Nabe Shadow

Chapter 808 The New Job of Pork Rib Rice

Pork Ribs is a martial artist. After being defeated by Bardock, he practiced hard and didn't care much about outside affairs. The King of the Western Realm is a typical example of employing people to move forward, not to move backward. A runner-up in the martial arts conference has no value at all. He didn't include rib rice in his circle at all.

Now the pork rib rice is out of customs, huh? The leader changed? The new leader wants to call himself?

He also didn't know what Ino asked him to do.

No matter what the reason was, when the leader summoned him, he would definitely come, and without much delay, he rushed to King Planet of the Western Realm.

When I found him, I found that Ino was working.

King Sluge, a laggard, was killed, and the average civilization index of the Namek group finally rose to the expected high point.

In order to promote it in the rest of the multiverse, to show that there are civilized people in our seventh universe, Ino called several representatives of Namek, the elder Muli, the guard Neru and others to shoot a promotional video.

Among them, Neilu is the focus of propaganda. There is no way, the rest of the Namekians are either too old, too young, or too fat or too thin. As the only combat-type Namekian, Neilu's personal The image is the best, the height and temperament are good, and the combat power of 42000 is also a master in the universe.

"Ha!" Nai Lu tore off the long gown on his body, focused his eyes, lowered his center of gravity, and assumed an attacking posture, looking at the air directly in front of him.

A few ghosts from the underworld held their cameras and snapped. Ino looked at the effect of the photo and nodded to the staff around him: "Give him another piece of clothing, change the angle, and take another round."

"Ha!" Nai Lu tore off the gown he had just put on again, his whole body bursting with arrogance, his muscles were knotted, and his face was full of determination.

"Two more."

"Tearing" Another gown was torn to shreds.

"It's perfect. Let's shoot in the air this time to see the effect."

"Tear" didn't know which gown was torn to pieces.

Ino sat behind the camera and clapped vigorously: "Okay, okay, really good, you are worthy of being a hero from Namek, let's shoot a short video, so that I will pretend to be Frieza, and you, prepare a few words of dialogue. You were sneering, and then you were very angry and attacked me directly. Got it? Ok, let’s walk around, be careful, don’t look at the camera.”

A certain person often turns into Frieza to go out to make troubles. Her shape-shifting ability is so vivid that Neru almost thought that Frieza had really appeared, and his expression couldn't help feeling nervous.

"Okay, it's great to be nervous and have to fight at the same time! Hold on!"

Half an hour later, Ino ordered them to continue filming, and came to see Ribs Rice by himself.

She said vaguely: "Due to some physical reasons, the king of the Western Realm has to rest for a while. During this time, I will act as the agent for the affairs of the Western Galaxy."

In fact, the King of the Western Realm didn't rest at all. He was waiting to see her jokes at this time. Didn't say let her take care of it. She doesn't care about that, I just like to work, so don't stop me! Occupying other people's Jie Wangxing, she hung up the signboard of "Spiritual Civilization Construction Office", and then she found work for herself.

Pork Ribs Rice didn't know the twists and turns in it, he looked confused: "Then the king of the world is looking for me?"

Ino was very happy when the King of the Realm yelled, she just liked being an official.

She coughed: "That's right, big villains like Frieza and Slug have been killed, but I found that there are still many evil forces entrenched in the Western Galaxy, which greatly affects the life of intelligent life in the Western Galaxy. It is safe, and it goes against the purpose of the Great Realm King to establish a civilized universe. I need you to kill all these evil guys in the name of the Spiritual Civilization Construction Office."

She blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, she was dizzy after hearing the pork ribs rice, as if she encountered a skill like "war trample" or "kidney shot" in battle, but fortunately she understood the last half sentence.

Oh, you want me to kill people? He kind of resented it.

"Master Realm King, I am already dead. I have returned to the Yang World once, and I am afraid it is now"

The dead can be directly psychic back to the mortal world, but there is a 24-hour limit, and they must return within the time limit, otherwise it will be easy to lose their souls. As a master of the underworld, Ino certainly knows this limitation.

"I know, so I want you to target the underworld."


"Yes, the Hades trial mechanism in many places is too perfunctory and sloppy. Many bad guys have not been punished, but for some reason, they have obtained the right to use their bodies in the underworld. Your duty is to find these guys and kill them all. No The universe of bad guys is the universe of civilization."

The underworld is also a part of the seventh universe. As long as these guys are still there, they will continue to reduce the average civilization index of the seventh universe. Ino has asked Bardock to do this before, but unfortunately, the Saiyans Their brains are too simple, fighting and demolishing houses is no problem, but it is very difficult for you to let them see through some people's disguise, and then quietly kill them.

Pork Ribs has an intuition similar to that of a martial artist, and he can just use him to identify the bad guys hiding in various hells.

Knowing that he was hesitating, Ino handed over a list.

"Tide colorful stone inscription sand. Medusa star tree vine."

Ribs Fan looked at it twice and was very surprised. He only heard the name of many things and never saw the real thing, but a few of them were important materials for him to practice martial arts. If you get one or two grams, you can exchange them in catties at the King of the New Territories.

This is too embarrassing!

"Lord Realm King, this is."

what else? Of course, it is the materials prepared by the God of the Western Realm for the resurrection. They are all good things. There are many things, not to mention rib rice, even Ino has never seen them. She still has three similar lists in her hand. She made one of them. Pai nodded slightly: "It's just a little of my personal collection."

The pork ribs rice only thought for two seconds before agreeing to her task. Many materials are indeed too cherished. After passing this village, this shop will disappear. Isn't it killing people? He didn't like to kill people before and after his death, and he didn't want to say foul words, but it's not that he didn't kill people. If necessary, he could kill people with extra money.

No way, Ino gave too much!

There is nothing to hesitate, go kill now! After killing, come back to exchange for precious resources and practice martial arts.

Killing a living person counts as killing, and killing a person counts as killing?

Ino threw him a recording crystal, and the genius martial artist nodded heavily.

After sending off the pork ribs, she continued to go back to the studio to watch the short film of the Namekians.

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