“The teacher finally relented……”

After a period of distorted space, Obito’s figure slowly appeared from mid-air.

“However, time will prove that the teacher is wrong and I am right. By that time……”

Whether it’s teacher, Kakashi, or Lin… we will all find true happiness in that world.


Obito threw away his white Zetsu arm that was broken again, and then slowly walked into the darkness




Girls are all sweet.

However, most of the time, you can only taste their true sweetness when you enter their hearts.


Konan shrank shyly.

The soft touch, the hot breath…

I don’t know why he likes kissing so much…

This is why Xiaonan didn’t interrupt when Sara mentioned the chest problem before.

Xiaonan buried her face in the sheets, sweetness and shyness intertwined in her heart, and secretly glanced at the faces of the other two girls.

After discovering that they were also in the same state of blushing and heartbeating, and too embarrassed to see anyone, she was slightly relieved.

Really, although today’s light is very gentle, it is a bit harsher than before.

However, thanks to Hino Hikaru’s gentle hobby today, the girls also had good physical strength while having fun tonight.


So, the four of them chatted at night after a long absence.

“Why separate?”

Hino Hikaru held Xiao Nan with his left hand and Ye Cang with his right hand, and then looked curiously at Sarah who was lying on his chest and drawing small circles with her fingers. In the sleeping position of being sandwiched between three sides, he had already been in that space. I’m used to it in the cabin.

Skin touches skin, smooth and warm.

Although this position will eventually roll into a ball after everyone falls asleep.……

“But I’m not a ninja……”

Sara finally expressed her worries in front of Hino Hikari

“And I still have Loulan on my shoulders. I can’t live up to my mother’s hope… to go back to Konoha with you.”

Konoha and Loulan are so far apart… if she can’t see each other often, she will definitely be very lonely and uncomfortable.

“It’s okay, have you forgotten my abilities? With the ability to teleport, we can see each other anytime we want, even if we are separated.”

Hino Hikaru deliberately looked like a villain while smiling and grabbing the girl’s moist lips.

“Also, don’t worry, as long as I’m free, I won’t let you go every night.”

In those three months of days and nights, Hino Hikaru’s mental strength has been improved a lot.

Going back and forth between Konoha and Loulan only takes a moment.


What Sarah was worried about before was that this distance would turn the three-month entanglement into a sweet dream that would disappear when she woke up.

But now it seems that her worries are indeed a bit unnecessary.

Hino Hikaru’s ability to go from Loulan to Konoha and back to Loulan from Konoha so quickly today has proven that this distance is not difficult for him.

Thinking of this, Sarah, who felt relieved, opened her little mouth obediently and obediently, and then naughtily rubbed Hino Hikaru’s calf with her white and tender instep.

She’s not afraid that this bad guy won’t let her go.

If possible, I really want to live the same life in Loulan as I did in that space.

Even if Sister Xiaonan and Sister Ye Cang would take away the other two-thirds, it didn’t matter to her…

After all, even if she waited for the remaining one-third every time, she often couldn’t handle it.

But this does not prevent her from also liking to tease the serious Hino Hikari

“As for Loulan’s current situation……”

Although I don’t know how the dragon vein disappeared, the absence of the dragon vein is indeed a big blow to Loulan.

“In the future, Loulan might as well develop the gold mining industry and then attract businessmen and tourists by buying and selling gold jewelry.”

Hino Hikaru clamped Sara’s rebellious little feet with her legs.

The Queen of Loulan seemed to want to take another injection.

“gold? But I’ve never heard of a gold mine in Loulan……”

“There is gold in the desert, and there is desert outside Loulan, which can be used just right. As for how to make gold, I will bring people over to help you.”

“So are we going to capture Luo Sha next?”

Xiaonan is also very concerned about gold.

If the main manpower for mining is available, and Loulan’s national power helps, the wind and sand outside can be regarded as gold everywhere.

By then, you can buy anything you want. Can……

“No, there is another candidate besides Luo Sha. I heard that there is a puppet master named Scorpion. He has the body of the Third Kazekage in his hand. As long as we find this Scorpion, we can reincarnate the Third Kazekage in his hand through the dirty soil. Obtain the ability of Magnetic Escape and Sand Gold”

“Puppet Master…Scorpion.”

Xiao Nan silently wrote down this person’s name.


Use ninjutsu to find gold?

This was the first time Sarah had heard of such a thing, but after thinking about the more mysterious power of dragon veins and the more incredible abilities of Hino Hikari, she quickly felt relieved about it.

Compared with Hikaru, it doesn’t seem strange that other ninjas have the ability to pan for gold.

“Gold jewelry…sounds good, but I didn’t expect you to think about such a thing for me.……”

Sara was a little surprised that Hino Hikaru would help her consider the development of Loulan.

My heart is touched and sweet

“This country now has half of mine, of course I have to consider it”

“What has, is half as good as you……”

It was said as if they were all married.


Sara struggled to pull her soles out of Hino Hikaru’s legs.

“I plan to take you all back to meet my… god sister after a while.”

At once���When Sara was squirming and Xiao Nanyakura couldn’t stop smiling, Hino Hikaru suddenly released a piece of bombshell news.

“Light…sister, sister! ?”

Is this…going to meet the parents?

Sarah panicked all of a sudden.

“The three of them went to see Tsunade-sama together.……”

Xiaonan was also a little uneasy

“Master Guang’s sister, Xiaonan, Master Guang’s sister is the… legendary one……”

Ye Cang never thought that not long after they got out of trouble, they were going to meet Hino Hikaru’s family.

“Well, that’s right, one of the legendary Sannin, now the Hokage of Konoha”

“Fire, Naruto! ?”

Isn’t that equivalent to being the queen of a country?

While Sara was surprised by Hino Hikaru’s identity as her god-sister, she couldn’t help but have some thoughts that she was a good match.

She is the queen of Loulan, and Hino Hikaru is the queen of Konoha. Brother… just a perfect match

“Don’t worry, I’m just meeting you, I won’t eat you.”

Seeing the three girls trembling with fear, Hino Hikaru had no choice but to comfort them.

Even if he had to be punched by Tsunade, he would be the first to receive it… and he had already”received” the kicks, and he passed first with Tsunade. I’m angry. As long as I call a few more times, I should be able to bring the three of Konan back home and let Tsunade get to know each other.

Anyway, no matter what, Tsunade will always be her sister.……

“I…I’m not ready yet. W-when will I go?”

Sarah gave up struggling on her feet and looked at the boy below her with a cute and shy face.

Will she get married after meeting her parents?

But this is too soon, she is only sixteen years old… her mother said You have to wait until you are at least twenty to get married.

“When the trip to the Land of Rain is over, I will take you to Konoha”



“What are you thinking about?”

After finishing the second round of needles on the girls who were in a daze because they were about to meet their”parents,” Hino Hikaru saw that Sara seemed to be still conscious and did not fall asleep like the other two.

“I was thinking… Loulan Congress will not need me one day, and if I am not the queen… what can I do?……”

Sarah weakly squeezed her head under Hino Hikaru’s shoulder

“Also, I, I have never considered being a full-time wife for you, so don’t think about it.”

She is the queen of Loulan, how can she stay at home every day to wash, cook and take care of his children.

Sara shook her head and shook the warm scene out of her mind.

“I didn’t think about this… but being a full-time housewife is really not suitable for you. After all, you can’t even grill fish. If you really want to give up being a queen and pursue other industries, I suggest you become a singer.”

Sara’s singing voice is really nice.

It’s mainly because of her natural voice. When she’s in bed, Hino Hikaru especially likes to listen to Sara’s singing.

It’s a pity that the girl grits her teeth every time, and she doesn’t know why she’s shy.


A somewhat surprising answer.

But Sara still understood that Hino Hikaru meant that she sang well.���

“Since you said so, I will consider it.……”

The dragon vein has disappeared, and she is no longer of much use to Loulan.

This is one of the reasons why Sara is a little confused today

“When there are no more disputes in the ninja world and the entertainment industry rises in the future, let you, the queen, debut as a singer and let the whole world bow to your voice.”

And Fenghua Xiaoxue, if she still plans to act in movies in the future, Konoha will be able to gather a movie star and a singer. It

‘s pretty good when you think about it.

“Wait until the day when there is no more disputes in the ninja world? But I heard that there has been fighting outside for many years, especially between the largest countries.……”

Will such a day come?

Sarah naturally had no objections to Hino Hikaru’s arrangement.

She has to meet her parents, and from now on… she can marry a chicken, follow the chicken, marry a dog, follow the dog. All she has to do is be a good wife.

As for the singer, if she likes it, she will give it a try. If she doesn’t like it, forget it.

“There will be a day.”

Hino Hikaru held the girl in his arms, then looked at Konan and Ye Cang who were sleeping on both sides, and finally looked at the ceiling above the palace


Listening to Hino Hikaru’s”heroic words” and feeling the man’s warm and reassuring breath, Sara finally fell into sleep.

“I will try my best to make that day come sooner.”

As long as he is strong enough and capable enough, Hino Hikaru believes that he can definitely do it.

But first… it is better to accumulate strength as soon as possible and accumulate the power to surpass the Six Paths Sage. If this threat is not eliminated, Hino Hikaru will not feel able to sleep. It’s so reassuring.

I’m sorry, everyone in Konoha Village.

When he returns to Konoha, Nohara Rin, Kushina, even Uchiha Mikoto and Yuhi Kurenai… he will not refuse anymore.

Not to mention those who are already in the bowl. Uchiha Kana and Azabu are in love.

However, Uchiha Kina is not even considered a supporting role and should not be able to awaken her abilities. This is a pity…

But if the system is really broken by the love system, not by yourself. As I thought before, it was a system that could only”defeat the heroine”…

Speaking of which, although I have done this and that to Qinai, I have never really kissed her on the lips. Anyway, it doesn’t hurt to try, after all. She is still Izumi’s sister, so it’s not impossible if it happens. Oh, and Shizune…

Although she is still as petite as ever, when she returned to the village before, I always felt that she seemed to have become somewhat mature in temperament.

It should be that after Tsunade became Hokage, she also grew up a lot.

Calculating this, at least three new abilities can be awakened.

I don’t know what kind of abilities they will be…

Also, what kind of abilities are needed to deal with it? That elusive Sage of Six Paths… his current power is definitely not enough anyway.

With such expectations and thoughts, as well as the prospect and pursuit of the future, Hino Hikaru gradually closed his eyes.

Everyone is too tired today, so let’s just let the dream go. no more



“Samy, how are you today?���Have you been in a daze?”

After being nourished by the wind and rain, Tsunade looks very motivated today.

Her face also has a lot of radiance.

The speed of processing documents and work efficiency are much higher than the previous days.

However, after taking a break from work When she was there, she was a little surprised that Samui, who had always been hardworking, was subconsciously staring at her seat in a daze today.

Even Mabuyi was a little abnormal.

When she entered the Hokage’s office, she covered her butt first…

It happened yesterday What, or is there something extra on my face that they can see?

Tsunade rubbed her cheek with her hand

“Hug, sorry, I’ll focus right away……”

Because Hino and Hikaru had just”used” the office chair that Tsunade was sitting on today, so every time Sami looked at Tsunade sitting on that chair, she would think of all the things she and Hino Hikaru had done on it yesterday.

I don’t know if I wiped it clean when I left yesterday…

Will there still be a smell now…

If Tsunade found me and Hikaru on her chair…

Just imagining the scene, Samui felt like There was a surge of heat underneath him.

No, if I continue thinking like this, I will spend the whole day in a daze.……

“Something bad has happened, Tsunade-sama! News from the ninjas ahead stated that the Three Kingdoms of Thunder, Water, and Wind are secretly joining forces, and have now begun to send troops to the border of Fire Country as a three-way flank!”

While several people in the office were maintaining a strange atmosphere of silence with their own thoughts, Shi Yin hurried in and broke through.

“What! ?”

Putting other thoughts behind for the time being, Tsunade stood up from the office chair in shock and anger.

Is it war again?


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