Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 33: Keeping each other warm

Feng Yun didn't make a mistake, Wen Hui was very efficient in doing things.

When the restaurant opened, there was a shortage of condiments and ingredients. She personally took people to Shiguan County to purchase them and contacted merchants to supply them. If there is a shortage of manpower, notices will be posted to recruit people temporarily.

So, Yutangchun opened on the third day. Even though it only sold simple porridge, cakes, noodles and other food, it was very lively.

Feng Yun specially asked her to buy two firecrackers from Shiguan County and listen to the sound.

Yutangchun is the first and only restaurant to open in the city.

The reason is simple. Money is worthless during wartime, and food, cloth, and silk are the hard currency. Feng Yun's business was undoubtedly a loss-making business. Even if no tax is collected for five years, so what?

In particular, Yutangchun not only collected five baht, but also collected five baht coins made in the Jin Dynasty. This kind of five-baht money is used to save costs and cut corners, and ordinary people don't buy it very much.

Moreover, it has been spread in Andu City for a long time that in Xinzhou on the other side of the river, Qi State has assembled an army of 500,000 to fight the Jin army to the death.

When the Qi army regains its lost territory, will the pile of shoddy copper coins be used to recycle it?

Countless people privately laughed at Twelve Niang for being a fool, but this did not prevent her from opening Yutangchun.

When someone moves, others will follow.

The merchants have a keen sense of smell, and soon after, the city's rouge, gouache, pen, ink, paper money, pawnshops and teahouses opened for business one after another. In the big market on Liuxian Street, there were also some mobile vendors from other places, and the people in the city and rural farmers also started to open their doors. Go out of the house, put out the unused items at home, and exchange some needed daily necessities.

With the liquidity revitalized, Andu County gradually resumed its human fireworks...

But under the shadow of the war, the people have decided in their hearts that the war will continue to fight. It may not be three years or five years. It is just the difference between who loses, who wins, and who becomes the emperor...

With the land, Feng Yun is looking forward to the rain.

But as if God was against us, not only was there no rain, the weather was also getting hotter.

Feng Yun couldn't stand the heat, so he huffed and puffed and shook his cattail leaf fan.

"You haven't seen Guard Ao today?"

Usually, Guard Ao is always around the girl, and the girl has to find a way to distract him if she wants to do anything. I didn't see anyone today, so Xiaoman was a little curious and hurried to inquire.

Ah Lou followed her back, paid a greeting to Feng Yun, and said: "Board Ao and Guard Ye left the house before dawn. I saw that their faces were very ugly, and I don't know what happened..."

Feng Yun nodded and thought for a moment, "Then let's go to the farm to have a look."

The summer heat was getting thick, and the donkey cart left the city. The wheels rolled on the ground, as if they were about to wipe out smoke. The heat was steaming, and the carriage was very stuffy.

Feng Yun opened the curtain and hung it on the golden hook. He was looking at the vast expanse of wasteland in trance when the Ao Zai lying at his feet suddenly roared and kept digging hard at the door with his claws...

"What's wrong? Did you find prey again?" Feng Yun smiled and bent down to pick up Ao Zai. As soon as she reached her back and smoothed her hair, Ao Zai kicked her and jumped out of the car window. .

"Ao Zai!"

Feng Yun asked Alou to stop the car, "Hurry up and chase!"

Ao Zai's figure quickly disappeared into the grass. Feng Yun quickly got out of the car and quickly chased after him with Ah Lou and Xiao Man. He called Ao Zai's name while searching in the grass that was taller than a human.


Xiao Man suddenly screamed and grabbed Feng Yun's arm.

"Look, there's someone dead!"

Feng Yun turned around and saw a man in black lying in the lush grass, his body covered in blood and stains, and Ao Zai was squatting beside the man, watching eagerly...


Feng Yun didn't see the man's face clearly, but saw the sword that he held tightly in his hand - cutting the dragon.

It was left to him by Wen Xingsu's biological father. He cherished it very much and never left it.

Feng Yun's breath tightened, "Alou, come and help me."

Ah Lou saw the girl's expression change, and then realized that the tall man covered in blood on the ground was the eldest son of the Feng family. He quickly stepped forward and carefully helped him turn him over.

"Brother!" It was indeed Wen Xingsu.

Feng Yun touched his jugular and said, "Ah Lou, Xiao Man, quickly put the young man on the donkey cart and go back to the city to find a doctor..."

Without waiting for Alou to respond, she shook her head again, "No, no, Xiaoman and I will take the eldest brother to Zhuangzi. Alou, go to the city and find a way to find a doctor. Remember, don't say too much... "

The medical clinics in the city have long been closed, making it difficult to find a doctor.

Wen Xingsu, the guard general of Xinzhou, appeared in Andu County and was seriously injured. If he fell into the hands of the Northern Yong Army, he would have to be eaten alive.

Feng Yun didn't want Wen Xingsu to end up like that.

This big brother is very kind to her.

Wen Xingsu had the same problem as her. He was the son of Mrs. Chen and her deceased husband. After he remarried with Mr. Chen to the Feng Mansion, he suffered from both sides and had a very difficult life. In those dark years when they were young, the two often hugged each other for warmth...

Later, Wen Xingsu joined the army, saying that he wanted to earn a future and protect her, and he stayed there for many years.

Feng Yun followed Feng Jingting to Andu to take up his post, and he was separated from him ever since.

Not counting the past life, they haven't seen each other for three or four years in this life...

Wen Xingsu no longer looked like he did when he was a boy. He was taller and his joints were longer. He had become the adult he wanted. However, his cheeks were too thin and his body was exposed with large bruises and wounds.

Feng Yun opened the small medicine box in the donkey's car and kept urging Xiao Man who was driving.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

Xiaoman shouted outside, "Girl, we can't go any faster, the car is going to fly."

"Then you should be more stable."


Before the Beiyong army broke into the city, Feng Yun had actually made various emergency preparations, including fleeing from famine and getting injured, so her donkey cart not only had food, but also regular wound medicine.

But Feng Yun was not a doctor, all she could do was simply apply gold wound medicine, bandage and stop bleeding...

She carefully examined Wen Xingsu and came to a conclusion.

There were several wounds, all of which were not shallow, but fortunately they did not hit the vital parts. The most serious wound was at the root of the thigh, and it was very likely that the excessive blood loss here caused his coma...

Feng Yun cut open his single clothes, treated the wounds on his body, and hesitated about the wound on his leg.

The wound was on the man's private part, and she was a woman, so it was not very convenient...

But the wound kept bleeding during the bumpy ride of the donkey cart, and she couldn't just watch and do nothing...

"Brother, I'm sorry."

Feng Yun took a breath and untied Wen Xingsu's belt...

"Hiss!" The cloth stuck to the wound, and some places had solidified. The pain of tearing was not on her, but Feng Yun couldn't help but shudder.

She was very careful and still woke Wen Xingsu up from the pain.

"Waist?" Wen Xingsu's voice was hoarse, and his eyes were a little dazed.

"It's me, brother." Feng Yun looked at the torn wound and blood was oozing out quickly, and reached out to cover the wound.

The blood seeped out from the girl's white fingers, which was shocking.

Feng Yun's eyes were slightly red.

"Brother, hold on for a while, I'll ask Alou to get a doctor."

Wen Xingsu pursed his lips slightly, and his brows frowned because of the pain.

He knew what it meant to ask for a doctor, but he didn't object. He just looked at Feng Yun like he was dreaming, and stretched out an arm tremblingly, as if he wanted to touch her to confirm whether she was real.

However, his hand fell down weakly in the air.

"Yaoyao, have you been wronged?"

Feng Yun's heart, which was as hard as armor, suddenly hurt because of this sentence. His eyes seemed to be cut by a water bag, and were instantly filled with moisture, blurring his vision.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Feng Yun said with a smile.

Afraid that Wen Xingsu would not believe it, she said carefully: "After Feng Jingting left, I went to the Beiyong military camp. They were not so cruel or so bad. Pei Cong... was also very good to me. He gave me shelter, let me be in charge of the general's mansion, and rewarded me with all the servants of the Feng family. The fields and farms of the Feng family in Andu are now all under my name..."

She wanted to comfort others, but she choked up while speaking.

She had too many emotions accumulated in her heart, and she had no chance to vent them. Wen Xingsu was the only one who had chosen her without hesitation between her and Feng Ying, and had all her trust.

It was a pity...

In his previous life, Wen Xingsu died too early, and died in her wishful thinking. For Xiao Cheng's kingdom and ambition, and for her position as queen, Wen Xingsu fell on the battlefield of Qi's attack on Jin. Later, he was defeated and captured, and refused to surrender, so Pei Cong ordered him to be torn into pieces...

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