Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 1071: Fight against the monster

The first thousand and seventy-one chapters war with the monsters

The dark abyss is a dark and deep canyon. How long and how deep it is, I am afraid no one can say it clearly. The dome is a little bit, said w◆ww.2↓3wx.c→om

Takino wilderness they walked at the bottom of the dark abyss, dark and damp, dark, and could not see the day.

If you walk alone in the dark abyss, you will be scared to tremble and dare not go deeper.

Many powerful people are together, and many people are scared. They have the idea of ​​withdrawing.

"The dark abyss is so terrible, are we still going out?"

"It is already late, and the entrances and exits of the dark abyss are closed."

"I haven't seen the monster yet, and my heart is not comfortable. If the monster appears, it doesn't necessarily happen? Hehe..."


There are still many people who regret after entering the dark abyss. Unfortunately, they have no retreat, only to move on.

Takuya was repaired low, and he was alone. He walked to the end and no one paid attention to him.

Anyway, he is not prepared to express himself, so it is safest to walk in the end.

I don't know how long it took, and everyone can hear the roar of the monster, making people feel hairy.

Takino has hunted so many monsters in the small world, and he knows more about the monsters.

The monster is hard to kill unless the combat power is far beyond the monster and is directly crushed.

If the magic object is cultivated below the mysterious fairyland, there is no threat to this group of people. If there are a lot of magical objects cultivated in the mysterious fairyland, then this group of strong people will probably suffer heavy losses.

Those big sects, the top-ranking Xuan Xianjing strong people sitting in the town, coupled with the tacit understanding, casualties will not be too big. On the contrary, it is a strong and strong person like Takuno, who is alone, can be easily killed, and no one will rescue them.

Even if the strong masters are united, they will not cooperate with each other, but will weaken their fighting power.

Takuya knows this well. He doesn't have the idea of ​​joining forces with anyone. Anyway, he is not prepared to dare to confront the monsters.

This time against the monster, he is not the protagonist, there is no need to desperately.

After a while, everyone went to the depths of the dark abyss, and a large number of monsters were gathering. The monsters were gathered neatly and orderly, and everyone was seen.

Seeing this situation, everyone knows that the monsters may be instructed, otherwise they will not be so orderly.

The monster is not afraid of death, and it is not easy to be killed. If you know how to cooperate, it will be even more terrible.

All the strong faces have changed, especially the strong ones of the big factions, immediately ordered: "Kill! The sorcerer does not all enter the dark abyss, destroy them, and then block the dark abyss."

"kill them!"

The strong sect of the sects took the lead and rushed straight to the magic, and the speed was fast.

The monsters roared, and the momentum of the heavens broke out, which was terrible.

In a flash, the strong people of the holy Buddha world have been smashed together with the monsters. The Buddha repairs have restrained the magic objects, and the Buddhist buddies that have come are all strong and powerful. The monsters are invincible and the casualties are heavy.

However, there are too many monsters to kill, and the monsters behind them are getting stronger and stronger.

Although those strong Buddhas are powerful, they can consume too much, and they are weak, and they are prone to problems.

Most of the strong people are aware of this, they slowly slow down the pace, leave some spare capacity, and prepare for a protracted war.

At the end of the Takino, there are still no shots.

He has been observing the situation of the monsters, and he found that these monsters really understand how to cooperate, as if someone is commanding.

Although the magical casualties are large, they have consumed the power of the Buddhism.

Endless monsters will make those Buddhas strong and desperate.

The battle time in World War I is too long, and those who are strong in Buddhism are likely to have problems.

Buddhism is not stupid, naturally knows this problem.

"Everyone is divided into two batches, and they take turns to fight the monsters. Those who have not played take Xidan to resume repairs." Someone made arrangements soon.

As a result, many Xuan Xianqiang strong people were divided into two batches, a batch of strangled magic objects in front, and a group of people restored strength in the rear.

Before Takuno did not contribute, he became the first person to hunt the monster in front.

The number of people is less than half, and the speed at which they hunt monsters naturally slows down a lot.

Takuya is also not good enough to continue to be lazy. He also uses his means to kill some monsters, at least to be done.

There are certainly many people who think like him, especially those who are strong in the field. They are worried about their own safety and naturally do not dare to go all out.

As a foreigner, Takuya is the first to seek self-protection.

Although everyone has killed many monsters, they can't advance, because the monsters are constantly appearing, and they don't dare to rush to the crowd. The killings have not stopped. The bodies of the monsters have piled up like mountains, and no one cares.

Of course, there are also those who have fallen from the Buddhism, even if they are strong, they are sometimes sneaked, and they still lose their lives.

Among the discoveries in the wilderness of the wilderness, some of the magical creatures that were cultivated in the mysterious world were hidden. These monsters have not yet appeared in the front, but they secretly attacked and killed several strong Buddhas.

The really powerful monsters have not been dispatched. They are now using the cannon fodder to consume the power of the Buddha.

Takino they continued to fight for half an hour, and then replaced another group of strong people to continue to kill the monster.

Without killing all the monsters, they have no way to rest in peace.

Everyone knows that the rest time will not be too long. They have come up with Xiandan and Shangpin Xianjing to restore their strength at the fastest speed.

The consumption of Takino is not very large, but he does not dare to care about it. He also took out the power of Xiandan.

There are so many monsters, and I don’t know when to kill them. The human powers who entered the dark abyss are limited, and there are only a total of more than 2,000.

Once the magic object has a large number of strong people who have been cultivated in the realm of the fairyland, they will continue to suffer casualties, and the latter will become more and more difficult.

"Everyone takes time to rest, we are going to go up and kill at any time!" The strong sect of the big sect is urging everyone.

Fortunately, in the face of the magic, these strong Buddhas can be enemies, otherwise they do not know what the situation is.

Half an hour later, it was the turn of Takino to go to battle.

For the time being, the human strong casualties are still not big, and everyone can get a good rest.

It will not be too tired to rotate once in half an hour.

Just the more you go to the back, I am afraid that the battle will become more and more fierce. I still don't know if I can destroy all the monsters.

After a few rotations, the monsters became stronger and stronger, and human casualties continued to increase.

Someone proposed: "We are not going to do this. We must arrange a large array and prepare for continued fighting. And with the help of the big array, we can save a lot of effort and reduce casualties."

This person's proposal has been recognized by everyone. Some people started to say: "All the singer's squadrons came out to arrange for it. Don't hide it, it's about everyone's life and death."

Takuya is good at setting up, but it is not convenient to show it. In the end, he still did not stand up.

Fortunately, among the many mysterious and powerful people, there are not a few of them. They are starting to deploy immediately, and the speed is not slow.

When the big array is arranged, everyone will withdraw into the big array and kill them with the big array and the monsters.

Those demons reorganized and began to break.

The demon that does not fear death, directly collided with the big battle, even if it is dead, there is no retreat.

Not long after, the outside of the big array was filled with the bodies of the monsters, and the remaining monsters did not care, and continued to collide with the big battle.

Many of the mysterious and powerful people are still divided into two batches, taking turns to host the big array.

With the protection of the big array, the casualties have indeed decreased, but they have fewer monsters to kill.

Although they also spurred a large array of killing monsters, if the monsters are not close to the big array, they can't help.

The monsters entered the stalemate with the human power, and the war did not know how long it would take.

They have killed so many monsters, and the monsters have not seen any reduction, but more and more.

It seems that the monster is trying to invade the holy world of Buddhism, and it is an unstoppable posture.

In the face of this situation, the strong factions of the big factions rushed to discuss, and then began to mobilize the strong to rush to the dark abyss, ready for the war.

"It’s really unlucky. I knew that I would leave the holy world of Buddhism. I won’t come to this pool.” Takino was extremely depressed.

So many strong people are working together, and he has no choice but to invest in it.

If the war is not over, he really doesn't know what to do.

Everyone was busy dealing with the monsters, and he did not mention the things of the nine ** and the nine yang flowers, which made him feel empty.

He is very clear that nine ** and Jiuyanghua may not have anything to do with him.

He happened to be lucky this time, wasting a lot of effort.

Time passed, and after more than ten days in the blink of an eye, Takuya did not remember how many times he went to fight, and how many monsters were killed. Anyway, everyone was very tired. If you continue, I am afraid there will be a lot of casualties.

The reinforcements have not arrived, and everyone’s mood is very heavy.

Ten days later, there have been a lot of magical creatures that have been cultivated in the mysterious world. With these monsters led, the endless monsters have become more terrible.

The large arrays of the sects of the sects have been broken, and the human powers have lost.

"Oh, you can't continue, you have to mobilize more powerful people."

"Yes, if we don't come to the reinforcements again, we will run out of exhaustion and eventually die."

They have no choice, and immediately ordered the strong man of the Holy Light City to let the garrison of the Holy Light City enter the dark abyss and help everyone to relieve the pressure.

Otherwise, some people who have been low-educated can't resist it. If they are reduced, others will be more stressed and will not be able to stand for longer.

The strong people of Shengguang City were relatively close, and they received news and soon rushed to reinforce.

With the addition of the strong people of the Holy Light City, they have won some rest time.

One by one tired and breathless, and no time to blame the people, have taken Xiandan cultivation, and strive to restore strength as soon as possible.

Even if the power of Takuno is amazing, the battle for a long time is a bit tired.

He disguised it and looked very tired, lest anyone stare at him.

He was originally an outsider, and he did not get the trust of everyone. If people knew that he was hiding his strength, I am afraid that it would cause unnecessary trouble.

With the addition of the strong people of the Light City, the human practitioners finally stabilized the situation.

In order to be safe, the singer is still in the air. Once a large array is broken, immediately move to the next big array and continue to fight against the monster.

"Everyone is uplifting, the monsters are limited, and we have been killed so much. I am afraid there are some successors. As long as we can persist, the final victory belongs to us." Someone said aloud.

Under such circumstances, some people are still very good at cheering and can boost morale.

Some powerful Xuan Xianqiang strongmen, from time to time to kill the big array, killed some of the magical things that Xuan Xianjing repaired, and improved the morale of everyone.

As a result, the human cultivators stabilized the situation and began to plot to fight back and destroy the monsters.

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