Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 546: Give birth to one too

At dawn, the news that the emperor's uncle, King Zhuang Xian, had inherited the throne spread throughout Xijing.

The eldest princess turned into the eldest princess overnight, just like she did when Emperor Xifeng was on the throne...

Some attentive people also discovered that Queen Mother Li, who had been living in seclusion in the palace, suddenly became embarrassed.

She is the royal sister-in-law of King Zhuangxian.

King Zhuang Xian became emperor, would she still be the queen mother?

If she lives in the palace for a long time, how will she get along with the new emperor?

"He did it on purpose." Li Sangruo stared at the slender figure in front of the curtain quietly, his eyes seemed to be straight.

"Emperor Xifeng has few heirs, but the Yuan clan is not short of men. He obviously has so many people to choose from, and there are many people who are of the same generation as the late emperor. Even worse, Yuan Yue still has a concubine, but He is not, but he is leaning on crutches, succeeding his uncle to his nephew, and messing around with his family. Do you think he is sincerely trying to embarrass me? "

The title of Empress Dowager of the Lin Dynasty, Emperor Xifeng, was Li Sangruo's most impressive identity, and it was also the second reason why she could still live here after the Li family's party was destroyed.

The other thing is her... blood relationship that Pei Madang doesn't recognize.

Pei Ran never came to see her once.

It was as if she had forgotten who she was.

They were banned from entering and leaving the palace, heavily guarded by soldiers, and no one could come in or out freely.

She is not in jail, but it is no different from being in jail.

"Tell me, why does he hate me so much? Even if he refuses to recognize me as his biological sister... then I have never harmed him. Why does he hate me so much?"

Not only have I not harmed anyone, I have also loved...

Tang Shaogong was silent for a long time.

Li Sangruo had a crazy temper. He waited for her to finish speaking and venting, then he slowly stepped forward, bowed his head and said in a deep voice:

"I'm just here to inform you. You know what's going on, but don't worry too much. Whoever becomes the emperor is a puppet. As long as he doesn't nod, no one in this palace will dare to hurt you."

Li Sangruo looked at him, tears falling.

"If he's leaving me alone like this, he might as well hurt me directly..."

Tang Shaogong didn't answer.

Li Sangruo started to laugh while crying, and the curve of his lips was particularly strange, "Uncle Young Gong, why don't you think he can become the emperor himself? Then I can get the eldest princess to be the emperor, right?"

Tang Shaogong frowned, but his tone was a little gentler.

"Your Majesty, be careful what you say."

"I am not the Queen Mother, and I will never be the Queen Mother in the future... Have you forgotten?" Li Sangruo stared at him, a smile suddenly rose from his eyes, and he slowly stood up and approached him.

"Uncle Shao Gong, I don't want to stay here anymore. I don't want this little palace to trap me for the rest of my life."

"For so long, you are the only one who has come to see me. Apart from you, there is no one, no one..."

Her eyes slowly moved to the soft couch not far behind Tang Shaogong, and she smiled lightly.

"Uncle Shao Gong, I've had enough... I don't want to wait any longer... Please take me away."

Tang Shaogong took a step back and met her passionate gaze, which became even colder.

"If I were you, I would stay honest. Is there any safer place in the world than Jin Palace?"

"Am I dishonest? How could Uncle Shao Gong tell that I am dishonest?"

Li Sangruo's smile was particularly evil. He looked at Tang Shaogong's mourning clothes and pulled on his belt with his fingertips.

"Uncle Shao Gong, you look really good in what you are wearing. No wonder some people say that to be pretty, you have to be filial..."

Tang Shaogong frowned, glanced at her, took her hand and shook it off, turned around and left.

Suddenly someone hugged me from behind.

A pair of thin and white wrists slowly came around, clasped around the waist, rubbed, and went down the lower abdomen...

Li Sangruo put his face gently on his back, wrapping his body temperature around him.

"Uncle Young Master Gong, everyone in the world can hate me and dislike me, but you shouldn't...I am where I am today, but it's all thanks to you..."

She smiled so hard that she hated it.

"It's all your fault."

She opened her mouth and bit down on his back.

Such a thin person, but there is meat.

Li Sangruo hissed and laughed, gnawing at the skin on the back of his neck like a venomous snake spitting out poison...

Tang Shaogong gritted his teeth, "Are you crazy?"

"Shouldn't I be crazy? I am the most qualified to be crazy..." Li Sangruo held him tightly, smiling wildly, "You have harmed me all my life, shouldn't you control me?"

Everything is a bit chaotic.

The strict guards at the palace gate were withdrawn, and there was no trace of the imperial guards in Prince Zhuangxian's palace. The heavy troops in the Gyeonggi camp that were ready to go retreated quietly...

It was as if this crisis had never happened.

The white curtains of Chongzheng Hall hang down to the floor, fluttering slowly in the cold wind, and it is extremely cold...

Feng Yun personally took care of the burial of Emperor Tianshou.

The child who played with the wind chimes, looked forward to her expectantly, and called her "Lady" turned into a solemn temple name, which has been fixed in the imperial mausoleum ever since.

After returning from the imperial mausoleum, Feng Yun simply took a shower, and his body began to feel hot...

She couldn't remember how long it had been since she'd been sick.

This burning, all the emptiness, helplessness, loss, and regret in her past and present lives swept over her, making her brain feel dizzy...

She was tired these days and had not had a good rest.

When I lay down, I wanted to fall asleep and fall unconscious.

"Xiaoman, don't let anyone disturb me."

At this time, Pei Mang entered the palace.

The palace is preparing for the coronation ceremony of the new emperor.

Ten days later, Zhuangxian Wang Yuanyin will take the throne as emperor in Chongzheng Hall.

After the national funeral, there was a new emperor, and the people of Xijing had more to talk about. Feng Yun was so weak that he couldn't muster any strength, as if his brain would explode if he thought about it more.

My thoughts were wandering, and what lingered in my mind was the string of wind chimes...

She remembered the banquet that year, when Yuan Shangyi threw himself into her arms, and the child looked at her mother with eager eyes.

He hugged her tightly and said, "I wish you were my mother. If you were my mother, I could see you every day..."

He also said, "Madam, I want to go back to Huaxi. Can you take me back to Huaxi?"

She also thought about that year at the entrance of Zhaode Palace, when she hugged Qu'er tightly, but was pulled away from her arms little by little by the chamberlain and pulled away.

Qu'er shed tears and said to her: "My son will take good care of himself. Mother, don't worry."

He also held a string of wind chimes in his hand and waved it towards her again and again, "Mom, take care, I will dream about you every night. In the dream, we will be together, always together."



Feng Yun stretched his hand into the void.

She wanted to hug him tightly and never let go.

I want to wake up A Yuan and take him back to Huaxi...

But as the void became weaker, the remaining warmth gradually dissipated, and finally only a string of wind chimes remained...

in the wind,



She was spinning and couldn't hold back her tears.


A weak cry accompanied by crying.

Pei Ran frowned slightly.

He wiped the sweat from Feng Yun's forehead and turned around to urge him.

"Where is the imperial doctor? Why hasn't the imperial doctor come yet?"

"Go back to your Majesty. Ji You has gone to pick him up. He should be here soon. He will be here soon."

Pei Ran didn't say anything. He leaned over and held Feng Yun in his arms, caressing and comforting him gently.

"Don't be afraid. Yun Niang... don't be afraid."

"Are you here?" Feng Yun half-opened his eyes, not knowing what night it was, or whether it was a dream or an illusion. Everything around him was blurred by memory, except for Pei Man's face, which was as real as ever.

"You're finally here..."

She grabbed Pei Man's sleeves and shivered.

"Save Qu'er..."

"Save Qu'er..."

Pei Madang silently held her hand and held it firmly in his palm. He watched her tears fall and sighed silently.

There was no sound in the room.

Others didn't know why the lady became so fragile after becoming ill.

The person who usually wouldn't shed a tear when the sky fell, now leaned in the king's arms and cried like a tearful person.

Xiaoman felt distressed and puzzled...

She didn't know who Qu'er was, so she didn't dare to ask, and she didn't have the chance to ask.

The maid hurried in.

"The imperial doctor is here, Your Majesty, the imperial doctor is here."

Puyang Li is here.

The person who helped him carry the medicine box was Puyang Jiu.

Puyang Jiu glanced at Pei Ran, then looked at Feng Yun on the couch.

Maybe she was a little confused from the fever, her cheeks were flushed, her brows were slightly furrowed, she slept very restlessly, and she seemed to be mumbling something in a daze...

Puyang Jiu glanced at Pei Ran, sighed, and pulled him aside.

"Didn't I tell you to take it easy? During the national mourning period, how could you not be able to restrain yourself..."

"Shut up!" Pei Ran's eyes were red. He glared at him and turned around without saying a single word.

Puyang Jiu raised his eyebrows and touched his head.

"You have a good temper."

In the past, even if everyone in the world was afraid of Pei Madang, Puyang Jiu was not afraid.

What kind of virtue he has, Puyang Jiuyi knows clearly.

But in recent years, Puyang Jiu has become more and more difficult to get along with Pei Man, and it is impossible to figure out what he is thinking...

for example……

After getting married, Feng Yun lived in Andu, and they lived in two places from time to time, as if nothing had happened. He was obviously suffering from physical and lovesickness, and he did not take concubines or have sex with each other. Apart from being obsessed with court affairs, his life was so rigid that he had almost no fun. It can be said...

Puyang Jiu doesn’t understand.

He thought about what would happen if he was like Pei Madang, and he became excited.

Power is the best aphrodisiac.

How could you let down this wonderful world?

Puyang Jiu trembled and did not dare to think about it further.

When he went over, Puyang Li had already taken his pulse, nodded to him, and then went to the outer room to write a prescription.

Puyang Jiu sat beside the couch and reached out to check Feng Yun's pulse.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you so anxious. I wonder if you are really tied to Feng Twelfth Mother for the rest of your life..."

Pei Madang looked at his hands: "I asked the imperial doctor."

Puyang Jiu:......

He is really not an imperial doctor, and he is not under the supervision of an imperial hospital.

"Having no conscience." Puyang Jiu snorted, "I heard that my family was hiring an imperial doctor. I was worried about something, so I hurried over here..."

Pei Ran raised his eyes and said, "I don't need you, so get out of here."

"Hey, what did I do to you? I..."

In the middle of Puyang's nine words, he looked down at his hand holding Feng Yun's pulse and suddenly understood.

"Pei Wangzhi, Pei Wangzhi, you don't think I'm coveting your wife, do you?"

Pei Man glanced at him and said nothing.

Puyang Jiu's cheek twitched, he stopped his hand and sneered.

"I'm not that nasty. I'm leaving and I don't care about you."

He picked up the medicine box and turned around angrily.

Pei Ran ignored him.

Puyang Jiu walked to the door and looked back. She had already turned around and was staring at his wife. She didn't care whether he lived or died...

He is so angry.

"Pei Wanzhi, you have the guts! You'd better not look for me in the future. Don't look for me even after you've used up your pearls and charms... Humph!"

Pei Ran listened to the footsteps walking away and held Feng Yun's hand.

"It's quiet now. Go to sleep."


After taking Puyang Li's medicine, Feng Yun slept quietly for a while. In the middle of the night, she started to toss and turn with a fever again. Her forehead was sweaty and her eyes were half-closed. She took Pei Cong's hand and pressed it against her body. The burning eyes made Pei Cong's heart jump.

"Yun Niang..."

He gently hugged her, as if he was comforting a wounded little animal.

But Feng Yun was very unwilling to be at peace. Her hands and feet were just put back into the quilt and turned out again, trembling and rubbing against him.

Pei Cong touched her forehead with the back of his hand and took the pill left by Puyang Li.

Puyang Li had told her that if Feng Yun had a fever again in the middle of the night, he would feed her a pill.

"Don't go... Save... my son..." Feng Yun's mind was confused. She realized that someone had stuffed something into her mouth, so she struggled in fear and wanted to vomit.

Pei Cong had no choice but to hold her down and block her mouth.

"Hmm..." Feng Yun half-closed her eyes, stretched her neck, and swallowed the medicine helplessly.

I don't know if it was because of grievance or because she thought of the deceased Qu'er and A Yuan, but her eyes couldn't help but moisten.

Pei Jue frowned, as if there was a fire burning in his heart.

The way she cried was very different from usual.

Very soft, so soft that people felt a mess in their hearts.

It was also itchy, itchy as if there was warm water stirring in the heart.

He actually liked Feng Yun at this time.

She was crying, soft, pink, and white. He liked her so much that he wanted to bully her severely...

"I know you like children."

He lowered his head, got close to Feng Yun's face, and kissed her a few times.

"When you get well, we'll have one too."

Feng Yun was originally weak, and she shivered when Pei Jue kissed her. She had no idea what Pei Jue was thinking. She just felt sweaty and uncomfortable. There was a familiar desire against her skin, which hit her sick body. It was fierce, as if it was eagerly demanding that soul-to-soul connection...

Feng Yun: Author? ? ? Mom!!

Pei Jue: ? ? ? It's late at night, shouldn't I call my husband?

Feng Yun: Can you cure the disease? My mom can!

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