Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1309:

? Yang Ming said: "You write down the number first, and then ask for the price."

Wang Xiaoming looked at the restaurant. It was a restaurant between the Wang Restaurant and the hotel. It was said that the location was very good. ."

Yang Ming was not polite, took the phone and wrote down the number.

Wang Xiaoming didn't want to come to KFC at first. This place is expensive, and it's not healthy food, but he couldn't bear the children's liking. When he was still in middle school, KFC had just entered the county seat and had been here twice with his friends. At that time, he liked the clean and tidy environment here. Later, something happened at home and he couldn't get up. Speaking of which, he didn't After enough KFC addiction, bringing Wang Bing here this time may not be because he wanted to satisfy his own selfishness.

Wang Xiaoming bought a family bucket and asked for two more hamburgers, which cost more than 100 yuan, and he may not be able to eat enough: "Put your stomach first, and then eat when you go home."

Wang Bing ate two chicken wings and a bag of fries, then went inside to go down the slide. Wang Xiaoming watched his nephew's movements while eating, and Yang Ming turned his head to look at the decoration of KFC. If nothing else, KFC is better than many Chinese restaurants in terms of spaciousness, brightness and cleanliness. No wonder it attracts so many young people here. .

Wang Bing has already had a lot of fun over there. It's not weekends. Not many people bring their children to KFC to eat, so Wang Bing can play to their heart's content. Wang Xiaoming looked at the excitement on his nephew's face and felt that this hundred It's worth the extra money, and it's rare to be as extravagant as it is today.

He turned his head and saw that Yang Ming was looking up at the lights on the ceiling. The afternoon sunlight penetrated through the glass wall and fell on Yang Ming's neck. His protruding Adam's apple formed a graceful little peak. My Adam's apple, I wondered if it would be the same shape when I raised my head.

Yang Ming lowered his head and saw that Wang Xiaoming was reaching out to touch his Adam's apple. Wang Xiaoming looked at him and coughed a little awkwardly, "What are you looking at?"

Yang Ming said: "In the future, you can refer to the decoration of the store."

Wang Xiaoming was embarrassed: "I can't open a store now, I have to pay off the debt first."

"Sooner or later." Yang Ming said lightly, took a bite of the hamburger and frowned, "The meat is too woody, it's overcooked."

Wang Xiaoming smiled and said, "It was originally, it was expensive and not tasty."

In fact, KFC is already a food for the common people, but it is indeed too expensive compared to the fact that his family can eat full and satisfied for more than ten yuan.

After eating, Wang Bing hadn't had enough fun, but he couldn't stay any longer. It was rare to have a day off. They still had a lot of things to do. Wang Xiaoming saved the rest of the money from shopping. Looking at the numbers in the ***, the first number was about to break through 8. It was really satisfying. It turned out that the money was still very fast. 100,000 yuan, if you can repay the loan shark, you can have an easy year this year.

As soon as Wang Xiaoming and Yang Ming returned to the island with their clothes, food, and food, they were told by a stall owner who set up a stall together: "No, Xiaoming, today the county health bureau and urban management have come and said that we This is a scenic area, and the roadside stalls affect the city appearance and are unsanitary. If they are to be banned, we will not be able to set up stalls in the future, and all the sheds will be demolished!"

Wang Xiaoming only felt a buzzing sound in his ears, and his mind became blank.

"Boss, boss!" Wang Xiaoming heard someone calling him in his ear. He recovered from his trance, blinked, and saw Yang Ming's slightly worried eyes: "Well, ah? What's wrong?" He finally regained consciousness, Thinking that my dream of repaying my debts has been shattered, and I will lose my job tomorrow, my stomach is like being punched hard, my internal organs are displaced, my stomach cramps are uncomfortable, and even tears are rushing out of my eyes. , he sucked his nose hard to hide his emotional out-of-control.

Yang Ming glanced at him silently, then bent down to pick up the things that fell from his hands: "Boss, go home."

Wang Xiaoming looked at Yang Ming silently and nodded silently. What should we do, and also fight guerrilla warfare with the city management? Or change to another place to set up a stall, where? Wang Xiaoming was in a state of confusion for a while.

Yang Ming didn't call him either. He followed behind with all his things. Wang Bing was a sensitive child. He felt that Abo was exuding sadness and sadness, so he didn't dare to disturb him. There are many things, so he obediently helped to get two bags for clothes. When Wang Xiaoming needed people's attention, the two of them finally formed an alliance.

Wang Xiaoming walked for a long time before he remembered his belongings. Looking back, two men, one big and one small, were struggling to carry a lot of things and followed behind. Wang Xiaoming quickly went back and took some things from Wang Bing and Yang Ming: "I'll come."

Yang Ming didn't refuse, and gave him some. Wang Bing insisted on carrying a bag: "Abo, I'll take it, I can move it."

Wang Xiaoming patted his head: "Dear, take your clothes yourself."

Yang Ming saw that his face was calmer: "Let's open a shop."

Wang Xiaoming looked up at him suddenly, this is the second explosive topic I heard today, his mouth moved, but he didn't speak, and his thoughts ran uncontrollably like a runaway horse, open a shop? Are you really going to open a store? It's not that he never thought about opening a store, but the business of opening a store has always been placed after the loan shark has been Now that the loan shark has not been repaid, it is necessary to open a store. What about the loan shark? But if you don't open a store, where can you afford to pay usury loans.

Yang Ming said nothing more. Wang Xiaoming walked ahead, not going home, but to the street where the stalls were usually set up, where a few urban management officers in dark blue uniforms and white helmets were directing a few migrant workers in civilian clothes to clean them up. The simple sheds were built, and the carts of many stall owners were still parked by the roadside, and the pot was still steaming. More tourists inexplicably watched the law enforcement officers who were forcibly demolishing them.

Someone knew Wang Xiaoming and Yang Ming, and hurriedly shouted: "Boss, what's going on? Why don't you allow the stall to be set up? Where can we eat your claypot rice in the future?"

Wang Xiaoming saw some familiar faces and wanted to respond to everyone with a smile, but his smile was no better than crying: "I don't know the situation, I went out today."

A man in a blue uniform with a sullen belly said in an official accent: "There will be no more stalls on the roadside in the future, it will affect the image of the island and scare away tourists. This is not worth the loss. If you do it again, you will be punished once Once, never give up!"

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