Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 314: Luoye Township Dispute

"Who is this famous master you are talking about?" Li Zhenbang asked.

"Speaking of this famous family, the background is too big. This great teacher chair is the work of our master in Luoye Town, Mr. Lu Lianggong's proud disciple, Mr. Wu Cai." The vendor threw a fist toward the sky and was full of pride. Said.

"What I said! The materials are indeed good materials. What a pity! The inhumans I encountered were bad, and now they can only be used to set fire." Li Zhenbang smacked his tongue and shook his head.

"What do you mean? If you don't buy it, don't buy it. How can we belittle our Mr. Wu's craftsmanship? We don't welcome you in Luoye Town!" The vendor scowled, and his voice became cold.

Here is the town of Fallen Leaf, a holy place for all carpenters. Lu Lianggong is the spiritual leader of the entire Luoye Town, and the mayor of Luoye Town is also polite when he sees him, and his disciples are also outstanding.

Although Mr. Wu Cai is only a registered disciple, he lacks skills compared to other disciples of Master Lu Lianggong, but he is also Master Lu Lianggong's disciple, representing the face of Master Lu Lianggong, and representing the entire Luoye Township Face. The person in front of him belittles Mr. Wu Cai so much, it is a provocation to Master Lu Lianggong and a provocation to the entire Luoye Town.

"I'm not good at your craft, don't you allow others to say it? It turns out that you Luoye Town is so overbearing! The apprentice is so domineering, I'm afraid this teacher is not worthy of the name!" Li Zhenbang shook his head, his face was full of disdain.

Li Zhenbang didn't suppress his voice, so everyone around him heard it. Soon there was a group of people around here, and everyone looked at Li Zhenbang angrily.

Long Miaomiao pulled Li Zhenbang's clothes corner nervously, and Yuchen watched the surrounding crowd vigilantly, holding the phoenix-winged knives anonymously, with a graceful look, without paying attention to the people around him.

"Mr. Wu Cai, Mr. Wu Cai!" the vendor shouted out of the crowd.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw a middle-aged, sturdy man wearing a brown gown, shaking a yellow pu fan with a face of flesh, and a dark-skinned middle-aged man walking towards this side with three shakes.

"Zhu, what do you tell me to do?" The middle-aged strong man glanced at the crowd, his face showing a trace of impatience. He has a high self-esteem, and has always dismissed these ordinary people and ordinary carpenters.

"Mr. Wu Cai, this stinky boy actually said that you were not good at learning, and even insulted your mentor." The vendor named Zhu Lao Er pointed at Li Zhenbang and said with a disgusting expression.

"What? I dare to say that I am not good at studying art, and I dare to insult my teacher. Are you guilty of eating a bear heart and a leopard?" Wu Cai stared, waving his fist to teach Li Zhenbang a little lesson.

But Wu Cai, who was the Black Iron Warrior, had the opportunity to get in front of Li Zhenbang. Yuchen kicked directly on his stomach with a light and fluttering kick, which was still merciful under his feet. Wu Cai knelt directly on the ground, leaning his head on the ground, holding his belly in both hands, and wailing in pain.

The audience was in an uproar, and unexpectedly, some outsiders dared to go wild in Luoye Town, and even dared to attack the disciples of Master Lu Lianggong. This was simply provoking the entire Luoye Town.

However, the onlookers are all ordinary people after all. Even if they are a little bit strong, they are not as strong as Wu Cai. The opponent is just a soft kick. Wu Cai is already on his knees. They are just onlookers accusing him. , And no one really dared to go up and move.

"What are you gathering here for?" There was a calm voice full of magnetic charm from the crowd.

"Ah! It's Mr. Liu Zhengde!" I don't know who exclaimed in the crowd. Everyone shouted and let the road aside, revealing the speaker.

The speaker was in a short suit, his black hair stood upright, his face was sharp and angular, his eyebrows were thick, and his eyes were piercing. He was about 30 or 40 years old, his hands were full of calluses, and he walked peacefully. He was obviously also a practitioner, and his strength should be comparable to that of Yu Chen, and he was also a silver warrior.

Liu Zhengde saw Wu Cai who was kneeling on the ground and howling miserably, his eyes flashed with disgust, and some onlookers stepped forward to help Wu Cai up.

Wu Cai saw Liu Zhengde coming, and just wanted to cry out loudly, but Liu Zhengde waved his hand to let him take a good rest. He didn't even look at him straight, and didn't even say a word to him. Wu Cai lowered his head, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, and he was supported and sat aside.

"Mr. Liu Zhengde, this outsider is bullying. He not only insulted Mr. Wu Cai, but also beat him..." Zhu Laoer said the matter again with added enthusiasm.

Li Zhenbang seemed to be listening to the story, listening with gusto. Wuming closed his eyes with the phoenix-winged knife, as if asleep. Yuchen gritted his teeth and couldn't help but want to go up and beat the nonsense second child of Zhu several times, but was stopped by Li Zhenbang’s voice transmission. .

Although Liu Zhengde looked sullen, he didn't listen to Zhu's second opinion, but looked at Li Zhenbang.

"Boy, what's going on?" Liu Zhengde's tone was a little cold. This is Luoye Town after all. Although Wu Cai is not good enough and he looks down on it, Wu Cai is a registered disciple of the teacher after all. To hit him is to hit his teacher in the face.

"Zhu's second child has already said that the sky is falling into the sky, is it useful for me to say anything?" Li Zhenbang looked at Liu Zhengde and raised his eyebrows.

"I naturally have an analysis of what Zhu Lao said. As a participant in this matter, I want to hear what you say now." Liu Zhengde was not dissatisfied with Li Zhenbang's words, and asked calmly.

Li Zhenbang was a little surprised by Liu Zhengde's attitude. He originally thought he would fight him indiscriminately, but he was restrained and calm.

Since the opponent's attitude is not to fight, but to solve the problem, Li Zhenbang will naturally not make trouble unreasonably.

"Mr. Liu Zhengde, I would like to ask you one question, how do you think of the workmanship of this chair?" Li Zhenbang asked, pointing to the armchair.

Liu Zhengde glanced, his eyes full of contempt. He could tell that this was made by Wu Cai. But after all, Wu Cai is a registered disciple of his teacher, and he can't say it too badly.

" okay!"

"Alright? That's right, if it is only used by ordinary people, it is indeed good." Li Zhenbang nodded and glanced at Liu Zhengde disdainfully.

Seeing Li Zhenbang's gaze, Liu Zhengde felt hot on his face.

In fact, what Liu Zhengde said was right. Although Wu Cai made things that looked like **** in the eyes of his own disciples, they were much better than those made by ordinary carpenters. Otherwise, it would be impossible to become a named disciple of the master.

"I want to ask you a word, can this chair represent the level of your Luoye Town? If it can, I have nothing to say. I will leave him money for treatment, turn around and leave. If it can't, then I will beat him. That's right, using this kind of shoddy **** to fool me, not killing him is already giving your teacher a bit of thin face." Li Zhenbang said coldly.

Hearing what Li Zhenbang said, Liu Zhengde frowned. He could hear that the young man in front of him was not joking. Judging from his appearance and tone, it seems that he has a good background, but if he is subdued just like that, he will lose his name as a teacher.

"Do you know woodworking?" Liu Zhengde hesitated and asked.

"Understand a little." Li Zhenbang put his hands on his chest and looked at Liu Zhengde with a sneer. His initial good impression of Liu Zhengde was completely wiped out by the sentence.

Liu Zhengde coldly snorted: "Okay, since you know a little bit, then we'll ask for advice. If you talk about the technique in depth, it's bullying you. I'll take out a few pieces of furniture. How about you pick a good or bad one?"

Liu Zhengde didn’t wait for Li Zhenbang’s objection. He went straight to a clearing and took out a few household items from the space ring, including a bed, a chair, a cabinet, a dressing table, and even a few wooden jewelry boxes. Naturally, they are made of fine larch.

Some of these household items were made by myself and by other juniors, and one was made by the youngest disciple who was paid by the teacher two years ago. One of them was even a work by the teacher.

"Let's pick one! I believe you should be able to pick the best thing!" Liu Zhengde sneered.

He is very confident in himself, his works can almost reach the level of fake and real, except for the teacher, almost no one can distinguish it.

Li Zhenbang didn't decline either. He gathered around these few household items carefully, and occasionally nodded or shook his head, as if he was talking about it.

Liu Zhengde watched indifferently, and couldn't help sneer in his heart, he didn't believe that this young man could pick out the good or the bad. To know that a qualified carpenter wants to grow into a master, it can't be achieved in three or five years. Without enough talent and perseverance, wanting to be a qualified carpenter is simply a dream.

"If I'm not mistaken, these should be the works of your fellow students." Li Zhenbang asked with a smile.

"Yes, there are works by me and my juniors, as well as a work by my teacher." Liu Zhengde said triumphantly.

People around them were all exclaimed when they heard that there were works by Master Lu Lianggong and Mr. Liu Zhengde. However, they can't see any way. After all, these works can be regarded as exquisite works. According to their eyesight, these works are the best among the best.

"I would like to ask, is your skill the best besides your teacher?"

"Of course, my work and the teacher's work together, it's almost messy." Liu Zhengde held his head high, with a complacent look.

"Not necessarily! This is just your wishful thinking!" Li Zhenbang laughed sarcastically.

"You...good! Very good! Then you can find out my work!" Liu Zhengde laughed very angry.

"This dressing table is your work!"

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