Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 870: Sharp down

The 870th chapter has turned sharply

In order to surround them, they are extremely scattered and unable to arrange powerful arrays, which seriously affects their combat effectiveness.

Takino saw the weakness of the saints, and commanded the strong men to constantly change the attack position.

In fact, he was able to break through the blockade of the Holy Power, but did not do so.

They met with Dan Fengyang and others, and it was indeed safer. At the same time, they also let the Shengzong strong people let go of their hands and feet, and maybe they would be even worse for them.

It is because he has seen this through that he is deliberately surrounded by the saints and is the strongest of the saints.

Moreover, if someone is injured or consumes too much, he can still change people quietly. He has changed a few batches of strong.

Those who are injured or consume too much, take a break in the Netherland, and can come out to fight, so that the continued combat power becomes stronger.

Once someone is injured, there will be a magic vine appearing and take them away.

Of course, in order not to let the enemy doubt, the magic vines from time to time took away the strong man of the city government and Du Hailing.

The situation gradually became more and more unfavorable to Nie Yuan, and Nie Yuanda came out: "Master, the battle has already happened, and it is our turn to do it."

He took the initiative to challenge the single wind, and the single wind Yang certainly had to fight: "Well, let me see how strong you are, and actually want to win the city of Tiandan."

The two flew into the void and disappeared.

The strong people of Jinxianjing fight, the destructive power is too great, so the world of cultivation is ruled, they must enter some independent space, that is, some ancient battlefields.

"Four younger brothers, let me see your strength." Zhang Guobin also issued a challenge.

"Who is afraid of who." Du Hailing and Zhang Guobin also left.

The five golden fairy powers, only the Holy Emperor.

The strongmen on both sides have no commanders and continue to kill and kill even more fiercely.

The flesh and blood flutter and the blood flows into the river.

All around it has become a ruin, and far away has been affected.

Even the strong inside the city of Tiandan felt the impact of the aftermath, scared to be unmanned.

The Holy Emperor saw the other four Golden Wonderlanders left, and he was in a good mood. He laughed out: "Long Yun, handed over Dan Dian."

"The Holy Emperor, I have already said that, if you want Dan Dian, kill me." Takuya wild flat.

"Kid, haven't you seen the situation yet? You don't have a strong gold fairy. I don't want to kill you."

"You can't kill me, your conspiracy can't be done."

Originally, the strongest of the Golden Fairy against the Golden Wonderland did not need to explode all the strengths, and would not cause devastating damage to the world of cultivation. This is allowed.

The Holy Emperor thought that it was easy to deal with Long Yun, so he was in the chest.

Takuya is thinking, whether or not to let the elders of the elders face the emperor.

The attitude of Ziyuyan is still unknown. No one knows the situation inside Tiandan City. To be honest, he is very worried.

The elders of the elders came forward, and his identity was exposed.

If you can't get rid of these strong people, the future situation will be extremely unfavorable to Tiandan City and Tiancheng City.

The Holy Emperor has already taken the shot, although it was blocked by Takino’s men.

There is some worry about the extension of the wilderness, and his men can't resist it for a long time.

Once he was broken by the Holy Emperor, his men would have to suffer heavy casualties.

Takino decided to take the initiative and released the elders.

The elders of the Taishang had long been prepared to leave the strong man brought by the Tiancheng City in the Netherland, and came out alone.

As soon as the Golden Wonderland appeared, the Holy Emperor immediately sensed it.

"Who are you?" The Holy Emperor shocked.

"I am here to stop you from killing Longyun." The elders of the elders said coldly: "We will fight."

This is the challenge he made. If the Holy Emperor should not fight, he would face the face later.

"No matter who you are, it hinders the great things of our holy people. You will die without a place of burial." The Holy Emperor was furious.

He does not know the elders, it is a good thing.

However, the elders of the elders have already come forward, and it is estimated that their identity will soon be recognized.

Once the battle begins, his signature martial arts and celestial techniques are displayed, and identity cannot be concealed.

"The Holy Emperor, don't you dare to fight?"

"I killed you." The Holy Emperor had to fight.

He looked at Takuya wildly in a vicious manner and could not wait to eat Takuno.

He did not think that Long Yun was surrounded by a strong protector.

He is full of curiosity about Long Yun’s identity, but he has no way to go deeper.

The elders and the emperor of the emperor also disappeared and went to the independent space to fight.

Today, the saints have lost their commanders and the opportunity to expand the wilderness has come.

Since the elders are exposed, he does not mind exposing more powerful people.

In order to win quickly, the strong man under his hand was released, and the strongman sent by Tianchengcheng also played.

"Kill, kill them." Takino wilderness came out.

His men were ready, and after they appeared, they immediately began to attack the saints.

Seeing that there were a lot of people in the wilderness of the wilderness, the saints were scared to face no one, and the six gods had no ownership.

They have not reacted, and the result has been violently attacked.

After a round of attacks, the Shengzong strong man suffered heavy losses.

In a round of attacks, Takino wilderness broke through the blockade of the saints and killed them.

He sent a group of strong men to support the strong people of the city's main government, and launched a storm on the strong of Nie Yuan.

And he personally took a group of powerful beasts and began to suppress the saints.

These fairy beasts have been in the Takino for a while, knowing his mind, every time they try to keep their hands and hit the enemy without killing the enemy.

Thousands of powerful people of the Holy Family, after several shocks, lost seven and eight, and lost more than half.

The remaining strong ones are even more difficult to resist the impact of the gold beast and other beasts. The strong ones will fall down. Once those strong ones fall, they will be swept away by the magical sky.

Of course, there are also some strong people who have been directly killed.

Outside the Shengzong strong is the encirclement formed by the strong people of the city government. Although the strong people of the city government did not attack them, they blocked the space and let the saints have nowhere to escape.

In a narrow scope, the saints have a slap in the face, and the casualties are heavy. Everyone has no fighting spirit and only wants to escape.

Unfortunately, surrounded by several people, they are impossible to escape.

Takino wildly shot and suppressed the sects of the sacred fairyland.

There are fewer casualties in the Xuanxiangjing strong. At this time, one by one, if they can all suppress, they can greatly enhance the strength of Tianyu League.

We must know that Shengzong dispatched more than 500 Xuan Xianqiang strongmen this time, not counting the more than one hundred Xuan Xianjing strongmen who had been won by Takino.

These more than 500 Xuan Xianqiang strong, as long as they can suppress half, is also a force to be reckoned with.

What's more, there are nearly four hundred people who live in the mysterious world. In addition to a small number of active deaths, Takuno is not prepared to kill them.

Jin Dali and other fairy beasts are able to suppress the power of the mysterious fairyland alone. They are all acting alone.

And Zi Ling directs those who are good at the attack of the gods, and there is no idleness, specifically for the strong and powerful.

One by one, the sacred fairyland fell, and the sages lost their resistance.

The situation has changed drastically, and even the strongest people in the city’s main government are looking dumbfounded.

None of them thought that Longyun had not only a strong golden fairy, but there were so many mysterious and powerful fairy beasts.

With the strong ones of Longyun, the strong ones of Nie Yuan and the strong ones of Zhang Guobin are even worse, the casualties are getting bigger and bigger, and the fighting spirit is almost gone.

Zhang Guobin and Nie Yuan are not there, and others cannot sustain the situation.

"Dragon cloud son is really powerful. There are so many strong people. It seems that we won this time." The strong man of the city government is very excited and has a high sense of war.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Long Yun's strong strength, we lost this time."


Obviously, Long Yun has become the hero of the powerful people in the city's main house, and he saved the city of Tiandan.

It is still too early to say that these strong people in the city government believe that Long Yun will be able to destroy the traitor.

The strongest of the saints is the worst, encountering those powerful beasts, even the strong peaks of the mysterious fairyland can not support for a long time, they are suppressed, others are even more unhelpful, less than half an hour, more than 400 more powerful people Except for a small part of the fall, the others were suppressed.

The remaining more than a thousand heavenly powers became the lambs to be slaughtered.

Those who are strong in the heavens, Takuya has not let go, ordered to suppress them.

It is even easier to suppress the strong heavens, and you can get it without too many people.

However, in order to stabilize the situation quickly, Takuno has done his best and first took all the saints.

Without the saints, even if there were other changes, he could control the situation.

His men went all out. In less than ten minutes, more than a thousand Tianxian strong people were almost all suppressed, and few died.

In fact, it is very easy for one to suppress the two powerful people in the sky.

These celestial celestial beings are also well-trained, and even insisted on ten minutes, it is not easy.

"Some people cleaned the battlefield, and others went with me to deal with other enemies." Takino wilderness came out.

This loud noise made Nie Yuan and Zhang Guobin completely lost their fighting spirit.

They have no fighting spirit, and certainly can't support it for a long time because they have been pinched.

At this time, a large group of strong people appeared and went straight to the battlefield.

The two strongest people in the head, Tuobao are very familiar, turned out to be purple rain and exquisite.

He did not see the dance city, and the dance city did not send a message to him, I do not know if there was an accident.

When they saw the purple rain, they appeared, and the unpredictable feeling of the extension of the wilderness appeared again.

"Everyone is on the alert."

The single wind is not there, and the strong people of the city's main government also listen to Takino's orders.

It is a pity that Du Hailing’s men did not obey Long Yun’s orders. They saw that they were purple rain and smoked, and they all thought that they had come to support.

"Uncle Shi, you finally appeared." "Uncle Shi, Er Shibo and Sanshibo betrayed Tiandan City and colluded with the Shengzong strong. The intention was unfavorable to Tiandan City. You came, just take them all. Next, wait for the fall."


Ziyu smoke said with a smile: "Well, everyone shot and took them all."

The strong men brought by the purple rain smoke, but the target of their attack is not the hands of Zhang Guobin and Nie Yuan, but the hands of Du Hailing.

"Uncle Shi, you..."

"Uncle Shi, you also betrayed Tiandan City..."


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