Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 628: A step late

At the foot of Wanshou Mountain, it is not just that Yang Bing was demolished. Many powerful people or people with relationships have been exposed by others.

In the end, the human Saint-level powerhouse camp with the largest number of people began to split into dozens of small groups. In contrast, the Warcraft camp did not even whisper, almost quietly watching the self-directed and performed human camp. Farce.

All monsters have a strict hierarchical system, and this hierarchical system strictly abides by the strength of the strength. The stronger the beasts naturally have the right to speak, of course, the smart beasts generally also have the right to speak, they are more like the brains of the ninth-order beasts.

Regardless of the level of strength of the intelligent ninth beast, as long as reasonable suggestions are adopted, the prestige and status in the team will be higher.

"Meier, don't you think human beings are becoming more and more popular?" A ninth-ranked fire lion king said softly to the Jasper Demon Fox beside him.

"Audro, your words are still so ironic, but to be honest, I also like the current humans, they are really too cute. The powerful enemy is surrounded by feeding, and even thinking of infighting, I really want to award them A great fearless medal." The jade demon fox's voice is soft and charming, just listening to it makes people intoxicated.

"Mei'er sister, you can't like humans, I'm Barbossa is your best choice." Hearing Mei'er said that he likes humans, a shaking cow interjected in, with a low voice, like a muffled thunder.

Mei'er frowned. This Zhentiankui Niu always pestered her, making her very helpless. If it weren't for her strength, he would be unable to take care of himself if he was not as strong as others.

Mei'er hadn't spoken yet, a Rhinoceros King of Universe Moon Moon glared at Kuiniu and snorted coldly, so that Kuiniu shivered, and hurriedly closed her mouth and lowered her head.

Qiankun Mochizuki Rhino King is the strongest in this team, so it is the boss of this team. He didn't have any thoughts about Mei'er, mainly because Kui Niu's voice was too loud, and it had already attracted the attention of some human races, and this was his dissatisfaction.

But the human powerhouse just glanced at it, and didn't really put the ninth-order beasts in his eyes. Although Tier 9 beasts are powerful, they may even have the power of a semi-holy power on their heads, but humans are still unwilling to treat them as equals. Human powers are more willing to treat them as ordinary beasts or even prey instead of The strong on the same level, unless it is some particularly powerful existence, such as the dragon, such as the top ten powerhouses of the known World of Warcraft.

In fact, there are already some holy-level powerhouses in total. Even if you can't get the ginseng fruit of Wuzhuang View, if you can get some 9th-order demon core, it is a worthwhile trip. Of course, if there is a chance to get both ginseng fruit and Tier 9 demon core, it would be even more perfect.

Naturally, it is impossible for the human beings to know the thoughts of monsters, but they are also eager for the flesh and blood of the Saint-level powerhouse, and the flesh and blood of the Saint-level powerhouse is not a big tonic for them. The practice of monsters is inherently slow, and the life expectancy is far beyond that of ordinary people. The practice is inherently boring, and the longer the life, the deeper the perception.

If you can eat the flesh and blood of Saint-level powerhouses, you will have to cultivate for a few years or even decades. This is not a huge temptation for Warcraft.

Now both sides are restraining, no one will attack each other first, at least not when so many people are concentrated. Otherwise, the battles of so many saint-level powerhouses would not be able to hold the dragons and the ten powerhouses of Warcraft. But when someone places a single order, I'm afraid it will definitely not end well.

"Yang Bing, the situation doesn't seem to be so good!" Sophia asked with some worry when seeing the eyes of the surrounding humans and the ninth-order beasts waiting quietly.

Yang Bing frowned and nodded. From the beginning, after the **** took the initiative to say hello, most people began to have a vaguely hostile attitude towards himself and his party. Even some of his former friends just nodded far away. Say hello.

"Hmph! With me, what can they be afraid of if they are going together?" Alpha glanced at the people around him and snorted disdainfully.

"Alpha, be careful, bear with me for a while, let's talk about everything after the Wuzhuangguan ruins are opened!" Sophia patted Alpha's hand to let her stay calm. After all, everyone is doing nothing against them on the surface. The matter is just isolating the three of them.

"Vice President Yang Bing, you came so early!" Just as the three of them were looking around vigilantly, two people came from a distance, and after seeing Yang Bing, they greeted Yang Bing on their own initiative.

Yang Bing naturally knew these two people, and even very familiar, because these two people were not others, they were the two elders of the Mage Guild, and the relationship with Yang Bing was fairly good.

Seeing that an acquaintance finally took the initiative to say hello, Yang Bing hurriedly waved in response. In this atmosphere, when everyone inexplicably rejects oneself, it is very happy to have acquaintances who take the initiative to say hello.

"What's the situation? How do you feel that everyone is repelling you?" Seeing that the form on the court was a little weird, the two couldn't help speeding up their pace, walked to Yang Bing's side, and asked softly.

"If only I knew it!" Yang Bing shook his head, obviously he didn't know what was going on.

"Yang Bing, you're not the one that provokes the people again, right?" An old man with blond hair raised his eyebrows at Yang Bing.

"I'm pooh, you are the smelly mouth! Lao Tzu's mouth is fragrant!" Yang Bing sipped fiercely. He wasn't angry. The blond old man was called Maliu. The two often ridiculed each other. The relationship between the two is particularly good in the Wizards' Guild, and they just wear a pair of pants.

"Do you ask Sophia if your mouth smells good?" Maliu blinked at Sophia, speaking more and more.

"Ma Liu, you will lose it! When I go back, go to your house and be a guest!" Sophia smiled, but his tone became more serious.

"Don't, I don't have anything valuable in my house!" Maliu's expression changed and he hurriedly laughed. What an international joke, after being patronized by Wuying Shuangsha, he can't get up in the morning and only has pants left?

"Ma Liu, do you dare to use me again next time, believe it or not, I just let you run in public?" Sophia raised the corner of his mouth, and looked at Maliu with unkind eyes.

"Um... Sister, let's go into trouble, don't take any real hands!" Maliu said with a slight cry.

"For the sake of your being so sincere, I will let you off for the time being, and I will do it again later, don't blame me for being polite!" Sophia curled her lips, raised her head, and bypassed Maliu.

In fact, Maliu had no doubt that Sophia had this ability, and if he did not pay attention, he would really steal his pants from the public, he would be embarrassed by that time. It's not that Sophia has never done it before, but it was not against him before, but against another person.

At that time, the man was very arrogant, saying that no one had the ability to steal things from him without knowing it. As a result, Sophia did not believe in that evil. With Alpha's cooperation, he stole the pants of the man as soon as he walked past the crowd. The man didn't know it until someone reminded him that he was wearing underwear. In spit, talking about his anti-theft awareness.

In the end, Sophia decided to save a bit of face for that person. Another Guoben was really indecent, otherwise she would have stolen that person's underwear.

"Let's get down to business! How long have you been here?" Maliu hurriedly changed the subject, he didn't want to continue to struggle with this issue.

"We have been here for less than two days, and the barriers of these five villages have not been opened yet, but the energy of the barriers has become thinner and thinner. I can feel that it is not far from the opening time. What are you going to do next? Do it?" Yang Bing also changed the topic, after all, it didn't make sense to entangle this topic.

"What else can you do? You know, this time the Wizards Guild did not let us come, nor did it organize everyone to participate. We came here on a voluntary basis just like you, so the Wizards Guild will not give us any help. , Of course, it won’t ask for any revenue from us. If possible, I think we can work together.” Ma Liu smiled treacherously.

Yang Bing curled his lips, "If you want to follow us, just say, why are you doing so many twists and turns? You are not tired! If you just say that you want to follow me, it is impossible for me to refuse you, and get a cooperation and cooperate with you. A look!"

"So you don't look tall and tall!" Maliu didn't reveal his shyness after being exposed, but climbed up the pole.

Just when Ma Liu was still talking, Yang Bing's expression suddenly changed, looking at the sky outside the crowd, with a smile on his mouth.

I saw an emerald green dragon descending from the sky, and a young boy jumped from the dragon’s back, and the dragon returned to its human form. After all, the form of the dragon is too terrifying. Another space is limited. The dragon is really It takes up too much space.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I'm late!" Li Zhenbang looked at Yang Bing with some guilt.

"It's not too late, just come here! How's your time going? I heard that you were not very happy!" Yang Bing smiled slightly and patted Li Zhenbang's shoulder comfortingly.

"Oh! A word is hard to say! But now is not the time to say this. Teacher, we suspect Wuzhuang..." Li Zhenbang hadn't finished speaking, suddenly the direction of Wuzhuangguan was lightened, and the whole Wanshou Mountain was covered with a layer of jewels. .

"Zhenbang, be careful, follow me up later, don't leave us within three kilometers. The treasure has already begun, snakes and dragons are mixed, the idea is safe, wait for anything to go in and talk about it later." Yang Bing thought Li Zhenbang would report For work, let him wait until after entering the treasure.

"I think the treasure has..."

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