Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 67 The General's Disease

There is a big locust tree in Huaxi Village, outside the stone bridge by the river. The wind in the col is strong, and the tree crown is also large. There are a few flat rocks placed below. Villagers who are tired, hot, or thirsty often sit under the trees and chat.

The big locust tree has been particularly lively these two days——

General Wei picked two beauties with his gun, Queen Mother Li was small and sagging.

Mrs. Feng was kind and kind, and the two concubines had sex in the house.

General Wei made a drunken gaffe, and Queen Mother Li had a black mole on her beard.

Empress Dowager Li remained a widow for three years, raising a filthy head and causing chaos in the harem.

It started out as a rumor, and as it spread from person to person, it was made into all kinds of fun stories about meat and vegetables, and became widely circulated among the people...

Under the scorching sun, General Wei and Queen Mother Li also brought some happiness to the farmers who were working hard during the war.

Only Luo Yue and Shao Xueqing had the desire to die.

The high branch has not been climbed, and now we are in a dilemma.

During lunch, Feng Yun put it down without taking two bites.

The rumors were getting worse and worse, and she had to pour another bucket of oil on this burning fire.

"Xiaoman, come here."

Xiaoman approached happily and looked at the girl in a green lotus-colored loose dress. She was cool and beautiful, as if she were a fairy descending from the earth. She was very eye-catching and couldn't help but get close to her.

"Girl, do you have anything to give Xiaoman?"

Feng Yun hooked his hand towards her and said, "Listen here."


After lunch, cicadas screamed, which made people upset.

Xiao Man held an umbrella and wore a curtain hat to walk under the big locust tree.

When she heard the villagers talking, she joined in and said a few words in a low voice:

"General Na Wei doesn't follow the rules when it comes to facial expressions. He sleeps with the Queen Mother and even criticizes her. In a few days, the court will send someone to behead him."

"Although General Wei is so domineering in our village, when he comes to the Queen Mother, he is like a mouse seeing a cat..."

"The Queen Mother will kill Israel's affairs at will."

The villagers exchanged looks, excited and scared.


The news that "Empress Dowager Li wants to kill Wei Zheng's head, and the messenger from Zhongjing will arrive soon" spread like wildfire again.

Xiaoman came back happily and found that the girl was concentrating on painting.

She was confused for a moment, turned her head to look, and immediately blushed.

That painting...

Very unseemly.

She is actually a woman with bare breasts, tall temples, and charming eyes...

Xiaoman covered her eyes, "Why did the girl draw this?"

"I have nothing to do, find a way to make money." Of course Feng Yun would not tell her that this was the appearance of the Empress Dowager Li in Zhongjing, and this painting was as vivid as a live erotic palace, even the unique Not a single mole has been left behind, and it will soon become her Feng Yun's masterpiece.

When Queen Mother Li sees it, she will be able to recognize herself at a glance.

The village was silent at night, and there were no dogs barking. Feng Yun was in a good mood, and he didn't remember what he had to do today until dawn.

She got up, had breakfast, and went to the stove.

The stuffing was chopped by the cook when she got up in the morning, and Feng Yun personally seasoned it. Vegetable buns and pork buns were put into the pot over high heat and came out quickly.

Xiaoman craned his neck to wait. Grandma Han knocked him on the head, and then he swallowed his saliva and went to get the food box.

Feng Yun told the cook, "Let's eat steamed buns tomorrow, everyone has them."

The cook happily agreed.

Grandma Han saw that she didn't know how to live frugally, so she nagged her again.

However, Feng Yun couldn't listen anymore. She took her maid, got on the donkey cart and drove to the Jieqiu Mountain camp.

Today she was going to visit her eldest brother, so she specially called Ao Qi and left Ao Zai to him. The relationship between the two brothers became closer and closer, and Ao Qi became the only one around Feng Yun who could hold Ao Zai and play with him.

This special case made the young man's eyes filled with stars, and his waist was straight while riding on the horse.

However, when they arrived at Jieqiu Mountain happily, they found out that Pei Madang was not in the camp and Wen Xingsu had also been taken away by him.

Lieutenant General Helian Qian looked at the food being loaded from the donkey cart with a smile on his face.

"It's a long way to Huaishui Bay Camp. Why don't you send someone to escort you there?"

Feng Yun thanked him and asked: "I'm not afraid of the distance, I just ask the general to give me a guide..."

Huaishui Bay was in front of the two armies' formation, and the road had long been blocked. There was no road guide, and ordinary people could not pass. She couldn't send him off even if she wanted to.

Helianqian smiled awkwardly.

"This...the general has expressly prohibited it, so please don't embarrass me, girl."

The Beiyong Army has the rules of the Beiyong Army, so Feng Yun will naturally not have trouble with Helianqian.

Just a little uncomfortable.

The eldest brother was injured, but Pei Madang actually carried him to the front of the battle. How much pain and suffering must he have?

Feng Yun looked around and saw that the number of soldiers in the Jieqiu Mountain camp was significantly reduced. It seemed that the large army had been taken to Huaishui Bay by Pei Ran.

A group of people are practicing on the school field. Feng Yun has been looking here since he entered the camp...

Helianqian lowered his face and scolded, then became serious again.

Feng Yun turned around and signaled to Xiaoman to leave all the things brought by Huaxi Village to Helianqian.

"Don't bother sending them over. General Helian can keep these things for you to use. Huaishui Bay is too far away, and sending them there will lose the taste, and it will not be beautiful."

Helianqian stroked his beard happily and was about to say thank you when he heard Puyang Jiu's voice.

"No trouble, I'm going to Huaishui Bay right now. I'll just take it with me."

The food that reached his mouth flew away like this, and Helianqian's face suddenly turned dark.

Puyang Jiu, still smiling, walked closer and looked at Feng Yun.

"The girl is a bit more gorgeous."

This man never spoke in a formal manner. Feng Yun didn't want to offend him, so he bowed politely and signaled Xiaoman, Xing Bing and others to leave.

"Young lady, don't you want to ask me why you went to Huaishui Bay at this time?"

Puyang Jiu's voice sounded joking, but if you listen carefully, your words were quite serious.

Feng Yun's heart sank. Could it be that his elder brother was seriously injured?

She asked with a solemn face: "Can you ask the Puyang medical officer to clarify?"

Puyang Jiu glanced at Ao Qi beside her and smiled.

"Girl, take a step to speak."

Feng Yun nodded and was about to follow him when Ao Qi became unhappy.

"Is there anything you can't say face to face?"

Puyang Jiu looked back and found that Ao Qi had really grown up. He was dressed in regular clothes without light armor, but he had a tall figure and a handsome and majestic look. He was worthy of being the nephew brought out by his uncle himself.

But Puyang Jiupian wanted to shame him.

"Weiwei Ao is still young and cannot listen to adults."

Ao Qimeifeng raised his eyebrows, and he was about to get angry.

Feng Yun gave him a funny look, "Medical officer Puyang is joking with you, Guard Ao, wait a moment."

The girl spoke, but Ao Qi had no reason to follow, but Puyang Jiu was a romantic person in Zhongjing, and Ao Qi didn't like him calling the girl away alone, and looking mysterious...

Feng Yun silently walked to one side with Puyang Jiu, farther away from them, but still under the gaze of everyone.

She said: "Just say it here."

Puyang Jiu turned around and glanced at Ao Qi, who was glaring in the distance, and roughly understood what this girl meant.

A single man and a widow, under the fields of melons and plum trees, she was avoiding taboos.

Puyang Jiu crossed his arms and looked lazily at the beautiful girl in front of him, without making a sound for a long time.

He was thinking, how did Pei Wanzhi restrain himself under the torment of yang syndrome, face the beautiful lady every night, but let his desires run wild without moving at all?

Normally, no man in the world can endure it.

This Pei Wangzhi can no longer be called a human being.

"Medical officer of Puyang?" Feng Yun called her softly.

Puyang Jiuchong coughed, looked away from the girl's charming brows, and looked a little more seriously.

"Do you know, girl, that you are suffering from a strange disease?"

Feng Yun was slightly surprised and shook his head.

Puyang Jiu saw that she was completely unaware and once again lit a candle in his heart for Pei Man. You can imagine how well he hid the animal desires under his skin so that the little girl didn't notice it at all.

"These days, does he come to Huaxi Village every day?"

Feng Yun's expression was indifferent and he said yes.

"Did you get sick just after returning to camp?"

Puyang Jiudao: "No, this disease has been following him for many years. It's just that the attacks are particularly severe these days."

Feng Yun looked at him suspiciously.

She didn't notice that Pei Ran was sick, but she felt that Puyang Jiu in front of her was seriously ill.

"Puyang Medical Officer, why don't you just tell me?"

Puyang Jiu could see that Feng Yun was impatient, but it was not convenient for him as a man to tell the girl directly about this kind of thing, so he only said vaguely:

"He is restrained, conservative, and self-sufficient. Even though he has been suffering from illness, he never acts rashly..."

Feng Yun understood everything Puyang Jiu said, but when put together, he couldn't understand a single word.

Are you saying that Pei Madang is restrained and conservative? Rather, he is gentle and kind.

"Puyang Medical Officer, is my elder brother okay?"

Puyang Jiuyi was stunned and responded: "General Wen's injury is not serious, and it will take some time to recover, but there is no need for the girl to worry. I have taken good care of General Wen. He has been nursed back to health properly and will not leave any root causes of the disease."

Feng Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Brother, just be fine. What strange illness does Pei Mad have? What does it have to do with her?

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Forgive me for being stupid, little girl. The Puyang medical officer asked me to come over. What on earth do you want to say?"

"This..." Pu Yangjiu is a doctor, so he doesn't have to be shy, but facing these eyes that are so clear that no impurities can be seen, his throat feels like a blockage.

It's all because Pei Wanzhi was born with such a mean disease!

He said: "The general's energy is much higher than that of ordinary people. If he cannot find comfort, he will take medicine from time to time to suppress it... Today I went to Huaishui Bay for this reason."

He thought it was very clear and asked Feng Yun.

"Do you understand, girl?"

Feng Yun said: "I understand."

Puyang Jiu put on a smile and was about to hint that she could take the initiative to serve the general to relieve his illness, when Feng Yun said again:

"The general needs the Puyang medical officer very much. Even if he is in front of the two armies, he must go to the Puyang medical officer to comfort him..."

After a pause, she smiled calmly.

"It's true that the illness is not serious. Then the Puyang medical officer should go as soon as possible. Don't keep the general waiting. The little girl takes her leave first."

Puyang Jiu:? ? ?

Watching Feng Yun turn around and leave, he felt that he had said something wrong.

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