Chapter 273 This Night

Compared to Audrey, who knew the inside story, Forsi and Xio seemed a little ignorant. The two of them didn't understand, why an ordinary mission of searching for a wanted criminal would involve the divinity of the Heretic God?

But when they saw that Audrey and Louise were sitting and chatting together, they realized something in their hearts. They couldn't help but recall the assassination of Beckerland not long ago, which was also controlled by the two women in front of them. .

Unparalleled beauty, the same nobility and wealth, unknown extraordinary paths... All of them are wrapped in a mysterious veil for Louise and Audrey, making it impossible for people to see clearly, or even dare not to dare. Look straight.

"Have you reported it to the Church of the Goddess?" Louise asked, waving for the two of them to sit down at the same time.

"Yes." Miss Hugh replied earnestly, with hope in her tone: "The Nighthawks should be able to avenge Williams, they are so powerful..."

"Of course." Louise affirmed solemnly: "On this continent, there is nothing that the church can't do, unless the gods they believe in are unwilling to do it."

"That's good, I'm still too weak." Miss Huo said softly, slowly lowering her head.

Louise saw her weakness and unwillingness, smiled and comforted: Now suyiNGW Zhang Si

"If you feel weak, then try to become stronger. Complaining about yourself is useless."

Xio raised his eyes, and from Louise's smile, he seemed to see the hidden firmness and belief, and he couldn't help but nodded.

Forsi's gentle gaze swept across his good friend's face, and suddenly asked:

"Will the 'Night Watchers' start immediately? The 'Aurora Society' believes in the 'True Creator', so will Mr. A participate in the battle? Will he be killed by the 'Night Watchers'?"

Eh, I can only say that your idea is very good, but the reality is very skinny... Louise was slightly startled, and she answered ambiguously:

"At the speed of Backlund Church, as long as the news is true or false, the Nighthawks will take action tonight at the latest. As for Mr. A...then I don't know."

Forsi also realized that her question was a little unreasonable. If such a plot appeared in her novel, she would most likely be rejected by the editor, so she smiled a little embarrassedly.

Afterwards, Louise deliberately sighed and said with emotion:

"If the gap between the rich and the poor is allowed to continue to widen, there will be more and more places like Backlund's eastern district, and there will be more and more ways for the evil **** and his followers to cause disasters, until the evil **** really comes to this continent."


Miss Audrey, who had undergone some realistic education, left with deep shock and confusion.

For the first time, she truly realized that the underlying structure of this world is composed of those poor workers. If this situation continues to develop, Backlund will become a breeding ground for the advent of evil gods... A strong sense of justice in her heart will guide her. Audrey desperately wanted to change this situation.

Miss "Justice" knows that one person's strength is not enough, but fortunately, her father is a powerful parliamentarian and a big banker in the country, and she is a "spectator".


This night, it is destined that some people will not sleep well.

For example, Miss Audrey, she would pray late at night for those children who couldn't even eat enough to eat, or even had no home of their own.

For example, Forsi and Xio, the two of them would worry about whether the actions of the "Night Watchers" would go smoothly, and would they be involved in a more dangerous situation?

For example, Klein was standing in the towering clock tower, hiding in the thick darkness, patiently waiting for the scheduled show.

As for Louise, she appeared in the Northern District of Backlund, St. Samuel Church.

Looking at the towering church under the dim moonlight, the light of the stars shot into the prayer hall through the gap, and an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity spread.

It was almost late at night, and the hall was unusually quiet. Looking around, there was only a woman sitting in the front row, praying silently.

Louise moved slightly and walked slowly forward. The lady turned around after hearing the footsteps, revealing a familiar face, it was Daly the "Psychic".

"Miss Louise, it's late at night, why are you here?" She got up and asked softly.

"Praying to the gods does not distinguish day or night." Louise responded with a smile, sitting calmly in the front row.

She tapped four times on her chest to draw a red moon, and then explained:

"During this period of time, I always had trouble sleeping, and I woke up from a dream tonight, so I went to the church and prayed for the consolation of the gods."

"Because of the accident the other day?" Daly asked.

Louise closed her eyes and was silent for a long time, and replied, "That's right, but it's more of a confusion."

Then, she opened her eyes and turned her head, and continued to ask, "Why are you praying here? Even the insiders of the church should rest in the middle of the night, right?"

Dai Li turned her eyes to the sacred emblem of the night goddess in front of her, and said:

"My teammates went on a mission and I'm praying for them."

"Is it similar to the kind of event that happened at the ball?" Louise asked After getting a nod from Miss Daly, she asked, "Why didn't you go to attend?"

"Because of some reasons within the church." Daly paused for a while before answering.

After that, the two fell into silence, as if they were part of this peaceful night.

"Two confused women met in the church late at night..." Louise said softly, "If it were a man and a woman, it would be like the beginning of a bad novel I once read. ."

Miss Daly glanced at her and said, "I'm not the same as you." Qiang Xi read Xi

"Oh, what's the difference?" Louise asked curiously.

"I have a husband, and you are still single." Daly said as a matter of course.

You've been chatting to death... Louise took a deep breath, something obvious in the quiet space, she said:

"Then I can only wish you and Mr. Dunn an early child."

"Thank you." Miss Daly accepted it calmly and said jokingly, "I don't have many female friends. If I have children, maybe I can recognize you as godmother."

Louise smiled and said, "My pleasure."


In the Eastern District of Backlund, the East Balam Dockyard, the Dock Union, a fierce and extraordinary battle is going on.

The result of the battle ended in the death of Lanvus.

The "Nighthawks" accomplished the set goal and prevented the "True Creator" from descending. With this, Klein completely digested the "Clown" potion, and everyone was happy.

In a secret basement, Mr. A of the "Aurora Club" was crawling on the ground, telling something, and there was an upside-down statue in front of him.

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