Mystic Dominator

Chapter 137: absolutely prohibited

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Stand next to Spencer.

In the face of the investigator's actions, Ronald and Patricia can actually understand his actions.

Investigator Kate and Nicole were completely out of combat, Patricia's long sword pierced the demon, and the priest single-mindedly sealed the demon, which was not much different from Kate, who had cast spells and defended together before.

As for Ronald...

Spencer has no habit of pinning his hopes on a temporary worker.

So now that he can still fight on the field, he is the only one left.

From the investigator's point of view, he couldn't deal with this flesh-and-blood monster alone.

Therefore, what he can do is to sacrifice his own weapons to buy time for everyone to escape.

Then everyone ran away.

- This is almost the most correct way to do it right now.

In this way, there is at least the possibility of someone escaping, and then return to Burrenwich to report what happened here.

If you bite the bullet and continue to fight here...

This cult warlock doesn't seem like a merciful character.

What everyone has ushered in is nothing but an ending like all death.

Spencer's choice of thinking as an investigator is completely fine in theory.

But actually...

In the journey of life, there are always unexpected things.

For Spencer.

Like, right now.

Ronald, who was walking towards this flesh-and-blood monster.

Facing the controlled enemy, the temporary workers of the Bureau of Investigation in Spencer's eyes did not run away immediately, but stepped on the vines and stood on the wall of the plant maze, and came to the front of everyone generously.

Investigators may have some guesses in mind.

But instinctively do not want to believe this reality.

A temporary worker of the Investigation Bureau, will be a mysterious master?

And can you solve the cult warlock in front of you?

The probability is too small.

At the same time, the metal short staff that Spencer had just thrown into the air had disintegrated itself in the constant violent vibration.

The original length of several tens of centimeters was reduced and disappeared little by little over time, and no residue was left in the end.

- The annihilation of the metal sceptre.

——Means the end of Spencer's press box bottom technique.

Finally, the vibration disappeared.


"Mongrel investigator!"

After an angry roar.

After recovering from the suppression of Spencer's spell, the first thing the cult warlock leader among the Flesh Stitches noticed was Ronald, who was standing on the vine wall.

Look at this man with no fear in his eyes.

The leader of the cult warlock smiled grimly:


"It's all this time, do you still want to use your ability to manipulate emotions to control me?"

"Stupid, so stupid!"

"go to hell!"

The stitched monster made of flesh and blood was already not far from the investigator's side.

Accompanied by the tyrannical clamor of the cult warlock leader.

This monster immediately pulled out a thick tentacle made of a human body, and then smashed it down on Ronald's head!


The cold power of the tentacles, and even the sound of the surrounding wind wailed as it beat.

However, it was this powerful slaying blow.

But it stopped in mid-air!

Ronald quietly looked at the flesh and blood tentacles that were close at hand, the indifference in his eyes was motionless.

With the cold winter wind, he smelled the sickening stench on the tentacles.

Ronald wrinkled his nose and said indifferently:


"Remember why you failed."

"A violent attack on me is absolutely forbidden."

Immediately, it started with the tentacle that Ronald was facing.

Flesh and pus suddenly burst!

This cracking spread rapidly along the body of the Flesh Stitch Monster, and soon spread all over the Flesh Stitch Monster's body.

The next second, the monster's body completely disintegrated.

clap clap-

The corpses and pus that fell on the ground fell like raindrops, and even a thick 'pool' was stored in this plant maze.

standing among the corpses.

The leader of the cult warlock was looking around blankly.


what 's wrong?

In just an instant, all the corpses under his control were completely destroyed.

A spell that was completely wiped out, and at the same time, there was no room for any manipulation.


Suddenly, a winter night wind blew over the top of his sparsely rooted head.

Turning his eyes, the leader of the cult warlock saw the thick black fog that was surging towards him.

A scarlet mist faintly revealed in the darkness, and it drowned towards him like this.




It was too late to say a word.

The power of the blood river of **** began to be injected into the body of this cult warlock.

This guy's previous actions all fit the definition of 'rape'.

Submerged in the black mist, all the blood, bones, muscles, and everything in his body were boiled and festered by the power of the boiling blood river.

After just a few seconds.

The leader of the cult warlock fell weakly.

The figure drowned in the surrounding pool of rotting corpses, and then silently merged into it.

——He died under the ruthless destruction of the river of blood.

Another soul who deserved his sins was admitted into the **** of "The Divine Comedy".

at the same time.

Standing on the spot, his eyes were a little dull, and Spencer, who had witnessed everything, gradually recovered.

He couldn't help but murmured subconsciously:

"Are all temporary workers in Burrenwich at this level?"

After speaking, he seemed to think his words were very funny, and then shook his head in a self-deprecating manner:

"How can it be......?"

On the other hand, Patricia noticed the bitterness in the investigator's tone.

The girl who lost her long sword had a relaxed attitude, but told the other party in a quiet tone:

"Ronald's words are actually my friend."

"I have always recognized and trusted his strength."

Spencer shook his head with a wry smile:

"Is that so..."

"Being able to become a friend you recognize, I'm a little rude."

While the two were talking, Ronald also jumped off the grape trellis and returned to them.

The black mist that spread out rushed back to him, and Ronald pointed to the direction behind him at the same time:

"This guy has completely solved it."

"However, in the further back position, there are three other cult warlocks who left their opposing team before, and have not seen them now."

"Leave this to me."

At this time, Spencer took the initiative and said:

"The two of you are here to protect Mr. Priest and seal the demon. I can handle the rest of the small work."

After speaking, Spencer got into the plant maze behind Ronald without turning his head.

as he said.

Just three ordinary cult warlocks, he is still very sure about it.

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