Sasuke didn’t quite understand Itachi’s words.

When he wanted to ask more, he noticed that Itachi had disappeared.


Time flies, and the years pass by.

In the blink of an eye, two and a half years have passed.

Today’s Uchiha clan land has long lost its simplicity and turned into a prosperous scene.

On the stone tablet in front of the gate, three big characters are brightly engraved:

Banaragakure Village.

Although the village is not large in area and has a small population, it is small but complete.

Snacks, homestays, and various stores are all available.

Travelers passing by here will stay for a day or two to rest and feel the local customs of this new village.

Of course, the economy of Banaragakure Village does not rely on passing travelers. The reason for building these is just to meet the self-needs of the village.

The primary source of income for the village is the same as that of the ninja villages of major countries, that is, mission commissions.

At the beginning, because of its lack of fame, the nearby small countries and princes were not optimistic about this new ninja village, but over time, as the number of cooperations gradually increased, the employers were very satisfied with the strength and efficiency of the Madaragakure ninjas, and the tasks at all levels increased exponentially, and there were even some S-level tasks that only ninjas from major countries could take.

In the past, employers generally liked to hand over difficult S-level tasks to ninjas from the five major countries.

Now it is different. Employers who have cooperated with Madaragakure have found that if S-level tasks are handed over to Madaragakure, the task completion rate is even higher than that of ninjas from major countries. What is more commendable is that the commission is also cheap.

Although it is not much cheaper, this is the advantage of cost performance.

People generally like partners with higher cost performance, this is a theorem.

As the number of tasks increased, Madaragakure became more prosperous, of course, the start-up funds provided by Akatsuki also contributed greatly.

The results of the past two and a half years have made Uchiha Madara very satisfied.

The development of the Uchiha clan into this scene is what he always longed for when he was a child.

He also doesn’t like fighting and killing.

Who would hate it if the clan members have no worries and the world is peaceful?

This is exactly why Uchiha Madara longed for infinite moon reading, but today, this wish has been realized in reality.

This is also the last words his younger brother Izunai gave him before he died.

It’s a pity that Izunai couldn’t see it with his own eyes.

Fortunately, the appearance of Feiyu brought a ray of light to Uchiha Madara who was in the dark.

He no longer believed in this world. There must be victory and defeat. The winner gets everything and the loser loses everything, including relatives.

The false world is the truth. Everyone is a winner and can live forever according to their own imagination.

But now Madara no longer thinks so.

He just wants to accompany his son Feiyu in reality.

To strengthen the Uchiha clan.

When one day he dies, he can see his younger brother in the pure land, so that he can have an explanation.

Once upon a time, in the dead of night, Madara, who missed his brother so much, wanted to use the Impure World Reincarnation Technique to call his brother back from the Pure Land several times to chat with him.

But he really didn’t want to use Tobirama’s technique!

Dirty hands.

He also didn’t want to disturb his brother who was at ease in the Pure Land because of his own selfishness.


Looking at the empty chair next to him, Uchiha Madara sighed faintly:

“I don’t know where Feiyu went.”

When his son was not around, Madara loved to think about random things and regrets in the past.

Empty-nest elderly people are probably like this.

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku’s voice suddenly broke Madara’s thoughts.


“Oh, it’s Fugaku.” Madara raised his eyes slightly:

“I haven’t seen you for a long time. I just want to tell you something. You have made a great contribution to the development of Madara Village. Not bad, not bad…”

“Thank you for your praise, Madara-sama. This is also thanks to Master Feiyu. Without him, I alone could not have achieved it.”

“Haha, that’s right.” When mentioning Xiao Feiyu, Madara immediately became arrogant and did not hide his pride:

“My son, unparalleled in the world! No one can compare to him!”


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