Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 527 The King's Concern

Puyang Zong left three days later.

At that time, Awan had just been laid to rest.

He is buried in the Huaxi Cemetery.

It was a Feng Shui treasure land specially picked out by Feng Yun after Huaxi was restructured into a rural area.

She planned to bury Nagato here when he passed away.

But no one expected that the young Awan would be the first to move in.

On the day of the burial, Puyang Zong did not go.

He had not left the house for three days and refused to speak. Ruan went to Taiping Garden in tears. Then the eldest princess came to Huaxi in person and scolded him, and then she started preparing to return to Beijing.

Without any luggage, just a carriage drove out of Yiyuan alone and stopped outside Awan's restaurant at Huaxi Pier.

On the day Awan died, the restaurant closed.

At this time, two pieces of the door panel were removed, but they were still ajar.

Puyang got down from the carriage.

The proprietress of the pastry shop next door recognized him and said hello with a smile.

"Sir, are you going back to Beijing?"

Puyang Zong bowed his hand towards her politely.

"I heard that your husband is going back to become a high official. Will you come to Huaxi again in the future?"

Puyang Zong forced a smile.


The proprietress saw him walking into the store, was stunned for a moment, and said: "Mrs. Wan, something happened, doesn't he know? This restaurant is preparing to sell out. It is not open today, so there is no food..."

He often comes to eat.

Everyone in the neighborhood knows it.

Many people are happy to see this bizarre story about the charming prince and grandson who falls in love with a pretty restaurant lady...

Someone once teased Awan, saying that Mr. Puyang came to eat every day, maybe he was attracted to her and wanted to ask her to come back and be his wife.

Mrs. Side said nicely, but she is not just a concubine.

There are some things that everyone knows very well, but they still can't help but laugh at them.

Puyang Zong's mind was very active when he listened to it at that time...

It wasn't until he heard Awan scolding someone angrily that he stopped thinking.

He and the Ruan family were married, and their temperaments were not very compatible, and the relationship between the couple was also very weak.

Especially after he was punished to Huaxi by the eldest princess, Ruan would rather live alone in Andu City than come to the village to accompany him to endure hardships.

She is the daughter of Shang Shu Pushe. She has been pampered since she was a child. She and Awan are two completely different people...

Awan was the one person who could make his heart beat faster and the blood in his body burn. He was unique among the women he had met in the past.

But he knew that he would not reconcile with Ruan.

Their fates are tied together, regardless of love, only because of the interests of the two families...

Therefore, he came to Awan's restaurant to eat every day, but he never said a single rude word...

The day Awan died was the only time he mustered up the courage to go forward and express his love, giving her and himself a chance.

At least let her know that he was sincere.



This was the fateful pain that Puyang couldn't figure out even if he regretted it and locked himself in the house for three days.

Just a few steps away.

If he had gone, Awan might not have died.

This realization tortured him unspeakably.

No matter who you fight, it will be as painful as fighting yourself...


Puyang Zong stood at the door of the restaurant, wearing no ornaments and wearing a plain white cloak. He approached slowly with a pale face, as if he had lost his soul.

He could no longer remember how embarrassed he was when he first came to Huaxi, but he still remembered Awan's every word and smile.

It was as if the pretty and amiable landlady was still there, looking at him with a smile on her lips.

"What do you want to eat today, sir?"


Mr. Puyang.

Now in Xijing, there is only Danyang County Prince or some other official position.

But no one would ever call him "Sir" again.


"Mr. Puyang?"

There are many voices around, calling.

Whether it was light or heavy, it took Puyang a while to recover.

Feng Yun stood at the door of the restaurant, looking at him, silently.

The people calling him were Xiaoman and Alou beside her.

Only then did Pu Yangzong realize that there were tears in his eyes.

He quickly raised his sleeve to wipe it off, lowered his eyes and cupped his hands.


Feng Yun watched him go from losing control to being stable, and his heart twitched for no reason.

For Awan.

She asked: "Would the prince come in and sit for a while?"

Pu Yangzong nodded and crossed the familiar threshold.

The store is small and empty at the moment.

But there still seems to be a familiar scent in the air, and the tables and chairs are arranged just as they were when Awan was alive.

See things and miss people.

His pursed lips turned pale.

Feng Yun said: "We still haven't found the murderer. Is there anyone suspicious of the prince?"

Pu Yangzong raised his head and looked at her.

"Mrs. Wan is straightforward and treats people with enthusiasm. She has never made any enemies or hated her in Huaxi. I can't figure out who wants to kill her..."

Feng Yun suddenly asked: "Does your family know about your thoughts about Awan?"

The thin layer of window paper was just opened.

Puyang Zong's head dropped lower.

He did not deny his feelings for Awan, and slowly shook his head.

"I never told anyone. Even Lady Wan didn't know..."

Feng Yun: "Awan knows."

Pu Yangzong looked at her with hot eyes.

Feng Yun said: "Love comes from the heart and enters through the eyes. If you can hide it from others, how can you hide it from the other person?"

Puyang Zong smiled bitterly and said, "Thank you very much."

Thanks to her for telling him that Awan's thoughts, whether true or false, are still a kind of comfort.

The two talked for a while about Awan's life and death.

Apart from the Feng family, there is no other speculation.

Puyang Zong gritted his teeth and said, "It's a pity that we can't find any evidence and can't do anything about them."

Feng Yun pursed his lips and said, "There is always a price to pay."

When Puyang Zong heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then I can leave with peace of mind."

Saying goodbye, he walked slowly inside.

When I reached the door, I couldn't help but look back.

"In the past, I always thought that the years would last forever, and I would say what I wanted to say, but for various reasons I would not say it anymore. Unexpectedly, I would end up regretting it for the rest of my life."

After he finished speaking, he left.

Got on the carriage and turned to the official road to Andu...

Feng Yun stood outside the door in the cold wind and watched, repeatedly chewing on his words before leaving.


Pei Madang hadn't been to the Andu camp for a long time. He had some free time today, so he took his guards to ride there early in the morning.

Wen Xingsu took a break from his wedding, and it was Tan Dajin who came to greet him.

Tan Dajin led him around the camp and reported on the military affairs. He couldn't help but talk about Wen Xingsu's eye-catching wedding.

Pei Ran's brows moved slightly and he suddenly asked:

"What do you think of General Wen's wedding?"

Tan Dajin was stunned.

What is this problem?

He looked at Pei Ran's expression, and that wasn't what he wanted to ask...

But Pei Ran was a man of few words, but very rarely minced words.

Qin Dajin was a little unsure of the king's thoughts.

"The general thought it was very good. Solemnity, joy, and wealth are worthy of being the first of the four great joys in life. Most of the officers and soldiers in the army are envious, and the people in the market are also looking forward to it..."

The betrothal gifts and dowries are like mountains and seas, gold, silver, jewelry, silk and satin, dazzling. The banquet was also filled with delicacies and delicacies, all of which were prepared. The bride and groom were both talented men and women, and their family backgrounds were outstanding. Who could see it without saying good things?

However, after Tan Dajin finished speaking with a smile, he saw Pei Ran's face became obviously more serious.

"Your Majesty..."

Tan Dajin was even more confused.

General Wen's wedding has nothing to do with the king.

What is he worried about?

Pei Ran looked over and asked, "What do you think of my wedding?"

Tan Dajin made a sound.

I want to say something good, but I really can’t pick one.

He could only say vaguely: "The king's wedding, the time and place are all helpless. The siege of Bingzhou has not been solved, and powerful enemies are watching.

, under the tight situation, it was difficult to prepare all the betrothal gifts and various wedding banquet needs in a hurry, but I tried my best..."

Pei Ran: "She didn't get a bride price."

Tan Dajin was startled for a moment and then remembered.

He almost had to exchange the twelve betrothal gifts that he finally collected for winter clothes. Later, the princess personally exchanged the cloth and linen for winter clothes with Chun Yuyan, which solved the urgent need of the Beiyong Army...

Tan Dajin chuckled.

"Times have passed and the generals have almost forgotten."

Pei Ran remained silent.

Qin Dajin looked at his expression. What didn't he understand?

After watching Wen Xingsu's wedding, he realized that he had treated the princess badly and wanted to make up for it?

Qin Dajin smiled and said: "Your Majesty, why bother? I don't dare to vouch for other things. When it comes to preparing gifts, I am an expert. As long as Your Majesty gives the order, I will definitely do it smoothly for Your Majesty..."

Pei Madang looked at him coldly: "Poor."

Qin Dajin: "..."

If others heard the powerful King Yonghuai talking about poverty, they would either not believe it or laugh out loud.

If you have power, you will have money. This is an eternal truth.

However, Tan Dajin has been with Pei Madang for so long and knows him very well...

He never made any shady money.

When I wasn't married, if it hadn't been for his financial support, I would have been even more impoverished...

Later, when he got married and got a wife, he simply handed over all his family wealth to Feng Yun. Even the palace chief was his own wife. Even if he had a large sum of money, he could not escape Feng Yun's eyes.

Unless, he first asked Feng Yun for money and then came to do the gift.

But Pei Ran obviously doesn't want to do that...

Tan Dajin thought for a long time, "What should we do? How about I lend it to you first? But I don't have that much money at hand..."

Pei Man glanced at him, waved his hand, turned around and left.

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