“No matter what you say, it’s useless! Anyway, my future is in your body!”

At this moment, Uchiha Itachi has been surrounded by a group of white phosphorus snakes and can’t move.

Orochimaru’s eyes are shining, his saliva is overflowing, and he is wriggling his huge body in front of Itachi.

“You… are mine!”

“Give it to me, Itachi!”

Orochimaru raised his mouth and took a bite. He thought he had eaten Itachi, but he didn’t expect that there were a few crow feathers in his teeth.

“Ka… Ka…”

A few crows’ cries sounded from his face. It turned out that what he had just eaten was a group of crows that turned into Itachi.

“Damn it!”

Orochimaru looked around viciously, only to see Itachi standing on the rock unscathed, looking at him calmly.

“I said, it’s useless…”

Uchiha Itachi murmured in a low voice.

“I don’t want to waste time with you…”

He opened his eyes slightly, ready to activate the power of the Mangekyo again.

Suddenly, Itachi’s body began to tremble slightly, and a feeling of dizziness swept over his body.

“Tsk tsk tsk…” Orochimaru grinned:

“It seems to have worked. The body fluids and blood of this white snake are a paralysis toxin that will vaporize when exposed to air. I will not be destroyed. No matter what you do, it will be useless to me.”

“Because you… can’t kill me!”

“Now, the toxin has completely paralyzed your whole body. It’s meaningless for you to struggle. Come on, Itachi, we should start…”

The next moment.

Orochimaru quickly opened and closed his big mouth, and Uchiha Itachi was completely swallowed from head to toe.


When Itachi regained consciousness, he found himself standing on a piece of red squirming flesh and blood, with endless sights on all sides.

“What is this place?”

“This is the different space in my body.” Orochimaru’s voice came from the side, and soon, the squirming flesh wall began to rise and spread, gradually turning into the appearance of Orochimaru.

At this time, Orochimaru was wrapped in a tight flesh wall, approaching Itachi little by little.

“The reincarnation ceremony is about to be carried out here…”

“It’s about to start~ Itachi…”

As soon as the voice fell, a large number of fleshy tentacles began to grow on Itachi’s body.

Then, people of all kinds wrapped in flesh walls began to emerge around him.

These people were all the bodies that Orochimaru had used before.

Looking at Itachi’s eyes, Orochimaru couldn’t help but sigh: “What a strong eye, it’s so wonderful, I’m finally going to get you, Itachi…”

“You know what? I’ve waited for this day for too long, don’t worry, I won’t treat you badly, at least before I get Pein’s body, I will try my best to use your body…”


Just as Orochimaru was about to touch Itachi, the flesh-colored tentacles on Itachi’s body suddenly began to slowly turn black and fall off.

Starting from under his feet, the black flesh ball spread rapidly, and it dyed the entire space black.

Orochimaru was stunned…

“No… Impossible! This is the space I created! How could you give it to me…!”

Looking at Orochimaru who looked unbelievable, Uchiha Itachi responded expressionlessly:

“I said… No matter what you use, it is meaningless in front of my eyes. Now… You should understand…”

“A snake catches a chick, but is pecked by an eagle. Do you want to dream of becoming a dragon? Orochimaru, remember… Those who crawl on the ground can only stay on the ground.”

“How could… How could this happen!” Orochimaru was completely panicked.

It was obviously him who wanted to erode Itachi’s body, but he never thought that the roles would be reversed and his body would be taken away by Itachi.

Just when his body was about to be completely occupied by Itachi’s will, Orochimaru opened his eyes again and suddenly found himself back in reality.


“What’s going on?”

At this moment, Orochimaru had returned to his original appearance. He raised his head and looked at Itachi in front of him, and asked with lingering fear: “Why… Why don’t you take this opportunity to occupy my power?”

He didn’t understand.

It was obvious that if Itachi took one more step, his power would be completely taken by Itachi.

But Itachi didn’t do that…

Itachi was silent for a while, and quietly said his answer:

“Sorry, Orochimaru, your power… I don’t like it.”


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