. There is a haze left in my heart...+Bookmark+

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