Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1037:

Guhan Mountain, under a certain protruding rock wall, several shadows are hiding inside.

"Boom." The huge silver lightning fell, illuminating the whole sky, and the faces of these black figures were exposed, and it was Yang Ming and others.

They temporarily hid under this protruding rock wall, but they could find that the storm was too big this time, and the strong wind and heavy rain were not such a rock wall to avoid. Although it was better than outside, but all the time, the whole person was immersed in water.

If things go on like this, except for Yang Ming who can endure it as a boy, other girls can't do it at all, and it's just the beginning. If such a big storm doesn't stop, in the second half of the night, the temperature will drop even more, even Yang Ming, would be very unbearable.

** Going down, a cold is a matter of course, and the whole person may also have a high fever and other diseases.

Those who are weak or even ** may need long-term maintenance before they can recover.

"It can't go on like this." Yang Ming took a deep breath and looked at the girls who were slightly shivering behind him. Under such a natural disaster, it was of no use at all.

They are just ordinary girls, even if their will is somewhat firm, in the final analysis, they are only teens. The most important thing is that under such a natural disaster, they have no strength to contend with such a natural disaster.

"Sister Gendan." Yang Ming said to the blood-red-haired Senior Sister Gendan, "I'll go outside now to see if there is a better place to hide. Now here - we can't support us at all."

"How can this be possible? It's too dangerous outside right now, and under such rain, it's hard to even see the road." Xiaolin Rentan quickly shook his head. In such an environment, it was too dangerous to go outside.

"Yeah, Yang Ming, we hid here, anyway, the storm should stop soon." Nakiri Erina said.

"Huh, Erina, I don't think the rain will stop so soon. Erina, you are going to bet with me, but you have never won." Yang Ming looked at Erina, then at Kobayashi Rentan, "Sister Gentian, I'm not discussing now, but have already decided. Please watch them here a little bit, and I'll come back when I go."

"You..." Xiaolin Rentan looked at Yang Ming's face, his handsome face, black eyes with firmness, and the water flowing down from the top of his head, which did not damage Yang Ming's overall aura, so full of manly spirit , This is a real man, who dares to be brave and will not back down in the face of difficulties.

"Junior Yang Ming, if you are like this, what should I do if I fall in love with you." Xiaolin Longdan said softly.

Although she has been drawn by Erina's father Nakiri Ji to some extent, she can't hide her admiration for Yang Ming.

"Haha, Senior Sister Gendan, I accepted your encouragement." Yang Ming glanced at everyone, "Then everyone, wait for me to come back."


After speaking, Yang Ming ran directly into the heavy rain.

After a while, he disappeared in front of the girls, and they could no longer see Yang Ming.

"I'm the same age as Gentian, and Yang Ming is ignoring me like that." Akikobo snorted.

"Haha, because in such a natural disaster, I am more useful than you, Akakubo." Kobayashi Rentan said.

"Yang Mingjun, it will be alright." Tian Suohui said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Yang Mingjun, nothing will happen, but he still owes me one thing." Nakiri Alice said.

"Yes, Yang Ming, I will definitely come back. I haven't done what I promised. He can't make me a person who doesn't keep my word." Erina Nakiri said firmly with worry flashing in her eyes.

"Yang Mingjun." Xinhu Feishazi had an inexplicable feeling.

"Junior Yang Ming." Xiaolin Rentan also seemed to have noticed the complicated emotions of the girls behind him, "I seem to have been captured by you, what do you think?"

Xiaolin Rentan, who smiled slightly, carried a warm breath.

"You're coming back." Akakubo Tao clenched her pink fist, "I have another request for breakfast, which I haven't fulfilled yet."

In the dark storm, countless girls prayed for the one in their hearts. .


In the mountains, if there is a violent storm, the sight will be blocked, the road will be difficult to walk, and even in a dangerous place, if you step carefully, you may slide down the slope.

This is not something that can make people happy, because after the slope, it is even a cliff. If you accidentally fall, it can only be a matter of death.

"The road is muddy and the line of sight is obstructed." Yang Ming frowned. As expected, it was very difficult to find a suitable place to hide from the rain under such circumstances.

After walking a few steps, Yang Ming stopped, because this is not enough, it is not enough to find a place for him to hide from the rain. On the contrary, if he walks around, he may lose his direction in the end, so he will meet Xiaolin Rentan and the others. They were separated and could not find them.

"What should I do now?" Yang Ming took a deep breath, ignoring the majestic rain falling on him. Anyway, his whole body was soaked, so it didn't matter.

Yang Ming opened the writing wheel, looked around, there were two strokes on the side, there was a slope, and a tree was blown off.

Three meters away, a frog hid in the rock wall, and two meters away, a small puddle was formed.

"Okay, that's it." Yang Ming's eyes flashed brightly. At this moment, under the action of the Shaker, Yang Ming was constantly looking for various places to hide from the rain. The Shaker gave Yang Ming a great deal at this moment. effect.

Half an hour later, Yang Ming looked at the unstoppable rainstorm, "If there is no harvest, we can only go back."

Now Yang Ming has searched all the surrounding mountain roads. Of course, it is a good road to pass, but the road is too difficult. Even if Yang Ming finds it, it will be difficult to bring those girls back, and it will be even more dangerous.

"But if you can't find I won't be reconciled." Yang Ming clenched my fist and wiped the water off my face. Suddenly, Yang Ming stopped.

"It seems to be worth noting from the side." Yang Ming slowly changed his direction. Before taking a few steps, Yang Ming smiled. Yes, he found it, a two-person taller.

The cave suddenly appeared in Yang Ming's field of vision.

"The cave, there should be no dangerous creatures." Yang Ming took out a kitchen knife and walked into the cave. The lighter was slightly lit, and he looked at the cave. The cave was not big, only about ten meters of space. The bottom can be seen under the light of the lighter.

Moreover, Yang Ming found some traces of human beings on the ground, such as abandoned wood, stone bricks, etc. It seemed that people had come here before and had a picnic or something.


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