Mystic Dominator

Chapter 204: fight

Audrey's voice fell to the ground.

The clergymen who were originally guarding the last carriage immediately opened the door of this carriage.

Stand at the forefront of everyone.

Audrey, dressed in a black robe, rushed directly into the last compartment of the train.

And following the nun, Ronald also followed closely into it.

At the same time, they walked into the carriage with the two of them.

The black mist transformed by the power of 'rape' immediately spread and wrapped around the outside of the carriage. In the blink of an eye, the entire carriage was completely blackened, and there was no space for anyone to escape.

On the other side, Ronald followed Audrit into the carriage.

At this time, the nun was already in direct contact with the enemy in the carriage.

However, the current situation is a bit special.

The first is Lumire.

This 'girl who escaped from the Black Mountains, is still sitting in her seat at the moment, motionless, even if someone who is obviously full of hostility suddenly rushed into the carriage, she still sat there with low eyes.

This feeling, as if nothing would disturb her now.

And behind Rumil, her footman, who appeared out of nowhere, was standing in the aisle.

This was Ronald's first official meeting with the man.

The other party didn't look like he was in his thirties, with a moderate body and a face that wouldn't look offensive. Unlike his male servant status, this guy has a sense of ease in both his clothing taste and his own temperament.

At this moment, his upper body was leaning on the wall of the carriage, his arms were wrapped around his chest, his eyes were looking through the golden pince-nez on his face, and he was quietly watching Audritt and Ronald, who had rushed in from this side of the carriage.


With his eyes swept over the two of them.

The man's eyes gradually turned from calm at the beginning to a little impatient.

Shaking his head slightly, he raised his hand and pushed the glasses on his face, then said softly:

"Hehe... I knew it."

"This kind of superfluous thing can only be brought to an end by people like me."

However, although this guy put on a gesture of ease, Audrit didn't care about his thoughts, and didn't plan to take time to chat slowly.

Seeing the enemy in front of him, he sighed with emotion.

The arc-shaped end of the iron rod in the nun's hand trembled, and immediately slid upwards from the side of her body with lightning speed, aiming directly at the calm young man in front of her.

If the opponent does not dodge.

Under her own blow, Audrit was confident to directly take the opponent's life.

Not to mention a real person actually.

Even a sturdy male lion who has grown into an adult can only end up in two miserable ends under her attack.


However, in the face of Audrit's fierce attack.

The man just snorted coldly, and at the same time a sneer of disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He didn't care about the blue arc that was about to hit him, he immediately straightened his body from the carriage, lifted his foot, and kicked Audritt's waist ruthlessly.

This is an action of not dodging or dodging, but only responding to attacks with attacks.

It is clear that the fierce play of injury-for-injury!

However, watching the movements of the enemy in front of her, the smile on Audrit's face was bone-chilling.

She also did not intend to avoid the opponent's attack!

If you want to exchange injury for injury...

Then try to see who is faster!



Just as Audrey was confident, her attack did reach the opponent's body one step ahead.

However, the final result was completely different from what the nun expected.

The tip of the weapon with blue arc light was blocked by a white arc light the moment it touched the opponent's body, and a dazzling blue and white light erupted in an instant!

Audrit could feel her weapon advancing a little bit.

But time waits for no one.

While she was preparing to wrestle with the opponent's defensive technique, the man's kick came at this moment.

At such a close distance, Audrit had no time to dodge.

The foot slammed firmly into her waist.

The enemy's blow had no intention of showing mercy. Under the powerful hammer blow, the nun's slender body smashed into the window on the left side of the train, and then shattered the glass and disappeared into the carriage.

At the same time, Ronald, who was still at the other end of the carriage, started.

Although everything happened between lightning and flint, this did not prevent him from confirming that the actions of the man in front of him met the definition of 'rape'.

With a wave of one hand, a large amount of black mist gushed out in front of Ronald.

With the momentum of filling the entire carriage, it drowned directly towards the man opposite.

During this period, Ronald also distracted and controlled the black fog that had just adhered to the outside of the carriage, trying to help Audritt who was about to fall to the ground.

I felt that something jumped up with the support of the black fog.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Then, however, something happened that caught Ronald off guard.

The black fog, which has always been unfavorable, encountered an intractable situation in front of this man.

Even if the aggressive behavior completely meets the definition of 'rape', the other party directly ignores the influence of the power of 'rape'!

The reason is the same as the reason why Audrit fell behind in the fight just now.

- That pale white light.

While Ronald controlled the black mist to cover the opponent, the white light that was able to resist the nun's attack technique instantly lit up all over the opponent's body at the same time, like a complete film that instantly wrapped him, and at the same time isolated the black mist and the body directly. opportunities for contact.

The physical strength of this defensive spell is very high.

It also happened to be stuck to the point where Ronald was helpless.

No matter how strong the black mist's attack ability is, it is based on the premise of being able to directly touch the opponent's body. Speaking of its physical properties, the power of 'rape' is really not a very effective means.

Unable to break through this layer of white light, he would be completely incapable of attacking this man.


However, the black fog is ineffective.

But in the face of Ronald's attack, the man seemed very vigilant.

After defending against this attack, he immediately stepped back a few steps back, until he was close to Rumir's position.

Staring at Ronald with dignified eyes, the man touched the sleeve of his left hand with his right hand, then raised his hand and waved to him.


Along with his movements, the wooden bench originally inlaid on the inner wall of the train was directly torn off by an invisible force, and then slammed towards Ronald.

"Stop this attack!"

At this moment, the cry of his companions sounded behind Ronald.

The clergy who followed him came in crossed Ronald's position and rushed up.

Facing the speeding attack, the soldiers of these churches were not afraid at all.

Or pull out a weapon to block the slash directly, or raise a pistol to shoot at the opponent, or quickly recite a spell with both hands clasped in front of the chest.

In their own way, they also launched their own attacks directly to defend against the other's attack.

Seeing that this wave of offensive was blocked by his companions.

Ronald recalled Audrite's arrangement before, and subconsciously looked behind him.

The connection point behind the carriage has been cut off by the nun.

The moving trains are gradually receding on the track, and the carriages they are in are gradually reducing their speed.

The enemy in the carriage has undoubtedly been left in the ambush of the church!

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