Mystic Dominator

Chapter 285: dangerous organization

On the balcony only two people's conversation continued.

As the topic shifted back to the past, the Great Witch immediately demonstrated her wealth of knowledge as the school leader. The various schools I have seen, the various enemies I have dealt with, the various scenes I have experienced...

Although not everything was told to Ronald.

But after chatting for more than half an hour, she revealed a lot. Correspondingly, Ronald will often express some opinions from his own point of view, and many of these things are also beneficial to the Great Witch.

An old-fashioned original holder who grew up in the homeland, and an original holder from another world, constantly exchanged what they knew and learned.

Ronald further understood the various details and precautions of the original spell casting, and the big witch was also quickly absorbing Ronald's views and thoughts on the current environment.

In such an atmosphere of eager conversation, time passed again.

When the conversation between the two was close to an hour, there was a knock on the door of Ronald's room.

bang bang bang --

Immediately, a man's voice sounded from outside the door:


"Mr. Ronald, is it convenient to open the door?"

Ronald responded immediately:

"Wait a minute, I'll be here soon."


After tacitly stopping the conversation with the Great Witch, Ronald opened the door through the living room.

What appeared in front of him at the moment was a young man wearing a fisherman's hat on his head, holding a large paper bag in his hand.

——It was the investigator who left the embankment just now.

Ronald immediately realized the identity of the other party.

Meanwhile, the young man is confirming Ronald's identity in his own way.

After a few breaths passed, the investigator confirmed that Ronald in front of him was not an illusion, nor was he a normal human being who was interfered with by magic, and then he took the initiative to hand over the paper bag in his hand.

"Mr. Ronald, this is the tea specially sent from our side."

"You and Ms. Teresa can try it at your leisure."

Taking the paper bag handed over by the other party, Ronald nodded lightly and said:

"This kind of thing has to make a special trip."

"It's really hard for you."

"It's nothing." Hearing Ronald's thanks, the young investigator shook his head with a smile. His eyes passed through Ronald and looked behind him. After confirming that the Great Witch was not here, he lowered his voice and said to Ronald, "Mr. Ronald, you'd better be careful. It's best to ensure that we can observe your actual situation."

After speaking, the investigator seemed to be worried that his actions were too conspicuous.

Without waiting for Ronald to answer, he turned around on his own and walked down the stairs.


In fact, the big witch is still very easy to get along with.

As long as you master the right way to communicate with her...

Watching the figure of the investigator disappear at the entrance of the stairs, Ronald shook his head gently, closed the door and walked back into the living room.

Putting the paper bag on his desk, he immediately asked in the direction of the balcony:

"Ms. Teresa, the friend below brought some tea."

"Want to try it?"



Ronald had just finished speaking when a gentle breeze blew from the balcony.

- This is the great witch casting a spell.

What is this for? Could it be that the holder of the original book is planning to make tea by himself?

Just as Ronald was thinking about this, what he actually showed was different from what he imagined. Under the delicate control of the Great Witch, this airflow rolled up the paper bag containing the tea leaves, and then dragged it directly to the balcony.

Why... eat alone?

Reaching out and scratching his hair, Ronald immediately walked to the balcony.

Still sitting on the chair she moved over, the big witch was smiling and looking at Ronald who came to the balcony.

Then, the old magician said:

"They came just fine."

"Ronald, you can look at this. It's a little different from when I was in Springs, but there's still a lot of overlap in general."

While saying this, the big witch turned the paper bag upside down and poured all the tea in it on the small tea table on the balcony.

Then, she held up the paper bag to look at the sunlight outside.

At the same time, he pointed to the empty bottom of the paper bag in his hand.

Following the direction pointed out by the Great Witch, Ronald immediately saw a somewhat complicated pattern on the bottom of the paper bag. Because the handwriting was very shallow, it was difficult to see its existence unless it was reflected in the light.

Seeing that Ronald discovered what he had pointed out, the Great Witch immediately explained:

"See it."

"This is a kind of eavesdropping method that investigators like to use. I have been hit by their trick before, and now it seems that I miss it a lot."

While doing the explanation, the action of the big witch's hand did not hesitate.

While playing with the paper bag, she had used her magic to block the eavesdropping rune. Putting the paper bag on the edge of the table, she began to sweep all the tea back into the bag little by little.

Watching the big witch's movements, Ronald showed an understanding expression.

Then he sat back on his reclining chair.

Hearing the rustling sound of the great witch beside her picking up the tea.

Ronald thought for a while, and then asked the question he cared about the most right now:

"Ms. Teresa, I have a question."

The big witch kept her movements and nodded gently:

"Please speak."

Ronald then continued to speak:

"I was recently inquiring about an organization called [Nine Rings Secret Society], do you know any news related to it?"


Although very brief.

But Ronald did notice:

The big witch paused slightly when she was cleaning up the tea leaves.

Just seeing this action, Ronald confirms that the old spellcaster really knows something!

This pause is because the other party is thinking about whether to answer his question!

Ronald is familiar with the skills of talking to people, so he followed up with a question:

"Is this inconvenient to talk about?"

This question was stuck at the time when the Great Witch was still thinking.

Following Ronald's seemingly retreating question, the Great Witch shook her head:

"Not at all..."

"But Ronald, why are you asking about this?"

"Could it be that you were invited by them too?"

"That's Ronald admitted generously, and continued to explain, "Actually, I was not only invited, but also played against their people. For various considerations, I need to know more about this organization now. "

Hearing Ronald's answer, the big witch nodded slightly:

"That's it..."

There was not much surprise on her face, instead she seemed to have some understanding of what Ronald told.

A flick of a finger.

The big witch simply controlled the airflow and put all the remaining tea leaves back into the paper bag at one time.

After finishing this, she said in a serious tone:

"Ronald, [Nine Rings Secret Society] is a very dangerous organization."

"For safety reasons, I suggest you don't have any contact with them in the future."

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