【Seven Phase Meditation】, this is the special knowledge Hecate learned from the stone tablet.

According to the stone tablet, meditation is a way to subtly enhance the spirit of mortals through the influence of higher beings.

This "higher being" can be a life, an object, or a concept. It can be sought "outside" or "inside".

Of course, meditation is not just a fantasy. Only the right method can increase and purify the spirit of the meditator while ensuring one's own safety.

Like the 【Seven Phase Meditation】, it is a way to receive the moonlight of the seventh month in the spiritual world, so as to absorb spiritual power and strengthen oneself.

Simple name, real effect. Now Hecate has condensed four phases of the moon, which means that she has stood at the top of mortals. The next step is the realm of the extraordinary.

The extraordinary is not equal to God, but only the extraordinary can touch the law. No matter how powerful the power of mortals is, it is meaningless in front of the power of God. Only by touching the law can real and effective damage be caused.

".Spirituality comes from the phases of the moon, and the moon is His eye."

".The pillar that supports the sky runs through the seven strings and flows through the boundaries of the ten countries."

".With tangible things, carrying intangible instruments, return to the original one"

Reciting the spell softly, the spiritual power around turned into a tide, and continuously poured into Hecate's spirit. The fifth phase of the moon slowly condensed, and she did not feel the "level" that should exist in theory.

This is normal. Although she has no priesthood, Hecate's essence is still a god, an immortal existence. Rather than saying that she is using meditation to break through, it is better to say that she is pouring power into the empty container.

Infusing this kind of power, which is different from divine power, but has endless changes.

In a distant place, it seems that there is a spiritual life that has noticed the fluctuations here. It wants to get closer, and its intuition tells it that if it can devour the spirit of this unknown life, it can obtain an unimaginable transformation.

But there is also a premonition in the dark that if it really dares to do so, it will only be completely wiped out of its existence.

After hesitating for a while, it wandered for a long time, and finally overcame its instinct and left here reluctantly.

"Some talent."

In the air, under the light gray robe, the young god who was watching everything commented.

Not all life can overcome instinct, especially those who have not yet wisdom. And the other party's "inspiration" is also very high, and can vaguely perceive the existence of danger.

"Meditation. Interesting."

"Strong spirit, the dream born will also be stronger. It's a pity that it seems that this kind of spiritual enhancement will also allow people to control their thoughts, even in dreams, not as random and disordered as other life."

"I really hope there will be more life on earth. At this rate, I don't know how long it will take for my divine power to reach the upper limit."

Shaking his head, the wings flashed, and the figure disappeared. Hecate continued his meditation without realizing it.

With her potential, this breakthrough is not difficult. She can step over the natural chasm in the eyes of mortals in later generations by just raising her legs.

So, without any ripples, the spirit body became stronger and stronger, and the essence of magic power improved accordingly. Hecate successfully took this step and became the first [Legendary Wizard] of Chaos.


The next morning, when the sun rose and shone on the red skirt, Hecate gradually woke up from meditation.

She opened her eyes, gently moved her fingertips, and the pendant on the table floated up. This time, she did not use any magic power, but only the effect of pure mental power.

Spirit is not equal to soul, it is the external power of the soul. A strong soul only means that there is a strong potential in the spiritual field, just like priesthood and divine power.

However, compared with priesthood, there are still many ways for the soul to be slowly strengthened.

And the spirit directly interferes with matter without magic as a medium. This is one of the most basic characteristics of [Legendary Wizard].

This means that the mental power has completed an essential transformation, which is also the origin of the name "supernormal".

Transcendence of the mundane is naturally called supernormal.

"Is this what it feels like to be extraordinary, or [Legend]?"

Whispering softly, in Hecate's perception, there are many more things that she couldn't see clearly before.

That is the manifestation of the law. In the past, because of the nature of God, she could actually see it all the time. But until today, she clearly felt that she could not only "see" but also "touch".

[You succeeded]

The handwriting slowly emerged on the surface of the stone slab, immediately attracting Hecate's attention.

"Of course, what "level"? I don't feel it at all."

She snorted lightly, a little proud, but then she remembered something and fell silent again.

After hesitating for a while, she whispered:

"Since I have broken through the "extraordinary" and become a [legendary wizard], can I beat the god now?"

[If it is a regional god, you can try]

[But the true god, even the weakest, is far beyond your reach]

There is no concealment, the handwriting on the stone slab has always been so direct.

"Is that so?"

After brushing off the nonexistent dust on her red dress, Hecate sat on the bed.

Not long after picking up this mysterious slate, she realized that it was harmless to her at least for now, so she asked it about her long-standing confusion.

Who am I, where did I come from, and why am I here.

Then the slate pulled her into her memory, and she personally experienced the scene decades ago.

As a new god, Hecate was not born knowing everything, but that didn't mean she had no memory of her birth. It was just like the mortals of later generations, those memories had no special way to be remembered, and would only exist forever in the depths of their minds.

But in front of the authority of [Memory] itself, all problems were not problems.

'Throw her into the abyss', 'Shame on the gods', 'As the father of the God of Sin, I apologize'. And the two goddesses that she saw at first sight when she was born, who were full of expectations, but soon turned into disappointment and boredom.

All of these appeared in front of Hecate one by one, as if she had experienced them again.

[So what do you want to do with them?]

[Imprison them, torture them, make them regret abandoning you? ]

The handwriting appeared again, but Hecate shook her head.

"I don't know. Actually, apart from the goddess who wanted to throw me into the abyss and the nominal father, I don't hate anyone else."

"If I must say, I want to have the same powerful power as them first, and then think about the follow-up."

As she said, it is not difficult to accept that she wants to stay away from her because she thinks that her existence has brought disaster to them.

At most, because of the other party's abandonment, she will have nothing to do with them from now on.

But after learning about the existence of Tartarus from the stone tablet, Hecate began to hate the goddess of light, Phoebe, her nominal grandmother.

And Perses, the god of destruction, this so-called father made her dislike him even more.

"But I have thought of one thing. I want to make that god king regret his decision," she said: "It's not that he expelled me from the Titans, but that the Titans are not qualified to accommodate my existence."

[.That's a bit difficult, after all, he is a god king]

"So do you have a way?"

Looking at the stone tablet, Hecate asked.

[Yes, but it's not that easy. Even now, you only have the qualifications to start the first step]

[Only gods can fight against gods, or at least in the current world, there is no wisdom other than gods that can threaten them]

[So, if you want to master the power to fight against gods, you have to find a way to become one of them first]

"Become one of them? Ha, I should have been one of them."

Hooking the corners of her mouth, as if smiling, Hecate stroked her hair and continued to ask:

"Then what should I do? It should be difficult to become a true god by meditation alone."

[Yes, the reason why gods are gods is that they control power and control part of the world]

[Simple meditation is meaningless , the only way you want to get the priesthood is to create one yourself]

"Create one?"

[Yes, create one, it belongs to you, a product created by you bit by bit]

[When it covers the sky, covers the earth, and penetrates the four seas, when it becomes an indispensable part of all spirits, as its creator, you will have the power to fight against any Titan God]

[But you can't do these things by staying here. You need to travel to every corner of the world and use your spirit to experience the flow of elements and the changes of laws]

"I understand." Hecate laughed: "So, is this also your purpose?"

She remembered a story that the slate once told her, a story about a little girl and a diary.

The content of the story is not important. What is important is that it warns others that unless you can see where something thinks, never believe in an intelligent existence.

[Of course, this is exactly why I came to you. You have this potential, a potential beyond your imagination]

But as usual, the slate answered without any cover-up.

[But if you refuse, I can also think of other ways for you]

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Without hesitation, Hecate nodded, she rolled up her red hair, and then snapped her fingers.

Everything in the wooden house seemed to have life, jumping into her pocket.

The palm-sized pocket seemed to be a bottomless pit. Even if everything other than furniture was put in, there was no sign of it being full.

After packing up the things, Hecate clasped her hands.

An invisible wave enveloped the hut and the nearby open space, hiding its traces.

Finally, she picked up the slate and said with a smile:

"Slate, slate, you are too eye-catching like this, how about changing it."

"Turn into a book, can you change it?"

There was no response, but the slate changed its shape visibly. After a few seconds, it turned into a book of unknown material.

This time, this "book" really looked like a book, and it felt like paper, not like its brother, which was like a bronze ornament.

"Very good," Hecate smiled with satisfaction and held the book in her arms: "Now, you are the treasure of me, the great wizard Hecate!"

"From now on, you will be called [The Complete Book of All Laws]!"

Without any hesitation, the wind elements around her responded to Hecate's call and lifted her body into the air.

Hecate had no attachment to this place where she had lived for a long time.

She just took a last look and then flew away.

The stone slab asked her to leave, but did not say where to go. She heard that the edge of the continent was the sea, and she wanted to see it with her own eyes.

The world is so big, she wants to verify for herself whether the stories are true or not.


Hecate left, and the golden human didn't notice her departure at all. But in a place she didn't know, on the sacred mountain, the eyes of the king of gods followed her back as she left.

He stretched out his hand again, but sensing the breath getting closer and closer, he finally put his hand down.

Things in the starry sky are indeed difficult to deal with without the help of Koos, the god of the sky.

But if there is another helper, things may be easier than he expected.

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