Mystic Dominator

Chapter 259: chaotic scene

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In the luxurious corridor, the girl's body lay quietly on the ground.

Because it wasn't long after she was attacked, her body was still perfectly in front of her, and Ronald could even see the shock and confusion on her face.

And a little further away in the corridor, the master who had just made a whining sound was there.

This is a middle-aged woman with heavy makeup and bright makeup. She probably found the body of the waiter girl when she was leaving the stage, and then collapsed to the ground in fright, her face pale at the moment.

Snap. Seeing Ronald, who opened the door and walked out, the woman widened her eyes, sat on the ground and started to move back.

When the back is against the wall of the corridor, there is no way to retreat.

She looked straight at Ronald, not daring to look away, but peeked at the corpse on the ground from the corner of her eyes, and said in a trembling tone:


"Don't come here!"


The current Ronald is very uncomfortable.

Not because the woman in front of her misunderstood that she was the murderer, but because the waiter girl lost her life.

Trouble comes to you at this time.

Essentially it must be directed at Ronald himself.

You don't even have to think too much to know it's the person in that theater.

It's a pity that Ronald is inconvenient to deploy spells to control the entire theater now.

A considerable number of guests are in the theater, and ordinary workers are approaching here.

It is completely inadvisable to directly spread the power of 'Rage'.

What's more troublesome is that Ronald can't use spells to find the enemy's trail now.

Because of the scream just now, the mood of a large number of people in the theater changed drastically.

As for finding the murderer from people's actions...

The flow of people leaving the show is the best cover for the murderer, and it is nonsense to try to distinguish.

So what to do now?

What will the opponent do next?

Just when Ronald was thinking about this question, the security personnel of the theater had already arrived first. These people in blue shirts came here and immediately saw the scene in front of them.

—At the door of the open box.

——Ronald looked in front of him with an unpleasant expression.

—The poor lady slumped down against the corridor wall with a dreadful look on her face.

——And the waitress girl lying on the ground, not moving at all, this is even someone they know who also works in the theater.

So almost without thinking, the security guards who came over immediately raised their weapons and aimed at Ronald:

"The guy over there, give up your resistance now and lie on the ground!"

"Stay away from him or I'll shoot."


On the other side, Ronald, who heard this movement, only felt his head go big.

巘 舅 Miao Shu Yuan 鈅. It's okay if you can't find an enemy for the time being. At this time, ordinary people have to come and find trouble for themselves.

Are you having bad luck today?

Turning his field of vision helplessly, Ronald immediately saw the actual situation of the guards.

In addition to the uniforms they wore, most of them were armed with an old-fashioned musket, which was also aimed at him.

From a practical point of view, Ronald is not at all afraid of the stance the opponent is taking now.

The defensive spells brought about are extremely strong, and it is impossible for this old bullet to penetrate its defense.

Too bad it's an ordinary person.

That kind of white light activation is definitely not for these guys to see.

Putting his hands behind his head, he leaned back against the security guards and squatted down with his head in his hands.

To maintain such an action, at least not completely lose the ability to resist.

Seeing Ronald's actions, the security guards at the theater were immediately relieved.

Several people stood motionless and aimed their guns at Ronald.

A guy who seemed to be the captain stepped forward at this time, dragged the lady who was so frightened that she smelled of urine, and then immediately moved away from Ronald.

Although his back was facing there, Ronald's reconnaissance ability still told him the actual situation, so he naturally took advantage of this time to speak:

"I want to make it clear in advance that I'm just an unlucky bystander in this matter, and I didn't do the dead on the ground."

Ronald's voice fell, and the lady who was dragged away by the security captain shouted sharply:

"It's him, that's what he did!"

"I saw with my own eyes this guy came out of the room and stared at me with terrifying eyes, he was the one who killed!!!"


Ronald was quite speechless about this situation.

He knew very well that it was impossible to communicate with such an irrational person.

He had to find a way to prove his innocence, and it was best not to get involved with this woman.

At this moment, there was the sound of hurried footsteps from the corridor.

When the owner of the voice came to the corridor to see the situation, a rather sad shout came from the man's mouth:


"What's the matter with you, Xiao Ai?"

On the second floor of the theater, people with good deeds kept coming over.

So, except for Ronald, almost no one in the room had time to react, and this guy rushed to the corpse of the waiter girl.

His fingers trembled slightly and touched the girl's nose. After feeling that the person in front of him had lost his breath, the man who had just arrived felt tight. He looked around helplessly, and then he put his hand on the corpse and tried again in disbelief.

Really...really not breathing?

Xiao Ai...


When the mind realizes what it means.

The confusion in the man's chest instantly turned into a raging anger.

His eyes were directly fixed on Ronald, he rushed up desperately, raised his fist, and smashed it towards Ronald's head.


Faced with such a situation, Ronald smacked his lips helplessly.

He wasn't sure how much force the man was using now, but one thing was certain.

——If the defensive spell is activated at this time, the trouble will only be greater.

In desperation, Rona turned around immediately and grabbed the opponent's wrist before the man's fist hit him.

Have a strengthened physical fitness as a basis.

In the case of fighting with ordinary people, he can almost completely grasp the situation of the battle.

While the fist was taken so easily by Ronald, the man who attacked did not hesitate at all.

Driven by the anger in his chest, he threw another fist and smashed"

Ronald could only sigh, and then kicked the opponent's calf.

The man who was throwing his fist recklessly lost his balance instantly, and Ronald immediately followed the opponent's posture, and then imitated the joint technique he had seen to control the guy.

No matter how the man struggled, he couldn't resist Ronald's suppression now.

Finally, can the next problem be solved?

Think so.

Ronald raised his head slightly.

A few meters away in the corridor, it was the security guard who pointed his gun at him.

They looked very nervous.

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