Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 711: I want you

"Sophia, we must still have a way!" Alpha said to comfort him, but his voice finally sounded less confident.

After all, the skills of the Necromancer are too weird, everyone doesn't understand, otherwise they won't be caught in the gray-robed man's tricks.

"Sophia, it's not easy for him to want my life!" Yang Bing clenched his fists, barely squeezing a smile on his face, but the cold sweat on his forehead had already betrayed his physical pain.

"I...I'm not good, I..." Sophia didn't know what to say, and wanted to pounce on Yang Bing desperately, but Alpha held her tightly.

Yang Bing has lost his combat effectiveness, and Maliu is still in a coma. The Flower Wolf takes care of Yang Bing and Maliu, and has no energy to take care of the others. Omega’s life or death is uncertain, and Li Zhenbang has consumed too much and is in a semi-coma. If Sophia loses his combat effectiveness again , How do you fight this?

Although there are still five temporary allies of the Tiancangmen, how long they can last is still unknown, and whether they will finally seek refuge in the necromancer in order to survive.

Even if they don’t rely on the Necromancer, but choose to fight to the end, their strength will not be able to be used on the stage after all. They can deal with ordinary undead puppets. They don’t even have to think about dealing with the gray-robed people. Count on them.

Who would have thought that five holy powers would deal with an undead holy magister, and it turned out to be such a result in the end.

We must know that among the five holy-level powerhouses, there are two giant dragons that can be one enemy to two, and two contract summoned beasts whose strength is comparable to that of a ninth-order beast. Even so, they ended up in such a situation in the end. The strength of the instructor is really terrifying!

What worries Alpha most is that an undead sage magister is already so difficult to deal with. If there are more people, the latter fruit will be unimaginable!

She does not believe that there is only one undead master of the undead magicians. Judging from the frequent appearance of the undead magicians on the mainland recently, I am afraid that the undead magicians will really come back, and the whole continent will really be a rain of blood. Fishy!

Alpha didn't care much about the life and death of ordinary people, but after spending a long time with Li Zhenbang, his ideas have changed somewhat. If a human being is truly extinct, can the dragon family really stay out of it?

The undead magicians have long coveted the corpses of giant dragons. Once humans are extinct or enslaved, the next target may not be giant dragons, but as long as their strength accumulates to a certain level, it will be their turn sooner or later. .

"I am a very kind person. I will give you another opportunity to swear allegiance to me. Then I will naturally release his soul chains, and you will not be in danger of your life. You are still a happy family. . Thinking about that touching scene of happiness, I can’t help but want to find someone to start a family!” The man in the gray robe kept portraying a bright future, and at the same time expressing a beautiful vision for the future, but no one felt that gray robe People's planning is attractive, but there is a deep disgust.

Allegiance to the undead magician is not the end of the matter, even if you do not become the puppet of the undead magician, you still have to live with fear, like walking on thin ice, for fear of being discovered that you are related to the undead magician.

"Huh! Good? Shouldn't your goodness be a pile of rotten stinky meat plus skeletons of different shapes?" Yang Bing snorted coldly. Although he was controlled by the soul chain, it did not affect his arrogance in the least. . Compared with succumbing to the undead magician, Yang Bingning could choose to be wiped out and lost his soul.

It was precisely because Yang Bing had too much reluctance that he chose to anger the gray-robed man. Once the gray-robed man couldn't help but shoot him, he would be free.

He knew very well that Sophia would save him desperately as long as he was alive. But the soul chain has been tied to Sophia's soul. Once the soul chain is broken, Sophia will become an idiot even if he is immortal.

How could Yang Bing allow this to happen? Therefore, Yang Bing chose to deliberately anger the gray-robed man in order to achieve the goal of surrendering his life to protect his life. Yang Bing is not a madman, let alone a fool. He is full of reluctance for life and nostalgic for his lover, but man is such a contradiction, and when he loves to the extreme, he is fearless.

"I want to die so? Then I... I just can't make you! Jie Jie!" The gray-robed man saw through Yang Bing's thoughts, deliberately dragged the tone to play Yang Bing, and then laughed strangely.

Yang Bing stared at the gray-robed man fiercely, with a trace of determination in his eyes.

"Don't commit suicide, otherwise she will die with you too!" The gray-robed man raised his mouth, showing a sneer.

As long as the soul chain is under the control of the gray-robed man, he has a way to influence Sophia. Although Sophia is a holy warrior, it is not easy to kill her, but it is still possible to torture her soul through the soul chain.


"What are you? You can try it! But it doesn't matter, you won't be able to see it anyway." The gray-robed man looked at Yang Bing triumphantly, as if he was holding the winning ticket.

"You're looking for death!" Alpha can't bear it anymore. Sophia is her partner. How could she watch Sophia's life in the hands of a necromancer.

Alpha clenched his fists, purple light lingering on his body, and rushed towards the man in the gray robe.

"Don't you care about her life and death?" The gray-robed man raised his eyebrows, did not dodge, but snapped his fingers at random.

Sophia's body stiffened a bit, and then only felt a sweet throat, and he spouted a mouthful of blood.

Alpha looked at the gray-robed man close at hand, and had to stop her figure. Although her fist was about to touch the gray-robed man's face, she did not dare to move rashly.

"It's so good, we can get along very well, but you have to force me to be rough! I am a civilized person. What I don't like most is to be rough, which affects my image too much!" The hand is going to push Alpha's fist.

Where is Alpha willing to let the gray-robed people easily touch him, the methods of the necromancer are not only evil, but also endless. She couldn't make fun of Sophia's life, and she didn't dare to just stay in front of the gray-robed man, so she hurried back.

The gray-robed man shook his head in dissatisfaction. Obviously Alpha's approach made him very unhappy, but he didn't say much. If a golden dragon was controlled by him so easily, it would not be challenging, and His goal at the beginning was not Alpha, so he was just a little regretful.

Suddenly, the gray-robed man frowned and looked in Omega's direction. I saw the green light around Omega suddenly skyrocketed, the gray light converged sharply, and finally shrank to a corner before being completely swallowed up by the green light.

"Oh!" A loud dragon roar sounded, and the green light slowly receded, and then all merged into Omega's body.

"Omega, are you okay?" Seeing Omega who slowly opened his eyes, Yang Bing had forgotten the soul shackles on his body and asked in surprise.

"I'm fine, I didn't expect the broken skull to be so difficult, it was almost a tragedy!" Omega took a deep breath, his voice sounding tired.

"You are..." Omega looked at Yang Bing's soul chain gleaming with gray light, and asked suspiciously. He had never seen Yang Bing with such weird skills.

"Oh!" Yang Bing shook his head and sighed without speaking.

"It's you?" Omega stared at the huge dragon's eye and looked at the gray-robed man. He felt the strong breath of undead magic from the soul chain.

"Jiejie, the emerald dragon is really not easy. I didn't expect you to be able to resist the call of death. I am more and more interested in you!" The gray-robed man's voice became hoarse, not knowing whether it was because of excitement or because of other reasons.

"Unfortunately, I don't have any interest in you! If you know, let Master Yang Bing go quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" Omega gritted her teeth. Although he didn't know what happened to Yang Bing, he could feel that Yang Bing's condition was very bad, his spirit was very weak, and he seemed to be suffering from great pain.

"I'm really scared!" The grey-robed man took a step back, looking scared.

"Omega, don't mess around, not only Master Yang Bing, but Sofia is also implicated." Alpha stopped in front of Omega, his eyes full of helplessness.

"What's the matter?" Omega frowned, but he faced the skull for a while, how it felt as if he had gone through a big battle.

Alpha briefly talked about what happened after Omega and the skull met just now, and Omega's brows tightened. He just felt that a few minutes had passed, but it was actually a long time. During this period, so many things happened, and things got more and more troublesome.

Omega looked carefully at the soul chain, but didn't have any clues, and finally shook his head helplessly.

"What do you want?" Omega took a deep breath and looked at the gray-robed man with piercing eyes, his eyes full of hatred and hatred.

After confronting the skull and crossbones, Omega consumes a lot of money. Regardless of his imposing appearance, he is actually a strong player in the outside world, just deliberately showing it.

"Actually, I can let them go. After all, we have no grievances in the past and have no enmity in the past. Although you have misunderstood our undead magicians, we are already used to it." The gray-robed man put on a very innocent look.

"Huh! Don't talk nonsense, what do you want?" Omega snorted coldly.

"You are really straightforward, I'm a little embarrassed. Then I'll be straightforward, I want you!" The gray-robed man said with some twist.

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